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by Krispy
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1746781
This is the story of every author, the story of a god who's world rebels.
Memento Mori- Remember you must die…

Death is inevitable. No one can live forever...
We walk this world as pawns playing the role that has been set out for us, playing the victim, in a world of uncertainties. But, I am above that. I am more than this world… I am a visionary.

To me, reality is nothing more than a cage. A box in which we are locked in from a young age and forced to dwell within for our whole lives, but not I. Cages are meant to be a test. They are a challenge of will power, a show of courage or a display of strength. Cages pose the question: to be or not to be? A question we must answer if we ever want to be free.

To break out of my prison, I do what comes naturally. No! I don’t kill, lie or scheme even though it's tempting sometimes. I simply demonstrate a power that any one of us can access, but few do. The strength lives within. A hidden force that very few can master, but many try to abuse…

I write.

As my pen glides across the slick paper, my soul scrawls out before my eyes. I can see myself in what I have just written and a feeling of control courses through my veins.
My stories are the key to my cell; I owe them my sanity and my soul.

No longer do I live in this game of chess. No! Now, I am now the master moving the pieces…

* * * * * * *

Lifeless… the halls are so lifeless… yet, full of verve, Nicholas thought to himself.
Music blasted from his iPod. The song “Boulevard of broken dreams” could be heard by all who skulked by. Trenchant glares from every direction of the school pointed toward Nicholas. They seemed to come from the very walls themselves. He could never find a friendly face in that place, never a soul to pull him up from his own darkness. Nicholas walked this world alone.

I wander the halls, not a friend in sight, nothing but the coldest night.
I feel her breathing,
I sense her near,
I wonder, does she feel my tears?
I cry for her,
For what we lost.
But what she gained,
Came at a cost.
[Poem by Nicholas Treaty, submitted as English assignment 8th June 2009]
The bell's siren sliced through the students' chatter. Alchemy boldly walked into sight, swaying her hips, shrieking cat calls and preying on any helpless victims to wriggle into view.

“Hey Leila,” she spoke with false sincerity that built into a thunderous mockery with every word. “Have you ever thought about investing in a mirror?”

The brightness that once illuminated Leila’s faces vanished and left a sickly pale white in its place. Alchemy walked off, laughing in a maniacal tone. She swished her long blonde hair and flaunted her haughty attitude with every step. Nicholas watched on, in silence, as he rummaged through his locker. Even though he was surrounded by people who felt his pain, he was still an outsider. He was surrounded by the people who should be in his clique, but no matter how much he tried, they were still not his friends.

Alchemy walked towards Nicholas and the air surrounding them changed from dominant supremacy -derived from Alchemy- to a tense sadness emanating from Nicholas. A moment of apprehensive stillness was shared between the two. The rest of the world paused around them, as the two lost lovers mourned the past.

Within moments, the gloom on Alchemy’s face morphed into disdain. She took a quick glance into Nicholas’ locker where a photo of herself and him, holding hands, danced on an invisible wind, openly taunting her relinquished past. “Wake up to yourself...” Alchemy said in a tortured tone as she mercilessly ripped the photo from within his locker, tore her former self out of the picture and threw the frozen Nicholas deeper into the depths of his own despair. She fled the scene with haste; soft sobbing trailed her as she ran.

Nicholas dropped to the ground with grace and retrieved the broken memory, mumbling to himself, “Once upon a time, we had it all…” Nicholas’ face revealed a small flicker of anger that burnt out as the other exiles assembled around him. Not saying a word, Nicholas slammed his locker and dragged his feet down the hall, staying clear of all who walked the passage. Seeming almost terrified, he ducked into the darkened art room where he found sanctuary.

During his graceful entrance into the darkness, he tripped and sent his treasures flying across the room. He allowed his tears to stream down his face as he collected the memories he’d brought to life on insignificant pieces of paper. He picked up the drawing of Alchemy and himself, holding one another.

“She doesn’t care about you anymore, move on loser!” A voice chuckled, echoing around the room.

He turned, frantic to see what creature was capable of such cruelty, only to find it was himself staring back through a fragmented mirror in the art room corner. “What would you know?” Nicholas screamed at the reflection, “You don’t know anything! You don’t belong here; I vanquished you a long time ago! Just leave me alone!”

Nicholas smashed his fist through the already broken mirror, bloodying his hand and sending fragments flying all over the room. He stared at what was left of his reflection through blurry eyes.

“Maybe, but I’ll always be with you, unlike the rest of your world… don’t forget that.” the voice of his reflection faded into obscurity, but not before leaving Nicholas a parting gift - a thin trail of blood around his neck, reminding him of his failed suicide attempt.

* * * *

How sad it must be for Nicholas, he once had a life. That’s the problem with life, if you’ve never had something, you don’t miss it. However, if you’ve held it once, you spend the rest of your life seeking that same happiness.

Ah, Nicholas, I pity you. I’ve never felt that pain. No… not that pain.

* * * *

Nicholas was not the only captured piece of this brutal game.

I miss him.
He was my moon,
He was my sky,
My life.
So now I die.
I wonder where it
All went wrong.
Why we fell,
He knew all along.
Why didn’t he fight?
Against the loneliness of my night?
Because he knew, the truth.
No, because he knew me…
[Poem by Alchemy Forester submitted as English assignment 8th June 2009]

Alchemy walked towards her table in the centre of the gardens, disregarding anyone or anything that stood in her way. Despite the area harbouring only a few students, all of them and even the flowers that surrounded her bowed down before the queen as she made haste for her castle. She did not often seek refuge away from her servants; word spread quickly round the kingdom of the queen’s dismay, even to the lowliest of squires.

Once news reached Nicholas, he decided it was time to end this foolish charade he had been calling a life and try his luck in the netherworld instead. As Nicholas grasped a shard of the broken mirror squeezing it tightly in his hand, he walked out of his darkened sanctuary and into the cold despair of man. To Nicholas’ surprise, the world appeared monochromatic; he saw only glimpses of colour surrounding people. Nicholas stared, not believing his eyes.

He was reassured by the voice in the back of his head saying, “Looks like we’re back where we started. I guess it’s your turn to learn what it really means to live...”

Colours surround me,
Darkness bounds me.
Pain engulfs me,
But no one sees.
Your soul is painted,
A colour for me.
I know who you are,
I know your dreams.
Once, you said, you wanted me but
Everything is not as it seems…
[Graffiti found on the desk of Nicholas Treaty, August 2009]

Nicholas walked the halls in a daze, still clenching his trump card, staring blankly at the atmosphere surrounding the people before him. He wished this new trick came with an instruction manual.

In answer to his prayers, a thick, hard-cover book came sliding across the floor and swept Nicholas off his feet. His head slammed against the floor and everything should have dissolved into darkness, but instead he was given the whole spirit guided tour (not to mention a concussion) to his new lifestyle by none other than the familiar voice that haunts the inside of his head. He materialized during this epiphany.

This manifestation was not the kind of revelation many people would like to have. This was a confrontation, a deep pain that only just began to resurface. This vision was the very blade that Nicholas gripped in his hand, the ghost of his past.

“It’s time to understand the colours of the world. For instance, take Tina over there, her aura is crimson red, which means she is feeling blood lust, anger and frustration. However the colour red is far more complex than that. It symbolises love, revenge, anger, sexual hunger and desire, the shades and thickness of a person’s aura are the words that really tell the story.”

“So, every emotion is materialised in my eyes through the enigmatic use of colours, texture and depth? Well that doesn’t sound too hard.” Nicholas smiled half-heartedly.
“That’s pretty much the fundamentals of your new found... ah, gift? However, there is one thing I must warn you of before you awaken. You must not allow yourself to lose control of your emotions for you no longer have the power to control your actions in the heat of battle. If you lose control, you and everyone else, won’t survive.”

Hearing those final words echo inside his head, Nicholas opened his eyes and found himself surrounded by four white walls and the smell of bleach, just like the hospital, drained of all life. Nicholas felt exceptionally weak inside this room and as he gasped for air, the nurse walked in, her aura glowing thinly, a pale blue around her soul. This calm soul empowered Nicholas and he felt safe.

“Are you okay?” the aging women asked.

Nicholas nodded once and mechanically tossed off the white blanket and exited the sterile room. He walked through the dark halls on unsteady legs, confused. The fragments of colour that only Nicholas could see were being smothered by his own depression and dark thoughts. He stumbled down the hallway and felt a heavy presence following him. He increased his pace a little and clenched his fists. His gaze darted over his shoulder every now and again as he moved. A sudden movement alarmed him to the right and he backed up, pushing himself against the wall behind him, positioning himself in a fighting stance.

* * * *

Nicholas, Nicholas, Nicholas… what are you going to do now?

* * * *

“Hello, Nicholas Treaty” a thunderous voice echoed around Nicholas. “Stay away from Alchemy; she wants nothing to do with you, Loser. Why didn’t you take better care of the queen when you were her king, why did you let them take her? Huh? Well now you’re going to pay, you dark pawn… now you’re going to pay!”

As soon as the booming message had completed transmission, Nicholas felt the tension peak around him. The atmosphere was heavy with gravity, making it impossible to move. During his struggle, two brooding figures appeared next to him and shrilly pulled a dark burlap sack over his head, darkening his world entirely. Nicholas fought against them, but the strength of his captors overwhelmed him and he was repetitively beaten into submission. Nicholas was about to be awakened...
“Hello Nicholas,” a voice reached out from the darkness. “It’s time for you to understand what’s really going on and what your role is in this world. But first, remove his blindfold and welcome him properly.”

Nicholas braced himself for the sight of his malicious captors. His eyes reacted to the blinding light as it resounded throughout his optical nerve. A wave of panic drowned him as his captors revealed their secret weapon; an ancient sword, something that looked like the one from the ruins of Babel.

The colours around the strangers reflected the dark abyss of the deepest oceans. The feelings of the room formed an intense pressure. An air of malice that bound Nicholas firmly to the ground. The thoughts surfacing in his mind suggested that his fate was set and that there was no chance of reprisal or revision. He felt himself slowly fade away into a light sleep.

The brightness of the room deceived him despite the black drapes and red curtains that surrounded him. Nicholas could not understand how the source of light was emitted by only five candles, sitting in positions that formed a five-pointed star, a pentagram. From what Nicholas could tell there were a total of five people circling around him, staring with anticipation, watching as their lamb cowered before them.
“We have been watching you, Nicholas, and we do not believe you are a benefit to this school, nor to this society.” The people standing around the pentagram began to sing in an ominous harmony. “Sacrifcium tuus vita, capere abesse tuus spiritus.”

“What the hell is going on? This has to be some kind of joke, right? There is no way that this is really happening! This is sick and twisted! This is murder!” a frantic Nicholas screamed. “This is just a dream, a dream, has to be a dream...” he muttered as he crawled into the foetal position in the centre of the symbol, rocking back and forth. “It’s just a dream, a dream, a dream...”

“This is no dream pawn. This is the nightmare that you so richly deserve. You think you can walk around this school, shying away from anyone’s line of sight, showing how superior you feel? Well, it’s time to show you how inferior you are in comparison to the children of the féminin,” a boy solemnly spoke in a deep harsh tone. “This is your punishment for deflowering our queen!”

“She said…” Nicholas choked, holding back the flood of emotions caught in his chest, “She said she wanted it… I-I was only following orders, doing what she wanted! I cared for her… I... I… I loved her…” Nicholas trailed off, remembering that night. Her face she saw clearly when all was said and done, she seemed happy but Nicholas could never have foretold what was breaking the dawn.

“No, you didn’t. You stole her innocence, you claimed her purity, you ruined her!” the captor retorted.

“But, I…” tears welled in his eyes as he spoke, “She wanted it too, she…” Why can they understand? She wanted it too. It wasn’t just me, she wanted it. Nicholas thought as his last light of hope flickered and died.

“Time to die!” The captors all resounded in unity.
“Nicholas, listen to me” a voice resounded through his mind, “These people will kill you if you don’t act now. You must listen to me and trust that I can save you.”
“Who are you?” Nicholas asked aloud, unsure of who the question was directed towards.

“Listen to me, if you don’t want to die, follow my instructions carefully,” the voice spoke frantically with a wave of honesty in every word.

The flames rose from the candles and formed a cage ready for the sacrifice. Blood dripped from the forming bars.

“I have no choice now do I?” Nicholas let down his inner guard and made room for the mysterious voice from within. Nicholas felt the oxygen flee from his lungs. His body began to fade to a ghostly white. Blood poured viscously from the open wounds upon his wrist. His captors were satisfied with the success of their conquest and left without disposing of their mess -thankfully. Nicholas, himself, was unconscious. His body, however, was now under my rein, and this world was in for a rude awakening.

* * * * * *

Wow! That was a twist and a half. I did not see that coming. Oh wait, yes I did… I’m not a pawn in this game, no! I am God. Mwa ha ha ha…

* * * * * *

“Wake up!” my voice echoed within our head, “Nicholas wake up!” I forced my will upon his consciousness. “Finally, there are things you need to be made aware of, things that depend on you. Nicholas please, don’t neglect the seriousness of your situation, you are in mortal danger, which means we both are.”

Nicholas scanned the surrounding area and alarm rose within him. The dirt walls and claustrophobic area worried Nicholas as this was not the place which he last remembered. This was a secret area that only the very privileged knew of, only those who have experienced death. Although, it was only for a moment, we have seen death and its gates are always open to us now. These tunnels are the tunnels of the dead, the final resting place for lost souls seeking refuge. This is home.

“What the hell is going on? Where am I? Who are? What in the name of Derrida is going on?” Nicholas spoke frantically, in a panic, as he paced the around in circles, confused by the tunnel’s intricacy.

“Well first of all I am you. I am every thought you have ever had, every promise you have broken. I am every prayer you have ever said, every word unspoken. I am you.”

“What? How is this possible?” Nicholas asked, stopping where he stood.
“If you are Dr. Jekyll, then I am Mr Hyde, if you are Dr Frankenstein than I am the monster.”

* * * * * *

Or rather I am the doctor and you are my monster. Oh, if only you knew…

* * * * * *

“We are two sides of the same coin. Everyone is more than one person, it just so happens that you need me, therefore I am here.”

“So, really, I’m just having a schizophrenic fit? A psychotic episode?”
“You are not crazy. You are simply naïve. You are yourself but you are also me, as I am you. We are one in the same and neither of us can escape the other. Every day has a night, even forever must have an end. We are one. We are sane, but we are also unreal. You are very fortunate, most people never discover all that they are or can be. You are very fortunate…”

“Wait just one minute! Who said I wanted any of this? I don’t want to know who I am. I don’t even want to live anymore. After what I did, I don’t deserve the air I breathe, the air I stole... she made it seem like it was all my fault. Even I’m starting to believe it was. How can she do this to me, we loved each other…” Nicholas’ voice started out as a thunderous roar, but grew softer with ever word.

“You are not entitled to a choice, very few ever are. You gave her a choice and look where that got you! She never wanted you! She just wanted proof, proof of her existence, her power. She used you Numbskull! This world may live by the principals of free will, but in the end, no one has a choice. We are merely actors on a stage, the end has already been written...” I drift off mid sentence as I sense the rage within Nicholas grow more apparent.

“You! Why are you dragging up mistakes from the past? Why can’t we just forget that? Why didn’t you warn me? Tell me not to do it? This is all your fault! Why… why did I do it? I ruined my life, my friendship, my love… why?” Nicholas clenched his fists as tears welled in his eyes and streamed down his cheek.

“Look, Nicholas, nothing can erase what has happened. Nothing can change what you did or what she is doing. You need to accept that you are here, as you are right now, mistakes and all. Nothing can change who you are and nothing can change how you see yourself now. You just need to let it go, be remorseful but forgiving to yourself.”
“What am I?” Nicholas asked, afraid of the answer he'll receive.

“You are a monster. A man who thought he was god. An arrogant fool who thought the rules no longer applied to him. A cruel creature who took advantage of a weakness in the queen’s defences, a man who took it too far. But, you are also kind and caring. You give and ask nothing in return. You feel worthless, even though you are worth so much. You are Nicholas Treaty, a gentle monster who didn’t know.”

“What kind of justification is that?” Nicholas asked curiously as his panic seeped into the ground.

“Well,” I said, “it’s our reason; it was our fault, our burden. You won’t have to suffer alone anymore. I am here to share the guilt; I am here to make the game continue… up until the queen truly falls. It's time to go. Would you like to drive or shall I?”
Nicholas immediately started to run up the tunnel towards the fading light, guess he wanted to drive. Once outside the tunnel it dawns upon Nicholas that the day has slipped away from him, the moon is high in the sky and we are in so much trouble. The people responsible for looking after Nicholas are very strict and set curfew at 5pm; it was now 9:30pm. Nicholas ran with no regard for any obstacles that lay in his wake. He ran faster than most people would consider human and made it home a little more than ten minutes later. Quite a feat considering we were on the other side of town.
He did, however, cause himself a lot of damage in the process which made him look like the victim of a terrible fight. His carers took into account his flawless past and terribly tattered appearance and let him off the hook, just this once.

As Nicholas sat in his dark bedroom, leaning against the wall he chuckled loudly and half-heartedly at his Michel Foucault book. “This guy was on to something. Power, power, it’s all about power. Sometimes knowledge has a say, but more often than not its power.” Nicholas sighed loudly as he threw his book into the oblivion of his room, lying down cumbersomely on his bed, staring at the ceiling. “I feel this weight upon me, like I’m not in control of my life anymore. This morning I woke up and felt like I could just quit whenever I wanted, now I don’t think tomorrow is worth waiting for, its no longer my tomorrow...”

* * * * * * *

Ah, Nicholas, how foolish you must seem. You have been given a gift, my child. You can not sway from what you have been granted. You are special, I wish I were too. But, I’m afraid I can only be special through you and my stories. You give me life and your epic battle gives me a reason. You are my progeny and I will always stay by your side, even if the battle should be lost. But, I am the only person who can see how this fight will end. I alone hold all the pieces. I control the game.

* * * * * * *

“Nicholas, please, don’t think like that. This is still your life and we are still one, no matter what happens we will always be one.” I pleaded. “You still have a choice, you don’t have to live. If you don’t, it won’t really matter. The world will still continue to turn as it did before.”

“What? What are you saying? I should just go and kill myself, stop all this complaining? This is ridiculous! I can’t win with you; either I am your puppet or your head case. I don’t want to be either; I just want you to go away, to leave me alone like the rest of the world.” Nicholas cried. “I just want to be alone. I don’t want to live, but for now I don’t want to die...”

“Nicholas! Please stop thou art a self absorbed, arrogant fool who knows nothing of the realities of life. You have been living in a fairytale; the pain you felt was nothing in comparison to what you are in store for. So, just deal with it!” I shouted, regretful for my temper immediately afterwards.

* * * *

Why is he to question me like this? I am his creator, his god; he should be following my plan, listening to my every word. I live in my writings because reality is unpredictable, now my fantasy world is being infected by this sinister virus? This cannot be. This is outrageous; I am the master of this game. This chess board follows my orders. The pieces move as I see fit, how dare they defy me?

* * * *

“Please Nicholas,” I pleaded to him. “You must learn the difference between reality and fiction. It is your fate to exist in this world alone and you must do as I say… I mean as our God says.”

“No! I think, therefore I am. There is no such thing as fate; I’m going to do things my way.” He screamed in a monstrous tone.

Nicholas, I think therefore you are not. If you continue to behave this way then I will have no choice but to erase you and forget your story. After all, I control all the pieces...

“Who said that? What the hell is going on? I am a real person; I can do whatever I want. You don’t control me, whoever the hell you are.”

Is he talking to me? He can’t be, can he? I don’t exist in his world as myself, do I? There is no possible way that he could be talking to me, I am the author and I didn’t say he could speak to Me. This is not possible, is it? He could not possibly be breaking the fourth wall, could he? Oh well better safe than sorry. *Delete, delete* What? Why can’t I delete this story?

“Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doing? I’m talking to you, you pompous egomaniac. How dare you think I can be deleted? I am a person! I live, I breathe, I feel, how dare you think I am inferior? I am still human!”

What the? This is not supposed to happen. You are my creation, my son, but still you are nothing more then words on paper. You are my story, the materialisation of my imagination. You should not be able to speak to me; you are in a different world. I am real; you are fictional. What the hell is going on?

“Fine! If I’m not real, let’s see how real everyone else around here is. You will find out how real I am, you will regret this...”

I sit there, silent, amazed by what had just transgressed. How would he make me regret this? I am a real person whereas he is just a character. I suppose I did make him a little too temperamental and rebellious. *note to self- think about characters and their nature before breathing life into them*

I watched the computer screen before and almost had a cardiac infarction at the sight of words writing themselves across the screen; Nicholas was now in control of my story.

The screen read:
Nicholas marched across the schools ground. The air around his body turned a fierce black-grey as he strode by. The heavens above screamed blue murder as Nicholas entered the nearby forest where no light breeched the canopy. Nicholas had only one thought in his mind: revenge.

He grabbed a large carving knife from within his sock and began to whittle away a stake from the branch of a tall oak tree. He whistled as he worked, resounding the tune of Evanescence’s Bring Me To Life throughout the forest. The crows and bats descended around him, swooping and weaving, squealing in tune with Nicholas’ song. His whittling continued until a large pile of stakes were formed. Nicholas began loading his stakes into his backpack, then he placed his knife back into his sock. As he walked away, his humming ceased. He began to laugh maniacally in a sinister tone; “Mwa ha ha ha ha!”

The journey back to the school was long and odd. Nicholas played eerie music on his phone as he crossed the vast sporting fields. The first unlucky victim Nicholas ran into was the poor first year named Riok. He was the first pawn to fall. This poor child never had a chance. He was a short child with spiky brown hair. He was gullible and ignorant to say the least. He never knew what he was in for from the moment Nicholas spotted him.

Nicholas approached slowly. Riok just stood there, staring as the shadowed figure ambled towards him. As Nicholas looked into Riok’s eyes, a sick smile spread across his face. Nicholas reached into his backpack and pulled one of the whittled stakes from within. Riok’s face suddenly envisioned the fear of his situation. He tried to run, but it was too late, as Riok turned away, Nicholas thrust the stake up towards him and the world became a monochromatic madness with the scarlet liquid spraying around the area. Riok had just been...

OMG! He just... No, he couldn’t have... Not Riok. He was so small and innocent... No, one of my children was just murdered before my eyes and I couldn’t do anything to stop it... What kind of parent am I? What kind of sick monster have I created? What have I done?

“Hmm... that was exhilarating! Now, let the heavens rain blood, so that my pain can be felt by every single aspect of this wretched ‘fictional’ world! How’s this for real, huh? Is this real enough for you? Answer me you egomaniac! I am real and soon you’ll know exactly how real I am.”

The skies above Nicholas swirled with rage and anticipation over the events on the horizon. He retrieved his stake and took the small pendent from around Rioks still neck and placed it round his own. Nicholas remembered this was a historical ritual that the Britons used to show triumph.

Nicholas began his stride into the main building. He walked at a leisure pace, but with purpose. The next unfortunate victim to be caught on Nicholas’ radar was the young student teacher, Ms Timorous-the bishop of visual arts. He fired a warning shot, a single stake, piercing through her shoe, causing her to fall to the cold tiled ground beneath her with a deafening thud.

Nicholas stood, leaning over the top of his teacher. A different sick and twisted Joker-like smile reached across his face. This was not a bloodthirsty look, but a scene of immense, sickening lust. His mouth watered as his eyes undressed her from head to toe. No, she would live; he had other plans for her. He covered her mouth delicately but with enough force to cause her to lose consciousness. He grabbed her by the ankles, an obvious fascination for her as his eyes wandered over her unconscious body. He was intent on taking her to his sanctum- although he didn’t have one; he had a pretty good idea of where to set up base- the sound proof, impenetrable music room.
As he dragged her unconscious body through the door he made a mental note of the only exit and the severe lack of windows in his chosen room. It was perfect for what he had in mind. A sick laughter filled the room as he indulged in his disturbing fantasy, letting his hands wander gently as he looked dreamily into the top right corner of the room.

One by one, the silk blanket that covered the mountains fell open before him. He caressed the peaks softly, still feeling a slight barrier between himself and what he wanted. He removed one stake from his backpack and ran it gently down the bare stomach before him. The stake became a tool, allowing him to play Moses and part the red sea between the mountains. As he stared at the landscape forming before him, he became aware of his nature plaything regaining her consciousness. He hastily low…
Wo, wo, wo, way too far Nicholas. Honestly, for the sake of my sanity, I am going to ignore this attempted revenge. This story is supposed to be PG, not R18+. Come on, there’s no need for that. This is proving nothing but what a sick monster you are.

C’mon Nicholas, you can still stop this, make it right. I’m offering you a second chance. Nicholas? Nicholas?! Are you listening to me? NICHOLAS!!!

“Well,” Nicholas exhaled as he sat up, “Oh, were you talking to me, a “fictional” character. Well I’m not looking for a conversation right now, just sit back and enjoy the show…” Nicholas turned back to his last prey and spoke in a sinister tone, “Not as big a thrill, but still, that was pretty amazing. What did you think Miss? Oh what’s that? It was amazing. Yeah, I know, but it feels good to be supported.” He regathered his stake and, as gently as Zorro, carved an “N” into the poor teacher’s bare stomach. Her eyes watered and closed, she had once again lost consciousness and Nicholas had no interest in the scenery this time.

Her muffled screaming could only be heard by Nicholas. Red blotches covered her ghostly complex. Puffy eyes stared up at him, but no more tears fell.

Nicholas turned back to Miss Timid and blew a kiss, “I’ll be back once I prove my point, don’t go anywhere...” he turned back through the door and closed it behind him, “not like you could.” He threw a blanket over her naked, breathing corpse and walked off, sighing loudly, transposing his disappointment and doubt through the atmosphere around him. The look on Nicholas’ face resembled that of a child who had just been informed that Santa is real, disappointed but still lively.

Did he just? Seriously? I can’t believe he just did that. That’s just wrong. What the hell kind of point is he trying to prove by pillaging my children? He does know he is still my child, right? How can I end this? What can I do to help my children escape the terrible fate forced upon them by their brother, this malignant demon? Maybe if I... No, that wouldn’t work. But what if I... No, that would only make it worse…

“Now I shall finish this, the same way it all started. Today the queen shall fall.”

Please, Nicholas, surely there is another way. You don’t have to do this, she must live. Without her, the game is over; your world is no more.

“I don’t care. A life of slavery to the puppeteer is no life at all. I don’t want this life anymore, and if I can’t have this life, no one can. The time for talking is over, its time to get the queen.”

Nicholas walked with purpose to the seniors’ common room where the vast majority of the royal court had sought refuge. Alchemy was among them. Nicholas eyed her dubiously, clutching the stake in his hand. C’mon Nick, he thought to himself, it’s almost over, just kill her and you’ll be avenged. His facial expression took a dark twist and the contortion left only one message, he had decided. She must die.

Oh no…

Alchemy shifted, uneasy in her seat. Nicholas waved, a sick smile stretching across his face. He walked towards her in a slow seductive manner. “Hello lover, you remember why I was thrown out of the court? I ‘took’ you and in return, you dethroned me. Well now, as payback for your treason, I will end this game.” Nicholas pulled a sword from his bag and held it in a fighting stance.

Wait, where did he get a sword from?

“This is my story moron! I’m in control. I can do, say or have anything I want!” Nicholas shouted forcefully at the sky. “So lover, where were we? Ah, yes. I was about to kill you.”

Alchemy’s face morphed into a terrible, contorted, barely human expression as she jumped from her seat and hid behind her rooks. “Fine, well do this your way. Pawn to A3…”

Nicholas moved with swift sword strokes, slashing both rooks and pawns alike. All opponents fell before his blade, leaving the queen completely defenceless. Please Nicholas, she is still your queen, you don’t have to do this. “Yes I do, stay out of this; you’re not me, not anymore.”

* * * *

Did I just break through into the story? Does this mean his control is fading? Or is my story dying?
* * * *
“Oh, Alchemy, it was nice having you around, before you banished me. You wanted it. You asked for it. It wasn’t my fault, but you blamed me anyway,” Nicholas spoke, his voice dripping with malice, thickening with every word, “Time for payback… The throne will one again be mine.” On completion of his sentence, Nicholas thrust his sword down upon the back of alchemy’s neck, affectively beheading her. He head rolled along the ground, leaving a trail of blood all the way to the open door, where it was only stopped by her rooks still body.

Her eyes stared coldly at Nicholas from its resting place and drew tears from the horrid creature. Nicholas fell to the ground; still clutching Alchemy’s bleeding body. He hugged it tightly in the pool of her blood which swelled around the tragic lovers. Nicholas felt regret, almost sorrow. He now had everything he wanted, but no one to share it with.

He didn’t just do that, did he? Not to Alchemy, she was my queen, my trump card. Without her, the game is lost. Oh, what should I do?

“There’s nothing you can do. I am almighty and I will show you that I am more real than even you, you feeble little monstrosity. I am real. The air I breathe is as real as the air you breathe. The starry sky I see is the same sky that shuns you. The warmth of my sun transcends your world and the blood on my hands is none other than yours. You are the reason for my existence; every crime I have committed was born of your selfish, satiable desires. I am not the monster here. You are the fiend who forced my hand. You are the reason for my being. I am your fault; the chaos I’ve spread is born of you. I am born of you. We are one in the same. If you are day then I am night. If you are forever then I am your end. The mirror of our lives will never be separated and until you accept the fact that we are one, I will always be here, haunting you from beneath the surface, until you accept that I am real. I am real, more real than you...” He spoke sullenly as tears streamed down his face.

What? You are nothing more than words on paper. You’re not real. You are a character in a made up story that I wrote to save me from my isolation. You are nothing but an extension of my loneliness. If you are real, then I am dead.

“Look around moron, you are dead. No one knows that you live. No one would miss you if you were to go. For all intensive purposes, you were dead long before you ever lived.” Nicholas chuckled as he walked maniacally, in a low sad tone, down the halls of the school, swinging his stake back and forth, twirling it like his drumstick in the middle of his gig, dragging the corpse of the fallen queen behind him, like a child carries their favourite teddy.

“Come out, come out wherever you are ... my little bunnies, it’s time for you to come out and play my prey. No one is going to hurt you... that is, aside from me.” But, no one answered. There was no one left.

Why are you doing this? You have already proved your point, there’s no one left, you are alone in that world. Not even I am still in your story, its just you…

“Have I? Have I really proven my point? I think not! If I had really proven my point then my thirst for blood would have been quenched and I would not still be in existence, but it has not, and I still am therefore you are still feeling that I am no more real than you but I will prove you wrong. I will show you that my flesh and blood is stronger than your bread and wine.”

That does it. I am done with this story. There is nothing left for me in this world. I’m turning my computer off and I will never listen to your story again. Try proving your point now Nicholas...

“It doesn’t matter whether your computer is on or off... It doesn’t matter where you are, you will never get rid of me. I am a part of you, we all are... I can reach you anywhere, in your wake or in your sleep; I can penetrate any barrier you put up, no matter what you do. So yes, I can still prove my point, no matter what...”

Whatever, I’m going to sleep away this hallucination that is you and your world.

*Computer off*

Welcome to my world, Mwa ha ha ha ha!

It’s so dark and cold. What the hell? Flowers like that don’t exist. A flower so delicate yet so daunting, it’s simply not possible. The majestic black petals, dancing along the blood red thorns are captivating and imprisoning. How can something so beautiful be quite so ominous? I feel so alone. Where I am? This has to be a dream, it just has to be.

You are certainly right my little puppet, this is a dream. I, however, am real. Due to recent circumstances, I was forced to speak to you in dreams, rather than in day. You are foolish, you made an idiotic mistake. The subject must remain unaware of his state as a character if the story wishes to remain strong. That is your problem. Fix it or I will.

What?! Oh, it was just a dream. That was just odd. I need to ‘erase’ Nicholas for once and for all... Did you hear that Nicholas! Its time to end this little game of yours, right N

“What? How you gonna end this moron? You can’t kill me; I’m not real now am I? Until you acknowledge that I am real, then you can never kill me. And therein lays your ultimate problem. I am the bloody thorn in your side, no matter how you dance, I’m still here and you will never be rid of me. Never...”

Now, that is where you are wrong Nicholas. Despite the fact that you are part of me, I am your father and although the son may die, the father is eternal. I am the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. I am all, yet I am nothing. You will never understand what it truly means to be alive for you have not yet lived. You are merely a seed being nurtured by the soil; I am the full-blown flower dancing in the wind.

You will never grow into what you could be because I made you to live only in the moment, not in reality. You have no family, no home, no life and no raison d’être. No matter how many of my children you slaughter, rape or torment, you will never prove your point. In this case I am the judge, the jury and the executioner. You cannot win...
“Who says? Who says that what you call a life is really a life? To you I am nothing more than a character, but to some larger power, that is all you are. You are not real. You are not alive. No one is...”

“Please reconsider! Together we could form another world. A world where no one is a character. A world where everyone is free and alive. Together we could form the new world. Please… for Alchemy, she deserved more than this world…”

I’m sorry, but you are being ridiculous Nicholas and so am I. I am talking to a character in a story I am writing. You are not the author, you have no authority. You are a fictional character, you need to stop this masquerade and accept the fact that to me, you are nothing more than words on a paper and to you I am nothing more than a tyrant. We are two sides of a single coin, your are the thorns around which my petals dance. Although, I can not rid myself of you, I can end this foolishness. For all those crimes you committed, for all the pain you wanted to spread, acting as the god of your story I decree upon you the same fate as that of mankind, for every sin you have committed your world shall pay. Better fetch the doves...

“No, please, I can change. Let me repent.”

I’m sorry Nicholas but it’s too late. Let it rain...

No! Let it pour...

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