Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/174778-To-Protect-and-Serve
by L.A.83
Rated: 18+ · Novella · Crime/Gangster · #174778
My first try at dramatic romance. Please Rate

She had seen his face clearly…
As soon as Sara had opened the door, a
fragile chain still keeping it locked, He had
torn the door open.
The man had been 6”8 to her 5”6, blond, with
eyes that looked a cold, penetrating silver. He
had the looks of a fairy tale prince, but was
utterly emotionless.
The heavy oak door was driven out of her
hand and crashed against the wall. Sara had
stumbled back her life flashing before her
eyes, 20 years in only a few short seconds.
He saw her a small lone figure in the dimly lit
living room. The man grabbed her under arms
as a person would a child and swept her of
the floor until her brown eyes were in line with
his deadly maniacal ones.
With a cold emotionless tone he asked.
“Where is Miguel?”
The question registered in her head and
silently she wondered what did this gringo
want with her father. Her father was upstairs,
her mom at her night job. Sara would not say
a word for both her parents’ sake. Por el amor
de dios,She said in her head, hoping god
would save them both, dehame vivir.
She did not answer. He looked into her eyes
and saw her unwillingness to speak. In
retaliation the white man shook her.
Sara would not speak.
The white man threw her to the floor. Her body
hitting the coral carpeted floor with a soft thud.
He didn’t give her a chance to get up before he
kneeled over her and clutched his large hands
around her neck.
Quickly she lost her breath and just lay there
like a little Puerto Rican rag doll.
“Tell me.”
A girl no more than nineteen, unafraid of
losing her life. He gripped her fragile throat
tighter. “No.” The voice was weaker yet there
was still a steely strength vibrating in those
The gringo lost his control. “TELL ME.” He
screamed pathetically into her ear.
El cuarto spun around her, her vision being
replaced by colorful dots. It grew darker, more
blurry, yet before Sara blacked out she saw it,
the gold badge, given to men to serve and
protect. Silently she wished it was the last
sight she would ever see.


A police man was near. Gina could feel them
from miles away but this one was near. By
instinct she was able to pick them out,
whether they were undercover,
or just uniformed, even if they were blocked
from her view.
She looked about the parking lot bathed in a
pale golden glow of the streetlight. " I give up,"
Sara said. The blond man came out from the
shadows to her
"You are under arrest, for the murder Miguel
"You killed my father."
"Hands up."
She could smell his fear. "I have the gun, you
may have placed it into my hand
after the murder, but you forget-"
"Hands up!" The man repeated with a light
trace of desperation.
"Police issued handgun. No one could have
had it but you and your fingerprints are all over
"No cops are with you, are there? You thought
to capture me and bring me in well sorry."
His took his gun from its holster with
lightening quick speed.
Sara ducked and ran to her car knowing the
quicker she was the more likely she was to
Gunfire erupted from the gun grazing her ear.
The keys were in her hand biting into her
flesh, she open the door without hesitation
and his view blocked by her car he could only
shoot out blindly. She pushed herself down so
if he shot at the window he wouldn't get her
and started the car.
He shot at passenger side window the glass
cutting her like tiny spears. Sara
struck the gas petal and whispered as she
drove. "Padre santo Padre nuestro
santificado sea tu numbre..."


Carlo felt his heart throb in his chest, and
drank a little more letting the warmth
take over his limbs, but it still left his heart
aching with that pain. Elise and her fine blond
hair, David his friend. The ache continued.
He dragged himself unto his feet and to the
bathroom looking at his reflection
before, opening the medice cabinet, the
image of himself burning into his skull. Love
had made a mockery of him, leaving him
sleepless, unable to eat, as he saw the
woman he loved grow happier as the wife of
one of his best friends.
His family had been trying to reach him even
though his condition grew worse.
Franny even trying to reach him through his
growing depression, but now the wife of
another of his best friends, seeing her
happiness, made him feel an outcast.
A knock on the door alerted him, and
suddenly he realised what he had been doing,
his hand was filled with little Tylenols, he took
two and swallowed throwing the rest down the
toilet before Carlo opened the door.
His father,"Someone is moving into the
appartment Brett was staying at."

There was silence, the kind that disturbed
rather than sooth. The apartment
next door was as still as death, no movement,
no stirring.

It was like being caged and Sara hated it
more than anything. She stalked
about her room like a lioness cramped within
the tiny quarters of a zoo. Sara was afraid, this
may be the time she could lose her life.
Her light brown hair fell down her back and
her skin was clear of the makeup
that made her have a pale complexion. She
was Sara now, daughter of Miguel Colon
and Carmen Francisco, 24, cinical, not naive
like the woman she tried to be.
Never trust, try to survive.

Carlo saw her cross the parking lot to a
junker with only a few more miles left in its life.
She wore a long black skirt and dark blue
blouse, and sandals, totally oblivious to the
summer sun.

Kayla sat in the receptionist almost 12 hours
before she even thought about
going back to the apartment. She worked only
weekdays so she made totally about
$480 a week minus federal taxes. All she had
to do was answer calls, write messages,
keep her boss from squeezing her ass, and
clocking out when she left.

Policia, they were nearby. Kayla maintained
an outward sense of being happy, while
inside Sara was very afraid. She reached in
her purse and took out the keys to her newest
temporary place.

Once inside she was anxious, scared, and
scrounging up whatever defence she had left.


A file was dropped onto his desk his
concentration ebbing from his work, Carlo
looked up.
Silver eyes looked down at him, a new
member to the police department. "A
suspected killer may be in the area."
"I am working on another case, sargent."
Carlo groweled.
"Drop the other one this one comes first."

"She had killed her father then ran her
whereabouts are unknown but I have a
suspicion Sara Francisco Colon may be in the
area." He felt a distasteful fear rolling in his
mouth, but he was unable to control it. Paul
could not help but believe someone might find
evidence his fingerprints, the gun the Puerto
Rican bitch had in her possesion.
"Motive?" The italian man asked.
"Money, gambling brought him millions."
Some of that money his. "The girl living in
abject poverty, ransacked the home and killed
him for its location."
His voice was even and cold, hardened by
years of death.
"I'll take the case." The italian man answered.

Police, police, they were nearby. She felt as if
she were drowning in a sea of anxiety. Sarah
made herself prepared to leave at a moments
notice only stuffing the
money and newest wig and makeup in a bag
along with the gun her father had been killed
with. Something about her predicament
reminded her of a phrase ' the police protect
their own'.

Carlo knew what his father wanted him to do
and didn't seem to make it easier. Surly, he
knocked on the door one hand held a box of
chocolate while
he knocked with the other hand.
The door opened to frame a woman. Her skin
seemed a fine porceline, fragile, yet beautiful.
Her hair was lit by the evening moon, natural
red strands of hair blending with the ebony
tendrils. Green eyes met his making him
forget everything he had to say.
"Hi." The woman smiled tenderly and the
ache in Carlo's chest faded.

Calm, you are Kayla McCullen, slightly Irish
and French, also a couple of inches taller in
her high heeled shoes.
Make him think her heart was in her eyes, that
all the love the man would need, was inside
The man seemed already slightly bewitched,
she took his hand and led him inside.

A tingle of sensation ran through them both.
The woman said in a breathy whisper," Why
did you come?" As if expecting him.
"My father asked me to welcome you to the
"This place is wonderful and a whole lot more
comfortable than the postage stamp size
closet I used to live in."
Carlo chuckled slightly."This place is a tiny bit
He saw a dazed confuzed look cross her face.
"Where do you work?" She asked with a smile
on her face that made his heart beat faster.
"The police station down the road."
"I hope your wife does not mind that you take
a risk in being in that kind of career."
"I don't have a wife." Carlo answered the
A yearning look filled those green eyes, and it
lifted his spirits because he was
falling in love with the woman already. He
captured and pressed a small kiss to her
She looked into his eyes for a second with
confused pleasure, then a desperate fear took
over her features.

Her heart shook at the simple act of chivalry,
and for the first time in four years
Sara knew fear.


He found Kayla in the parking lot after one
week of avoidance on her part,
piqueing his interest even more. Carlo
approached her silently then wrapped his
hands loosely about her waist. She spun and
tilted her head up. Her large green eyes
looked up at him a flicker of something
crossing her eyes before she smiled.
Carlo whispered a greeting."Hi, Kayla."
"Good afternoon, Carlo." The woman replied.

Sara had never felt a man's arms around her,
enfolding her so gently making her feel
profoundly safe, but he was the very person
that could destroy her.
She felt a heat begin in her belly and rise up
within her like a wild fire. It was
replaced by a cold fear. Sara grew cold her
eyes wide like a doe's.
Carlo let go but ran his thumb slowly down
her cheek her lips parted without conscious
thought. Her eyes growing slightly heavy as
her mind screamed warnings.

She was scared, afraid, trusting yet not,
confusing Carlo with her emotions.
Kayla was also attracted feeling the same as
he, but slightly unwilling to feel it. As he
walked away from her he could feel her gaze
on his back, burning two holes on his

Sara took of the short wig reveiling pinned
back brown hair, meticulously took out the
green contacts which made her eyes a jungle
green. She closed her eyelids over her tender
eyes. The mirror reflecting an image of a tired
broken woman. Slowly
after a moment of gaining strength, physical
and mentally she slowly reveiled her face from
under what seemed a thick mask of makeup.
Her tanned carribean features now visible.
She took off the hair pins with no conscious
thought of actually removing them, Sara
looked toward the mirror and saw herself
which caused a deep underlying fear she
would never be able to speak spanish except
to herself so while she was pretending she
was a dainty descendant of an Irish and
French person, little by little she knew she
would slowly forget who she was.
There was something wrong now, Carlo,
Sara knew he was a police officer. She also
sensed that he could easily figure out who
she was. The feelings that had coursed
through her she had to quickly forget because
Sara knew the dangers in trusting anyone.
Even a man who was gentle, kind, loving, a
man that could help her, would eventually end
up killing her.

He was heading out when they bumped
against each other, a frisson of pleasure
running up his hand at brushing Kayla's arm.
She backed away her eyes seeming to hold
something back as she smiled up at him.
Carlo couldn't believe his luck the woman
who had healed the downward spiral of his
life in front of him.

Sara eased away making sure no part of
them touched afraid of her own reaction to this
man. Kayla smiled and could not help herself
from saying."Would you like to come in for a
home cooked meal?"
The tall dark and sexy as hell man whispered
in her ear. "That sounds nice."

Rejenos de papa, she couldn't make that,
steak, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad,
wine, and for desert a piece of pineapple
cheesecake. Thank goodness food
sometimes comes from a box.
A knock sounded at the door startleling her
from the last minute preparations and even
though Kayla had made a full meal it had only
taken an hour to finish.
She scurried to the door and opened it
reveiling him in a blue T-shirt and black
slacks, a wicked smile on his face, and a pink
carnation in one hand. Sara felt her lips tilt up
in a smile that was straight from her heart,
and she felt herself melt for this man.
It was Sara's first date.

He told stories of his family, Joe, Nick, Tony,
and Franny, the little girl who blew them all
away a year and a half ago. Kayla smiled and
laughed bewitching him with each moment
that past it was a wonderful meal, and for a
first date it was wonderful.
After diner she cleared the plates and set
between them on the small circular table, a
mouthwatering pineapple cheesecake with
two glasses of wine.
They ate slowly biding their time till the end of
the date but Carlo did not want this night to
end. His eyes strayed to her mouth, savoring
the slice so slowly, tempting him. He shifted
slightly in the seat feeling his reaction to her
press against his slacks.

His mouth was totally sexy, hot, and she
began to feel this weird feeling against her
underwear as if something warm was wetting
the fabric. Sara excused herself and went to
her room attached to her bathroom. She
slipped off the underwear, and touched there.
Her eyes widened in horror, Carlo, he-he-he
got her a-aroused, wanting him. Quickly she
took a quick shower and reapplied her
makeup and put back on her wig.
Taking only twenty minutes.

When she came back she was slightly
wobbly and baffled. Carlo looked at her and
stood forgeting the hard bulge against his
pants and walked toward her. Kayla eyes
dropped, and her lips parted, her eyes
growing wide. He looked down and even he
was amazed.
"Um-um-um," Kayla looked straight into his
eyes,"I-can I-I mean thank you for joining me, I
was lonely."
Carlo stepped close to Kayla and whispered
into her ear."I enjoyed myself too." He pressed
his lips against her cheek, a heat surging
through his body, at the feel of her skin.

Sara found herself turning her face, meeting
his lips with hers. He picked her up until she
was 6 inches above ground then pressed a
light kiss onto her lips lasting just ten
seconds before his mouth eased away.
His eyes looked into hers and smiled so
boyishly it was hard not to try to kiss him
again. She hugged him pressing against him
as if he were the very chance to her survival.
Sara remembred who she was and almost
felt like crying, but her face showed no such
emotion."Thank you," She whispered against
his cheek.

His detective instincts told him something
was wrong, but Carlo stomped it down this
woman made him feel far more than Elise
ever had.
"I will see you tomorrow, I have to investigate
a case." He said absent-mindly.
Carlo turned away before he saw the terrified
look cross her face.


Kayla shivered with revulsion as she rode
past a police station. She could never get past
what happened to her, her father was killed,
and she could not mourn because her father's
killer was after her. Dead or alive.
Later, after arriving at work, she made a cup
of coffee, so into her character Sara no longer
knew who she was until she heard her name
pounding against her head. Kayla gracefully
moved to the front desk and began her day.

Carlo checked the file and was slightly
uneasy at taking the case. The woman was
small dainty, exotic, yet had this look on her
face that made her seem saintly, and sad, like
a hispanic Mona Lisa. Sara, it was a sweet
name, and he felt an attraction toward her.
"How's the case going?" The blond cop
asked with fake ease.
"I just began reading the file." Carlo answered
slightly bewildered.
"Have you learned anything from what you
read so far?" The man asked eagarly.
"Nothing, but I was thinking what kind of
relationship did Miss Colon have with
her father."
"I have no idea."
"Then leave me to do my job."
The blond man clenched his fists before
smiling jovially and leaving.

Carlo knocked on her door later that evening.
He was tired after looking for anything in the
state that would lead him to the killer. Green
pools found him outside her door.
She smiled in such joy that it made his heart
actually skip a beat.
The short brown-red mane made him reach
out run his fingers in her hair. Making her
breath quicken, her eyes widen, and her lips
part, in an abandoned responce.

Lo quiero, oh god she actually liked this man.
Carlo seemed the only man who made her
feel like she was made to be in his arms.
Sara let her spanish nature take over and
pulled him into her arms.

Her body became feverish in his arms but
still. Carlo drew her up higher until he was
lifting her inches of the ground. He walked
inside and closed the door. Her warm sweet
breath on his neck made him shiver.
"What are you doing to me?" Kayla asked.
"I have no idea, I just know what you do to
"You make me want something."
"Want what?"
"I think I want you."
Carlo looked into her eyes, deeply, searching,
Suddenly as he delved into them the green
became brown, her skin tan, and Kayla was
He set her down and stepped back. "I'm sorry
I'm working so hard on a case I
see the suspect everywhere."

Sara retreated until 7 feet were between
them. "Maybe you need sleep?"
Carlo looked at her with confusion as if he
could see her. "Maybe I should..."
"...go." She completed for him.

Carlo swept a hand through his hair. What
was wrong with him before nothing
had gotten to him but now everything was
"Any news?"
"Don't you have any work to do." He snapped
at the man.
The officer left.
He called in favors but the trail was dead. The
car Miss Colon had been driving the last night
she was seen was in a ditch burned down to
only twisted pieces
of metal. Noone saw the woman since. Carlo
once again swept a hand though his hair. The
last one to see her had been the nuisance
who had been bothering him while he had
been trying to follow the woman's trail.

He rang the doorbell like a lovesick teenager
with a white rose in his hand. Even though
Carlo had only known her for a relatively short
time he cared for her. The door opened and
the light casted a golden aura about her.
Carlo swallowed as his eyes took in what she
was wearing it was a short pink
silken robe. A rose blush swept across her
cheeks and her hands drifted to tie the robe
tighter. A protective instinct rose up within him
and he said, "May I take you out to dinner?"
Her cheeks turned a darker shade of pink,
and she mumbled. "Yes."
Carlo smiled and she let him in.

Thank goodness she had not taken off that
makeup yet or she would have been caught.
Quickly she pulled on a black ankle length
skirt and a baby pink v-neck t-shirt. Sara
struggled into the articles then ran to find her
dainty, fragile, high heeled,
black sandals.

A man led them to their seats, and Carlo
pulled her chair out for her. In her head she
wonder which forks were for what. "Forks are
placed in order of the course, first salad, then
dinner, and last dessert..." She remembered a
teacher who seemed to suck lemons each
day tell her that.
Thank you god. She said in her mind while
Carlo sat across from her.
"Hello." A man greeted Carlo, he was blond,
the man's eyes turned to her yet
she showed no emotion as to what the sight
caused. "No wonder Milano is so busy, you
must take up a lot of his time."
His eyes seemed to be stripping her and she
had the sudden urge to cross her arms over
her breasts.
"Leave us alone, Roberts." Carlo growed an
unspoken threat threading steel in his words.
"Okay, okay," The fairy tale prince lookalike
said backing away with a friendly smile on his
face, "If you ever want to hook up with
someone new call me."
Kayla smiled so sincerely and honestly it
made Sara want to puke at the way she had
had to act.
The man turned away without any suspicion
in the steel eyes.
"What are you going to order, Carlo?"
The dinner went smoothly and although Sara
was still in turmoil she could find
no way to detest him, and just watching him
made her feel all the more secure.

The dinner lasted two hours while they spoke,
laughed, and looked into each other's eyes.
As he drove them from the restaurant Kayla
had fallen asleep, the sound of the motor
lulling her deeper into slumber as he drove
the 20 miles to get back to their appartments.
Carlo pulled into the parking lot in front of his
apartment, about forty five minutes of
maneuvering the car. He looked at her face
and felt his heart shift in his chest. Carlo
unbuckled both their seat belts and open the
door locks, closed his door, then went around
the car and lifted her out.
To bad she was sleeping but just having her
stir against him made him smile tenderly
down at her.
He could not undress her at least not totally,
he stripped off her skirt and blouse leaving her
in black satin, and lace. Carlo tried to breath
but could not, because when he looked at her,
all he could was almost cry at the feel of her in
his arms. The feelings inside him grew with
each moment that Kayla was near.
Carlo pulled over her one of his shirt large
enough to drop to midthigh, which slightly
annoyed him one that was shorter would
make him feel a whole lot better. But it would
also make him feel a whole lot worse.
Kayla stirred, he thought nothing of it, then
started shaking. She clutched at her throat, as
if something was suffacating her. Carlo called
her name and didn't feel her respond.


She heard the name, Kayla, but could not
recognise it no matter how well she
responded to it while she was awake. That
blond man was choking her again and again,
but this time when she drifted into
unconsciousness Sara saw everything that he
man did afterward. The man looked through
the first floor, breaking the crystal
figurines her father's mother had give her
mother, Carmen. He looked everywhere with a
maniacle and deadly look on his face.
Sara tried to stop the man from going
upstairs, but could not seeing as this was only
her spirit. The man went into the first room in
the upstairs hallway, her parents'. Her father
was there sleeping, tired from his job as an
ambulance driver.
The gringo just shook her father awake and
questioned him about gambling, and his
money, as if he had ever gambled a day in his
Not knowing about what the man was talking
her father stuttered and pleaded that he knew
nothing. The man did not believe him, and told
him that his daughter was dead, thinking that
she trully was. Her father cried thinking his
only child was dead. The man grew desperate
and took out his gun. "Where is the money?"
The policeman yelled.
Her father's eyes picked up the gold badge,
his photographic mind already memorizing it's
number. The man's eyes grew in horror then
his finger closed on the trigger.Sara turned
before the bullet blew open his chest.
The unconscious form was yanked back into
her body and she was conscious, her mother
knealing over her."Yo no lo iso mami." Sara
"Yo se, I almost thought I lost you to, Sara."
Her mom hugged her arms about her
daughter's body. All faded from sight.

She was still now no longer shivering or
tensing up at the comforting he tried to give
her. Kayla was resting peacefully making the
urge to call a doctor disappear.
Then she snapped up on the chair almost
hitting him, had he not dodged.
Fear, it was in her eyes, she trembled slightly
as if to keep something at bay.
He pulled her into an embrace, Kayla clung to

Sara pressed her face against his shirt
covered chest. Yo lo neccesito. Why
couldn't he have been a normal man?
His hand moved under her chin and lifted her
face. Kayla shivered but as if she had no will
of her own did as he silently requested. They
moved closer until their lips were just a
hairlength away. They looked into each others
eyes, a silent web weaved around them. Their
lips moved closer until they pressed lightly
together. This
feeling began to grow inside her like glowing
coals slowly becoming flames. They pressed
closer until from waistup Kayla and Carlo
were pressed together.
I want him to touch me, Sara thought. Her
voice of reason broke through the fog that was
clouding her judgement. Yes, then he'll see
your tanned skin, from your breasts down and
wonder how you got it.

"Carlo." It was slightly a sigh and a breazy
whisper."I need to tell you something."
"What?" He answered in a somber whisper.
"I am a virgin."
An innocent. Whom he trully cared about.

They parted at his door kissing sweetly one
last time.

Sara knew she had to leave. She went to a
nearby Walmart and bought new things for
herself, she would not be anyone else

Carlo looked blankly at the shirt he had been
wearing yesterday. It was slightly streaked
with makeup. He brushed his hand over his
face as if to dispel the turmoil.

Who had ever heard of a Puerto Rican
wilderness girl? The surroundings were
naturally beautiful, trees, fresh air, and a lake
that reflected the sky and clouds in perfect
detail. Sara knew noone would be able to find
her here, no phone, no communication and
the person who owned the cabin had installed
a generater. The name on the lease was
Diana Greenboro, the last in a long list of

It had been days since he saw Kayla, and the
phone rang, but was not picked up. Wher was
she? He sat at his desk unable to keep his
mind on the work. He did not know her at all,
but his heart told him differently. She did not
answer the door.
Robert's face peeked into his office."Don't
worry about the case."
The blonds man's face held a maniacle
gleem for a second, before it turned to the
friendly grin that was associated with him. A
suspicion began to form in his head, and
although he tried to drive it from his mind the
idea was stuck.
He back away and left the room. Carlo after 4
seconds followed him.

She walked out from the lake knowing her
nearest neighbors were miles away. Sara
was wearing only underwear and although
she was sad she lost the man she loved, she
was at peace. Finally putting the memory of
her father to rest.
"I knew it was you, Kayla." Looking about she
found him resting against a tree, a silver gun
laying idly in his hand. "Gina. Or maybe a
twenty three year old Sara Colon."
"Don't kill me."
"Where is the money, and the gun?"
"I have the gun, but like my father told you
about the money before you killed him. Yo no
lo tengo." Sara said. Slowly she walked out of
the lake, the water reveiling more of her body
with each step.
The white man was mezmerised and did not
notice that she headed toward her clothes.
"Perhaps I should rape you before I kill you."
"Maybe I should kill you." She swept the gun
out of from her pile of clothes and shot at the
same time he did.
Sara had just hit her target showering the
man in splinters, but the man got her straight
in the leg. It was like having a fiery coal inside
her. No screams ripped through the air
because she was not weak. And although the
pain was nearly unbearable she blocked it
Blood ran down her legs pooling at her feet.
Looking very much like a martyr the way she
looked toward the sky.
"No more, I may not want to die but I'd rather
just kill myself before you kill me." Sara raised
the gun to her head. "I'm sorry god."
The man raised his gun to fire again.
A bullet rang out but instead of blowing Sara
head's clear of her shoulders it hit the man in
the stomach.
"Now you die mother fucker." It was delivered
in the same east coast accent Sara thought
she forgot.

Carlo leaned over the man trying to keep
himself from delivering a blow to his face. "I
killed him. " The man said with a happy grin.
"We all heard that." Police came out from
Paramedics came in and the police knew
Roberts wasn't going to die. Even Sara knew
that but it had brought about his confession,
so she knew it was over.

She lay pale on the white hospital covers, her
face turned away from him. Why did he not
see the clues to Roberts madness?
The mother cupped her hand over her
daughters cheek. "Te amo mi hija."
Carlo was glad that finally it was over, but
something bothered him still.

"Mami, mami." The women hugged in tears of
joy."Its over."
"Yes." Her mother said with a thick spanish

"Kayla was Sara." It finally came to him a
week later.
She used him.

It was plastered on the news after two weeks
of the police keeping it quiet. Sara was
walking though the electronic section of a
store when it came on. Her picture and that of
the killer police officer came on. Then there
was Carlo. Her heart leaped. He talked about
the case and made apologies to her and her
mother on behalf of the police department. He
was calm and so handsome Sara almost
"Tu le ama."
"Con todo mi corazon." Sara whispered with
tears running down her cheek.

Carlo opened the door to Sara's old
appartment. His heart even more broken than
it had been in the begining. He walked
through the whole thing and still saw her
stamp on everything he saw. How could he
even love her still?
He could not bring himself to clear the place
out. Looking around he would almost think
that she was still here.
Small sobs whispered through the air,
immediately he followed them, finding her
sitting on her bed looking down at something
she was stroking tenderly. Silky curls ran
down her back, tears filled chocolate eyes
looking down at something. She still affected

"I'm sorry, but I love you." Sara said.
He forcefully pulled her up and looked fiercely
into her eyes.
Sara let him see through her eyes all the love
she held in her for him.
Carlo tenderly held her to him."I love you, too."
Tears slipped through her eyes and
happiness radiated from his eyes.
"Did you lie about everything?"
Sara looked into his eyes and knew what he
was asking.
"I do love you, I fell since the begining."
"Te amo mi amor." Carlo said with a smile.
At that moment Sara knew they belonged
© Copyright 2001 L.A.83 (l.a.83 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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