Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1746670-The-book-me-and-Erin-are-writing
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1746670
two 500 year old vampires. Jade and Raven. They dont know they are twins, but find out.
Chapter One

I tapped my foot impatiently. This line is taking forever, stupid humans. I may be a five hundred year old vampire, but, I cant speed up time. Although that would help out in a lot of situations. Like this for example.
Club Numbers is ussally not this packed but since the band KoRn is preforming here tonight. It seems like every goth in the the country is here! I groaned then perked up, I was next in line. I walked gracefully up to the bouncer.
"I.D. please," he grumbled staring down at me, as if he were trying to imtimidate me. Ha! Filthy mortals. I cassually looked through my small wallet.
"I'm sorry-" I paused and looked at his name tag. "Mr. Shane, but it seems I have left my I'D. at home. But you wouldn't mind me passing through this time will you?" I asked, lightly touching his arm. He shook his head and opened the door for me, obviously under my control.
Once inside I laughed a heart-filled laugh that boomed around the club. I was immedietly on the dance floor swaying the the heavy music. My head snapped up, sensing another vampire near by. I pushed through the sweaty humans following the vampiric scent.
I smiled widley once realizing it was my long time vampire friend; Alyss. I havent seen her in a century, litterally! "Alyss! Hey Alyss!" I called to her she looked up and set down her blood laced wine.
Alyss hopped down from the bar stool and pulled me into a welcoming hug, I giggled.
"Jade, my dear, its been a century! I've been trying to find you forever! Oh how I've missed you." She said still hugging me.
"Come on lets go dance!" I said just as KoRn started playing here to stay, I cheered, and danced with Alyss. It was hours before the concert was over, and it was almost dawn.I bid my goodbyes to Alyss, gave her my number and adress, she did the same.
I sighed happily while walking to the park. I spotted a group of drunk jocks attempting to play football. I looked up at the moon; it was 5:30 A.M. I walked gracefully up to one of the drunkest guys and whispered 'follow me' in his ear. He did.
He followed me out to the woods. I stopped at one of he large trees. "Hey wh-" He began, but I had already sunk my fangs into his neck. He slumped into my arms, I broke away wiping at my mouth. I licked my finger tips and placed them on his wound. They dissapeared, he would wake up and not remember anything.
I headed home. Once back at my house I lay down on my couch watching a rerun of criminal minds. But soon drifted off into a deep sleep, not even my subconscious bothered me.
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