Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1746587-Getting-it-Into-Perspective
by Audra
Rated: E · Essay · Experience · #1746587
Life lessons, Integrity
Lately I have been thinking about a lot of things, some things that would get me down....then something would happen that would put it allin perspective for me and made me Thankful, very THANKFUL, for the things that I have and the things that I dont necessarily need.  GOD has a wonderful way of giving me this gift when things get a little bad that helps me realize, its not bad at all...its all a matter of perspective.  And in all reality, throughout my life, GOD has blessed me, and I thought I would take a moment to put it all in perspective for you, and hopefully instead of wanting more in your life, you will realize you have everything you will ever cherish and ever needed. Dont just endure your life, ENJOY your life! Shift your perspective and realize that this is the best season of your life. Ignite each and every moment you have.  Everyday is a gift, it is unique and special and irreplaceable, make the most of it.  Take time for the people GOD has put in your life.

Here is what I am thankful for....

GOD, thank you for blessing me

<<<<<<<<<<<<<I AM SO VERY THANKFUL!!!!  Getting it into perpsective>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

...for the taxes that I pay because it means that I have a JOB.

... for the help I give or receive because it means that my community has some RESOURCES and charity, even if it's not enough to go around.

...for the mess I have to clean up after a party because it means I have been surrounded by FRIENDS (I LOVE MY FRIENDS, you ARE MY FAMILY).

... for all the quarrels, misunderstandings, and struggles that go on in my family and community, because it means I'm NOT ALONE in the world.

...for the clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to EAT.

... for the food and clothes my family has, because it means we have something to EAT and clothes to WEAR, even if it's not enough sometimes.

...for my shadow who watches me work because it means I am out in the SUNSHINE.

...for the sore muscles I have because that means I CAN WORK and move around.

... for my shadow because it means I am not in total darkness.

...for a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning, pool that needs cleaning, the toilet that never flushes correctly and gutters that need fixing because it means I have not just a house, but my own HOME.

... for a safe place to sleep because it means I AM HOME.

...for all the complaining I hear about government because it means we have FREEDOM OF SPEECH without THE FEAR OD PERSECUTION.

...for the spot I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of WALKING.

... for CLEAN WATER, whether or not I have to walk a long way to gather it.

...for my huge heating bill because it means I am WARM.

... for electricity, gas, wood, leaves, or whatever I use to COOK my family's food because that means we have FOOD TO EAT.

...for the lady behind me in church who sings off key because it means that I can HEAR.

... for the pleasant and unpleasant sights, sounds, and smells in my world, because it means my SENSES ARE WORKING.

...for weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it means I have been PRODUCTIVE.

... for the drudgery of farming, household work, employment because it means I am CONTRIBUTING TO MY FAMILY AND MY COMMUNITY.

...for getting too much e-mail because it lets me know I have FRIENDS who are thinking of me.

... for the times I feel overwhelmed by my responsibilities for my children, my parents, my friends, and the needy in my community, because I know that when my turn comes to be dependent, someone will CARE.

...for Thursday night suppers and my special sandwiches that I made every week, well, those speak for themselves...

...for growing up having a mother that was abusive, that showed me that I wanted to be better than that and  HOW TO LOVE MY CHILDREN WITH ALL MY HEART.

...for my old couch and love seat that are ten years old and falling apart, because that means my son LOVES ME enough that he wrote an essay and won these for me in a contest, and was a great christmas present.

...we can run, jump, play, argue, fight, hug, say I Love You, because that means we are FAMILY

...for my mother that stole ALL of my $650K inheritance that my Daddy left me and for my two ex husbands never were around or paid child support, because it made us APPRECIATE everything we did get and made me a STRONGER person and that realized I can DO IT BY MYSELF :)

...for all the vitamins I take and all the hours I spend running around and working out...because that means I have my HEALTH.

...for the needle that was lodged in my foot, because I got to see Drew (at least for a few hours) and made me slow down enough to get everything into perspective

...for never saying anything bad about my ex husbands to my children, so they could make up their OWN MIND that GOD gave them and use THEIR best judgment without any preconcieved notions. :) (wasnt much, but one of the only true gifts I could give).

...for GOD leading me to live in Vidor, because there are reason for everything and there are really good people here, it confirmed my vision that you shouldnt listen to what other people say, but to find out for yourself.

...for my teenage daugher that might be what she is, but it makes me appreciate my Daddy more.

...for the children that I have and all the experiences that we have been through because it has made us stronger people...

...for my name and who I am, because a TRUE SMITHEY never quits and never takes no for an answer :)


There are many more, but this is good for now.  Take time and make a list and put it all into perspective for yourself.  I wish people would understand that I love everyone, I might get a little pissy, but that is a human trait...but I truly love everyone and would do anything for anyone.  I cant change anyone but myself... and when someone talks about me, its none of my business adn its their problem, not mine.  They have to deal with it, not me :)  Anyway...put your life into perspective, read your Bible or whatever it is you want to.  I am thankful that we live in America where we have the power to MAKE A CHOICE AND OUR OWN DECISIONS.

It is truly the SMALL THINGS in LIFE that MATTER...everyday is a gift and unique and special...it is IRREPLACEABLE, so make it a good one.

Take TIME for the PEOPLE GOD HAS PLACED IN YOUR LIFE!!!!  Because life is like a vapor, and can vanish in an instant.


AND finally my wish for you is....

May GOD bless YOU everyday.

Please make your own list, it helps put whats really important in the forefront of your life and makes you really appreciate everything you have :) Love you all!

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