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first day back to school
"Paige, don't you thing it's about time you went to bed? You know you've got school starting in the morning," Dad said on Sunday night while we were watching television.
"Dad, don't you think you should get some sleep to? You have to teach tomorrow, and you know everyone is going to have questions for you," I replied.
"Questions for me? I think you are the one going to get all the questions, you are the one that was gone for six months. I've already answered all my questions, but you are right I do need to be heading to bed," he said to me.
It was good that dad and I could talk about it now and not be weary. It would help me be ready for all the kids at school.
"I'm going to bed as well," I said getting up off the couch. I gave my dad a hug and a kiss on the check. "Night I'll see you in the morning." And I headed to bed. I went to my room and laid down on my bed. Tomorrow was a big day. I was starting my Junior year, and for the first time in my life I didn't have to ride to school with my dad. That day Oliver Angle Andrew and I had all decided to take turns driving to school. I got to be the first since my car was the coolest. It seemed like hours passed as I laid there thinking about what all was going to happen the next day. I knew I wouln't have to face Monica cause she was banned from the school. However in just a month we would be going to court and I would have to see her then. That's when I will have to watch my temper, I won't be able to let her get to me there. I finally fell asleep around midnight.
"Paige, you have to get up and get ready for school," Dad's voice came threw my door.
"I'm up," I said grogly. I got up and got in the shower, got dressed, fixed my hair and make-up and then went to have coffee with my dad.
"So are you ready?" He asked as I sat down.
"As ready as I can be," I replied.
"Remember, to go to the office when you first get there and get your parking permitt or you will get a ticket, and I will not pay for that so you will have to get a job," dad said.
"I know we are all going to get ours together so we all don't forget," I replied
"Do you have your scheduale?"
"Yes, dad, don't worry everything will be fine. It's not like I've never gone to school. It's just been nine months. As far as everyone know I could have had a baby. Maybe that's what I'll tell them. That I went away to have a baby, and now I'm back," I said trying not to laugh
Dad looked at me with a very stern face, " This is not a joke, you need to take it serious," he said.
"Dad, I can tell school is starting, your attitude is changing. Don't worry I'm going to tell everyone that Monica lied which they all already know and asnwer their questions truthfuly because I know that if I don't and they belive the lie then they could be called to court and testify and Monica could get off scott free. Just relax that was a joke for us. I'm trying to make you relax a little before you leave for work," I told him.
"Speaking of leaving for work I've got to go. Eat some cereal before you leave and be careful. Here's your lunch money and make sure everyone wears their seatbelts in the car. What's your first class of the day?" He asked getting up form the table.
"Umm... do you read you class list dad? I'm in your class first," I said.
"I read it I guess I just skipped your name," He replied.
"Yeah okay sure," I said as I stood up to walk in the house with him." Now go or your going to be late. I'll see you at school."
Dad left and I went to the kitchen to get my cereal and eat it. As soon as I had poured the milk the doorbell rang. I went to see who it was, it was Oliver so I let him in.
"I was just fixing some cereal. Do you want some?" I asked shutting the door behind him.
"No thanks mom cooked pancakes this morning so I'm full," he said.
" Well, I'm eating my cereal before we go to school. Give me your schedule I want to see if it matches mine," I said shoving a spoon full of cereal in my mouth.
"Here, ya go," he said digging the peice of paper out of his back pack.

First Semster
1. Potions .......................................Mr Blackwell
2. Transformations...................Mrs. Coodle
3.Defensive Magic.....................Mr. Tomorrow
4.Flyin................................................Miss Paciy
5. Math...............................................Coach Maxwell
6. English..........................................Mrs. Gangle

Second Semster
1. Science...........................................Miss Janetzy
2. Incantaions..................................Mr. Ballistone
3. History............................................Mrs. Staromley
4. P. E. ..................................................Coach Whitmore
5. Magical Creatures...................Mrs. Canteene
6. Art......................................................Mrs. Stuart

"That's exaclty like mine! How did we do that? We have never had the same scheduale," I said with excitment.
"I think your dad had a hand in that. He said that after all you went threw it would be good to have someone with you in all your classes, so why not the smartest person in our class," Oliver said putting the scheduale back in his bag.
"You mean second smartest," I said gettig up from the table.
"I'm going to get you this year you just watch," he said walking over to me at the sink and giving me a kiss.
"Come on we have to go, or we are going to be late, and dad won't like that to much," I said. I went to my room and got my back pack and purse and keys and phone. We went outside and got in the car, picked up Angel and Andrew, and were on our way to school. When we got to the school the first thingwe did was all get our parking passes so dad wouldn't get mad. Oliver and I walked out to my car and put my pass on the rear veiw mirror then walked to class. I stopped outside Dad's classroom door.
"You okay," Oliver asked taking my hand.
"Yeah, I'm just a little nervous," I said. "Come on lets go in."
We walked in and everyone looked at me. Oliver and I found our seats and then the questions came flying.
"Okay everyone slow down," I said holding my hands up "One at a time please."
"So, Paige, what was your foster home like," Bridgette asked.
"Horrible, they made me work like a dog and wouldn't let me do my school work," I replied.
"How did you not get held back a year?" Kyle asked.
"When I returned to my dad's the school allowed me to do it, and in three weeks I was back on scheduale," I answered.
"How much trouble is Monica in?" Maranda asked.
"Let's just say we won't be seeing her for a long time," I stated.
"Okay everone settle down and take your seats. It's time for class to begin,"Dad said walking into the class room. At school I wasn't allowed to call him dad. School rules.
Everyone sat down in there seats, I was kind of relived because I didn't have to answer anymore questions till after class. Dad handed out books and papers for everyones parents to sighn about the ingredeints we would be working with. He gave us instrutions to read the first Chapter of our books before the next day. That was dad almost every year since freshmen year he gave out home work on the first day of school. Finally the bell rang and we all went to second period. Everything was the same the same questions books and permission slips but no home work. We breezed threw third period and then it was lunch time.
We meet up with Angel, Avery, and Andrew. To sit at our normal table. We were sitting there eating and everyone had to stop and say hi. Everyone had a question, but they were all the same. The day continued and for all but the questions was fairly normal.
© Copyright 2011 P. W. Blackwell (johndeeresmom at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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