Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1743662-All-About-My-First-Day
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1743662
This is the sequel to My First Day of School. It tells all about the fun of school!
All About My First Day

My first day of school went just as mommy had said. Boy, was I glad I didn’t stay at home in bed. 

School was a blast! I wish it could last, and last, and last – I can’t wait to see mommy and tell her all about my class.

I can’t wait to tell mommy everything we did, I want to tell her all about my teacher and each and every kid. 

I want to tell her the stories I heard and all about our class pet.
I wanted to tell her all the rules there are, and if broken the trouble you’d get. 

I can’t wait to show her the pictures I drew and all the letters I made.
To teach her the songs we sang, and all the games we played.

I’m so excited to let her know that I wasn’t shy at all,
and that I wasn’t scared when I got picked to lead the class down the hall.

But most of all I want to tell her I’m glad she made me go.
I have a feeling I will learn a lot, there are things I need to know.

When school had ended and the bell had rung, my teacher had the last song sung.

Mommy was waiting for me just outside the door, I knew by the look on her face who, had missed who more. 

She was very happy to see me, and it made me feel a little bad, had all the fun I had today made my mommy sad?

I gave my mommy the biggest of hugs and said,“ I missed you so!” –
she smiled and said, “ I missed you too, how did your day go?”

“Mommy I have to tell you, you were right about school!
Everyone was very nice, and my teacher was really cool. 

She started out the day with a song and a dance. 
She introduced herself then everyone got a chance. 

We played a game to learn the names of everyone in the room,
then she read a story called, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! 

It was really funny, and the class liked it a lot –
then we got a snack to eat, it really hit the spot!

Math was next and we built a tower out of pattern blocks.
We learned all about the number line, and in Science we studied rocks!                   

After that, the bell rang, and it was time to eat.
We lined up in ABC order, got our lunch and took a seat. 

We all ate in the gym and were careful not to make a mess. 
Then the teacher blew her whistle and we went out for recess.

I swung on every swing, and slid down every slide. 
I made a new friend named Isabelle, and we played side by side.

When we came back inside, we drew pictures of ourselves!
We got to use the art supplies that were high upon the shelves. 

I painted and I cut, I colored and used glue.
I tried my best to make a picture I could give to you. 

After working so very hard we hung our pictures up to dry,
and learned a song to help clean up, and boy the time did fly! 

We got to go to gym and music class too,
the day was very busy there was a lot to do!

The teacher read us stories and I learned to tie my shoe,
well actually I’ve still a lot of practicing to do! 
But one day I will be able to tie them just like you! 

We practiced singing our abc’s and how to say each letter,
I know that with a little practice I will get much better. 

We did so much, we played so much I’m sure I seem a little wired –
it maybe best if I lay down, I am a little tired!

“Well that was quite a day you had!  I’m so proud of you,
your growing up so fast, all the things you can do! 

I think that we should celebrate over icecream, what do you say? 
Your Dad is in the car, and can’t wait to hear about your day!

Yes, for ice cream my nap can definantly wait,
I am a big kid now and one day I’ll be eight!

I felt so big, and full of pride that day, walking out the door!
It’s true I’d had my fill today….. but tomorrow, I’d be back for more!
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