Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1747018-It-is-my-Baby-----Chapter-2
Rated: 18+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1747018
A young woman is on the run from her boyfriend's father.
Four Months Earlier

It had been a few weeks since she had seen Randy but tonight he was coming for dinner, unless he cancelled like he had the other two times she had planned dinner for the two of them. When she had talked to Randy last evening Kaitlin told him it was imperative that he come over for dinner and that she had something she needed to discuss with him.

Now that the time was approaching for Randy to arrive, Kaitlin was getting scared of what he might say or do when she told him the news. After all, this was something that neither of them had planned on, or wanted to happen but it had and now they had to do something about it.

Taking a deep breath, Kaitlin went into the kitchen to check on dinner, which happened to be Randy’s favorite. She hoped the dinner of meatloaf, with potatoes and carrots cooked in the same dish and chocolate cake would help him take what she had to tell him easier. Everything was ready to put on the table. All that was missing was Randy, who should be arriving any minute.

Kaitlin turned the oven down and went to the table to light the candles. An hour later Randy had not shown up, nor called and Kaitlin was getting furious. The special dinner was cold and the candles had long been blown out. Not in the mood to eat what was good for her, Kaitlin cut herself a slice of chocolate cake and went over to the recliner. Kicking her shoes off, she flopped in the chair and put her feet up.

Just as she got ready to take a bite of cake, the doorbell rang. Although she had been expecting to have dinner with Randy, she was sure that it was not him. He would call, as he had the last two times, apologizing and giving her some lame excuse why he had not called or made it over but this time she was not sure she would forgive him in spite of the news she wanted to share with him.

Standing on her tippy toes, she looked out the peep hole but could not see anyone so she asked, “Who is it?”

“It’s me Kaitlin.” A booming voice answered. “You said that it was imperative that I come over tonight.”

Recognizing Randy’s voice Kaitlin unlocked the door to let him in. “Yes, I know what I told you and I also remember that I told you dinner would be at six o’clock, not seven o’clock,” she told him, trying to keep the anger out of her voice.

As he walked by Kaitlin to go into the living room, he stopped and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as if she was his sister and not the girl he had been sleeping with for the past year. Walking on into the living room leaving Kaitlin to close the door, she caught a whiff of strange perfume as he passed by.

Kaitlin wanted to scream at Randy and ask who the other woman was but she knew that it would be a mistake to start an argument, especially since she had something important to tell him. Locking the door behind her, Kaitlin followed Randy into the living room, resuming her earlier position in the recliner but left her cake on the end table.

“I do not have all night Kaitlin so tell me why it was so imperative that I come over tonight?”

Without thinking she looked Randy straight in the eye, knowing that she was going to sound like a jealous girlfriend and asked softly, “Who are you leaving me for Randy? What is her name and how long has this been going on?”

Randy looked at Kaitlin like she had sprouted horns, and then said innocently, “I do not know what you are talking about,”

”If it is not another woman, then you have begun to wear women’s perfume.” Kaitlin said

They just stared at each other for a few moments, then Kaitlin broke the silence by asking, “Do you remember that spontaneous lovemaking session that we had about three months ago? I am talking about the one where we just got caught up in the moment of passion and we did not even stop to consider what the consequences of our actions might be.”

“Yeah, I sort of remember that session,” Randy told her.

When she did not say anything else, Randy stood up and looked over at Kaitlin.

“Remembering a time in the past does not seem like it would be imperative that I come over tonight but since I am already here I might as well tell you Kaitlin that it has been a fun ride for the past year but it is time I grew up and settled down with a woman in my own class so lose my number. Do not call me again. We are through. I am moving on with my life and so should you.”

He waited for a moment to see if Kaitlin had anything to say, but when she just sat in the recliner, twirling a piece of hair around her first finger, a single tear drop running down her cheek he turned and headed for the front door.

“I am pregnant,” Kaitlin said to Randy just as he was ready to open the door,

Randy stopped, staring at the front door, and then he turned and said, “You are what!”

“I said I am pregnant, a result of that spontaneous lovemaking session.” Kaitlin repeated.

“Make an appointment and tell me how much money you need,”

“I am not having an abortion Randy. This is a living human being we are talking about.” Kaitlin said angrily.

“Well, I am not marrying you if that is what you have in mind,” he answered back. “You knew from the beginning that this relationship was for fun and games, not a permanent arrangement.”

Feeling all the anger building up inside her Kaitlin exploded, “I would not marry you if you were the last man on earth but you will be paying for this baby until he is eighteen years old, and I do not give a damn if your ‘Miss Perfect’ finds out or not.”

Randy glared at Kaitlin, then left slamming the door behind him. A few minutes later she heard his tires squealing as he tore out of the apartment parking lot. All Kaitlin could do was sit there and cry silently.

© Copyright 2011 Writings by Patricia (pajohnson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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