Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1741470-Consequences-chapters-1-3
by Anne
Rated: 13+ · Sample · Romance/Love · #1741470
This is based on a twisted dream I had. Just the first three chapters.
~ "Please! Why can't you see that I want you?"
I paled, backing against the wall I was leaning on. He had finally said everything I had dreamed of hearing...But I didn't believe him. I couldn't. Not when the only reason he said it, was because I was about to die.
But it still nice to hear him say it.

I was running and loving every minute of it. I was so focused on the excitment I was feeling, that I was almost hit by a dagger. I quickly dodged the would be blow and watched as it sailed into a nearby tree, right where my head would have been. I grabbed the dagger and stood, ready to attack.
"You're getting slow kid."
His voice floated all around me, bouncing off every tree and rock, to the point where I couldn't tell where he was.
I heard a slight rustle and pulled my blade up to block the next dagger thrown at me. He continued to throw daggers until there were a dozen at my feet. As I was about to turn and run again, I was pushed into a tree. I slowly started to get up and as a result, had my head thrown against the tree.
He had my feet dangling about five inches above the ground, with his hand around my throat. I clutched at his hand and glared up into my captor's eyes.
They were a constant shimmering of liquid blues and greens. His face was a sun-riched tan with few frickles and a warm smile playing at the corner of his lips. His skin that same tan with the tight contraction of raw muscle coursing beneath his frame. With hair the color of a loin's mane and a body that reached six feet two inches.
He was gorgeous, outstanding and my everything. He was Luke...And I could never have him.
"Got you."
His rough, deep voice said in my ear. I closed my eyes and sighed. I ignored how close he was to me and concentrated on the daggers a few feet away. I slowly made them levitate and quietly brought them into position behind Luke's back. I opened my eyes and looked at him again. Then I gasped, "Not for long."
Then the blades sprang. I rolled away form Luke as he dropped me to deffend himself. I crouched and watched as he worked. Three of the daggers had plunged themselves into his body. Two in his back and the last in his abdomen. Once all the other knives were on the ground, there looked like a battle had taken place. I was focused in on him that when he looked at me, I couldn't move out of the way. He jumped on top of me and locked my arms above my head.
"Get off me." I gritted out.
"Not likely." He smiled down at me.
"Why not?"
"Because you stabbed me. That's cheating."
"Is not. We're training, that means I get to work my knive skills."
"Yes, but this was for hands on training. Not running away and using magic."
I stayed quiet for a while and stared up at the sky. "I'm sorry. Now get off."
"What do you say?"
I growled up at him and said, "Please? Will you get off of me?"
He answered me by removing his body from mine and sitting beside me. There were blotches of blood my clothes from he had been stabbed and as much as it would aggrivate me, I had to help him.
"Come here."
He stared at me then positioned himself with my face against his back.
"You need to take your shirt off."
He complied and removed his shirt for me. I gently stroked his back and grabbed the hilt of one blade. I quickly pulled it out and reached for the other one. After removing both daggers, I pulled off my t-shirt and tore two strands from it. I wrapped the strips around his body and moved to the front of him. I was about to grab the the final dagger when I actually looked at him. His stomach was a flat surface of all muscle and I could see the scars from where he had been hurt before. I quickly looked back at the blade and pulled it free.
I ripped another piece from my shirt and wrapped it around him. As I was finishing tieing the cloth I saw that he was watching me. I quickly finished, threw his shirt in his face, and moved away from him. I stood up and started walking back in the direction of our base, wondering if I'd be able to survive being here or not.
Once I made it back into my room, I took a nice long shower. In fifteen minutes I was standing in front of the mirror, brushing my hair out. My reflection showed a girl with wild dark brown hair, pale skin and cerulean blue eyes. I shifted my head away from the mirror and shook my head to clear it.
The practice today had been invading my mind ever since I had gotten back. I kept imagining running my fingers over Luke's back, the feel of his skin, and most of all how his muscles had jumped and tensed under my touch,
It was lustful of me to think these thoughts. Not just because he was my mentor but because I was only seventeen...And he was twenty-six. I couldn't help it though. I had fallen for him three years ago when my sister, Clover, and I had first joined Cerabul and met him.
I was still thinking about things, when there was a knock on my door.
"Blair! Dinner's done!"
I finished getting dressed and was downstairs ready to eat when I ran into someone. I looked up and saw that it was Brenden. He scowled at me and walked away. Brenden had pale skin, burnt sienna hair and glowing brown eyes. He's part of our group because he is a werewolf. We don't talk to each other, and I think that's because my sister and him one another.
I apologized softly and continued into the dinning room. There were four people sitting at the table. Luke, Clover, Breden, and Paul. Paul was our leader, he founded Cerabul and found Clover and me when we were being hunted down by Jenofivf. Jenofivf is a rival organization that wants nothing more than to use our powers and destroy everyone.
Paul has balding white/gray short hair, gray eyes and dark indian skin. He is also a pyshic, so when I was around him I had to control my every thought.
"Has there been any news of Jenofivf activity?" I asked while sitting down next to Clover.
"Nope. It seems for now they've given up on chasing us down, but that doesn't mean they won't stop." He answered me, then turned his head to head Luke. "How was training?"
"Same old same old. Kid's getting better with her magic but still doesn't understand that she needs to learn basic fighting skills too."
Paul laughed at what Luke said and Looked back at me.
"I wasn't that bad. I mean, you got hit with three of the daggers I threw at you." I joked at Luke. I watched he turned a little pink and started laughing too.
"I'm just glad I had you to patch me back up." Luke said, laughing with us.
We completely oblivious to what was going on around us, until a plate started to rattle and break. We all looked up at Clover and saw that she had cracked her plate into tiny pieces. Everything was quiet, then she stood up and ran out of the room.
We all stared after her and then stared at each other. I was about to go after her, when Breden got up and took off in the same direction as Clover. I got up to go after them booth, when Paul said, "Let them be. I'll go and check on themin a minute, so just sit down and eat."
I slowly sat back down and lowered my eyes to my plate. It was empty, so I was a bit confused on how I was going to eat. Luke saw my confusion and said to help him with the dishes. I carried i the plates while he ran the water and in five minutes we were washing and drying in silence. He cleared his throat a couple times and I finally decided to tell him what was bothering me.
"Why did she get so angry that she had to leave?"
He dropped a spoon back in the water and took a while to answer me."I don't know."
He was lying. When he woudln't look you in the eye you could tell he was lying. He continued to fidgit, until I let it go and said, "Okay."
He sighed, "You can go, I'll finish up."
I dried my hands and laid one on his shoulder. "All right. See you later." I removed my hand and started to leave.
I turned back around and gave him a big smile, then I ran up to my room. As I was falling asleep, I was still thinking about what he said. That was the first time he had called me by name name.
I woke up the next morning really early because I had training again. After my shower and getting ready, I ran downstairs and collided with someone again. I looked up this time though to see Paul.
"Sorry Paul."
"It's all right."
"Okay, well I got to go---"
"Hold on. I need to talk to you for a minute."
I stopped and let him drag me into his office. Once inside he sat down and I asked him what was going on.
"We have a problem."
I immediately sat down too and got serious. "What's up?"
He gave me an incredulous look. "You...And Luke."
I showed no emotion on my face at what he said, but I could tell he saw into my mind.
"Don't try to deny it. You might not remember this butI don't have to be in the same room to hear what you're thinking."
I gasped and he smiled at me.
"Yeah, I heard all of it."
"I'm sorry. Those were private thoughts and, and..."
"That's not what I have a problem with...I need you to promise that this won't get in the way anything we've worked for."
"I would never break that...Plus, I don't think he likes me like that."
"It's all right. Things will work out eventually, even if it's not in our favor. You can go now."
"Thanks." I got up and ran to meet Luke in our usual spot in the woods.
Since I was late, Luke made me stay and practice an hour later and with a blindfold. When he finally said we could take a break, I jumped him. We landed in a heap and somehow I managed to be on top.
"Got ya."
"Heh, you did. But can you stay that way?"
Before I could react, we were rolling and he landed over top of me.
"Jerk." I huffed at him. He just laughed at me and before I could stop myself I leaned up and kissed him. At first his lips didn't move at all, then slowly he started kissing me back. He kissed me with such force that my head was pushed hard against the ground and I could feel every part of his body against my own. Then he stopped...And before I could comprehend what was happening he was off of me and holding his head in his hands. I carefully touched his hand and flinched back at what I saw. He looked so guilty, like he had done something wrong and gross, twisted.
I quickly got up and was about to leave when he grabbed my arm and said, "It's not you. It's just...Our age. You're nine years younger than me and it would be wrong for me to do anything with you."
I continued to look away and ripped my arm from his grip. I ran away from himand went farther into the woods. I stayed there for another two hours until it started to rain, then I headed back to our home. When I got there, everyone was asleep. So as I made my way upstairs I wasn't expecting what I heard. There were strange moans coming from my sister's room and when I looked throught the keyhole of her door I understood why.
Luke was in bed with Clover, and by the way they were moving I could tell they were having sex. I quietly walked away from her door and to my room. Once I was there, I curled into bed and became overcome with sobs and tears. They lasted until I was so exusted that I was barely keeping my eyes open. With my last coherrent thought, I swore that I would forget ever seeing them like that and forget evrything I ever felt for Luke. Then I was out.
© Copyright 2011 Anne (lucrititia at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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