Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1743672-A-Unique-Personal-Life-Ex-Lovers
Rated: 18+ · Prose · Adult · #1743672
I have not met anyone who shares these circumstances. Which is my reason for writing this.
I Would like to open this story with a description of the main persons involved:

First: There is Me, Gil. I will be the character who's eyes you see the story through, but the perspectives of others will also be infused.
Second: Candice, My current girlfriend, who was opened up to a world of ex-lovers and informal gatherings that showed a different side of relationships.
Third: Zoe, An Ex-Girlfriend of mine.
Fourth: Sophie, Ex-Girlfriend #2.
Fifth: Sara: Ex-Girlfriend #3.
Sixth: Johnny, Zoe's Current Love Interest.
Seventh: Christopher, Sophie's Current Love Interest.
Eigth: Reggie, Sara's Current Love Interest.
Ninth: Michael, My Best Friend.
Tenth: Arielle, Candice's Best Friend.

Chapter 1: Perparing for the Party

It was a Friday night, and Candice and I were going to a party at my friend Michael's home. Mike was a young man, only 21, but has made a great deal of money as a musical artist. The majority of his fanbase is in Europe, as many Americans don't have a taste for his kind of music. I was sitting in the kitchen wearing my outfit that makes me look like a walking Tommy Bahama billboard. I was wearing a Tommy Bahama shirt, not a hawaiian shirt, but a black and white button up shirt. My jeans were also a product of Tommy Bahama, a darker denim, the jeans weren't tight, but they weren't baggy either, I had found the perfect in-between. I was wearing Jordan Air Force Sneakers, they were my everyday shoes. I couldn't go without one piece of fancy wear. This gap was filled by my Blue faced Mavado watch, which I bought strictly because it had no numbers or marks, except one large silver circle at the top to mark the 12th hour, and the hands of course. There was no seconds hand on this watch, which only added to the appeal of it for me. I wore my hair in my conventional style, which was parted down the middle. My hair comes down to my shoulders, which is longer than usual for a man, but I really do like my hair this way, and society has never gotten in my way before, so why should it now? I was at the kitchen table with the TV on, watching sportscenter, listening to trade talks about Carmello Anthony, who played power forward for the Denver Nuggets, he had been on the trade block for months, but no team would pull the trigger on him. I was hoping that all the trade talk would break down and he would come to the Wizards. I'm not a Wizards fan, but if Carmello came to the team I would become a fan, because Carmello is originally from Baltimore. Listen to me droning on about sports in this story, apologies, back to the important topics. Candice came down ready to leave, she looked amazing, not dressed up fancy, but still awe inspiring. She had on her pair of seven jeans that I got her for her birthday the month before, and a pair of red Puma sneakers. I think she wore those for me, because she knows I despise heels on women. She had on a black tanktop, with her favorite purple bra on underneath, she showed me. She considers it her lucky bra, which is why she wears it when she goes to meet new people. She wore the necklace I had gotten her for Christmas as well, it had a diamond Ravenhead pendant attached to a silver chain, she loved it, and she knew that the Ravenhead logo was the ultimate gesture from me that I loved her. A Ravenhead by the way is the official logo of the Baltimore Ravens NFL team, and being such a huge ravens fan, putting her and the ravens together was proof to her that she was the most important thing in my life. Candice wore makeup as well, but didn't overdo it, as this wasn't a ballroom affair. She put on her North Face jacket as we walked out the door, as it was a little chilly that evening. We got into my car, which is a 2008 Cheverolet Tahoe SUV, and started off. We reached what was approximately the halfway point of the ride to Michael's, which is when I decided to break some news to Candice.

"I just wanted to tell you that three of my ex-girlfriends are gonna be at Mike's."

Candice was surprised, not stunned, thankfully for me, but surprised. She was aware that I kept in contact with some of my former girlfriends, she even knew that I still had feelings for all of them, not strong feelings, but feelings. She responded after about four seconds.

"Okay, I guess I'll finally get to meet them."

"You're going to love them, they're all a lot like you." I said.

"Why are they all like me?" she responded, with a wondering tone in her voice.

"Well, I only like one type of woman, so wouldn't it make sense that they would all be similar? They are all friends as well, and all their boyfriends are really cool guys too." I said that with the intent to try to lighten the mood, but the way Candice responded to me proved that the mood didn't really need any lightening.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they're cool chicks. I think we'll all get along great."

I was relieved, but I didn't know that the conversation wasn't over, I thought it was until Candice spoke up.

"When you say the same do you mean in terms of personality and interests, or what we look like?"

"I mean in terms of interests, I can't say you all have identical personalities, and you all look very different." I said.

"Oh, because when you said we were all similar I thought I was going to see a bunch of tall, green eyed, redheads who like football." Candice said while laughing. All I could do was laugh with her. She turned on the CD I had in the car at the time and the conversation came to a halt.

Chapter 2: The Party

We arrived at the door of Mike's house and knocked firmly. Who else would answer it but Mike himself? He hugged me as it had been a while since we had seen each other, then he invited us in. He introduced himself to Candice as this was their first time meeting.

"Candice, right?"

"Yeah, that's me."

"It is awesome to finally meet the girl that my buddy here has talked so much about. Now if you don't mind I have some more people to greet, Gil you know where the bar is. I'll be back to see you lovebirds in a bit." Mike left after that short yet charming speech. Candice and I found our way to the bar, I stuck with my usual drink of choice, which was Southern Comfort on the rocks, Candice went for a Coors Light. We started walking around the massive structure that Michael called home. We met and interesting couple by the names of Frankie and Diane. Frankie was a stockbroker and Diane was a stay at home mom. The conversation was short and not worth mentioning, just because Candice and I want kids in the future doesn't mean that we want to take 50 minutes to hear all about yours and how good they are at math. After about a two minute period of walking around, I spotted a very familiar young lady. It was Zoe, my ex-girlfriend with her boyfriend Johnny. I tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around and she greeted me with much more enthusiasm than I thought she would.

"Wow, hey Gil, its real good to see you! Is this the one that gives better head than I do?" Zoe said that all while laughing, which everyone else did as well.

"Zoe, this is Candice. Candice, this is Zoe." I said, trying to be a gentleman.

"It's nice to finally meet you." Candice said.

"Same here. You see Johnny, didn't I tell you he would go after a redhead?" Zoe said this as she turned to her significant other.

"Yeah, you mentioned that a few times. Hey Gil, why don't we leave these ladies alone, let them get to know each other?" Johnny said.

"Alright, its all good." I replied. Johnny and I found our way back to the bar, while the ladies where standing by Michael's fireplace as they talked.

"Where did he find you Candice?" Zoe asked.

"We went to film camp a couple years ago. Then we ran into each other in a best buy, I guess it was kinda cheesy." Candice says while laughing towards the end.

"No, not at all, I met Gil on the football team."

"You we're a cheerleader?"

"No, I said, I met him on the team."

"You played? Football? With the boys?!" Candice asked, almost frantically.

"Yeah, I was the Quarterback. I used to have one hell of an arm. Now I'm just one hell of a drinker." Zoe followed that statement with a torrent of laughing, which Candice followed suit on.

"The guys weren't embarrassed to have a female quarterback?" Candice inquired.

"No, the fact that our offense worked pretty well helped my cause."

"How long were you guys together?"

"Almost 8 months. For the entire football season and some time afterwards."

"Do you know what sealed the deal for you?"

"Gil loved the fact that I was confident in myself."

"What do you mean?"

"I wasn't afraid to change clothes in front of all the guys, it only bothered them for the first day, then they got over it."


"Gil tells me you're a field hockey player?"

"Yeah, I'm hoping I can play in college too."

"Good luck with that."


Johnny and I were sitting by the bar, talking it up about the Ravens, and what we expected the Orioles to do this season, then I was interrupted but yet another one of my ex-girlfriends. It was Sophie, who I dated after I transferred high schools. Sophie was another redhead woman, she wasn't too much of an athlete, like the women I normally dated, but she had a killer attitude. Sophie could take anything in stride, which is why I admired her so. She was there with her boyfriend Chris, who was kind of like me, and I got along with him just fine. Sophie looked wonderful, simply wonderful. She was wearing this blue sundress that complimented her body so perfectly. She had on a pair of black heels, who cares what fashion designer made them, she pulled them off, very well. She greeted me with a hug, as I kept in contact with her, but hadn't seen her in person for quite some time.

"Gil! It's so nice to see you. Johnny, always a pleasure."

"Likewise Sophie, I'm gonna go find Mike, compliment him on this ridiculous house he's got, always good talkin to ya Gil." Johnny said. Johnny walked away, which left me alone to Sophie's devices, not that I was worried or that this was at all a bad thing.

"How haaave you been?" She asked me very intently.

"I'm doing well, the radio show is taking off."

"I know, I listen to you every night, you always sound great, much better than those sportscenter jack offs."

"Well thank you Sophie. I'm happy to know that I have one up on Stuart Scott." This was the moment when Chris walked up, and then noticed me.

"Gil! What's up man? Haven't seen you since week 4."

"I'm doing good Chris, just talking to your girl here."

"I see that, don't make me beat your ass again."

"Don't worry I learned my lesson." We both laughed at the exchange, realize none of what we said was actually going to occur. We were probably just satisfied that we could still make jokes like that, its not everyday you can have a good time with the guy dating your ex. Sophie then excused herself properly.

"I have to go meet your girl, she's the one talking to Zoe over there, right?"

"Yeah, that's her, her name is Candice."

"Don't go too hard on him babe." Sophie said to Chris, planting a small kiss on his cheek as she walked away.

"That's some girl you got there brotha." I complimented to Chris.

"You should know, she was yours first." Chris said.

The conversation between Zoe and Candice was still going on, the topic had switched to me, which wouldn't have bothered me if I was there to hear it. Zoe continued to describe what it was like when she was together with me.

"Is the sex good between you and Gil?"

"Its fantastic."

"He hasn't lost his touch then, he always did know what he was doing."

"I don't know if he's gifted, but the box is wrapped with a bow on it, all they have to do is ship it too him." Candice said, which caused both of them to laugh hysterically. Sophie than came up from behind Zoe and entered herself into the mix. Candice didn't know who she was, but once she saw she was okay with Zoe, it put her a little more at ease.

"What did I miss?" Sophie said in a joking way.

"Sophie! How are you doing?" Zoe said.

"I'm great. I brought Chris with me, he's over there with Gil talking about whatever it is that men talk about. Is this Candice?"

"Yeah, that's me." Candice said with a bit of excitement, she had been anxious to meet my ex-girlfriends, and now she was getting the oppurtunity.

"Gil is a sucker for redheads isn't he?" Sophie said to Zoe.

"He must be, going out with you two." Zoe responded.

"Where did you meet Gil, Candice?" Sophie asked.

"Well, we went to film camp a while back, then we ran into each other at a best buy years afterward, then we started dating, and now we're living together."

"Wow, a classic get together via electronics store." Sophie remarked, laughing.

"Yeah, I guess it was kinda hollywood huh?"

"Nothing wrong with meeting a man at best buy." There was a brief pause, until Candice felt the need to break the silence.

"Gil's told me some stories about you." Candice said to Sophie.

"Don't get her flattered, we'll never hear the end of it." Zoe said.

"Really? What has he told you?" Sophie asked, with a wondering tone in her voice.

"Most of the stories are about what you two did in bed."

"You put up with that?" Sophie asked, surprised.

"What do you mean?" Candice asked back.

"I wouldn't let Chris tell me all about what he used to do in bed with his ex-girlfriends."

"I don't mind it, if you can't be totally open with someone, why be with them?"

"Never thought of it like that." Sophie said, feeling that maybe she wasn't handling her own relationship with her boyfriend in proper fashion.

"Did you two really have sex in the snow?"

"Guilty as charged." Sophie said, with a devilish smile.

"Wasn't it cold?"

"Not with all that passion and adrenaline in the air."

"Wow, might have to run that by him, if it ever snows again that is."

"Zoe has a few crazy stories as well, back from her time together with Gil."

"I've heard a few, I even know her nickname, but I think it might have been weird for one woman to call another blowjob queen." Candice said laughing. Sophie and Zoe followed suit.

"Yeah, that is what he called me, I guess I knew him perfectly, from the waist down." This brought out more laughter from the group. Back across the room, if you want to call it a room, normally indoor areas with this kind of surface area are reffered to as high school gyms. I was still talking to Chris, and they had been joined by Johnny. It wasn't the same kind of conversation that the ladies were having.

"He can't go on the field and make the plays for them, so you can't put all the blame on him." l said.

"Listen, I know he's not on the field, but he has total control of the offense, the playbook and Joe, why not let the players make plays?" Johnny said.

"The players have the oppurtunity to make a play every down, but their not getting it done, and the playcalling is bullshit." Chris said.

"Don't worry you guys will be back next year." Chris contined, following up his comment.

"Easy for you to say, your team is in the playoffs, you towel wavin fuck." l said, laughing.

"Wait, since when were you a Steelers fan?" Johnny asked, sounding confused.

"Since always, Nesquhoning, Pennsylvania, born and raised." Chris replied. On the other side of the off-air version of sportscenter, the ladies were one stronger, raising their numbers to four, adding Sarah, another of my ex's. Sarah was different from the rest of the girls. Sarah was of Asian decent, Korean to be exact. She was also much shorter than the other girls, sporting brown hair with a couple streaks of blonde. She was clad in attire that I would refer to as "Sarah-Wear", she wore shoes that were normally associated with skateboarding, no socks, she never did like them. This was paired with some cargo jeans, with a trademark rip in the back, not high enough to show off any of her wonderfully shaped behind, but certainly on the brink. Sarah also sported a red thong, she always wore them in a fashion were they were visible, she never even told me why, but as far as I'm concerned, that's just how Sarah rolls. Last but not least was her top, a white tanktop, reffered to by some as a "wife-beater", it wasn't long enough to cover her whole torso, it showed off a little midriff, which was well toned, but still had a little flab hanging, which wasn't surprising, I like all my girls to have that. Sarah was also wear somewhere between 3 and 12 wristbands, she always wore those, she was sporting four tonight, two for breast cancer awarness, one for the U.S. Army, and one for something I didn't know about. She was drinking a miller lite, which was typical of her, just one more thing to add-on to her tom-boy attitude.

"Hi Candice, I'm Sarah, proud member of the, I used to date Gil club." Sarah said laughing.

"Hi Sarah, Candice, and this is..."

"Don't worry I know these crazy bitches." Which was followed by laughter from all the girls.

"Are we talking about our days with Gil?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, pleasently reminiscing." Sophie said.

"Have you already been through the sex stories yet?"

"That's where we've been the whole time." Zoe said.

"Candice was telling us which stories Gil has told her about us."

"Really?, Hear anything about me?" Sarah asked.

"I have definetley heard my share about his "little asian lovekitten".

"Ugh, how I miss that, if only that man could split four ways, we would all be very happy women."

"I'm pretty happy with who I got now." Zoe said.

"But it's not like it was with Gil is it?" Sophie asked.

"Now that you mention it, I guess not."

Across the room at Michael's bar were the guys, now up to four, including Reggie, Sarah's current fling. Still going on and on, with "man talk".

"Listen, listen, listen. You can't let somebody like Carr get away." I said.

"If they sign Asomugha, they won't need him." Reggie replied.

"Champ Bailey's out there too, don't forget." Chris added.

"Okay, hold on, first of all Champ isn't gonna happen, and second of all is the secondary we got really all that bad?" Johnny asked.

"It's not bad, but it could be a lot better." Reggie says.

"I think we'll be okay with who we have now, we don't need to spend all that money for Asomugha." Johnny said.

"I don't think Asomugha is an absolute need, but we do need a proven veteran at corner." I say.

"Come on Gil, what do you know?" Johnny asks.

"Tell me what time your sports talk radio show is on Johnny." I reply, and it gets laughter from the entire group.

The ladies are still chatting as well, mostly about me, but also about each other.

"So Candice, how often do you go out on the town with Gil?" Sophie asks.

"We stay at home a lot, but that's what we both prefer, we'd rather watch a game than sit around a bunch of people we don't know."

"You and me both sister." Sarah adds.

"Any of you guys catch that Kentucky, Rutgers game last night?" Zoe asked the group.

"I did, can you believe Rutgers pulled it off?" Sarah asked.

"That game was crazy, that freshman kid, what's his name? Tillman from Rutgers, was 11/11 from three, just wait until he hits his junior stride." Candice adds.

"Rutgers is going to be good in a couple seasons, they've got a real young team, and they've got the 2-3 zone down to perfection." Sophie remarks.

"I don't know about perfection, that weak side seal got to them all night." Zoe states.

"They kept Kentucky out of the paint, how many schools can over the last 20 years have done that successfully?" Sophie asks.

"Well there's..." Sarah starts, but is interrupted by Sophie.

"Duke excluded." Sophie says, adding a last second stipulation to her inquiry.

"Oh, then nobody, execpt Wisconsin last year." Sarah says.

"Whatever happend to them, do they still have that big white guy that can shoot 3's?" Candice asked.

"No, he graduated, and they don't have the talent in their starting five this year, but they have a really good recruiting class coming up." Zoe says.

Unbeknownst to the ladies, all their boyfriends are on their way back across the room with round two on drinks for everybody. When they arrive, the conversation is unfortunatley cut short.

"Hey ladies, round two." Reggie says.

Each boyfriend hands each girlfriend the second round of drinks. A miller lite for Sarah, a Coors light for Candice, a Vodka Cranberry for Zoe, and a glass of Reims champagane for Sophie. The guys got round two for themselves as well, Southern Comfort on the rocks for me, Johnny was sticking with Bud, Reggie got himself a mojito, and Chris was having Guiness.

"Hey guys, Mike has got shots lined up, I'm getting in on it." Reggie said.

"I'm goin with him." Chris added.

"Me three." Johnny said. I stayed with the ladies, and I wanted to see how Candice was handling my ex's.

"You're going easy on her I hope." I said.

"You're acting like you can't trust us Gille." Zoe said in a very poorly, but purposely performed sad voice, with those big brown eyes looking at me.

"I knew she was in good hands with you girls."

"Why have the nicknames stopped G." Sophie asked. G was what Sophie called me when we were together.

"Oooooh, ok, so I'm G again now, or am I Gillie, or is it GK, or maybe I'm Gilbear."

"You'll always be Gilbear to me." Sarah said.

"And you'll always be Gillie to me." Zoe said.

"But he's my GK." Candice added.

"What did you call all of them?" Candice asked me.

"Sarah was my little asian love kitten, kitty for short, Sophie was Soph, and Zoe was Zee." I responded.

"What are you?" Zoe asked Candice.

"I'm Candy. I love it, I think its cute."

"Well I could tell you ladies were in a very intense conversation about whatever it is you women talk about, so I'll get out of your hair."

"No, stay and talk with us for a while." Sarah pleaded.

"I feel like I'm intruding, I insist." I walked away after that, I got seductive looks from all of the females in that circle, except for Candice, because she didn't have to wonder what being with me was like. Three of the ladies, those being Sophie, Zoe and Sarah saw an oppurtunity.

"Candice, could you give us a minute?" Zoe asked.

"Sure no problem." Candice replied, she just went back to her beer and starting looking at the art on the wall, she kept staring at one piece wondering what it was. Then she realized that it was Mike and a woman, having sex in the position that modern culture calls "doggy style". Candice just thought about it for a second, then laughed, realizing that only Mike would put that on his wall. Just as she was about to move on to the next piece, the rest of the ladies returned.

"Hey Candice, we have a proposition for you." Sophie said confidently.

"Alright, whatcha got?" Candice asked.

"You ask her." Sarah said.

"I'll ask her." Zoe said abruptly, trying to cut the other girls off.

"Ask me what?" Candice asked, with a slightly confused tone of voice.

"Will you share him?" Zoe asked.

"Will I share wh..." Candice stopped talking mid sentence. It hit her, there girls all wanted to be with her boyfriend, again. She liked them all just fine, but that was too much, she didn't know what to say.

"Uhmmmmmm." Candice was paralyzed with thousands of thoughts in her head about how this would work out if she said yes, and the other thousands of ways this could work out if she said no.

"We know its a weird place to put you in, but we could definetly make it work, and Gil would be ok with it." Sarah said, with a look on her face that implied that she was begging.

"You all have relationships, what about them?" Candice asked.

"Mine isn't going anywhere, he won't have sex until we're married, which I have nothing against, but I love sex." Zoe said.

"I've been with Chris for 5 months, and the last 4 have been hell, the man lives with his mother, which isn't a problem, but he'll leave a date to go take care of her, and as selfish as it sounds, what do I need to do to get more attention?" Sophie says to give her own version of hell to Candice on a silver platter.

"Reggie doesn't know anything about sports, I get tickets to a baseball game, and the guy wants to go to an art museum, I want to go for a run in the park, he wants to watch sex and the city, I swear he might be gay, its over." Sarah adds, bringing an end to the barrage of reasons why Candice and the three women she met 2 hours ago should all share the same man.

"Can I think about it?" Candice asked.

"Absolutley hunny, you let us know whenever you can." Zoe said. After that all three women walked away drinks in hand. Candice wanted, no needed to sit down, she found a chair, a dark wood chair with a red leather seat, she sat down and just looked forward, not being able to believe what just happened. Several minutes passed, then Candice got up, and came to look for me. She found me, talking to Mike, I had been for about 20 minutes.

"Babe, can I talk to you?" Candice said after tapping me on the shoulder.

"Sure, be back in a minute alright Mike?" I said.

"No big deal." Mike said. Candice brought me to a place where there weren't quite as many people, then made a request of me.

"Can we get out of here? I just need some time without so many people around."

"Sure, why don't you just go out to the car, I'll say bye to Mike, and we'll split." I responded. I went to find Mike, I did, next to a girl wearing next to nothing, with a drink in his hand, and I thought, why didn't I look here before?

"Hey Mike, me and Candice are gonna split, it was a great party." I had to yell because of the combo of music and people.

"No problem, call me man, we gotta hang out sometime."

"Will do, see ya."

"Alright, later."

Chapter 3: Back Home on the Range

I found my way to his front door through the crowd, then went out into his driveway. I saw Candice sitting in the truck, waiting. I got into the truck myself, and started it up, and we started on out way back home, I waited until we were on the highway to speak up.

"Can I ask you what's the matter?"

"Something weird happened to me." Candice said.

"What? Do one too many shots and started to feel weird?" I asked.

"No, not like that, your ex girlfriends did something weird." she said.

"What could they have done?" I asked confused.

"They asked me something." Candice answered.

"What did they ask you?" I asked.

"I'll tell you at home, I don't want to cause an accident."

"Oh shit, ok, I get it." I said. I made sure I didn't say it in a mean way, because I didn't mean it like that. If Candice thought she could cause an accident with that question, I would take her word for it. The ride home was silent, but not uncomfortable. When we finally go there, we went in through the garage, and Candice took off her jacket, then immediatley sat down at the kitchen table, I sat down across from her.

"I'm gonna tell you what they asked me now ok?" Candice said with a concerned look on her face.

"Alright, hit me." I said, trying to be loose for whatever I was about to hear.

"They asked me if I was willing to share you with them." Candice said.

"Woah, really? I didn't see that coming, what did you say?" I asked.

"I told them I needed time to think about it."

"Ok, well, what do you think?" I asked.

"I like them all, they're incredibly nice women, and they're all really really pretty, and we could all live here, and get along, and I wouldn't have a problem with you having sex with them, but the problem is marriage, if we want to get married, you have to leave them hanging."

I was surprised, by the way she said it, and how she didn't change emotion while she said it, I thought she was up for it.

"Does that mean you're willing?" I asked.

"Yeah, it does. Are you?" She asked me back.

"Absolutley.I guess that just means that we won't get married, or if it comes to it, I'll find a way to marry all of you." I said with a laugh, and I got Candice laughing too.

"I'll make the call tommorow, but I got to get some rest." Candice said as she got up, walked over to me, and planted a kiss on my cheek, then she walked into the foyer, and I heard her going upstairs. I just sat there and imagined the possibilities of having four girlfriends at the same time.
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