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Cardinal Mendoza's Idea and the New Recruit |
Chapter 9 The New Recruit Isabella trusted Cardinal Mendoza. He was a man of great warmth and radiated the Holy Spirit. He was someone you could simply look at and realize he was a genuine disciple of the Beloved Savior. In addition to the aura of his presence there was further evidence in what he said. The Cardinal was no zealot consumed with a hatred for heretics and non-believers. Rather he was a pastor of humble origins with a love for his fellow man so strong that it propelled him, against the current, to ever increasing positions of responsibility. The Queen realized something would have to be done regarding the False Believers. She arranged a meeting with the Cardinal to further discuss the matter. “And what is it that troubles my favorite Sovereign?” he asked. “Last week Ferdinand and I were cornered by Frey Torquemada and Martinez. The matter of the False Conversion was raised again. Personally I’ve yet to see strong evidence of the problem but the question keeps rearing its head and growing like some kind of insidious disease.” “Like you,” he answered, “I've no doubt that there are examples but unless I’m completely out of touch, nothing that appears epidemic.” “I feel compelled to do something," replied Isabella, "lest our Dominican Brothers whip up civil unrest and we have a repeat of the riots that swept the lands half a century ago…” “And what solutions are Torquemada and Martinez advocating?” “They want us to institute the Inquisition, to ferret out the false believers and make them examples.” “...Seems a rather extreme measure. What are your thoughts?” “I’d consider anything short of the Holy Office….Ferdinand and I both agree on that, but for different reasons.” “What does your husband think?” “He doesn’t want to go on a witch hunt where we identify the perpetrators and then have the confiscated revenues flow back to the Vatican. His position is that if Conversos are found to be false, they deserve to be punished and the State should collect their ill-gotten gains.” “I see…and your view?” “I fear the Inquisition would use their powers to manufacture convictions and use the results to further a broader agenda.” “Which is?” “...The eventual expulsion of the Jews and Infidels. That’s where this is all leading and I fear the Dominicans will not rest until they see it done.” “So what we need is a course that stops short of instituting the Holy Office?” “Yes, any ideas?” “I think if we instituted a catechism into our weekly services and required the faithful to recite weekly a statement of renewed faith, that such a proclamation would make clear your strong feelings on the matter.” “Hmmmm.” “We could include it right after the Lord’s Prayer. That would make clear how serious we are.” “I like that….strong action, short of the Inquisition. As a compromise it’ll not satisfy everyone but it is firm showing we take the issue seriously.” **** The Order of the Holy Cross was a Dominican order of Nuns. Like their male counterparts they followed Christ’s injunction of poverty, self-abnegation and ministry to the afflicted. There were two branches, one monastic and the other mendicant. The one more commonly known was the monastic. These were women devoted to a religious life of service who took the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. There was however the lesser known of the two which was the Mendicants who followed a Doctrine of the Greater Good. These were the militants or the zealots, soldiers of God who worked tirelessly to make the Church of Rome the one true faith of Spain. This branch tended to attract the younger women but not exclusively so. To belong to this branch a novitiate had to demonstrate a willingness to defer the vow of chastity for a period of years until her youthfulness and energy made her less useful to the "Causeos." These Mendicant women put on the amour of God, took faith as a buckler and zeal as the sword of righteousness. There was a novitiate named Margareta, an attractive young woman who was summoned one day to the office of Brother Juan. He was in charge of training. She was told to proceed to a small chamber off the fellowship hall. He was seated at a cleric’s desk of the type often used to copy documents. Margareta had just spent two hours in indoctrination listening to the evils posed by false believers. For the past three weeks she had listened to little else in the hours between morning devotionals, lunch and evening vespers. She wondered what Frey Velazquez wanted to see her about. “I’ve heard good reports on you my child,” said the Friar. "Today you face an important decision on remaining in the order and joining the Mendicant Branch. Have you decided?” This came as a bit of a shock because it was not something she wanted to do. Further it did not sound like a decision. Margareta had joined the Convent for the purpose of ministering to the down trodden and had little interest in becoming a Mendicant Sister. “I was hoping to join the Monastics after my orientation was complete,” she answered. “Unfortunately that will not be possible,” the Monk replied “…and why not?” she answered in dismay. “Because of the vow of chastity.“ Her heart froze… {i) How did Brother Juan know about the night she had spent with the Reverend Mother and Father Antonio? {/} “Brother Bernardo informs me you laid with him and the Reverend mother confirms it.” Margareta was dumbfounded. She had only done what they persuaded her to do. “..But they told me, she stammered, "that it was not the same as having laying with an ordinary man….that it represented a joining with the Holy Spirit, a tradition of the Order. That to be worthy I must make a demonstration of faith….Dear God! What are you saying?” “I’m saying that you had sex with a man, knowing it was forbidden. It was a test you failed. Were you not told when you joined the Order that chastity was an absolute and nonnegotiable requirement….The Reverend mother and Frey Bernardo offered you the mildest of injunctions and you chose inappropriately; at least in the sense that your decision disqualifies you, in the short term, from the Monastic Branch." “This is not how they represented it. They insisted it was a sacrifice demonstrating my faith…” “And so it is, to qualify you for Mendicant service….For the Mendicants chastity is not a binding requirement…indeed it is something of an impediment.” “That’s not what brought me to the service of God.” “Perhaps not, but it will keep you in service, should you elect to stay.” “And what will I tell my family should I return home?” “The truth….That you were unchaste and no longer fit for Monastic Service.” “Oh…Dear God….what have I done?” “Is it such a bad thing, becoming a Mendicant? What is ten years after all? After you have completed your service as a Soldier in the Order you will once more be eligible to apply as a Monastic. It’s the path that most novitiates follow; first a Mendicant and then a Monastic.” “And what will be expected of me?” “…Absolute obedience and willingness to suffer your conscience for the greater glory of God. You will take the first two of your vows leaving chastity for the second phase of your service.” “Does that mean what I think it does?” “Why do you quibble….this is the work that God has set before you. Make up your mind….Leave or stay, the choice is yours….If you're not up to the task or think yourself too good to share the sacrifice of the other good sisters, then go home and spare yourself the weight of the cross you're asked to bear.” “…Is this a promise that after ten years I can choose the branch I wish to follow.” “Of course it is.....This is the way of the Order.” “What must I agree to?” “…To become a Fallen Angel; then if you prove worthy, rise through the ranks to Squire, Dame Zealotor and Mother of the Cause.” “Will I be given absolution?” “You were unchaste. For that there’s no absolution. Faced with choice you acted in accordance with your conscience….and acted in faith for the greater glory of God and the church… What you’ll be given is forgiveness. Now make up your mind. Will you accept a Mendicant servitude? She hung her head. “It doesn’t look like I have much choice. “ “You will find this a difficult path, but also one with its own blessings and rewards.” “What happens now?" “The contract must be sealed and witnessed. Get undressed and lay down,” he motioned with his thumb, "on that cot.” Margareta began removing her clothes. Once in her under clothes she went over and sat on the edge of the bed. “Lay back,” he commanded. As she reclined he lifted the hem, "Nice, very nice indeed." I hope he makes quick work or it. "I will show you what to do and you will comply. Do you understand?" "Yes Father." What an evil man She looked over at his erect penis. "Spread your legs." "Yes Father." She turned out her knees. He crawled forward spreading her thighs. The bed creaked. "Smile, this is not nearly as bad as you imagine." Her lips bent into a weak smile. He noted the lack of enthusiasm. "That will have to do for now." He positioned her hips. In anticipation her breathing grew more rapid. Just get it over with. He loomed above, eyes, fixed on the swirl of pubic hairs. I don't believe this is happening. His arm moved, guiding from above his wrist and hand." I believe this goes right here." She stiffened. Forgive me Father... "This isn't your first experience, Quit acting like a virgin." She squirmed to accommodate the entry. "It's only my second time, Father." The the tip wormed into her vagina. What's the matter with you? It's stretching me, I'm not used to it. You'll get over that soon enough. NEVER in this life! In fits and starts it slipped inside her flesh. "There, is that so bad?" It filled her throbbing like a serpent... I'm bitten taken by the snake that tempted Eve. “…Now it's time for the witness.” “…Witness?” At that moment, a voice spoke up from behind. “I’ve come to witness,” said Mother Sanchez, “and to administer the vows.” “What have I done, “Lamented Margareta, her face red with shame? She lay on the cot, legs splayed, Brother Juan mounted and holding her hips. “You've chosen to serve the Order, in obedience to God and without thought to yourself. Is this not the case?" “Yes, Mother Superior.” “Then repeat after me. Do you Margareta swear absolute obedience and devotion to the Mendicant Branch of the Order of the Holy Cross?” "I do." Brother Juan began slowly stroking in and Out… “Do you solemnly swear to obey your superiors, bending your will to the needs of the Order and diligently perform the works that are set before you?” “I will.” He continued a methodical stroke. "That you will keep faith with your sisters and maintain the secrets to which you are entrusted forsaking all personal gain to the very limits of your ability?” “I will.” He paused. “By the power vested in me I appoint you a Mendicant Sister in the Order of the Holy Cross.” The finality of what she had just pledged swept over Margareta and she began to weep. Brother Juan drove deep and she felt the squirt of his seed. “Get off her,” said Consuelo. Looking down at Margareta she continued, “You have much to learn. Go now and wash yourself. " |