Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1745604-Returning-To-Normal-Chapter-4
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Other · #1745604
getting ready for back to school party
The weeks went by and I was working hard on getting cought up on my school work, and things were getting back to normal. I wasn't getting much sleep due to the fact I kept having the nightmare of being taken away from my dad. So I was working hard on my school work in three weeks time I was almost cought up.
"Paige, are you sure everything is okay, you look awfully tired?" Dad asked one morning over coffee.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I've just bee working hard on getting cought up on my school work and," I replied.
"Well then why don't you tell me what you were yelling about last night around two in the morning?" Dad said looking across the lake.
"I didn't know you could hear me," I said. "I was umm... well... Dad I've bee having a nightmare ever since I got back from foster care about being taken away. I can't hardly sleep. I've been lieing saying I'm fine cause I thought I would just go away but it hasn't. Thats why I've almost cought up already on my school work cause instead of sleeping I've been working trying to get my mind off of it."
"Paige, I wish you would have told me. You might need to see a therapist about that dream. I can help you. Always remember you are my baby girl, and I'll always take care of you no matter what,"Dad said looking at me. "You know you look so much like your mom its unreal. I can't belive how skinny you got while you were gone, and your hair has gotten so dark. It must be from the stress you were under. I have notice that you haven't been eating like you use to. Is it cause you are stressing?"
"No I guess that I got use to not getting to eat that much," I replied. "So dad I was thinking about trying something new with my hair."
"What?" He questioned wirally.
"Maybe a burgandy, or something this color kind of reminds me of everything bad so what do you think?" I asked.
"If you think your up to it," He said with a laugh.
"I think Angel and I are gonna go to the mall and get our hair done today. Would that be fine?"
"I don't see why not you have been working awfully hard so take a break and have a little fun."
When we finished our coffee I texted Angel and asked if she wanted to go to the mall with me. She said of course. So I got ready and then went a picked her up.
"Well, what do you think of a burgendy?" I asked Angel when we got to the salon.
"That's bold. Are you gonna cut it to?" She asked.
"Oh no I love it long just a dead end trim and die is all I'm doing. Then after I'm done dad said I can buy some new school clothes and he gave me the suppiles list so I can go ahead and pick it all up," I told her.
An hour later we were walking out of the salon with my new burgendy hair.
"I love it," Angel said. "Have you told Oliver you were changing it?"
"No, what do you say we send him a pic and see what he says," I said taking a picture from my phone. I then sent it to him. I looked at Angel. "How long do you..." I was intrupeted by my phone ringing and it was Oliver calling.
"Hello?" I answered acting like I didn't know why he was calling.
"What did you do to your hair?" He asked. I couldn't tell if he was made or what.
" I died it. Are you mad?" I asnwered. I was hoping he liked it but wasn't to sure.
"No I'm not mad, it looks good on you. Makes you look hot. So what are you doing the rest of the day?" He asked.
"Angel and I are shopping for school clothes and supplies. Dad told me to take a day off from my studies since I'm almost cought up," I said with a smile. Oliver alway knows how to make me smile.
"Well have fun and maybe I can take you to dinner tonight. I love you and enjoy your day off," He said.
"I will and sure I'll check with dad about dinner, and I love you to," I said. We hung up the phone and I looked at Angel.
"Well?" she asked. "Was he mad?"
"No in fact he said I look hot,"I replied.
"That's great you to are so perfect together."
"Thanks, now lets get to shopping. I want to have fun."
With that said we were on I think we hit every store in the mall that day and I got a ton of stuff. And had a great time with Angel.
We were eating lunch in the food court when I looked up and saw her. Monica. A great day turned wrong real fast.
"Angel, she's here. Monica is here. And she is headed this way. I don't think I can bite my tounge if she stops here," I said.
And sure enough she stopped.
"Well, its good to see you again. Did you enjoy your little vacation?" Monica asked in a sly voice.
Angel looked at me she knew there was no stopping me. I stood up and knocked her out.
"Come on, Angel, lets go," I said as we grabbed our bags and left Monica laying there.
We walked to my car and left. All the way home Angel was quite.
"That felt good, but I'm sure dad already knows and I'm sure hes going to be pissed, but I had to," I finally said as we turned on to our road.
"Do you want me to come home with you so maybe he won't get as mad?" Angel asked.
"No I think I'll face him on my own. I made my bed now it's time to lie in it. I don't think I'm going to get to go to dinner with Oliver tonight I think," I said.
"Well, I can always tell your dad that Monica started it," Angel suggested.
"Well on that hand, yeah why don't you go ahead and come over," I said. And of course as soon as we pulled into the driveway dad was standing on the front pourch waiting for me. "Yup, I'm in trouble."
Angel and I got out of the car. I could tell dad was mad.
"What were you thinking?" Dad said in a stern voice. "Don't you know that acting like that can get you taken away again and this time it could be permanant?"
"Dad, it wasn't my fault! Monica started it," I said in a defensive tone.
"How do I know you aren't just saying that to get out of trouble?" He said I knew he was mad.
"Dad! I'm telling you the truth! She really did start it I was just defending myself, but hell if you don't want to belive me then fine!" I said slamming the door to my car and stormin into the house.
"Mr. Blackwell, Paige is telling the truth. Monica walked up to our table and started running her mouth. She looked like she was going to hit Paige so she had to defend herself," Angle said.
"Thank you Angel" dad said. I heard him walk in the house, and start walking down the hall. He knocked on my door. I walked to the door, and opened.
"What? Are you hear to call me a liar?" I asked.
"No, I'm sorry Angel told me what happend, I'm sorry I didn't belive you," My dad said coming and sitting on my bed.
"I"m sorry dad. I don't want to get taken away from you again," I said sitting beside him.
"I know I shouldn't have said that I was just angrey that about how you acted. Remember if you don't watch it they can still take you away. Even thought it has been proven that Monica made everything up we are under close watch so even the smallest thing can mess up and you could be gone," he said.
"I'll watch it dad I promise. So umm... Oliver was wondering if I could go to dinner with him tonight. Would that be okay?" I asked.
"That would be fine," he said kissing me on the forehead. "Go have fun. You can finish your school work tomorrow."
I went and took Angel home and then got my stuff out of the car. I text Oliver and told him yes to dinner and then got ready.
We went to dinner and then a movie, and then our favorite spot and talked about the events of that day. Oliver kept running his fingers threw my hair and talking about how good it looked. Around midnight he took me home and that night I slept good I didn't have the nightmare from that night on. I guess talking to dad really made it better. In the next few weeks we would be starting school and the real challenge would begin.
© Copyright 2011 P. W. Blackwell (johndeeresmom at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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