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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Other · #1746205
court and a camping trip
The day was set, October 25 was the day Monica would get what was coming to her. I had settled back into a rutine of school and homework. Things were getting back to normal.
"Paige, are you okay?" Dad asked hanging up the phone.
"Yeah, I was just thinking. In October we are going to court for Monica, and on November tenth we are going over the Burtons. I'm going to miss two days of school. I don't want to get behind in school. It could be more days if the trials go on. I really don't want to have to catch up," I said. I was masking my true feelings. I was really worried that they would get away with it. Monica and the Burtons woudl get off scott free and my life woudl be a night mare, but I couldn't let dad know he was under alot of pressure and I wasn't going to worry him more.
"And?" He said."Paige, I know there is more to it then that. So go ahead and tell me what you are worring about."
"What if they don't get in trouble? What if they are prooven innocent? What if Monica doesn't get in trouble and tries to kill me?" I answered. Maybe I should have known that dad could see threw me lies. Dad alway knew me. He could tell when it was something more.
"Paige, you can't think like that. You know what your story is and you are speaking the truth. As long as you testify to the truth everything will work out just fine," Dad said giving me a hug.
My dad was awome. That night we ater our dinner and went to bed with out much talk of the trials that were coming our way.
The weeks went by and on the morning of October twenty-fifth I got up like normal and got ready. Dad and I drank our coffee like we always do. Then instead of us leaving for school, we left for court.
Sitting in the court room I looked around. Noone looked happy, everyone had scourering faces. My nerves were on edge. I was thinking hard about my testimoney. I was going to talk about dad. My dad. The best dad. We sat there side by side waiting for my turn to talk. I was going to talk to prove my dad had never laid a hand on me. I was going to talk, and they were going to listen.
"Your honor the prosicution would like to call Paige Blackwell to the stand," the prosicution attonery said.
I got up and walked to the witness stand. My hands were shaking, my entire body trembled. I hated being in front of people and talking. It wasn't my thing.
"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you," the balithf. stated.
"I do," I swore in.
"Miss Blackwell, can you please testify about your father. Did he ever raise a hand to you in a harmful way?" The prosicution attorney asked.
"No, sir, my father is the most gentel person I've ever know," I stated. And that was the truth.
"Miss Blackwell, Paige, do you mind if I call you Paige?" he asked.
"No sir, Paige is fine by me," I said. I knew he was trying to make me confrotable. But that wasn't going to happen.
"Paige, can you tell me about the events on January twelth?" He asked with a smile.
"Well, I had been at school that day and Monica had been hitting on my boyfriend. I told her to leave him alone and if I saw her again I was going to beat her up," I said. "Ever since I could remember Monica had been trying to get with my boyfriend."
"And at the time what did she do?"
"She told me my life was fixing to be a living hell. She swore that no matter what she was going to get me and my family," I said. I could hear my voice shaking.
"Paige, tell us about your father in your own words descripe him for us please," he asked laying his hand on the rail.
"My dad is great. He has raised me all by hiself since I was about three weeks old. He has never even spanked me. My dad works hard to provide me with everything he can. My dad has held my hand in times of trouble. His smile is the best. And even though most people think he is mean," I could feel the tears running down my face. I had swore I wouldn't cry but I was crying. "He is the most well mannered man around. My dad never yells, he never makes me feel like I'm wrong."
"Thank you, Paige. No farther questions your witness," he stated and walked back to his chair.
The defense attorney stood up and walked my way. He made me nervous. He was tall and lanky. I could see Monica sitting in her chair. She had a smerk on her face.
"Paige, can you please tell me how your father disaplens you when you miss behave?" He asked in an over confadente way.
"My father really doesn't have to disaplen me. I'm never really bad," I stated.
"Okay, then tell me what your father does when you get in a fight. You have been in a fight haven't you," he was trying to push a button. He knew I had a temper.
"Yes, I have been in a fight. He usually just talks to me and explains to me what I did was wrong and then he grounds me," I said.
"Well, Paige, I've noticed that you have been in several fights. Why is that?" he asked.
"Objection!" The prosicuter rang out. He was my hero "The witness is not on trial."
"Over ruled," the judge said.
"Paige, have you ever been in a fight with my client?" the defense attorney asked.
"Yes, I have, " I said. But before I could say more I was intrupted.
"So then you admitt to having a temper," he said rudely.
"I'll admitt, yes I do have a temper," I stated.
"No farther questions your honor," he said looking at the judge and then sitting down.
"The witness may step down," the judge said.
I got up and walked out of the court room. I couldn't sit there anymore. Dad followed me out. I was crying hystarically. My dad put his arms around me, he held me till I quit crying.
"Dad, I plew it," I sobbed.
"Oh honey, you didn't blow it," my dad said stroking my hair. "You did great. I'm very proud of you."
We sat there until everone walked out of the court room. When the prosicution attorney walked out he walked straight to dad and I.
"You did very well, Paige," he said. "I think we've got a good shot at winning."
"So, what's next?" I asked.
"Well, right now we wait for the jury, and then we will have another date for sentencing. You won't have to be here for that if you don't want to," he said.
"Okay, thanks," I said. I shook his hand.
"Your welcome," he said and then walked away.
We waited for what seemed like hours. When I saw the attorneys and everyone coming back I knew the jury was in. We folloewed the attorneys and sat right behind them in the court room. It was silent until the judge spoke.
"Mademe forman, has the jury reached a decision?" He asked looking at the jury.
"Yes, your honor we have," she stated and handed the balifth a piece of paper.
The balifth took the paper to the judge. He read it. How could lawyers do this everyday? I was about to pass out waiting on the decision. Would Monica get what was coming to her? Would she get off free? Had the attorneys done a good job and proven their case?
"Will the defendent please rise?" The judge stated in a cold tone.
Monica stood with her attorney. I clenched had on to dad's hand. My heart was pounding. The lady that had handed the balifth the paper stood up.
"We the jury find the defendet guilty," she rang out.
The court room exploded. I just sat there. She lost. She got what she deserved. My payback was sweet. I stayed in my seat and watched them handcuff Monica and escort her away. Dad was standing talking to the attorneys and thanking them. I couldn't belive it. Luck was on my side. I hadn't been lucky in a long time. And now I was.
Dad and I decided that after a morning like that we couldn't go back to school, so we didn't. We went to lunch and then home, and we sat on the back proch and talked all day.
"Dad, do you think that since Monica got indited, that the Burtons will get off?" I asked.
"I highly doubt it," he said.
"Dad, can we get a dog?" I asked.
"A dog? Why do you want a dog?" He asked.
"Because, that way when you have after school stuff to do I have a friend," I said.
"You have Oliver and Angel," he said.
"Yeah, but they have to go home to sometimes and then I'm alone," I said.
"Well, why don't we go to the shelter and get a dog then. You are so good at argueing," he said getting up out of his chair.
"I didn't argue anything," I said following him. "I think we should take your car. I'm not up much for driving."
"Not up for driving or not wanting dog slobber in you car?"
"Oh well, maybe both," I laughed. With that said we headed off to the animal shelter.
"What kind of dog are you wanting?" Dad asked as were getting in the car.
"Any kind really, maybe one that's really close to being uthenized. That way I can say I saved it's life," I asnwered.
We drove to the shelter and walked in. Dad told the lady at the front we were looking for a dog that was close to being put down, and she took us to the back. There was one dog in a cage all by itself.
"Now Mr. Blackwell, before I let you get this dog I have to enform you she is a pitbull that was rescuded from dog fighting," the lady said as we walked towards the dogs cage.
I knelt down and put my hand on the cage. The dog walked up and licked my hand. She started wagging her tail. I turned to dad.
"Can we please get her dad? I want her so bad," I said looking at him.
"Has the dog shown any agression since she has been here," he asked the lady.
"No, sir she's really well behaved," the lady said.
"Then we will take her," dad said.
And that we did. She was a white and brinal mix. She was beautiful. We took her home and I was so happy. When we got home I got her out of the car
"Hey, dad, can I take her for a walk?" I asked as we got out of the car.
"Sure I guess. I don't see why not," he answered.
Dad went in the house, and the dog and I went on a walk.
"What soud I name you," I said to the dog as we began walking. She stopped and looked at me. I was thinking hard about a name. A dog this pretty needed a pretty name. "How does Pax sound? It's the roman myth name of the goddess of peace, and even thought the lady said you were in dog fighting, you are the most peacful happy go lucky."
The dog looked back at me and wagged her tail. We went on walking around the neighboor hood. I looked up ahead and saw Oliver's truck turn the corner. I didn't know if they saw me. I stopped where I was standing, and the did see me because the stopped.
"Who's dog it that?" Oliver said leaning out the window.
"Mine, dad and I just got home with her," I said. "Why don't you go on and head to your house and we will meet you there."
"Okay,"Oliver said and he pulled off.
I walked back to Oliver's house. He Angel and Andrew were all waiting on me when I walked up.
"Everyone, this is Pax," I said as we walked up.
"So how did you get your dad to let you get a dog?" Angel asked.
"I just asked and he said yes so here she is," I said sitting down on the tailgate of Oliver's truck. "I've still got to get a few thing for her but I was waiting for y'all to get home."
"So since, you didn't come back to school, and you haven't said anything about it do I want to ask what happend with Monica in court?" Oliver asked.
"Well, lets just say we won't have to see her for awhile. They found her guilty and in the next few days they are doing sentecing," I said.
"That's great,"Angel said.
"Yeah, it is," I sighed. "Now only one court date left, and everything can go back to normal."
"Are we still going to take our mid November camping trip?" Andrew asked.
"I don't see why not," I answered.
We hung out for a little bit and then Angel and Andrew went home. Oliver and I walked in the house with Pax.
"How did she do on her walk?" Dad asked from his chair.
"She did great and we picked out a name. I'm calling her Pax," I said.
"Pax? Where did you get Pax?" Dad asked. When he said her name Pax walked over to him and started wagging her tail. She jumped up in his chair and sat on his lap.
"I think she thinks she's a lap dog," I laughed. "Pax is the roman goddess for peace, and she seems pretty peacful to me."
"You got that right, but she's a little big to be a lap dog," Dad said wiggling around to readjust with Pax on his lap. "How ever the shelter recomended that we have her do some behavior classes to get around other dogs and learn not to fight. Your going to need to get a cage for outside while we are not home during the day, and dog food and dishes."
"I know I was waiting for Oliver to get home so we can take his truck. You know since we have to get a cage and all. Do you want to go with us dad?" I said.
"No you two go, I think Pax and I will hang out here. Oliver do you want to stay for dinner?" Dad said.
"Yeah, sure," Oliver said.
We left and went to the pet store. Oliver and I got everything we needed for Pax and went home and ate dinner with dad.
The weeks went by and Pax was doing great in her behavor classes. Before I knew it November eleventh was here. That weekend we had our camping trip planned, so I just had to get past this last hurtal.
"Well are you ready for today?" Dad asked that morning over coffee.
"As ready as I can get," I said.
We left and headed to court. Dad and I sat right behind the prosicution attorney and waited. I looked to my right and saw the Burtons sitting beside their lawyer. The judge walked in and we were on our way. When my turn came I walked to the witness stand just as I had when I testified in Monica's trial.
"Miss Blackwell, will you please tell us what a day was like living with Mister and Mristes Burton?" The prosicution asked me.
"Every morning I would have to wake up at six and cook breafast and get all the other foster kids ready for school. I then had to wake the Burtons up so they could take everyone to school. Everyone but me. They said that since my dad worked at my school I wasn't allowed to go, so I was to be homeschooled. During the day I would have to work eight hours at a restruant waiting tables. When I got off work Mister Burton would pick me up from work and take my tips for that day. Usually I would stash a little bit so that the next day I could have lunch money to eat with. When we got home I would have to care to the lawn and cook dinner. While everyone ate I had to clean the house from that day," I was cring again. I was mortified haveing to relive the days of tourture. "Then once everyone was done eating I would have to wash all the dishes, and maybe if I did them fast enough and there were leftovers I could eat. That only happend about maybe three times a week. After I was all done I would ask for my school work but every night they said I wasn't allowed to do my work in their house. They said I would learn new tricks, as they called them. So I was getting behind in school. In the six months I lived with them I lost fifty pounds."
"Your honor, can we please take a recess to let the witness calm down? This was a real tramatic exspericance for her. I think she needs a few minutes to catch herself," the prosicution asked.
"Yes, court is in a thirty minute recesse," the judge said and left the room.
Dad and the attorney helped escort me to a room. We sat there in total silence for just a few minutes and then the attorney spoke up.
"Paige, you did really good up there. I'm almost done with my questions, and then the defense is going to question you. They are going to be harsh. They are going to try and break you. All I ask is that you don't let them get to you. No matter how mad you get do not shout at them," he said to me.
"Yes, sir, I can do that," I said. When the thirty minutes were up we walked back to the court room. I sat back in the witness stand, and then we picked up where we had left off.
"Miss Blackwell, did you ever do anything to make the Burtons treat you that way?" The attorney asked.
"No, sir, I did as they asked every day," I stated.
"Can you tell me why you think they treated you that way?" He asked.
"Because, I'm a witch. They said that they were the only people that would take me in. That I was the scume of the earth. There were days I wished I wasn't a witch just so I could eat and be like the other kids in the house," I answered.
"Thank you Miss Blackwell. No farther questions your honor," he said as he walked to his seat.
"Miss Blackwell, I've heard that you have a very bad temper. Is this true?" he asked in a snotty tone.
"Yes, sir, I do," I replied.
"Miss Blackwell, my client states that you attacked her on several accasoins. Is this true?"
"No, sir, I was always on my best behavior when at the Burtons," I replied.
"You admitted to keeping money that you were suppose to be giving to them though weren't you?"
"Yes, but I had to eat. They were starving me." I could feel the rage building up inside of me. He was trying to get me angry.
"Why didn't you just ask them for the money to eat?"
"Because, they wouldn't give it to me."
"Did you ever sneak out of the house?"
"No sir, I didn't."
"Did you ever steal food from my client?"
"No sir."
"Did you ever get in a fight with the other children in the home?"
"No sir."
"Why don't you tell me about the incodent on Febuary nintheth."
"I was finishing up the nightly dishes when Timmy ran in the kitchen and began hitting my thighs. I gently pushed him away but he kept on hitting me. So I carried him to his room and shut the door, and held it shut for a minute."
"Now you just told me you were never in a fight. No farther questions your honor," the attorney said turning to the judge.
"The witness may step down," The judge said.
I walked back to my seat. The trail lasted for two more days, and then came judgement day. We watched the jury file into their seats. I was waiting to hear what was going to happen. The forman stood up.
"We the jury find the defendents guilty of child abuse," he rang out.
I jumped up and hugged dad and the attorneys. What luck. I was so happy. That night I had all my friends over to tell them the great news. We went on about our lives for the next few days.
"Paige, do you have everything?" Dad asked as I was checking my list for our campout that weekend.
"I think so," I said. This was the first time we were going camping with out an adult.
"Is your phone charged?" He asked. I knew he was nervouse about me being out of his sight.
"It's on the charger," I said. There was a knock on the door. I knew it was Oliver. "It's open!"
"Are you ready yet?" He asked as he walked in.
"Almost I'm waiting on my phone to finish chargimg," I said to him. Then I turned to dad. "Are you sure you don't want me to take Pax?"
"I'm sure. I'm going to need some company this weekend. Now what time are you coming back?" He asked scratching Pax on her head.
"I'm thinking around five on sunday, or maybe sooner," I laughed.
"Okay well you all have fun, and I'll see you then," he said giving me a hug.
I ran to my room and got my phone and we were on our way. It took us all thirty minutes to get to our camping site. While Angel and I set up the tent. Andrew Avery and Oliver unloaded the fourwheelers. We gathered up wood and then we all went on a ride. About three hours later we all decided to go back to our camp site. We roasted hot dogs over our campfire. We ate and ate then talked and just had fun.
That night when we went to bed Oliver and I decided to go all the way. It was the first time for both of us. That night was magical. That was a night I'll never forget.
© Copyright 2011 P. W. Blackwell (johndeeresmom at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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