Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1743044-Executive-Assistance
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1743044
Sarah hires Kim as her exec. assistant but is surprised at how much assistance Kim gives.
    Sarah Earhart stood staring silently out of the floor-to-ceiling window of her office overlooking 64th Street as snowflakes tumbled softly by, blanketing the downtown area.  She wore melancholy expression, half wishing she was at home, snug in her bed with a good book and a strong cup of tea.  But why bother when there was no one to share it with?

    “Sarah … Sarah?”

    “Hm … I’m sorry, what is it?” Sarah asked, spinning around to face the interloper who had so rudely pulled her from her daydream. “I’m sorry Joan, I was just … just …”

    “No need to explain,” her secretary said, not sure if she should be embarrassed or not.  “I’m sorry to intrude but your 3:00 is here,” she continued.

    “Oh, yes, I had completely forgotten about that. Please send her in.”  Sarah smoothed her suit as she watched Joan turn on her heel and leave, her perky brunette ponytail following her out the door.  She would miss her efficient assistant.  Joan had been with her since she started as Managing Editor at Whitman Books and they were on a first name basis.  Fortunately for Joan, but not so fortunately for Sarah, she and her husband who had being trying to conceive for several years were now expecting. Being a traditional girl, Joan wanted to stay at home and take care of the baby, so now Sarah had to look for a new secretary and the task had become depressing as one after another candidate came and went.  No one, it seemed, could ever measure up to Joan.

      “Good afternoon, Miss Earhart, I’m Kimberly Michaels,” the woman said breezing into the room, self-assured and confident, offering a hand in greeting.  Her appearance took Sarah by surprise; it was not what she had been expecting.  Ms Michaels was maybe in her early 50’s and quite striking. She had long dark russet hair that cascaded in loose waves over her shoulders.  She reminded Sarah of a former model whose age had merely lent character to a classically beautiful face.  She was not dressed for an interview either.  Instead of a conservative suit, she was casually attired in a thick, white cowl necked cashmere sweater, brown wool A-line skirt and dress boots. 

      “Very nice,” she announced off-handedly, glancing around at the sleekly furnished office.  “A Hjertén,” she observed, her alert eyes alighting on a colorful framed abstract painting that hung between two book cases. “You have excellent taste.”  She had also sized up her would be boss.  Very pretty, blonde, her hair pulled back in a loose chignon.  Her off white skirt suit was silk, obviously expensive, and her oh so businesslike d’Orsay pumps – Weitzman. 

    “Yes, thank you, “ Sarah managed to mutter, quite taken aback by the casual, extroverted manner of the woman.  “Um, would you like to sit down,” she asked motioning to the chair in from of her desk.

    “Miss, Earhart, I believe in being direct,” the older woman said, taking a seat.  “I’m sure you think I’m quite brazen, however, I can assure you that once you get to know me, you will find that my talents are invaluable.  I come highly recommended and am a top-notch administrative assistant.  I don’t pick up dry cleaning or order lunch, but I am highly efficient and organized and I can get you a meeting with just about anyone who’s anyone.”

    “How about the pope?” Sarah interjected, somewhat annoyed by the Ms. Michael’s brusqueness, but also intrigued.

    “I’ll have to see if he’s in,” the other woman announced without missing a beat.

    “Well, Ms. Michaels ….”

    “Please, call me Kim, most people do.”

    “Yes, well … Kim, I’ve looked over your resumé and I must admit it’s very impressive, but I have to ask myself why you want to work here.  With your connections and abilities, I think you could work almost anywhere, why here?”

    “Miss Earhart, I’ve done my research, and you have quite a reputation inside the publishing industry.  You are still quite young and have a bright future ahead of you.  As a rather ambitious person myself, I feel I can relate to you.  I would like to see you succeed, and in as far as I can, I would like to be part of that success.”

    “I would like to say that flattery gets you nowhere, but then I would be lying.”

    “Ah, an honest woman, I like that,” Kim replied.

    “So you don’t do dry cleaning and don’t order lunch, I assume you do answer phones and do filing?” Sarah tossed out with a hint of sarcasm.

    “In a pinch,” she smiled, drawing one from the younger woman in return.


    “Ah, Sarah, good you’re still here,” Kim piped up entering the office with a stack of papers.

    It had been three months since Kim Michaels had been hired and she was every bit as good as advertised.  Her ability to cut through red tape and get Sarah the face-to-face meetings she required had boosted Sarah’s career significantly.

    “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were still here,” Sarah replied.  She had been staring out the window again.  “You’ve been working awfully late almost every evening since you started.  You know you don’t have to stay late on my account. I’m sure you have someone at home you could be spending time with.”

    There was an uncomfortable pause, and Sarah wasn’t sure if she had crossed a line.  “No,” Kim replied with a shake of her head.

    “I … I didn’t mean to pry, it’s just that …”

    “No that’s alright,” Kim interrupted. “Let’s just say I haven’t found the right person yet.”

    “I know what you mean,” Sarah replied.  “It seems like I spend my whole life at the office, but some social life would be nice.  But I don’t mean to burden you with my problems.”

    “It’s alright,” Kim said, setting the papers down on Sarah’s desk.  “I guess it’s natural that we should confide in each other, seeing as we spend so much time together. You can trust me, I’m quite discrete.”

    “I’m sure you are,” Sarah replied with a broad smile.

    “Listen, we’re about through here, why don’t you join me for dinner,” Kim invited, raising an eyebrow.  “You do have to eat, you know.”

    “I dunno, I ….” Sarah waffled.

    “Come on, I promise you’ll enjoy it, and we don’t even have to discuss work.”

    “OK,” Sarah caved.  “You’ve persuaded me.”



    “I don’t mean to pry, and you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” Sarah asked chewing on a bite of salad and gesturing with her fork, “but you are an obviously attractive woman, I find it hard to believe you don’t have a husband or boyfriend to go home to.”

      Kim smiled and shook her head. “My last long term relationship didn’t work out. She was much younger than me and don’t think she necessarily knew what she wanted.”

    Sarah almost choked on her salad, but tried not to let her surprise show.  It had never occurred to her that Kim might have a preference for other women.

      Despite her best efforts, Kim was perceptive and caught on right away.  “Don’t look so shocked,” she laughed.  “I’d hate for you to choke on your food.  I mean I dated guys in high school and all, but it was pretty apparent by the time I got to college that I was more into girls than guys.  So how about you, what’s your story?”

    Story?” Sarah cocked her head. “Well there’s not really much of a story. I guess I just never really dated much at all.  I had a boyfriend in high school, like everyone else I guess. Then when I got to college – and after – I just never really was interested enough in anyone to date them.”


    “Yeah, I guess that is sorta weird. I mean I have found certain guys attractive, but I dunno, I just never have wanted to actually go out with them.”

    “Maybe you’re looking in the wrong places.” Kim responded, looking at her pointedly.

    “Oh, I don’t know I’ve been all the places the magazines say you should look, supermarkets, clubs even churches.” She looked questioningly at Kim before she caught on to her meaning.  “Ohh, no I don’t think so.”

    “Come on,” Kim prodded. “I’m not saying you are or aren’t but at least think about this, isn’t there anybody that you’ve ever thought, maybe I could have a relationship with that person?”

    “Well, I don’t … I don’t really know. I’d have to think about it.”

    “Come on,” Kim continued the pressure.  “Anyone?”

    Sarah sighed heavily.  “Well, you know, Joan, she was my secretary before you ….”

    “Really? “ Kim was suddenly very intrigued.  “Well she was sort of attractive in a … matronly sort of way.”  Sarah shot her a look.  “I’m sorry, look, I mean that’s a start.”

    “I mean it’s not like I was hot and bothered for her, but I guess I just felt a bond between us and when she told me she was pregnant, I felt a little jealous, like her husband had stolen her from me.  It’s silly really.”

    “No, it’s not silly. We like who we like.  There are no rules telling you who you can and can’t be attracted to.” Kim felt her boss staring. “What …?”

    “Oh, it’s nothing.”

    “What nothing? Come on, out with it.”

    “Well, I look at you here and wonder how you do it.”

    “Do what,” Kim asked, not catching her meaning.

    “All of it.  You’re so confident and vivacious and beautiful and it all seems so effortless.  I wish I could be like that.”

    Kim took a long sip of wine, peering over the top of the glass the way women do when they want to appear conspiratorial.  “I’ll let you in on a little secret,” she said in a husky whisper.  “You can.”

    “Oh yeah, and just how do I do that.  You saw how terrified I looked when you let on that you were … you know … in a relationship with another woman,” Sarah managed to get the words out with only a bit of stumbling about.

    “Oh, please, it’s perfectly OK to say I’m a lesbian. After all, that’s what I am.”  She put a hand gently on Sarah’s elbow.  It was not at all a sexual touch, but hidden beneath Kim’s undisturbed exterior she was beginning to experience strong feelings for the woman at her side.  “The confidence, the devil may care attitude, the style – if that’s what you want to call it – it all comes naturally when you finally convince yourself that you really don’t give a damn about what anyone else thinks about you.” She paused and took another sip of wine.  “Now, that’s not to say that you become undiplomatic.  Lord knows, I’ve kissed enough asses in my time and it’s part of my job, but when the day is done, I realize that whatever those people’s perceptions of me are, it doesn’t matter one whit.  I go home and cook my dinner and watch a little TV, or read or whatever, it doesn’t affect my life one little bit.  If people hate me for who I am or what I do, does it affect how I live my life?  No. I have my friends who like me just the way I am, and I’m fine with that.  It’s like the day you hired me.  I’m not the pinstripe suit type of gal; I wear what makes me comfortable and what I think looks good on me.”

    “Well, you always do look beautiful,” Sarah said impulsively, and instantly wished she could take it back.  Her affection for the older woman was clear, but she didn’t want to give her the wrong idea.

    “Listen, I know it’s getting late, but I thought maybe we could go back to my place and continue this.”  Kim caught a glimpse of suspicion in Sarah’s eye, causing her to burst out laughing.  “Honey, it’s alright, I’m just suggesting we could continue our conversation.  It’s been a long time since I’ve had the opportunity to just engage in girl talk, you know.  It’s not like I’m going to rape you on my sofa.”

      “I’m sorry,” Sarah responded, breaking into a slight giggle of her own.  “I suppose I’m not very good at this. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I don’t really have any close friends. Girl talk is kind of an alien concept to me.”

      “Surely you’ve had girl friends in the past that you talked to?”

      “Well, of course,” Sarah responded defensively. “Back when I was in school, I had my group of friends, and we talked about boys and all that, but it’s just been a while.”

      “Then you’re long overdue,” Kim replied, handing her credit card to the waiter who had just returned with the bill.


    “…well, of course, I went on dates and all in high school,” Kim was saying, sitting side-by-side on the sofa with Sarah, “but I always considered them friends, you know, not like boyfriends. I slept with a few of them, of course, and found out I really liked sex; but I wasn’t really sexually attracted to them like I was to other girls. It wasn’t until I got to college that I had the opportunity to experiment with girls, and after that I guess you could say I was hooked.  God, how many did I sleep with in college.  I have to admit I was a bit of a slut in college,” she laughed at herself.  “It was weird because all the girls were looking for a relationship and I was just out to have fun, I was such a guy.”

      Kim had her shoes off, her bare feet tucked up under her thighs, she was totally at ease.  Sarah had been uncomfortable at first, but she had allowed herself to relax a bit and open up.

    “Oh, God my first. Jesus, what an experience,” Kim murmured, her thoughts far away.

    “Do tell,” Kim face broke into a devious smile, dancing eyes peering out from squinted lids.

    “Oh, I don’t know ….”

    “Come on now, you can’t leave us hanging.  You started it.”

    “Well,” Sarah started, licking her lips. “I was only 14 at the time ….”

    “I’m liking this already,” the older woman interrupted.

    “Shhh! “ Sarah shushed her.  “Like I said I was 14 and I told my mom I was going to the library to study one afternoon with this guy we had grown up with named Bobby Balew. I’m not kidding that was his real name. Anyway, Bobby was sorta cute and I knew he liked me.  Well, let’s just say we never made it to the library.”

    “Oh no, young lady, you’re not going to get away with it that easily, you have to give details,” Kim protested, swatting playfully at Sarah’s thighs. Sarah blocked the blows and put up a spirited resistance as Kim tried in vain to get a few taps in, eventually using her body as leverage to gain an advantage. Eventually the two ended up in a rather awkward position with Kim perch almost directly atop her boss. It suddenly went deathly quiet as Sarah looked up at Kim, sensing from her intense gaze that this juxtaposition had not been entirely unintentional.  Instinctively Sarah’s eyes were drawn to Kim’s chest, still heaving from the battle, her heavy breasts pressed tightly against the cotton fabric of her blouse, a thin sheen of sweat glistening from her cleavage.  At that moment Sarah had never felt such a strong sexual attraction to anyone.

    Kim leaned forward, a big cat ready to pounce.  An elegantly manicured red nail drew an errant strand of hair away from her face as she lowered her own lips to Sarah’s.  She was pleasantly surprised to find the younger woman’s lips to be soft and pliable, and as cliché as it sounded, kissable.  Not at all what she’d expected from a woman who had had, by her own admission, very little practice recently.  Sarah, for her part, was at first taken aback by Kimberly’s bold embrace, but quickly found herself responding despite her initial reluctance.  Kimberly was a natural when it came to kissing, she seemed to know exactly what she was doing, their tongues seemed to be in perfect synch, tasting, exploring, probing. It was only a few moments, but it seemed like an eternity when Kimberly broke off the embrace. “Wait here,” she whispered, leaving Sarah alone on the couch as she disappeared into her bedroom. 

    She emerged shortly wearing a comfortable looking, fluffy, white terry cloth robe.  She rejoined Sarah on the couch. “Now as I was saying, you cheated in telling me your little story before.  I want details.”

    Sarah giggled. “I don’t know what to say,” she blushed. 

    “Just tell me exactly what happened,” Kimberly instructed.  “I was all prepared to be turned on by your hot little teenaged tryst, but you let me down.”

    “Come on,” Sarah said. “You can’t be serious.”

    “Oh, but I am serious. You know reliving past experiences … sexual experiences, that is … can be extremely erotic … and revealing.”

    Sarah sighed deeply before giving up, and giving in. “Where should I start?”

    “The beginning is always a good place,” Kimberly replied leaning back and getting comfortable.

    “Well, like I said, I was 14 and I was a freshman in high school and I had known Bobby since we were little.  He was 16 at the time, so two years older.  He had just gotten his license and one day after school he suggested we go down to the library and study.  Now I liked Bobby, but we had never gone out or anything, he hadn’t even kissed me at this point.  So, I agreed and we started heading toward the library but then he said he wanted to show me something first.  So we turned off onto this little dirt road that went pretty far back in the woods by where we used to live. I felt perfectly safe, because, after all, I had grown up with Bobby and I knew he wouldn't  do anything to hurt me.  After a while the road came to an end and he got out and motioned me to follow him. So we walked back in the woods a little way until we came to a clearing and there was this little house, like a little gingerbread house, and it looked like it had been there forever.  It was pretty beat up by the weather and time, but other than that it was in pretty good condition.  I thought someone must’ve lived there, but Bobby said he had come here a bunch of times and no one lived there. So we went inside and it was completely untouched, like the owner had just picked up and left one day.  I was amazed that no one had come across it before. So, we kind of explored the place. It was really small, so there wasn’t much to see.  Then Bobby said that he brought me there because he had always thought I was cute and wanted to ask me to the Christmas dance but he didn’t want to be around anybody in case I turned him down.  He was a junior and said that it would be embarrassing if he got turned down by a freshman.  Well, of course, I was totally flattered, because I always thought he was really hot, and now here he was a junior asking me, a little old freshman, to the dance.  So I completely said yes and ran over to him and kissed him, which I guess he didn’t expect, because he turned every shade of red.”

    “So what did this Bobby look like,” Kimberly interrupted.

    “Longish blonde hair, tall, muscular, a total jock, but smart too, not what you’d expect from a football player.  You think of the most popular boy at your school, that was him.”

    “Sounds adorable,” she responded.

    “Oh, he was.  So, anyway when we got back to his truck …,” Sarah paused as if embarrassed to continue.

“Go on,” Kim pressed.

“Well, we kissed …”

“Kissed? You’ll have to do better than that.”

“I … I’m not really not very good at this.”

“Perhaps you should … show me.”  With a devious smile Sarah leaned over and her lips met the older woman’s.  She tried to remember exactly how it had happened all those years ago, but then it wasn’t exactly the same.  After all, he had kissed her first.

As if reading her mind Kim reversed the roles, pushing Sarah back onto the cushions, her tongue entering Sarah’s mouth, tentative probing exactly as a young, inexperienced lover would do.  How did she know?

Kim drew away and gazed deeply into her eyes. Suddenly Sarah felt compelled to tell her story, the whole story. She wanted to make Kim as hot as she was feeling now. “… then he started to unbutton my blouse….”  She felt Kim’s long fingers begin to delicately unfasten the buttons of her expensive silk blouse.

    “What were you wearing,” Kim whispered.

    Sarah giggled softly.  “Uh, let’s see. Oh, I remember.  I was wearing a white blouse, cotton of course … uh, a denim skirt … pantyhose ….”

    “Pantyhose?” Kim questioned.

    “Oh, of course,” she said, straightening slightly. “I’m from Southern Arkansas, a young lady wouldn’t go out in a skirt without pantyhose; my mama would have killed me.

    “OK,” Kim laughed.

    “Oh, and these cute little flats.  They were adorable; I remember I wore a hole in the soles of those things.  I’ve been trying to find a pair like them ever since, never have.”  Sarah sunk back down into her semi-submissive position. “Now where were we?  Oh yes … as I said he unbuttoned my blouse, and I remember he didn’t go right for the bra.  He kind of stroked my boobs for a while over my bra.” As she spoke, Kim’s skilled fingers slipped over the lacy fabric of her bra, applying just enough pressure to send tingles through Sarah’s entire body. “It was nice, but I was getting a little impatient.  I mean I didn’t set out to have sex that day, but he got my motor running and I wanted him to finish what he started.”

    “Mmm,” Kim purred seductively.

    Sarah adjusted her position slightly to get more comfortable, sliding further beneath Kim’s dominant position. “Finally he reached around and unfastened my bra,” Sarah continued breathily as she felt her own bra being unhooked.  She wasn’t sure she’d be able to finish with what Kim was doing to her, but she was definitely enjoying it. “His fingers … his fingers kind of caressed my nip … nipples,” she gasped as she felt Kim’s well manicured nails brush the tip of one of her rock hard nipples, then the other. Sarah was trying to maintain her composure, but failing miserably as her body eagerly responded to her new lover’s touch.  “Then … then, he sucked at my breasts,” she half moaned, her body trembling slightly.  She had made that part up, but she wanted Kim to do that to her, so she threw it into her story.  As Kim nibbled at her tits, Sarah, hastened to finish her story.  She had to cum, and had to cum now.

    “I hadn’t even realized it,” Sarah continued, “but by this time, he had one hand halfway up my thigh.”  She felt one Kim’s soft hands slide halfway up her thigh without skipping a beat. “… and I remember he started stroking my mound ….”  Her felt deep heat rush though her body and her face burned red as Kim found her sacred place, forcefully stroking her through her panties.  “ Hu … he … he ripped a hole in my hose,” she stammered on the edge of losing control, “and … and somehow, he already had his co … cock out, I could feel it through the nylon of my hose, bumping against the inside of my thigh.” she shivered again as a sharp chill swept through her. “He whispered that he wanted to fuck me, and I … I didn’t say anything, but I guess he took that to mean I was OK with it, which I was, I guess.” 

    Sarah’s eyes were closed tightly as she was reliving the experience in her mind. It was as vivid for her as if it had happened yesterday.  By now her designer skirt was bunched up around her waist, the tops of her sexy stockings and pricey panties clearly visible.  Unseen, Kim had slipped a large pink rubber phallus from the pocket of her robe. Carefully, she moved it up Sarah’s thigh, allowing it to gently graze the flesh though the sheer, silky mesh.  “He … his fingers … he used his fingers to get up underneath the elastic at the crotch of my panties.  I think when he touched me there I finally realized how real it was and I felt this rush of emotions, but at that point I couldn’t … I couldn’t think straight. God, I remember being so wet and I was embarrassed that he would think I had wet my panties or something,” she suppressed a giggle.  “He slipped a finger up inside me, and I thought I was going to faint.  I mean who knew a finger could feel so big?”  By now Kim had dropped her toy and had her index finger buried to the hilt within Sarah’s cunt, gently working it back and forth, driving the younger woman wild.  Her voice now came in sharp gasps as she continued her narrative, getting as turned on by her own story as Kim was.  “Ooo, yeah, just … just like that.” Sarah drew her head back as a wave of warmth washed over her, the muscles of her sex clenching tightly around Kim’s invading digit.

    As Sarah’s climax ebbed, Kim allowed her finger to slide out of the well lubricated opening and again grasp the dildo, anxiously waiting for Sarah to get on with the rest of the story. “His hands slid up over my boobs again and he flicked at my nipples with the tips of his fingers. I had never felt anything so sensuous. That’s when I felt him about to enter me. The funny thing is, it didn’t feel anything like I expected it to.  He pushed into me ….” Sarah gasped as Kim slid the head of the thick cock past the lips of her labia and through the sensitive ring of flesh at the entrance to her pussy. “Oooo,” she moaned, her arms instinctively stretching to either side of her as her fingers tipped by blood red nails curled and uncurled as if desperately grasping at thin air for purchase and finding none.  She was now lost in her fantasy, losing her virginity once again as Bobby forced his thick, throbbing member ever deeper into her unblemished teen pussy. God, he was so huge, she thought, whimpering as he drove himself in to the hilt. Then, at the point at which she felt she could take no more, he stopped.  As she became accustomed to the girth of the huge member, she felt it begin to slide out.  No! Please don’t take it out, her mind pleaded. Then as if responding to her command it was pistoning back in, deeper now, if that was possible. “FUCK!” she cried out, unbidden, bringing a wicked smile to Kim’s lips.

      “Yes, baby, feel me fucking you,” Kim prodded in her thick syrupy voice.

    “Oooo … yeah … yeah,” Sarah gasped, her limbs trembling uncontrollably. Each time the huge rubber phallus emerged from Sarah’s rapidly reddening sheath, it glistened with her slick juices. She was close to cumming once more and she struggled to achieve her climax, forcing herself down onto the dildo. “Ooo, come on, Bobby, fuck me baby, fuck me, please, oh God,” she cried. As her orgasm washed over her with blinding force, she threw one leg over Kim’s torso, digging her heel into the flesh of her back as if she were her old lover, trying to draw him further inside her. As the muscles of her cunt contracted, a stream of clear liquid spewed from her opening, forcing its way past the fat toy and soaking into the expensive fabric of Kim’s sofa. But Kim was beyond caring, reveling in the power she held over the younger woman hovering on the edge of consciousness beneath her.

    “You’re quite a storyteller,” Kim smiled broadly, leaning down to plant a kiss on Sarah’s lips.

    “God, I… I don’t know what to say,” Sarah replied. “I’m so embarrassed.”

    “Don’t be. It’s perfectly natural you know? I enjoyed myself immensely.”

    “I … I guess I just lost control.  Oh, God,” she surveyed the damage, “your sofa, my clothes.  Oh, this is a disaster.” She started to tear up.

    “Shhh. Nonsense,” Kim soothed, “it’s not as if I didn’t know this was going to happen when I invited you up here. And you DID enjoy it.”

    Sarah managed a weak smile. “Yes … yes I did, but … well … I feel a little guilty that I didn’t return the favor.”

    Kim stood and removed her robe, revealing her nearly perfect model figure. “The night’s still young,” she purred, the wicked smile returning. “I think a sick day tomorrow … for both of us … wouldn’t be asking too much.”



© Copyright 2011 Bob Pickering (rbilleaud at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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