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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1742729
An epic story about 2 boys playing a role playing game and having an epic adventure
EPISODE 2: Beggars, Axes, Mouses, Wells, now what?

Mark: Where we last left our heroes...

Xenioc: Let's go Tchikofski! We need to complete this task

Tchikofski: I'm sleeping asshole!

Xenioc: Wake up!!!

Mark: Our heroes our now walking back on the road, taking the axe to the guard

John: So um... how long is it from the villiage to the bridge?

Mark: I'm going to have to say... 1 or 2 episodes, unless we're battling or stopped in a way

Xenioc: We forgot to buy things from the villiage

Tchikofski: Real adventurers don't need anything!

Xenioc: Well, I don't think we'll be able to recover alot Heart Points or Skill Points without a tent

Tchikofski: Let's go!

Mark: Our heroes walked down the path and in their path was a Beggar

Beggar: Spare some change?

Tchikofski: We're under attack!!!

Xenioc: What!? What are you saying!?

Tchikofski: Can't you see the monocle? It's a wizards Xenioc!

Xenioc: The beggar is not a wizard

Tchikofski: Explain the monocle

Mark: John! The beggar isn't an enemy!!!

John: Oh yes he is! Explain the monocle Mark

Mark: You just drew in the monocle you retard!

John: And? It still counts as an enemy!

Mark: Oh fine whatever!


Tchikofski: Die Beggar fool! I cast Flare! (10)

Mark: The Flare hits the Beggar, blinding him and doing 4 damage

Tchikofski: I get ready for another attack

exp 1
gold 0

Tchikofski: what? Already? Just one attack from my flare...

Xenioc: Congrats Tchikofski, you murdered an innocent soul

Tchikofski: Correction, a wizard disguised as a beggar, I am not a fool! Oh yeah, I want to take the Beggars panties

Xenioc: You are going to take the only thing he has left, and leave him naked on the streets?

Tchikofski: Yes, continue please

Mark: Our heroes continued on the road and see a maybe poisonous rat

Tchikofski: Oh my gosh! It's so cute! Let's keep him!

Xenioc: Wait, what!? You would kill Beggars, but keep something that came out of the sewers?

Tchikofski: But Xenioc, this little guy has been through so much

Xenioc: Fine! Idiot!

Tchikofski: I'll name him Steve

Xenioc: You named it?

Tchikofski: Hey! Call him Steve!

Xenioc: Fine... Steve

Tchikofski: Good, let's continue

Mark: As our heroes continue on their way, Xenioc notices that the axe is glowing with bright green

Tchikofski: wow! The axe can talk!

Axe: Hello

Mark: John, the axe can't talk

John: Oh yes he can!

Mark: Xenioc examines the axe and finds out that it glows when danger is near

Axe: No, I glow when it's time to take off your clothes, and when I'm horny

Tchikofski: Sweet! I take off my clothes

Mark: Um, why did you take off your clothes?

John: Because the axe told my character to

Mark: No, I mean... why did you really take off your clothes?

John: I'm getting into the game spirit man! This is a once in a lifetime chance to take off my clothes during this part of a game

Mark: ugh, fine... our heroes kept walking and they see an abandoned carriage

Tchikofski: A carrage? I want to see what's inside!

Mark: Tchikofski looks into the carriage and fins a tent, rope, a torch, oil, and flint

Tchikofski: what am I going to do with these things? No matter, I'll take that wheel

Xenioc: Why?

Tchikofski: This wheel should be used as a shield

Xenioc: It, it doesn't do anything

Tchikofski: Oh my gosh! The Carrage is a monster!

Xenioc: no it isn't!

Tchikofski: Oh yes it is! A 3 eyed monster! I use flare!

Mark: Tchikofski used flare, not knowing he used flare on a carriage and it had no affect

Tchikofski: Okay then! Let's go!

Mark: as our heroes continued on the path, they see a well, it was dried up and on the bottom there was something very shiny

Tchikofski: Shiny? That must be good! I throw the axe in the well

Xenioc: WHAT!? Why did you throw the axe in the well!? We need it to complete the quest!!!

Tchikofski: Do you know how dirty these wells can be? I don't want to get dirty

Xenioc: Well, how are we going to get the axe back?

Tchikofski: Mister axe! What do you see down there?

Axe: It's too dark

Tchikofski: Don't worry! I'll send help! I throw Xenioc in the well

Xenioc: Woah!

Tchikofski: There! Xenioc, use flare!

Xenioc: Why did you throw me down here!?

Tchikofski: So you can use flare and see what the shiny thing is

Xenioc: I'm a wizard asshole! I don't know flare!

Tchikofski: okay, I send Steve in the well

Xenioc: Ow! Why did you do that!

Tchikofski: So Steve can pull you out

Xenioc: Steve can't even climb! And I doubt he can carry me!!!

Tchikofski, okay... I throw down the rope

Xenioc: You were suppose to hang onto the OTHER SIDE!!!

Tchikofski: okay, sorry I throw the tent in the well

Xenioc: Stop throwing things in the well!!!

Tchikofski: Jeez! Fine! I gently drop the oil in the well

Xenioc: I freeking hate you!

Tchikofski: Well?

Xenioc: Well freeking what!?

Tchikofski: What's down there?

Xenioc: I don't freeking know!I'm covered in oil, rat, and tent!!!

Tchikofski: okay, I drop the torch in the-

Xenioc: No, no, no, you idiot. We're covered with oil. you will burn us alive if you throw that torch

Tchikofski: Hmm... good point. I cast flare down the well

Xenioc: idiot...

Mark: Xenioc climbs out of the well and in his hand was a silver key

Tchikofski: sweet, it's a new axe, for Tchikofski!

Xenioc: No you idiot, it's a silver key

Tchikofski: fine then, let's go

Mark:As our heroes continue on on the road, they see a fork in the path

John: Which fork? The fork as in the thing you use to eat stuff, or a fork as in 2 roads

Mark: 2 roads

John: Hmm, is there a sign?

Mark: No

John: Then we have to pick which way to go

Mark: Xenioc suggests that they go to the left path

John: oh yeah, Tchikofski says they should go right and we all go

Mark: idiot

Tchikofski: This right path is the right path

Mark: Our heroes walked along the right path and in the middle of the path, they see a sleeping ogre

Tchikofski: An ogre? We can take him

Xenioc: uh, I don't think we can beat him

Tchikofski: We can beat him! Right Kile?

Kile: Yes, we can beat this thing

Mark: You named the axe Kile?

John: Yes, I think we should name him. I don't feel like calling him axe

Mark: fine

Xenioc: um, I don't think we can take out this ogre

Tchikofski: Okay... I want to cast a spell

Xenioc: No, you idiot. Don't wake him up

Tchikofski: FLARE! (20)

Mark: Tchikofski's flare hits the ogre but does no affect on it

Ogre: Ogre!!!

Tchikofski: What? What happened?

Xenioc: It's too powerful! It has a defense of 34

Tchikofski: This will be bad...


HP 72
Atk 16
Def 34
Spe 2

Mark: We can't run from battle

Tchikofski: oh crud

Xenioc: *gulp* what's the plan Tchikofski?

Tchikofski: okay, I use Ice Beam (20)

Mark: The Ice Beam hits the Ogre, but had no affect

Xenioc: fireball! (17)

Mark: The fireball hits the ogre but did no damage

Tchikofski: Dang! You hit him in the love nuts and he didn't even budge! Steve, use bite! (16)

Mark: The bite from Steve didn't do damage

Tchikofski: Dang, Kile, mind control him to kill himself

Kile: Okay (13)

Mark: What? Kile can't do that!

John: He has a monocle! He's a wizard axe!

Mark: Fine then! The mind control didn't work

Kile: It didn't work, he's too heavy for my mind

Xenioc: What happened?

Tchikofski: Either we aren't doing enough damage, or his balls are resistant to magic

Xenioc: *gulp*

Mark: The Ogre takes a swing with his club at our heroes (5) Doing 6,6,6,5 damage

John: What the hell? He can attack us all at once!?

Mark: It looks bad for our heroes, Steve fainted from battle

Tchikofski: Steve! No! No...

Kile: Kile can't take much more

Xenioc: This is it Tchikofski

Tchikofski: It's too late Xenioc, Steve is a goner

Xenioc: Heal

Mark: Xenioc used heal which gave Steve 5 HP, reviving him

Tchikofski: Steve you're alive! By golly you're alive Steve!

Xenioc: Not quite, another attack like that, Steve and Kile will be done for

Tchikofski: I'm willing to keep Kile and Steve alive, I'll take his hits

Xenioc: Really?

Tchikofski: Yes, Steve has been through so much, I can't let him get hurt again

Ogre: Rawr! Ogre! (HP 72)

Tchikofski: Steve, use poison

Mark: The poison from Steve made the ogre poison

Tchikofski: You did it Steve! and I thought you were really useless

Xenioc: Well, at least we got some kind of progress

Tchikofski: I want to attack him with mah nunchox! (20)

Mark: The attack failed

John: What the hell! I rolled a 20!

Mark: Like I said, the ogre has a defense of 32. Even if you roll perfect 20's, it won't do any damage

Tchikofski: Kile, mind control those rocks at him

Kile: Yes sir (14)

Mark: It did no damage, The ogre takes another swing at our heroes- (18)

Tchikofski: Get behind me guys!

Mark: Tchikofski was able to block 85% of the damage, It gave a damage of 3,17,4,3, and the poison reduced 1 HP of the ogre

Tchikofski: Ouch, at least Steve is still alive

Xenioc: Yeah, but another attack like that, you, Kile and Steve will be finished

Ogre: Rawr! Ogre! (HP 71)

Tchikofski: I have a plan, heal me

Mark: Xenioc heals Tchikofski

Xenioc: What good will that do? Steve and Kile would die anyway

Tchikofski: If I can block 85%, then how about both of us?

Xenioc: What are you saying?

Tchikofski: If you keep healing us, Steve and Kile can try doing extra damage from behind

Xenioc: I get you

Tchikofski: I use block (12), Steve use your Bite again (15), Kile, levitate those rocks at him (18)

Mark: It did no damage to the ogre, The ogre takes another swing at our heroes (14), doing 8 and 3 damage, the poison affects the ogre

Ogre: Rawr! Ogre so... (HP 70)

Tchikofski: There we go, he's at 70 HP

Xenioc: Yeah, but we are getting weaker, and I'm also losing SP points

Tchikofski: We need another plan besides this

Xenioc: You better come up with one, because once I have no SP, we are done for

John: As our heroes keep battling against this ogre, what will happen to them? Can they beat him? And what is this new plan Tchikofski will come up with? Also, what is the silver key for?

To be continued...

Author's comments: This is it! The fiery battle begins! What will happen? And who will win? Read the next episode of... Untold Realms!


EPISODE 3: The Ogre Fight
© Copyright 2011 Abraham Shyguy (abrahamjarl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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