Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1747222-Mysterious-Boy
Rated: E · Sample · Fantasy · #1747222
This is a story that came to me. I was wondering if I should continue. I'd love feedback.
The floor rumbled under my feet as I ran down the stairs, my breathing heavy. I was in a hurry to get on the next subway train. I was already late for school and I couldn’t afford to miss another train. When I reached the bottom, my stomach dropped. There was a huge crowd waiting for the next train and I knew that if I didn’t push toward the front, I wouldn’t have a chance to get onto the next one. I began shoving and pushing my way through the people until I finally made it to the front. A smile crept across my face when I saw the train coming down the tunnel. Before I knew what was happening, I was falling. Someone had bumped into me, making me lose my balance. My body tumbled toward the tracks, right in front of the incoming train. Then, out of nowhere, two hands grabbed my wrists and I pulled into a tight hug. My face was just inches away from this stranger’s chest. He smelled like lilacs and cinnamon. I glanced up at his face and I saw his violet-red eyes staring back. Then I felt my body falling again as the crowd of people pushed by to get into the train. I landed on my butt in the train. I craned my neck to see the boy again as the doors closed, but I saw nothing as the train sped away.
Chapter 1~ A Chance Meeting
“So, he saved your life and then just disappeared, like a ghost?” My best friend, Kris, sat across from me. I told her the story of what had happened to me earlier that day. I nodded as I tried to process everything. It all happened so quickly that it seemed to blur together.
“Yeah, but I’m thankful. I wanted to thank him, but I never saw him again. I searched the whole train, but he didn’t seem to get on,” I replied. I bit my lip, wanting to more about this mysterious boy. I let out a soft sigh as our teacher walked in.
“Alright class, get to your assigned seats please,” Mr. Jones said, staring at Kris. Kris grabbed her stuff and sat at the table behind me. “Thank you. We have a new student that I must introduce to you, so please say hi to Brice.”
I gasped when I saw the boy from this morning walk in. His tan skin stuck out among all of our pale ones. His violet-red were vibrant and gave a welcoming, happy smile which made all of the girls melt instantly.
“Hello, my name is Brice. I come from London, Britain,” he said as he gave a small wave. His accent was so thick and pure. He reached up and pushed a strand of his messy yet adorable blond hair out of his eyes. He took a quick look around the room, stopping on me. Then he turned away and looked at the teacher.
“Why don’t you take a seat next to Claire,” Mr. Jones said as he gestured toward me. Brice gave me another quick look before walking over. He sat down and scooted his chair as far away as he could.
“Hi, I’m Claire,” I said, feeling awkward. He was being rude and it was starting to get to me. He placed his chin on the palm of his hand and stared at the board. I saw him glance out of the corner of his eye, but he never said hi back. I let out a soft sigh as I started working on my homework. Mr. Jones was going on about reproductive cells, but I ignored him and instead concentrated on my English vocab.
As soon as the bell rang, Brice jumped up and left. Kris ran up to my seat and smiled. “Well, the new kid seemed nice. He wouldn’t stop staring at you, you know.”
© Copyright 2011 Black Shadow (arialuver123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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