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Rated: E · Sample · Drama · #1745819
By coincidence, a florist finds out her husband has been having an affair.
Gina worked in a florist's shop which was part of a famous chain. Many customer's browsed and shopped there on a daily basis as it was well known and within the local shopping centre in an East London borough.

She was sat behind the counter sipping a warm cup of tea, enjoying the rare moment of peace inside the shop, when the bell above the door chimed.

A young, slim brunette wearing tight fitted jeans and heels had entered.

"Excuse me." She said. "I'm looking for some flowers."

"Well," Replied Gina, "You've come to the right place."

"They're for my boyfriend. I wanted to surprise him. Do you do same day delivery?"

"Of course." Gina stood up & put her tea down.

The customer reached the counter and stood opposite.

"It's his birthday."

"Oh," chuckled Gina. "It's my husband's birthday today as well. He didn't want anything special, I've just brought him a watch."

"Sounds nice." The young woman smiled.

"May I suggest that bouquet over there?" Gina pointed towards a large bunch of blue and red tulips.

"Different." The woman said to herself as she admired them.

"Just twenty pounds for those."

"Ok I'll take them. I mean, I'd like to have them sent off."

"They'll arrive today; is the address local? Gina wondered.

"Well, he's at work until seven so I'll give you his work address, its in the borough."

"So, it's one thirty now...they'll get there by three. Is that good for you?"

"Yes, that's okay. How much?" Asked the young women.

"Twenty, including same day delivery comes to, thirty pounds."

The young women ruffled her hands through her handbag which she'd placed on the counter.

"Will you be going out tonight the two of you?" Gina enquired politely.

"Yes, he's taking me to his favourite restaurant Chan's, in the city."

"Oh!" Gina gasped happily. "My husband loves that place too. Must have a good reputation."

"Here you go." The customer handed over the money.

"Thank- you." Gina put it in the cash register. "Can I have your boyfriends name and work address please?"

"Can I put a little message with the bouquet?"

"Oh yes, sorry I forgot." Gina pulled a small card from beneath the counter with a pen. "What would you like it to say?"

"Just for you birthday boy. Lots of love, Karen, and a kiss."

Gina wrote the words. Karen the customer gave her an approving smile and nod of the head. Then Gina went and stuck the card in- between the flowers in the bouquet. Then she brought them over on to the counter.

"What was his details please?"

"His name's Peter Shipley. At one hundred and one, Picksford street, London E15. The companies called Langton & sons."

As this young, slim brunette said her boyfriend's name and work address, the realization hit Gina like a hard brick to the head.

Her husband was Peter Shipley. Her husband worked at Langton & sons in the borough. It was her husband's birthday today. And he'd told her he was having a few drinks with the boys at work after he finished.

Gina felt her face burning up in raw anger and her eyes begin to well up with tears.

"Are you okay?" asked the customer.

"Sorry, I didn't get your name?"


"Lacey what?"

"Lacey Greenberg." She answered, unawares to whom she was talking to.

"My name's Gina." Tears started to pour down her cheeks. "Gina Shipley."

Lacey Greenberg didn't understand.

"Are you alright? What's wrong?"

"Peter Shipley is my..." She paused and took a deep breathe in. "...He's my husband."

"What?" Lacey screwed up her face. "You're obviously mistaken. My boyfriend's not married. It must be another Peter."

Gina shook her head as she wiped her tears away. "He works at Langton & sons, today is his birthday; thirty sixth; he has sandy coloured hair, hazel eyes, you work it out love."

Lacey's jaw dropped. "What a bloody toerag, I'm so sorry, I really am, I didn't..."

"It's not your fault, you didn't know." Muttered Gina.

"I don't know what to say." Lacey felt utter shame and anger at the same time.

"We can't let him get away with this." Gina said angrily.

And then something dawned on her. "Hang on a minute. If your name's Lacey, why did you say your name was Karen. That's what you told me to write on the card."

Lacey's face changed from an innocent expression to one of guilt. "Eh...I, um...I..." She stuttered.

"Why would you use a different name if you were his girlfriend? What would you be hiding?"

With no words to conceal her guilt or cover her tracks, Lacey grabbed her handbag off of the counter and made a dash to the door.

It chimed on her way out.

"She did know." Said Gina as more and more tears poured from her eyes.

"He'll be getting one birthday present he'll never forget when I get my hands on him."
© Copyright 2011 geminirach (geminirach at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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