Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1746484-Mount-Taygetus-set-up
by Ilse
Rated: · Script/Play · LGBTQ+ · #1746484
The setup for me Yuri Anime script about a school that trains soldiers.
The Initial Idea
A secret school that trains angerdriven soldiers. The Queen falling for the new student, who is struggling.
When souls are abandoned by light, evil takes over one's soul. The Orochi train soldiers to use this anger and lack of guilt to fight for what the Orochi believes is right. Soldiers are sent into war, never to return again. They must commit suicide if the mission failed, and missions are always highly improbible to succeed. If one ever returns she will become a part of the Gerouisa, the council that accepts or rejects candidates. They have much power, and are the only ones ever to talk to the Queen.  The Orochi  treat their soldiers as if they were their children, they are sympathetic for their reason to have joined.
Students/Soldiers (called Spartans) believe storytelling about the Queen Gorgo being invincible, and that she killed the previous Queen for her throne. They are scared and infactuated by her beauty, although few ever saw her. The thruth learns that the previous Queen was infact her mother, who betrayed her by leaving her to become the Queen Gorgo.
We see the story from Cheiko's point of view. Traumatized and homeless, she ends up at the door of Mount Taygetus, home of the Orochi. We see flashbacks of her childhood, and a man hitting her and other girls, sleeping on the floor of a wet cold shed. She is rejected, but later accepted because of the Queen Gorgo herself. She is therefore teased by fellow students and teachers. She is works hard to become a Spartan, because she wants to go and kill a man that remains a mystery yet. Once a year few students are sent to the Gorgo to apply for the bittersweet function of being her assistent. Ever since the new Gorgo took her throne, she hasn't accepted one.
When Cheiko is top of her class, her fellow students fake an accident where Cheiko accidentaly hurts a Spartan Teacher with her sword. She is called to the Gerousia for punishment. She meets a woman in a dark  torture chamber, that later will turn out to be the Queen. They spend two nights together and they start having feelings for eachother. Cheiko is confused because she feels like she knows the woman, and tells her she feels so comfortable with her. The Queen arranges for Cheiko to still participate in the assistant cerimony but Cheiko is not chosen because of pressure form the Gerousia. Cheiko then gives up on the light in her life completely and turns for the worse. She is soon sent on a mission to kill a famous underworld boss, who everybody knows she won't return.

She accepts anyway, and the Queen takes that oppertunity to take her acceptance as a ultimate form of Orochi power and fashion, and makes Cheiko her personal assistant anyway. From there we see how Cheiko and the Queen start building up a relationship. The Queens is hesitating wether she should tell Cheiko that she was the one who spend to night with her. (In her function the Queen Gorgo wears a mask). When she is taking a bath, she calls for Cheiko to join her and starts to explain to her who she really is. When a terrible accident happends to one of te Spartans, Cheiko is once again sent on the mission anyway. Cheiko (in love with the Queen) begs the Queen to let her stay, but the Queen, never have known love or sympathy declines under pressure of the Gerousia. When Cheiko leaves, the Queen discovers her true feelings and asks the Gerouisa what the mission is she was sent on. Cheiko is sent to kill an enemy of the Underworld Boss, wich later will turn out to be the mystery man of Cheiko's flashbacks. Cheiko kills the Underworld Boss instead, and returns to Mount Taygetus for her suicide ritual, since she failed her mission.
She shows the Gerousia the Underworld Boss' head, we see the eyes of the Queen pop open from behind a curtain. The Queen Gorgo walks in and orders her to stop. The Gerousia asks her why she would stop. The Queen states that Cheiko killed the right man, because the Underworld Boss was anything but a man of honour, and destroyed the many lives of young girls. The Gerousia asks her how she, a Queen, could possibly known. The Queen then takes of her mask and Cheiko recognises her immediatly in the daylight. We see a flashback of the wet shed and the girls there. We see the the Queens mother leaving her there with the Underworld Boss. We see a younger version of the Queen trying to protect Cheiko from the Boss' hands, but failing. A single tear falls from The Queens face. The Queen says; “Because I was there.” Cheiko, remembering that the Queen is actually Shinju Kamiko, who protected her used to be a friend, but was brutally taken away ten years ago, then rushes into the Queens arms, and they leave together. The Queen, Kamiko, then explains her love for Cheiko, and they finally kiss.
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