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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #1740410
Arana, a skinny girl is fattened up, and enjoys being fat.
I ran through the dark hall as fast as I could. Arana had to be rescued. What he would do to her if I lingered too long, only he knew. I came up to a door and opened, quick as I possibly could, and went into the dark room.

Inside, there was Arana and him. She was strapped, tight, in a chair. Arana, obviously could not move anything but her head. I wondered why this was. They were down below and couldn't see me while I was on the ledge. There was a big machine nearby down there, near him. I suppose I should say, that he/him, was Joe:Arana's most recent boyfriend. She had broken up with him two weeks ago, and recently could not take the pain, and went insane. He and his lackeys took Arana earlier this morning. It's Saturday. I should be at my dad's house, but as soon as I got her text, I had to come rescue her.

I could not find Joe's friends anywhere in the room, but I wanted to see just what he was going to do to Arana, because otherwise, he might do the same to me if he caught me. I had to be quick, stealthy, and quiet.

I thought what the machine could do to her, and decided to act anyways. I stood up, and I readied my jump onto Joe's back to take him down. Too late! Two of his lackeys caught me and held me there. Joe looked up to see me. "So, you did make it? Such a shame. Now you are forced to see what I'm going to do to precious Arana."

"Joe! What are you going to do to me?"

He laughed at Arana's question. "What am I going to do? A better question, is what will this machine do to you! Arana, guys find you attractive and flat out awesome. But they won't be thinking that of you any longer when this is through with you. And Justin here, is going to be forced to watch you became horrid. He can do no more. Your beauty ends here, because not even Justin will find you beautiful."

I shut my eyes when he turned on the machine, fearing what would happen. The two guards opened my eyes again, and allowed me to blink, but not shut my eyes for more than three seconds. I watched as the machine stuffed fatty foods down Arana's throat, her eyes watering. Soon, the machine stopped to let her rest. Her stomach was now bulging out a tiny bit, and was soft to the touch.

She was sobbing from the pain and sadness inside. "Why are you doing this to me, Joe? Don't, please don't! This won't solve anything."

"No, I think it will Arana. I'm doing it because you don't deserve any guy to like you. You're going to be big and fat! No guy will want you!"

I wanted to admit that I still would, but I didn't want to get her killed, or me. From that one sitting, she had gained at least five pounds of pure fat. I thought that she was already beautiful, and I began to stare. I tried not to smile at it, as it might kill us. There was still more feeding to commence, so I pretended to struggle to get her freed, even though I wanted her bigger.

The machine revved up again, and stuffed more foods into her again. The effects showed much quicker this time. Her belly thickened more and more with each portion of food. Her legs began to thicken and she was pushing up from the chair since her already big, bouncy butt, started to grow. Her arms thickened, but not as much as everything else. Her originally small, cute face, began thickening into a chubby, beautiful orb. Her eyes welled with tears that continued streaming down her face. Arana desperately wanted to rub her growing tummy, but couldnt because of the straps on her arms. Her belly was still concealed beneath her shirt, that wouldnt last long.

The machine stopped again. Joe undid the straps on her arms to let her rub her engorged stomach. Because of how slow she would go now, she couldn't make a run for it. The machine said that in this sitting, she has gained another ten pounds. She was crying from the sad thoughts of never having a boyfriend ever again, and from the pain of the foods inside her. When this was over, she would have a boyfriend, and that would be me.

"Joe, please stop...It hurts so much."

"Now you know how I feel! But not enough. You've only gained fifteen pounds. That is not enough to stop. When you weigh almost two hundred pounds you and Justin both will be free to go. Now, let the feeding continue!"

Two hundred pounds! That was definately a good weight! I would get a big girlfriend after all in my lifetime! Though I didn't like the hurt she was going through. Her hurt would be over when she realized how I would still, and always, love her, no matter what.

The machine dispenced food into her again, and her jeans began to rip at her beautifully big thighs, revealing small pieces of her growing, meaty legs. Her breasts had started growing the last time, but this time they were growing a whole lot. Still not as much as her enormous, beautiful belly, though. She rubbed her growing belly more as the pain increased. Arana continued to fear never again having a boyfriend, little did she know she would have me. Her shirt began sliding up as her tummy became too much for it. Her beautiful gut made loud gurgling noises in protest of the forced binging. Her thick butt continued to lift her upwards in the chair. Not by a lot, however. Her face was no longer small and cute, but rather chubby and beautiful. Though most of the fat went to her gorgeous tummy.

The machine stopped. She had gained twenty pounds that time, was big and beautiful all around, and I felt the biggest attraction to her new thick figure.

Arana thought to herself, "Getting...too...fat...losing beauty...but this feeling...what-is this? Why does this feel good to have such a big belly?"

"You're almost big enough to go free, so quiet down or I'll make you even bigger than two hundred pounds. Ah! You're at one hundred and sixty pounds! See? Only forty more to go unless you keep complaining. You answer all at once or not to this question. If you answer something like not at all, then you'll gain up to two hundred and ten pounds. So, do you want these last forty all at once, or in two seperate servings?"
Arana sighed and answered, "All at once. Let's get this over with."

The machine started again, and made sure every little crumb went into her mouth. Her face stopped thickening, as well as her arms and now enormous breasts. Arana's jeans continued to rip down the seam, but cut short eventually. Her butt was big and beautiful. Her belly grew, and grew and grew, and grew with the forty pounds entering her system, contributing to her gut. The machine dinged forty and stopped.

A very overweight Arana sat there in the chair, with seventy five pounds of food stuffed into her in one sitting. She moaned and rubbed her collosal belly. I had never been so attracted to a girl's figure in my life. I thought Arana was hot before, but now, she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, even in all her pain.

"You can leave now. Both of you. I have succeeded in my goal of making you fat. Let him go. Let's go celebrate."

Arana stood up from her chair. Her bigger butt jiggling as she did. Her once flat tummy had become a big, soft, jiggly, mass of fat. She looked down at her engorged belly and touched it.

"I'm...so fat. I've lost my beautiful figure, and now no guy will love me. I'm just a big mass of fat!" she wailed.

Seeing as everyone else was no longer in the room, I walked down the stairs to Arana and hugged her big figure. "Joe is stupid, Arana. He's wrong about me not liking you anymore. I do still like you. I don't care about you, although beautiful, size. Your new, bigger figure; I find you very beautiful with it. If no other guy loves you, then you have one who still does."

She smiled at me with her chubby cheeks. Then we left the horrible place where she was changed by means of weight.

A week passed by, and Arana had lost twenty pounds, but most of it wasn't from her belly or her large butt. I still liked her, but I wanted her bigger again. I had to find out just how to get her bigger, without her getting mad at me. Though I didn't have to, because one day at our school, while we were sitting at the lunch table with our friends, hugging and kissing a little, she stopped and whispered into my ear, "What would you do, if I told you that I wanted to gain weight again, and get bigger?"

Immediately, I whispered back, "Whatever you want, that's good enough for me. You know I'd actually like if you gained weight again."

She smiled. At a different table across from us, Joe was watching, and glaring at us. He was wrong about what would happen to Arana, and he knew it. Though now, Arana was too big to capture again, which he also knew. "So, Arana...When do we get you bigger again?" I asked her.

She winked at me. "How about we start today, after school. I want to gain weight again. I actually like the feeling of being fat."

I could see Joe put a devilish smile on his face, as if this was intended to happen. The bell rung for next period, and Arana and I hugged before she left. Joe still sat at the table. I walked over when Arana had left, and asked him, "She likes the feeling of being fat. Looks like your little plan blew up in your face, didn't it?"

He smirked. "No. My plan is still in effect. I heard you two talking over there. You're going to help her gain more weight again. It's just as my plan should work. You see, in the last piece of food she ate last week, I slipped a special drug into it to make her want to get bigger again. The effect of the drug took a long time to happen. But now, in her next class, she's probably going to eat. So when you see her later, don't be surprised if she looks bigger already, because not only does the drug make her crave being big, but it also makes it so that foods are fattier than before. Every single thing she eats now can make her gain weight. Even drinks, fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods. Even water. Eventually, the effect of her liking it is bound to wear off."

Arana was in her Study Hall period, reading and eating food. Other students stared at her large figure, and how she could keep eating without feeling full. She hardly even noticed that she was gaining weight as she ate. Only a little bit, but more than without the secret drug in her system. A couple times she felt herself getting bigger, and looked at herself, but liked it, and ignored it. Because she was sitting down, her big belly spilled out of her shirt, and created a noticeable muffin top. Others stared at her growing stomach with disgusted faces and a few laughed at her quietly with their friends. She noticed, and ignored them, greatly enjoying her weight gain. Then the teacher came over...

"Arana! You are against the dress code! Your shirt is too small! Find a way to cover that up, or we call your parents."

Arana didn't like the idea of calling her parents. They had been away on a business trip for two weeks, not too far away from home, but still had no clue about their daughter's random weight gain. Quickly, she pulled her shirt down to cover up her engorged gut to satisfy the teacher. As soon as he walked away, she let go of her shirt, which quickly slid back up to reveal her belly. "Shoot..." she whispered.

She went up to the teacher and asked to run to her locker to get a sweatshirt to cover up her ever-growing belly. She walked to her locker, her belly and butt jiggling and bouncing all the way. She was carrying, and eating more food as she walked, her shirt sliding up further. Other students in classrooms and in the halls noticed her enormous jiggling figure as she passed. Students in the halls pointed and laughed, but she was glad that people were noticing her weight gain. She finally made it to her locker and grabbed her sweatshirt, and a big bottle of soda, out of her locker. She drank the soda bottle, dry on the spot. All of it going into her stomach, and expanding it.

She put the sweatshirt on and covered her stomach with it. As she walked back to her class, the gallon of soda swished extremely loud inside her. You could hear it from across the hall, and in a room with the door just cracked. She loved the feeling inside, and the jiggling of her figure, and the swishing and gurgling protests of her growing tummy. She passed the class Justin was in on her way back. He looked up from writing to see his fat girlfriend outside. He smiled as he watched her jiggle and listened to the loud swishing noise. Joe was right. She was already getting bigger on her own, and he loved it.

She made it back to her table in Study Hall and continued to gorge herself. If you sat right next to her, you could see her flabby gut straining to stay inside the sweatshirt. She began rubbing her belly with delight of the fat adding up to her figure. "Ohhh...yeah." she moaned in her head. "Bigger is totally better...I've gotten so fat. It feels so good to be this thick all around!"

She wanted so badly to gain as much as she could, but considered what her parents would have to say about it. She knew Justin's response, and she loved it. Anything her parents said, she wouldn't care, she decided. It was her body, she wanted to get fatter, and if her parents couldn't except it, then that was too bad.

School was about to end, and as she was still eating, the button on her jeans popped off, revealing more of her gorgeous figure. "Well, this is just perfect. I hope no one saw that or notices it. I'd better find Justin, quick so we can get me bigger." she thought to herself. Just then, her friend, Mariana, came up to her. Mariana was much thinner than Arana now, and had not been at school for the past week, because she was on vacation. "Arana? Is that YOU?!" she asked.

Arana smiled and nodded at her friend. "What-happened to you?" questioned Mariana. "Well...Joe kidnapped me and forced me to gain seventy five pounds. Twenty of them I lost, though I think I just gained a few of them back." explained Arana, smiling immensely at the last sentence she said.

Mariana stared at her, obviously confused by the whole thing. "So, wait. Joe made you fat. Now, by how it sounds from you, you enjoy being fat, and it seems like you want to get bigger. Am I right?"

Arana nodded. "Yep! You would be amazed at how good this feels, Mariana. That, and Justin is my boyfriend. He loves my new figure and I told him I wanted to get bigger again...so I'm going to go find him, and we're going to go and get me bigger. You could join me if you want."

"Thanks, Arana...but I think I'll have to pass on that. I can't watch you gorge yourself! Arana, you're going to get too big! You shouldn't be letting this happen to you. You should stop and lose as much weight as possible until you're at least at your original weight! Arana, you're already too big! Your sweatshirt is starting to ride up! Unzip it! Let me see how much your actual shirt has ridden up!"

Arana backed away. "No! Mariana, it's my body! I'll do what I want with it! I'm not going to have you telling me to lose weight, and this amazing idea of getting even bigger! I like the feeling of being this thick. You, you're just jealous you aren't as big and heavy as me!"

Mariana gave her a surprised look. "What?! Why would I be jealous? Arana, I'm trying to help you! Trust me, you do not want to get fat! Er...fat-ter! Arana, if anything, I'm worried about you! Not jealous of you!"

"So prove it! Prove you aren't jealous of my big figure!"

"And how should I do that?! Make myself as big as you are? No thanks! I wouldn't do that unless I got dared to...Oh shoot." shouted Mariana.

Arana smiled. "Then I triple dare you to gain weight."

"No, Arana...I-I was kidding! I can't get that big."

"Then stop worrying about me! I want to gain weight! It's a good feeling, and I hope someday you'll get the same amazing feeling! Cause if you do, you will love it, Mariana! Now I've got a date with Justin. We're going to make me bigger whether you like it or not."

With that, Arana left her friend standing there, thinking over what had just happened. Mariana's friend had become overweight, and getting bigger still, and she couldn't support her through it, because she couldn't watch her friend engorge herself...

"Hey, beautiful." said Justin as he walked up to Arana at her locker. Others laughed at the two and made gagging motions. Arana smiled and shut her locker. Justin put his arm around her big waist and walked with her. "Something wrong?" he asked.

"It's Mariana," she began, frustrated. "She won't support me through any of this! She hates what happened to me, and what's still happening to me. She hates my idea of wanting to, and liking being big. She's so frustrating."

Justin cleared his throat. "Hey, don't worry about it. Who cares if she doesn't like your new figure. I know I do...and I know you do. That's all that matters. Plus, none of our friends that have been here all week have said anything about your new figure, besides that they noticed it. Besides that, they don't seem to care. You're still the same Arana, just with a bigger, more beautiful figure, is all." he smiled.

Arana smiled and hugged Justin. "You can always make me feel better about everything."

Justin didn't think until now to look at Arana's bigger belly that expanded during Study Hall. "You started without me, I see." he teased.

"Oh! Sorry, Justin. It's just...in Study Hall I got so hungry and had to eat. So I guess I did start without you a little bit."

Justin reassured her, "Hey, don't worry, I'm only teasing. It's no big deal."

"Good. Yeah, what happened was my stomach began expanding already from all the food, and so my shirt began riding up and revealed my lovely belly to everyone, so then the teacher sent me to my locker to get my sweatshirt to cover it up. I did, and I needed something to drink, so I just took out the big gallon of soda I had in my locker that I was saving and drank the whole thing. It's almost like it contributed to my weight, too. But, even if it did, that's okay. Just makes it easier!"

"You said your shirt rode up...your sweatshirt looks like it's started too."

Arana unzipped her sweatshirt when they got inside of Justin's dark blue corvette. Her normal shirt was too small for her now, and showed all of her flabby tummy without her sweatshirt on. "Well, it rode up a lot more since I've had my sweatshirt on. Oh! And notice how the buttons on my jeans is missing." she giggled with delight.

"Popped off?" Justin asked.

She nodded excitedly. "Well, let's go and get that growing stomach some food, and get it to forcefully unzip those jeans."

I took Arana to my house. Both of our parents were out of town for a while, on business trips. It's that, or they were taking a vacation...with each other. Probably to get away for a while is all. This made it even easier to fatten her up some more. I could have her at my house as long as I wanted, even overnight, which tonight, was probably going to happen.

I left her sitting on the couch to go and get some food from the kitchen. I got back with a ton of food, and we watched TV while she gorged herself. I didn't need the TV. She was my favorite show all the time. It was not long before her weight gain was taking effect this time. We both smiled as it happened. The tears from when she was force-fed by Joe no longer happened due to her enjoying the weight gain, which made it easier on me. Though I still rubbed her growing belly as she ate, gladly.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

Arana thought for a few seconds. "Well...let's see...I'm eating, with my boyfriend, have a jiggly fat belly, and thick thighs...I feel awesome!" she laughed.

"Well, good. I don't want you to feel sick or anything from all of this."

"Why would I feel sick?" she asked.

"Well, you've been eating a whole lot of food. I'd expect you to be really sick right now. But hey, as long as you're enjoying the feelings pulsing through you of being fat, that's alright with me." I smiled.

Arana began to giggle, and in mid-giggle, belched. "Er...excuse me."

"No. I think that's cute. It shows you've been eating more than enough, meaning you're still gaining a lot of weight, and getting bigger." I responded.

She smiled at me again, and continued eating.

By the time it was seven o'clock, and dark out, the food I had brought in from the kitchen was completely gone. I had brought in at least two, whole, left over pizzas, a chocolate cake, and three enormous bags of chips, along with enough liquids to keep her refreshed. Now, Arana's belly was twice the size as it was earlier. I guessed that she had gained at least ten pounds from it all, meaning she had to gain seven more pounds to reach two-hundred again. She had her head resting on my leg, and was laying on the couch with her stomach up. She breathed in a deep breath, and sighed with satisfaction.

"I love this." she whispered.

"I love it too. And you." I flirted.

I looked at the clocked again. It was just a few minutes after seven. "What do you say we do now?" I asked her, rubbing her bloated stomach.

"Mmm...I would say eat dinner, but I've already eaten so much, and that's just me, anyways."

I thought about it for a few seconds. "We can do dinner. It'll make you happy. Plus, I haven't had anything since we got home anyways. Do you want to go out?"

Arana nodded, and we went to the buffet.

As usual, I had only one plate of food, like she used to when she was boringly skinny. By now, she had reached quite possibly her fourth plate of food, and began devouring everything on it. People sitting at other tables watched my sexy girlfriend eat enormous amounts of food. All of their jaws dropped when they noticed she had three other plates on the table. I just sat and watched her with delight as she continued to gain weight. We were sitting in a booth, of course, because if we sat at a table, in chairs, hers would most likely have broken by now, and we would've had to pay a lot more than just seven bucks. I chose a buffet for this very reason.

At the other end of our booth, I could hear her lovely stomach protesting to the immense amounts of food entering her system. I sighed with satisfaction at the fact of having her instead of some thin girl. Even after all of the food she had eaten at my house, and the three...almost four plates she had eaten, the zipper on her extremely tight jeans wouldn't unzip or break. Her jeans hadn't ripped at all, but her zipped up sweatshirt had ridden up because of her growing stomach, revealing her fat belly to everyone else. Luckily, the owners and employees didn't care if her belly showed. Though, if her bra began to show, we'd be kicked out.

That was when the seams of her pants, at her thighs, began to rip from the fat. She kept eating without caring that her jeans were ripping. The zipper on her pants eventually unzipped itself down halfway, letting her enormous tummy bulge out further. When it did unzip, her belly practically bounced outward, showing much more of itself. People stared, and a few other guys' eyes lit up, and they lightly smiled. I noticed, and gave them a warning glance, my face telling them, "Back off! She's mine!" They took the hint and immediately went back to what they were doing before.

As soon as her belly did bounce out from the unzipping of her pants, she glanced down and let out a huge, happy sigh, while smiling. She finished her fourth, and most likely final plate of food, and leaned back in her seat, rubbing her bulging belly with delight. She took her glass of soda (not diet) and gulped the whole drink down. When she finished, she let out another satisfactory sigh, her belly sucking in when she inhaled, and bouncing outwards with the exhale, causing the zipper on her jeans to break off and fly onto the ground. The rest of the zip unzipped when this happened, revealing her flower underwear, and more of her fat belly. Arana unzipped her sweatshirt to reveal all of her huge stomach. I moved over to her side of the booth and began rubbing her belly for her. "You ready to go? You look satisfied and exhausted."

Arana nodded. I got out of the booth first and made room for her to slide out. She slowly slid out, and got up, though it was a little tough for her. Partially because of how tired she was, and partially because of how big she was now. Even so, she still liked being overweight. The fact of her struggling a little to get up; I liked it. We exited the buffet, and walked out to my awesome car. "Wait, Justin. We can't go back to your house yet! We have to go back to mine and get some clothes for tonight and tomorrow." she told me.

I drove her to her house, and we both went inside. Luckily, no one in her family was home. We went to her room, and she picked out a shirt, and some soft pants for tonight. "You may want to try them on...Just to be sure they still fit." I suggested. "Good point!" she replied.

I expected her to go into a different room and change into them, but she took off her sweatshirt, her now extremely small shirt, and her ripped jeans. "Um...Arana, what are you doing? Don't you want to-to change in a different room?" I stuttered.

"Oh, c'mon, Justin! One, you're my boyfriend! Two, you like my new large figure. Three, I know you like this." she flirted.

I smiled and blushed. I scratched the back of my head, and responded, "Yeah...True for all three of those points. But even so, I would think you would be embarrassed by changing in front me. Or that you would be worried for yourself changing in front of a guy in general. She rolled her eyes, lightly and playfully, slapped my forehead. She was still in her underwear and hadn't changed into her most likely too small pajamas all the while we were talking. I glanced down at her pajamas and back at her.

Getting the hint that she should put the pajamas on before something possibly bad happened, she did. The moment she tried putting the pants on, she struggled pulling them up to fit across her fat thighs and to not cover up her stomach. "Okay!" she breathed. "The pants don't fit! Meaning none of my others will!" "That's okay! We can run down to the store and get you some new ones to fit your gorgeous figure." I replied.

She took the small pants completely off and tried slipping on the shirt. It somehow managed to cover up her breasts, but not all of her belly. "Guess I am too fat for that too." she giggled.

She tried on the clothes for tomorrow. She managed to get the pants on while sucking in her large stomach. The minute she exhaled her stomach back out, the button popped off, and the zipper unzipped and broke. The shirt didn't fit anymore than the shirt she had on earlier did. She took both of the small clothes off and flopped onto her bed. "I like being fat, but it's so hard!"

"Well, let's go to the store and get you some new clothes to fit you!" I told her.

"Okay, but what am I going to wear there? None of my clothes will fit, so I have nothing to wear into the store besides my underwear and my fat!"

"So just slip on the clothes you wore earlier and we'll call it good. We'll run in, get you some clothes, and run out."

I helped her sit back up so she could get off of her bed. She then slipped on her original clothes from today along with the sweatshirt to cover up her bra. Her ripped jeans wouldn't matter that much.

We made it to the women's section in Target, several people staring at us, but mostly her. Luckily, the parents scolded the children for pointing, laughing and staring. Arana was aware of the odd looks she was receiving, but was still happy with her weight, and the fact that people were noticing. She found a pair of large jeans to try on. Originally, when she was skinny, she wore a size small, which was weird, because of how long her jeans lasted her before they ripped themselves apart. She found a nice, large shirt and went to the dressing room to try them on.

She came back out, and although they weren't a perfect fit, they would have to do for a while (which wouldn't be long, considering how big, how fast, she was getting...). "Looks pretty good." I told her. "Really?" she asked. "They aren't too big? They still show my fat, right?"

"Of course they do, and you look great. But what about pajamas?" I asked.

She tilted her head. "I don't think I'll get pajamas. Not yet. I think I'll sleep tonight in just my underwear." she winked.

Arana went back into the dressing room to change into her other, smaller clothes, leaving me smiling at what she had said.

We made it back to my house at nine o'clock. We were both pretty tired, and had school the next day. Though tomorrow, we would have all four classes with each other. I went upstairs to my bed and laid down. She came with me, and pulled off her clothes until she was just in her underwear. She went into the bathroom and grabbed the scale and came back, set it down and stepped on it. I looked over at what it said when it finally finished calculating her weight. The scale said she was now two hundred and ten pounds. It was the amount that Joe and threatened to bring her to if she hadn't stopped complaining. Now, she smiled and laughed, "Yes! I've gained the weight I lost, back, and ten pounds more! This is great! I need to be bigger though, but it's so time for bed."

She took the scale back into the bathroom and came back, jiggling all the way. She stopped in the doorway and shifted her weight to one leg when she gripped the side of the door. I looked at her, confused. She strut her way, slowly, over to the bed. I began smiling. I took off my clothes, leaving me in just my underwear. She crawled in beside me and got under the covers with me. We both laid back and looked at each other. "Well, this was a fun day." she said.

My arms were under the covers, and I reached over and poked her fat stomach under the covers. She giggled as her fat rippled. "I can't believe I'm saying this, Justin...but I'm glad Joe made me overweight. He opened up the way of being fat to me. If it weren't for him, I would still be thinking of being fat as completely horrible. But now, I don't know how I lived without being this heavy. It's a good feeling that I can't exactly explain." Arana grabbed her stomach with both hands. "It feels good to have a belly this round and soft."

I rested my hand on her stomach. "Yeah, I imagine it does. You're so much more beautiful this much overweight than when you were skinny." I admitted.

Arana blushed and kissed me on the cheek. I pulled the covers off of her and kissed her belly. "We need some sleep. You probably need to digest all of that food. You'll wake up tomorrow another five pounds heavier, hopefully." I teased. "Yeah...hopefully." she said.

I shut off the light. "Goodnight, my sweet. I love you." I told her.

She responded the same way. We moved closer to each other, which wasn't hard considering how small my bed was, and wrapped our arms around each other. I wrapped mine around her stomach, and rested my hands on her butt. We both sighed gratefully and closed our eyes.

That same night, Joe was in his house thinking about his plan. Then he came across a pill in a bottle. It was the pill to make Arana enjoy getting bigger and fatter. "What?! Those idiots! They only put one of the pills in! They forgot this one! But why does she enjoy being fat if she never took the pill?"

He thought about what he'd heard after school from Arana and Mariana talking. "Yes...Mariana doesn't want to be fat either. Arana does and she still has Justin. I can still ruin one of my enemies' lives. Tomorrow...at lunch. I've got to get this into Mariana's food so she'll crave being fat. I must make another one and get another one of the others! Soon, all of Arana's friends will become masses of fat, and they will all suffer! Even if I failed with Arana! No...not just my enemies. I must make as many girls as possible fat! All of the sluts and bitches, and my enemies! Yes, then they'll think differently..."

The same day, right after school, when Justin and Arana were fattening up Arana, Mariana was at home thinking. She didn't know how her best friend could enjoy being fat! Especially being a girl! Though Mariana had thought about gaining weight before to get guys off her back, she never considered it to make a guy like her more! Mariana did have her eye on this one guy, but she knew he would never take her. Mariana was too skinny. The guy she liked loved bigger girls like Justin did, but Mariana wasn't going to fatten herself up for a guy, unless somehow she was forced to in some way...

The next morning, I woke up with my hands still squeezing Arana's fat butt. I smiled and slowly got up to make her breakfast. Luckily, we didn't have to be at school until later in the day. Just before leaving the bed, I gave her even bigger belly a good rub, and squeezed her butt a couple more times. She smiled and sighed, still asleep but realizing what was happening.

I went downstairs and made a huge stack of pancakes, a ton of bacon, and and a few eggs. What I was going to eat out of it all, wasn't even 1/16 of what I was making. The rest, was for my growing sweetheart. Soon as it was asll finished I brought all of the food upstairs to the bed for her. She woke up to the warm smells of the food. The drugs Joe had given her were still in effect.

"Oh...you made me breakfast in bed!" she said, sleepily.

"Well, you want to gain weight, so I'm helping as best as I can."

"But we have school. How will I eat all of this before then?" She asked.

"Don't worry. We'll still make it."

I made her at least four eggs, which she quickly wolfed down, the fat going straight to her thighs, and showing immediately. There was at least fourteen pieces of bacon, mostly all of the chewy fat part which she managed to eat quickly. The fat showing in her butt and belly right away. She belched and continued eating.

Arana made it to about her fifth out of fifteen pancakes and laid back, rubbing her belly. "Ohhh...so much food. I feel enormous...it's great but-" she belched again. "It's so much food. I don't know if I can-" she hiccupped and burped loudly. "Finish it all."

"You don't have to. I did make a lot, but it's all for you. We don't have school for another couple hours. You can rest and finish it before we have to, if you want."

Arana closed her eyes and rubbed her belly. "I'll do that..." she sighed and hiccupped again.

She was gaining weight fast, but getting full quicker from fattier foods, and then needing to rest before eating again. For us, it was a good sign, at least not at school. While she slept another hour, I rubbed and massaged her fat belly. She belched in her sleep, which was still really sexy, especially while rubbing her stomach. I felt like I was causing her to, so I didn't stop...I wound up falling asleep too about ten minutes into massaging her belly.

I woke up on top of her, holding her breasts in my hands. We woke up at the same time. She was underneath me, smiling.

We made it to school at the usual time and went to Arana's locker. Immediately, students noticed that she had gained weight since last night. She used the scale this morning, and it said two hundred and fifteen pounds. In less than a day, she had gained thirty five, noticeable pounds. Everyone that saw her was surprised and how much bigger she was from yesterday. One person came up and asked, "Wow! How much do you weigh? You're huge compared to yesterday!"

Arana responded, "Two hundred fifteen pounds. Yes, I know I'm huge. I'm fat, and it feels great. All girls should be fat. We wouldn't be so irritable. Just be really heavy."

We arrived at Arana's locker to find Mariana at hers. She looked over at Arana as she was opening her locker. "I see you're highly overweight."

"I see you're not." Replied Arana.

Arana looked over at Mariana, unzipped her new, bigger sweatshirt, and lifted up her shirt, to reveal her absolutely enormous belly. Arana grabbed her fat and shook in front of Mariana. "See this? This is my fat, soft belly. It feels amazing when I walk and it jiggles. It feels amazing when I sit down and spills over my pants and I can feel it with my legs. It feels amazing when it grows and when I stand still and breathe. Trust me, Mariana. You'll want to be this big sometime. When you are, you will love it as much as I do."

Arana zipped her sweatshirt back up and took out some food and began eating it. With that, we both left. Arana took my hand and placed it upon her butt. I squeezed it. "What isn't to like about being fat, Justin? Why won't she gain weight? I mean, you get an awesome boyfriend that feeds you, you don't have to worry about your weight, you get to eat as much as you want and hardly ever feel full, and you get all of this! All of this fat keeps you warm, and is so soft and feels great when it all jiggles."

I shrugged. "I guess she doesn't see it like us. She probably will though." I responded.

Through our first class, we watched a movie and the two of us sat side by side. I elusively rubbed her belly as she ate more food. A few times she had the urge to belch, and did as quietly as possible so as to not disturb anyone else, and so as to not have everyone staring at us. Each time, she apologized to me. Each time she did, I told her that there was no need to, and that it was still cute.

Although, one time, she couldn't hold it in and keep it quiet, and she belched really loudly, causing everyone to look at her. She put her hand over her mouth and smiled. "Sorry..." she whispered. Though a comment sounded across the room. "Fatass!"

Uh-oh. Arana loved being fat, and others noticing, but when comments like that were made..."Yes. You're right. I am fat. But I enjoy being really heavy and lazy."

A bit later, during lunch, we were sitting at the table with our friends. As usual, I massaged her growing belly while she ate. Mariana sat across from us, with a strange look on her face, but not looking at us. Little did any of us know that Joe had drugged Mariana's food. She took a bite, and immediately ate the whole sandwich whole. She went back into the lunch line and came back with a ton of food. She ate it all. The effects of the weight gaining drug showing heavily. Mariana had probably already gained five pounds from all of the food, but she had a lot to go before the drugs wore off. Arana wanted to be bigger, naturally. Mariana was drugged to, and eventually would hate it, but wouldn't be able to lose the weight.

We were all surprised when several girls from different tables-all pretty skinny-went up into the line again, coming back with a lot of food like Mariana. Joe was drugging any girl possible to make them all fat. Some of them would end up loving their new figures. Some hating it like Mariana.

Mariana and all of those girls continued going back for food, and eating every last portion. Arana just stayed put, bigger than before by a little, watching as girls became bigger and fatter.....

The next day, Arana and I came to school to find nearly three fourths of all the girls in the school, including Mariana, as fat, enormous whales. It was easy to find the ones loving their figures, even though every one of them was eating nonstop because they had no more control. Because of their weight gains, girls were being dumped left and right, getting together with a guy, or having guys feed them or flirt with them. Joe had created a school of female whales.

We found Mariana shortly after walking in. She had gained at least eighty pounds, and was now at least two hundred pounds. Arana was still much fatter, but Mariana was now how she should've been before. Every fat girl in the school was. The once skinny girls that were incredo bitches were not so bitchy with their enormous, full bellies that kept growing. All of the once skinny bitches were now calm, and nice, and all looked quite tired from being so heavy, yet content. They looked like Arana after a huge meal.
© Copyright 2011 FatGirl'sAreBetter (writehead at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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