Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1743889-Dragon-Rebellion-Ch2
Rated: E · Draft · Young Adult · #1743889
Johnny finds a house in the forrest and finds himself going down down an odd staircase.
know that every other word is mispelled
i know this has nothing to do with dragons(but it will in later chapter)
But i dont know how intrested people would be in reading it
I know that begginings are the most important part
so read the first chapter(please) if you havent
This part is a bit confusing but it clears up in other chapters..which are coming soon

Any advice would be appreciatedd

Chapter 2:An Odd Case of Stairs
    Supprisingly the door did not shut behind him, it was still wide open when Johnny started walking down the steps. He expected it to close after seeing there was no celing. But he was much to tired to go back up the stairs to shut it. So he dragged himself down the stairs one step at a time. The walls had all sorts of entertaining drawings and wonderful carvings on them. Many symbols and swrils were carved into  marble white walls and the stairs were the same blue wood as all the doors.
         As he took each step the wood let out a soft crack. As Johnny went farther down the stairs he began to wonder how far the stairs went. After about five minutes(Johnny's guess) he could not see the light from the door, however, he could very well see the strange light that had been following him since he left Blackpool. He had not thought much about anything since steping into the small forrest infact he felt as though he were dreaming. He knew that he wasnt but he had the strange feeling that he was being pushed to go down the stairs.
         And at about ten minutes from entering the door Johnny began to think about the things he was doing. And all at once it came to him the stair case was not ending and also how odd it was that when he looked up he could make out a few stars. And at about eleven minutes he noticed that the strange light was growing brighter and that more and more stars were being added to the sky. The wonderful thing about this was  that the stars did not just appear but it seemed as if they were being created right before Johnny's eyes.Each time a star was born there was a bright flash then blackness followed by the sudden birth of a star.          Johnny kept walking down the stairs but admired the handicraft of the walls and stairs(a very difficult thing to do, but Johnny became quite good at going down stairs now). He noticed that the walls had to end at some point because he could see a very wide portion of the sky. He also thought that it must have taken years to carve all the symbols on the wall, and of course even longer to make the staircase itself. Then he beagan to think of who put this here and where did it go. Certainly nowhere near the center of the planet because the tempature was not rising nor droping(Johnny knew that tempeture was diffrent towards the center of the earth).
         Johnny walked down the stairs for a good thirty minuets before he realized he was not tired anymore, he was actually full of energy(which he needed to get down thosse stairs).It was about this time that began to think of all the strange things that happened to him in the past hour. Everything was quite odd and yet he felt as if he was doing something natural. Like everyone did this, or maybe only he had done it before. He looked at the sky and saw even more stange things happen there.
         First of all Johnny had to stop walking down because he was caught in amazement and secondly all of the thoughts that he begun unfourtunetly had to come to an end. All of the stars began to fall from sky. Not all at once of course but it did happen quickly. When the first star fell two more followed it. Four stars followed them and eight followed thosse, Johnny did not know much math but he knew there was somekind of pattern to be found in that.
         Now Johnny did not look to see where the first few stars were falling too but after a hundred or so he followed a group of stars with his eyes and traced them to the floor that was right in front of him. Before Johnny could see any farther the stars, which were not stars at all, began to form a wall in front of him. Once all of the little lights had fallen he saw a large bright rock rise from the otherside, it looked very much like the moon. It rose higher and higher into the sky untill it had the appearance of falling towards Johnny. Then he realized it was falling towards him but when it got close it seemed to be smaller than what he remebered. It came to the wall that the lights made and formed a knob on it.
         "The wall had just become a door, how stange, how very strange."Johnny thought.  He once again thought of the many strange things he had done recently. "One or two more stange things couldnt hurt." He then streched out his arm and touched the door knob. It twisted to the left wich made it seem as if he was not opening something but locking it. But the door opened and Johnny steped inside.
         When he closed the door the strange light that had been following him for quite some time dissapeared. Johnny found himself standing in darkness. He could not see anything and usually when someone is in compete darkness you can make out the outline of your hands but Johnny was standing is such a place he saw no outline. Then for the first time in the hour Johnny felt an unfamillier emotion. He was very afriad.
         At once Johnny turned around and reached for the door. Of course he couldnt find it so he then decided to walk on a few steps. He was very careful and held out an arm so as not to hit a wall and he dragged his foot so as not to fall off a cliff. This went on for at least a minute until Johnny gave out a heavy sigh. Then in reaction to this sudden noise a voice spoke and it seemed to be speaking right into his ear. At first Johnny could not make out what the voice was telling him but he did notice that the voice must have been the voice of a ver kind young woman,  "Hello."It, or She(or he..)said. This startled Johnny and all at once he became very aware of his surroundings, mainly of himself and the voice.
         "Hello.." The voice said, slightly impatent this time it repeated itself."Hello" It was the third time the voice said hello that Johnny remembered he knew how to speak also."Hello," Johnny said slowly "sorry about my rudeness this is all very strange to me." Johnny explained, of corse with many sttuders and such, much like one would talk if confronted with a love that was lost. The voice must have quite good at interpetting such speech because the next thing that came out of its...mouth(?)..sounded the exact same and was sprinkled with skips and shy whispers. "How is it you came to this place, I can see no door behind you and you obviously did not come from outside because i can tell by the way you walk," The voice continued in a very matter of fact way and Johnny sensed even a little delight."You can not see."
         Johnny did pause and carefully considered the many things he could say."Can you see in here?" While Johnny had taken his time with his words the voice knew exactly what to say immediatlly. "Yes," Then it laughed and Johnny felt ashamed for a moment until the voice continued"I can, but there are many who cant. Only thosse meant for this place can see it and thosse meant to leave cannot see anything here." Johnny thought again and the voice chuckeled "Well that is quite foolish, thosse meant to stay can see the way out and thosse meant to leave cannot. How is it that I can leave this place if i can not see?" Johnny tried very hard to be as polite as he could be he had a feeling that he was speaking to some great being. "I can see because I will not open my eyes," Johnny shut his eyes but still saw nothing. " However I can let you out of here, but I do not know why you would want to leave.You've been here for so long"
         Johnny opened his eyes and realized thst he certaily had lost track of time. He knew he had spent an hour in the odd stair case. Then he opened the door and walked around for..well Johnny could not remember how long. Then the voice called him for the first time, how long was it till it called a second? Johnny didn't remeber it could not have been longer than a few minutes, or maybe an hour."Invisible Voice," Johnny cried out the name he gave the voice. "Please tell me how long have I been in this darkness." The voice laughed and somewhere mid-chuckel the voice may have changed to sound to be more masculine than before but Johnny was preoccupied and did not notice.
         "Child you have been here long enough, you do not understand what I have done and you absolutely do not understand what you yourself have done here. I can tell by your voice that you are quite tired and weak from your journey. We will meet again. Infact we already have." Johnny saw two lights begin to glow in the air. They were positioned right where the voice must have been coming from. It happened in less than a second and Johnny was very conused from the voice's cryptic speech. The two lights flared and gleamed and the light was extraordinary, however it was nothing like the strange light that led Johnny to that place.That light was something special and this light was simply very bright.
         He could not see and was blinded by the light and so he did not move. He cried out again."How long have I been here? Why I am here? When will we see each other and what will happen? Why is your light so bright?"
         The voice gave another laugh and said in soft whisper. "Child I cannot tell you." Johnny was begging to understand a little more of the voice's charater and decided to test it, which looking back may not have been the smartest thing to do."Is it because you do not know anything exacpet what you were told. I belive that you are just as confused as I am, if not more." The voice took some time like Johnny had and it was growing impatient with Johnny. Then the voice became very low and deep, this time Johnny managed to tell the diffrence "You are a fool to test one such as me. I have been here for a very long time and I have great power. You, boy have been here forever. I know all things." Johnny knew this was a lie and tested the voice once more.
         "If I have been here forever then there must have been a time when you were'nt here." The voice replied immediatly. "You are right, stupid one. But we shall talk no more about me and my origins. All that you should know is that I have more power than anyone of your Queens and Kings. You would only have to bow before me and you could see just fine." At this point the voice was sounding much like a frusstrated father and it exited Johnny that he could get under its skin.However Johnny was suprissed, and annoyed, by the fact that the voice wanted him to bow to something he could not see.The voice did not stop to let Johnny think any longer and it continued on its angry tirade."I know all things, more than anyone anywhere. I have power that you do not understand and you you will not leave. All I have said was simply to trick you so that I could bring to this place, which is where I want you." The voices speech was becomming quite impropper(which only confused Johnny even more) "But I have not moved from this spot since you first called me." The voice sighed and said angrly "And who is to say that isnt where I want you to be. If you stay there then obviously you cannot leave and therefore I have won all things with my brilliant power and you have no choice but to stay and follow me."
         It did make some sense but Johnny did not know why the voice was so afraid of him leaveing.And while Johnny thought he was begging to understand the voice shut off all the lights as Johnny blinked(a nasty tick indeed). "I am tired of your trickery....voice. Show what you are so that I can call you by the proper name and not just voice." The voice chuckled as if delighted by the idea that it had no form but that it was just a voice."But I am not tricking you, everything I have told you is the truth. Youve been walking for such a long time. You must be very very tired." The voice was now down to a very deep primal growl."Your eyes must be playing tricks because no one can see voices but me.And i have decided that we will not meet again instead I will simply devour you. If only you had praised my wisdom of all things, you could have stayed here and you would have seen with your eyes closed."
         Johnny was actually quite happy that he did not have to spen much more time with the confusing voice. He was rubbing his eyes because the light had left pain and strange spots in his eyes."You will die very soon. And we will meet again." Then Johnny felt a strange feeling inside of him and it was much like the tiredness he felt when he was going down the stairs. He must of forgotten about his weakness when trying to sort out the voice's poor explanation of the strange things happening to Johnny. And so all the tiredness returned at once and Johnny forgot about the voice(which was easy because he couldn't see it). He laid down and closed his eyes and feel asleep. Then almost immeditly after he was awakened by the feeling of a chilled brezze
         When Johnny woke up and the first thing he noticed(besides the cold) was that it was easier to breathe.
         He lifted his head then he sat on the hay stack he was asleep on. He looked at his surroundings. He was in a dark room(but this time he could see). The hay that he was on was across from a doorway. The the corner there was two long pieces of wood and in the other corner there was a rose bush growing from the crack. There was also a window and Johnny stood up to go look through it. He could not see much because it was dark but he was able too see that there were many stars. More than he had every seen in one place in his life. He went to go through the door and when he steped through he was greeted by another cold wind. It blew so hard Johnny had to close his eyes
         Out of fear of falling off some cliff Johnny decided to lay back down and go to sleep. Obviously this was just dream.
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