Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1744134-Deep-Dark-Secret
by Yomi
Rated: 13+ · Draft · Romance/Love · #1744134
Jane cannot escape her past. Immersing from her soul, she cannot hold it back.
         As Jane stared emptily into the beautiful moonlit light, she thought of what she had heard. Simply, words could not render the immense pain she had felt. The pain felt like fire and thorns tearing at her inner chest, eating away at her flesh, consuming her entire being. The blood lust wasn’t her only concern. She felt as though it was part of her nature, but also thought of the inhumanity of her very existence. She did not want to take others for her survival. In this aspect, she was truly human. As Jane quivered from the thought, she leaned gently against the maple tree, and inhaled greatly, that dry, summer aroma filling her every nerve, the blue river glistening just below her ever smooth feet.                                                                                   

         At the thought of those pain filled memories, tears welled up in her eyes and soon spilled onto her flushed cheeks. The realization hit her like no other. She spoke softly, “How was I able to stand as witness to such a crime. It wasn’t supposed to be this way.” She heard soft footsteps approaching her, and out of habit, jumped to her feet to confront her visitor. Jane wiped the salty tears from her makeup ruined face, “Hello Mrs. I was concerned to see you out here at this hour. Are you okay?” said the nice young man. “Yes. Yes I am, thank you.” As Jane turned to face him, she could see he was biting back a smile. Of Course, her beauty matched the appeal of a model’s. Her midnight black, Straight, disheveled hair, piercing blue eyes, her beautiful sensitive smile, made her a goddess of the night. She admired his attraction greatly, but couldn’t sustain a single glance at his steady beating pulse. She licked her lips instinctively, “I can’t help but notice how handsome you are. Would you be as kind as to tell me your name, Sweetie?” She noticed his heart beat quicken with every breath she took. She did not wish to hurt him, but she was curious of what he tasted like.

         “Of course, my name is Victor. You can call me Vic though,” He winked at her, “What brings you to this dry wasteland at this hour? I’m sure a woman of your elegancy, would be at home with her family.” Quickly she redirected her eyes towards the flourished green grass, “I have no family…” This confession broke his heart. He stepped towards her, hoping she would accept his embrace. Instead, she backed away. The temptation was too much of a risk. She felt as though she should keep her distance from this man. She forced her body to turn around and walk away into the cold, dark night. “I must go.” 

         She arrived at her new home in Dallas, a tiny apartment, cramped with little furniture. There was no need for food, for she did not eat. The bathroom was big enough for her petite, slender figure; her bedroom was filled with her parent’s gifts to her. How she once cherished her parents very much. The death of them sent her on a feeding frenzy. Until this day, she can still hear the silent cries of her dying parents. As her blood began to boil, she decided it wasn’t the time to reminisce her past hardships. She swallowed and flinched in pain. Her vision began to blur, and her throat ached from the lack of crimson moisture. After her transition, her hunger was uncontrollable. She took many innocent lives, and never once feeling a bit remorseful. Recently though, she couldn’t keep as much as a few sips down. She decided it was time to end this starvation. Tonight, she will head into the city in search of her next meal.

         As soon as night had arrived, Jane abruptly got dressed. The thirst was unbearable. During her slumber, she had considered many times of breaking into a blood bank instead. Of course she hadn’t given into the thought because she loved the fresh, warm sensation on her tongue as she drained her now soulless victim. The mental image made her mouth water with anxiety. She laced up her boots, Buttoned up her trench coat, and was out the door a few moments later. She inhaled the humid, summer winds. She thought of a few days ago, when that man had confronted her. He smelled of tender, beautiful, spices. “No! I must not think of this man. I have a necessity to attend to.” She sighed as she dematerialized into the city.

         As she walked into the Dark Shadow club, she held her breath as the repulsive smell of intoxication and sweat, became quite an irritant to her tender nostrils. Her nostrils flared as she caught the scent of her mysterious friend, Victor. Her heart raced, and all of a sudden, she was overjoyed that he was here. She found him leaning along the edges of the bar sipping at his glass of beer. Should she care to join him? She didn’t give it much thought. Her body reacted and before she realized it, she was asking the bar tender, “One Bloody Mary please.” Although she never drank much, it had occurred to her that she must seem interested in the alcohol and not very much to her much liked acquaintance. Victor glanced over his shoulder to see her seated all by herself in the tight waisted summer dress that Jane had seemed to be hiding under the trench coat. He stalked over to her, “It’s on me tonight,” said the angelic voice that came from his beautiful throat. The bartender nodded in envy, even though, if given the chance, he might’ve done the same. “If I recall, I’ve never got to ask of your name the other day.” His voice was like a static lullaby to her. She almost felt as though she was in a trance-like state. “Forgive me. My name is Jane.” Her throat was so dry it hurt to even speak. “What a beautiful name that is, Jane. You seem pale. Are you alright?” said Victor. She felt light headed. Soon, all she saw was darkness.


         “Jane! Jane! Can you hear me?” said a sensual deep toned voice. Her eyes slowly fluttered open. A headache bloomed mid-center of her head, her throat ever anxious throbbing to his heartbeat. She realized he had taken her to a special room located in the clubs secret chambers. Her stare, never once wavering from his pulse. She wished it hadn’t come down to this, but it must be done. She swore softly as she pushed her weight onto her elbows and gripped his shoulders. He inclined his neck towards her, as if already knowing what she needed. She kissed the nape of his neck and bit softly. As she drew blood, he cried out in pain but didn’t pull back. She felt his fear, and she couldn’t take it. She released her hold on him and stared into his face. His expression was first of fear, then transformed into passion. He admired her? After what she had done? Confused, Jane asked, “Why are you not running away in fear? I am very much capable of bleeding you dry, yet you sit here awaiting my next move!” she stood and was ready to dematerialize until she felt his arms wrap around her. “I don’t care what you are. From the day I first met you, nothing else was thought of. You were the center of my thoughts.” He whispered softly near her ear. She liked the feel of his embrace.

         “You are not fearful of me because I am a vampire? I’ve taking many lives for my selfish needs yet you won’t recoil.” He continued to hold onto her. She felt as though she could take on the world. Suddenly, a rush of joy swam over her. “I can keep your blood down! It has been so long since I’ve had a decent meal,” She said with a smile. His face softened at her confession, but it was clear to him that something still bothered her. True, she was trying to hide her past, but he can see right through her. That’s what made him like no other she’s ever met.  “Ah, you can see my pained eyes I’m assuming. When I was younger, you see, my parents had passed and with their death came the deaths of many others. I’ve been told someone had murdered them.” He released his grip on her, and spun her around to face him, and stared deeply into her eyes, “What they never once told me was that I was responsible for their death…” She had finally confessed and she broke down from all of the emotions. She thought she could never confront this pain she had tried to so long to hide. Being here with him gave her that strength she needed.

         “I’m so sorry Jane,” He took out his handkerchief and wiped away at her tear stained cheeks, “I would never know how that would feel, but you had no control, sweetheart. It wasn’t you who murdered them. It was your craving that drove you to insanity.” Jane felt reassured talking with Victor. She felt that she could trust him with her whole life story, and not be ashamed about it. She felt… loved. “Victor, you have been very nice with me and I am very much grateful,” she leaned and kissed him softly on his lips, “I’m glad I met you.” She got to her feet and began to compose herself. “I am too, oh lovely Jane. My feelings for you are swelling inside. I am not afraid of what you crave, and I shall never be.” He said passionately.

         They gathered up their belongings and were headed to the parking lot, hand in hand. She realized he didn’t know of her ability to dematerialize anywhere her heart desired, therefore needing a car for transportation. She gave a quick glance to the full moon that lit up this most perfect night, “Isn’t it beautiful? The moon dances with the light all night long, yet, never is afraid of its identity. The stars as well feel as normal with the moon as water with the earth. It is moments like these that I’ve longed to see with someone as understanding as you, Victor.” She smiled so brightly, and decided, he’s the only person that see’s her like no other. Treats her with the care he would treat something in his possession. She was his.

As he crossed over to the passenger door, he kissed her cheek gently and opened the door. She slid in like she belonged with him. He liked the idea of nights like these, possibly forever. He closed her door and got into the driver’s side of his Audi Coupe. He hoped she would be impressed to see that he was indeed, financially better off than others. He figured she barely noticed it all. Although, Jane thought the car looked absolutely stunning! As Victor put the car in drive, she reached for his hand that was lightly resting on the stick shift. Their fingers intertwined and he gave her a quick smile. That smile had her melting in her seat. How she wished she could spend the rest of her life with this man. If it even was possible. That, she didn’t know, but will soon find out when the time was right. She hoped they could drive into the midnight’s everlasting beauty forever.

© Copyright 2011 Yomi (insidejen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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