Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1745602-Returning-to-Normal-Chapter-3
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1745602
learning to drive
I could see my house at the end of the street. I could see my dad standing outside. As Miss. Kisser pulled into the driveway I jumped out of the car before she even stopped. I ran so fast to my dad, but thought I would never reach him. He wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped mine to. I didn't want to let go. At that moment I felt the tears roll down my face. I knew dad was crying to.
"Dad, I've missed you so much! I never want to leave again. Please never leave me," I begged. I felt like a six year old child. Not the sixteen year old I had become.
In the past six months I had become so hard so hateful and here I was tranfomring back into the little girl my dad had forgotten.
"I'm never going to leave you baby girl. Never ever again," He promised.
"I hate to break this up but Mr. Blackwell we have a few things to discuss. Might we please go inside and get everything settled? Paige, why don't you get your bags and we can finish up and I'll let you all get back to reuniting," Miss Kisser said with a weak voice. I could tell she really didn't want to intrupt.
Dad let me go and began to escort Miss Kisser into the house.
"Dad, can I go see Oliver real quick?" I asked.
Dad just nodded. Oliver and I had been neighbors since we were born. We had always been best friends but a year ago we had become more. We had started dating on his fifteenth birthday. And while I had been gone those six months he and I had both turned sixteen. I had missed his sixteenth birthday.
I ran over to Olivers house and knocked on the door. I could hear the telivision. I heard his mom say I'll get it, and my heart started racing. She had fought so hard with dad when they took me away in fact everyone on our street and fought along side dad.
She opened the door and her jaw dropped.
"Paige! What are you doing here?!" she asked about ready to pass out.
"I'm home! They let me come home!" I said giving her a hug. She embrassed me, and again I cried. Mrs. Christenlow had always been like a mom to me.
"I'm sure you want to see Oliver, he's just upstairs in his room. Why don't you sneak up there and say hi to him," she suggested.
"Thank you," I said. I gave her another quick hug and was on my way to see Oliver. As I made my way up the stairs I replayed all the letters he had written me, about school and how everyone missed me. I got to his door and could hear Johnny Cash playing on the radio. Oliver said Johnny Cash always reminded him of me, since he was my favorite singer. I gently turned the knob.
"Mom, how many times do I have to ask you to knock," Oliver said without even looking away from the computer.
"I thought you told me I never had to knock," I said leaning on the doorframe.
Oliver spun around so fast he almost fell on the floor.
"Wh... wha... what are you doing here?" He asked stunned that I was standing before him.
"They let me come home! They sent a letter saying everything was a mistake. I just got home a few minutes ago. Are you just gonna sit there and stare or are you going to kiss me?" I answered.
Oliver ran over to me and took me into his arms, and kissed me. It was the sweetest kiss of all my life. I had longed for this kiss for six months, and I never wanted it to end. I never wanted him to let go. Oliver was the love of my life. I had almost died not seeing him everyday. He was my best friend. He was my second half.
"I've missed you so much," he said to me.
"Do you want to come over and help me unpack and get everything back in order?" I asked him.
"Sure," he said.
We walked to my house, Oliver carried my bags in from the car. Dad and Miss Kisser were sitting at the kitchen table with loads of papers in front of them. Before we went to my room I walked into the kitchen to see what was going on. That was when a name on one of the peices of paper cought my eye. Monica! Monica was the one that had stired my world. Dad looked at my face and knew that I had seen the name.
"Paige, she is going to be taken care of, so there is no need for you to worry," he said but my temper was boiling.
"Dad, she messed up more than you can ever imagine. I went threw hell. My life got so messed up. I can't just sit back and let her think she got away with it. She messed everything up. She going to get what's coming to her," I said as I turned to the door. I was out for blood.
No I'm sorry was going to fix this. She was dead. And I was going to kill her no matter what I had to do. I wanted my revenge. I wanted her to hang.
Olive grabbed my hand and stopped me. "Not today, lets just enjoy you being home today," he said.
He always knew how to calm me down, and make things feel right.
"Okay fine... Not today," I said, sitting down at the table.
Dad and Miss Kisser finished with the papers and she left. Oliver texted all our friends to come over to my house and dad said we would have a little welcome home party. He ordered pizza, but instead of just my friends the entire neighboorhood showed up. I didn't mind because they all had fought so hard with dad to keep me home that I wanted them all at my home. I wanted to give them all hugs.
Everyone stayed late into the night and since school had just let out for summer all my friends stayed the night. We all camped out in the living room but noone slept we all stayed up and talked. Around five in the morning we all crashed.
Dad woke us up around ten with the smell of fresh cooked breakfast. We all ate and then my friends took me outside to show me their new cars. Everyone had turned sixteen while I was gone. I think thats one thing that keep us all so close. All of our birthdays are in six months of each others. Of course mine is the last, but I didn't have a drivers lisencese or car to show.
Everyone went home and dad and I began to talk. We had a lot to discuss.
"Dad, how am I going to get cought up in school? I don't want to be a year behind my friends," I asked.
"Well the headmast has sent all the assignments for you to complete and if you complete them before school starts you can start with all your friends," he answered.
"So in three months I have to complete six months of assignments? Okay that's not to hard... glad I'm smart," I said. And smart I was, before I had been taken away I was the top student in my class. "So dad can we talk about a car?"
"What about a car?" he asked like he was up to somting.
"Well, do I get one or is it out of the question?" I asked.
Dad just smiled," Well your grandparents thought that after everything that happend when you got home they would take you shopping to get the car you want, so in a few days after you have time to study you can take your driving test and then go car shopping. If you feel up to it," He answered.
"Feel up to it, I'll go take the test today if you want. I'm ready really I am," I said jumping up and down.
"Slow down, you just got home. Take some time to study, get some rest and this afternoon we will go for a drive, and then tomorrow we can talk about the test," Dad said with a smile.
And that I did. I went to my room, and slowly unpacked my things. I was so happy to have my room back. I walked into my closet, it was bigger than the room I had ant the Burtons. I was nice. I walked into my ajoining bathroom and looked around. Everything was just as I had left it. Like I had never left. My makeup was still out on the counter from that moring. The trash still in the trash can. I picked up my make up and put it away and took the trash out. Then took a shower. I then went to my room and sat at my desk, and studied my drivers book. I read it front to back two times. THen I decided to take a nap.
In no time I was in dream land, but it was a dream I did not want.
"DAD!!!" I screamed as the social workers drug me to the car.
Oliver ran up and hit one in the face. The entire neighboorhood was screaming.
"YOU CAN'T TAKE HER!!! SHE'S MY DAUGHTER! I'VE DONE NOTHING WRONG! GIVE HER BACK!" dad yelled at the socail workers.
Tears were streaming down his face, and mine. I was kicking and screaming. I even knocked one of them out for a second. I would began to pull away but they would quickly pull me back.
They shoved me in the car and quickly speed away I watch from the back window as my entire life was taken away from me. I was being taken away from everyone I ever loved.
I woke up in a sweat. I looked around. I was in my bed in my room. It had been a dream about that awful day. I got out of my bed and walked into the living room. Dad was sitting in his chair watching telvision.
"Did you sleep okay?" he asked.
"Like a baby I lied," He had worried to much in the last six months I was not worring him with a dream.
"That's good, so you ready for a drive?" He asked holding the keys to his car up.
"You bet!" I said taking the keys.
"Well lets drive to the phone store, if you are going to get your lisences and be driving around you are going to get a phone," Dad said puting his shoes on.
I ran to my room and got my shoes and I was ready. We walked out to the car. I put my seatbelt on and started the car.I was so happy to be able to get back to normal.
Dad and I went to the store got me a phone and enjoyed a a drive. Then we went home and called it a night.
© Copyright 2011 P. W. Blackwell (johndeeresmom at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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