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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1740228
Alehna tries to save her family but falls for a Warrior named Night!
I moved through the night hunting those who threatened my kind, Havens. They don't sound like much but they are deadly to our kind and have threatened us for hundereds of years. I'm Alehna, and I'm one of the Chosen. Chosen to fight the Havens along side my Uncle and his Warriors. I've seen countless die against these vile creatures, but the one death that hit me hard was the death of my father Kyle. He was killed by the leader himself, of course when I heard it was Haven himself it didn't suprise me. My father is one of the three PureBloods left: Haven needed to do it himself or else it would have never gotten done, but he didn't think when he killed my father. Because, now he's got me to deal with, I'll be sure to kill every last one of those nasty, low life creatures. Back in the 1800's I wasn't known, I was still in training father sent me to London to train with his father. I haven't been to New York in a hundred years so much has changed and before coming here I was in Transilvania. I became known all over London and Transilvania as Shade. I lead and succeeded in the war against those blood thirsty Mutts. I just never thought that I would have missed a couple. I never thought that they would be anywhere but in London and in Transilvania, but I thought wrong... I moved slowly up the steps of the mansion where my uncle and the warriors stayed. I didn't knock I just walked in, Ben was standing at a small table and was dusting. Same old Ben cleaning away, I coudn't help but laugh. I'd never seen Ben move so quickly, the way he just shot around and stared at me. I could tell by his face that he didn't recognize me.

Ben: "Who are you? Can I help you?"

I couldn't help but feel alittle saddened by his reaction to me. I couldn't really blame him beings as he hasn't seen me in a hundered years. The last time he saw me I was still in dypers, such a small child then to be taken away to train at the age of 10.

Alehna: "Ben its me, Alehna."

Ben looked me over with his eyes, like he was trying to see if I was real: as though I was a ghost. His eyes widened as he finally realized I was actually standing right in front of him, not more than twenty feet from him.

Ben: "My Lady?! Is that really you?! Oh My, How you've grown!"

Alehna: *Laughs* "Yes Ben its really me. I'm glad to see that your doing so well. Where is my uncle?"

Ben pointed to the stairs.

Ben: "He's meeting with the warriors. Apparently a youngling was injured badly by Haven's minions. Your uncle is trying to figure out what to do, and see what the youngling knows."

I was amazed Ben knew so much about what my uncle was doing in his studies. I can't picture my uncle telling anyone other than my aunt about these things. But, then again Ben is a member of our nation.

Alehna: "Alright, I'm going to go see him. I'm sure he'll be shocked to see me. You and I must catch up later don't you agree?"

I've never seen Ben look so overjoyed before. I assume he doesn't get alot of company being in a house full of warriors. I almost feel sorry for him, I mean he doesn't have to keep this job but, he enjoys it so I guess that's all that matters.

Ben: " Alright, My lady. I'd really like that!"

I walked up the stairs and to my uncles study, I could hear his voice it sounded rough and edgy like he was trying to hold his temper. Uncle always did have a bad temper. I knocked and waited. William looked at the door with a snap.

William: "NOT NOW!"

Gezz, and here I thought my uncle would be happy to see me. But, he just sounds like he's pissed off about something. I didn't feel like coming back later so I just opened the door and walked in.

Alehna: "Too busy to say hi to your Neice?"

I gave him a smirk. And, boy was I wrong he looked just as shocked as Ben had. Hell, here I thought nothing could shock my uncle, learn something new every day. William looked completly speachless, though he recovered quickly.

William: "ALEHNA!"

He came at me with his arms open wide, I walked into them happy that he seemed glad to see me. I missed my life here, even though it wasn't a very long one. I missed this house, and the smells I wish that London had felt this way. I didn't bring much back from London, but I did pick up there accent from living there most my life.

William: "You've grown so much! I can't believe it! I thought you was in London? When did you get back? How was your trip? Gosh, you are a true female now."

I couldn't get a word in, for a minute there I didn't think he was going to stop and breath. I couldn't help but laugh and tear up. I missed my uncle.

Alehna: " I arrived here a few hours ago. The trip was fine, boring but alright. I -pause- I wanted to be here, here to help out."

All I could do was look at him, he just smiled and held me tighter. Like he knew why I'd come back. Its going to be the anniversary of my fathers death soon. I felt that he knew it was hard for me to be here, in the same house with my fathers smell all around. We just stared at each other for a little bit when one of the warriors coughed. My uncle straightend up quickly turning toward all the waiting warriors.

William: "Let me introduce you to the warriors."

I turned toward the warriors, my uncles arm around my shoulder. My uncle pointed to the smaller warrior in the corner.

William: "This is Jinx."

Then continued down the line.

William: "Night, Jett. These are our warriors"

He was finished and I had memorized all of them, then all of a sudden his grip on my shoulder tightened.

William: "This is Alehna, my neice. She's Kyle's daughter. She's been in London all this time. Hell you males have heard of her."

They all looked me over as if trying to remember where they'd seen me before. It made me blush havin so many males look at me. But I kept my face straight and unreadable.

William: "No, you've never met her. You've only heard to stories about her. Transilvania... -pause-"

My uncle waited for a moment for the light bulbs in there heads to go off.....Nope they didn't go off.

William: "Shade?!"

He waited again waiting to see if that was enough for them to remember what he was talking about. Finally, one looked at me as if he was shocked by electicity.

William: "The one who lead, and defeated the wolves?"

Uncle was in such disbelief that none of them we're getting any of the hints, especially the major one with my name in it. I found it kinda of amusing. I didn't care if I was famous or not. Finally, they all shot a shocked look in my direction. They just stared at me, like it was such an unbelievable thing. I didn't like the fact that they were all so shocked to hear that a Female coule wipe out a race! Gosh the ego's on them, thinking that males were superior to females just because of our size difference. I was so mad I even blurted something I had been thinking, out loud.

Alehna: "What are you staring at?! I'm not a doll on display!"

I just glared at them all. Gosh males were so naive, simple and easy to please. I can't believe anyone would create males with ego's as big as theirs! One of the warriors moved up a bit as if making it known that he was about to speak.

Jett: "You can't be Shade! Your a female... A-and your still a child!"

Ok, I could handle being called alot of things, but a child really! I swear if I didn't have the control I have now I'd snap his little.... -Interupted by another-

Night: "Jett, calm down! You're not helping yourself by getting upset over this. Its nothing to really get upset about. So, this female can kick some ass."

Jinx: "I have to admit. Its really unbelievable. I mean your a female, no disrespect but, a female. I've never heard of a female being able to defend a whole colony.. -pause- Plus your young, and haven't trained"

William: "Actually she has."

Alehna: "I've been in London this whole time training with my grandfather. I wanted to become a warrior, to prove that I could do it. And I have thank you very much. I'd love to see you take on more than a thousand wolves by youself!"

I couldn't help but be pissed about this. Because, I was a female I was lower than them. I didn't see it that way, father knew I'd be able to do it. Even uncle was proud of me. Why can't these warriors just accept that I'm a warrior just like them, that I'm equal?

Jett: "No way"

Night: "J, just let it go."

Jett: "NO! This is bs and you know it Night!"

My fangs came out and I hissed.

Alehna: "Alright, I've been nice. I tried to control my temper but your really pissing me off and your pushing your boundries!"

I could see out the corner of my eye that the warriors Night, and Jinx shivered no doubt feeling my anger and power roll off my skin. My uncle moved closer to us, ready to step between us if he had to.

William: "I think thats enought now Jett."

My uncle sounded worried even though he was standing tall. I finally backed away and glared. If looks could kill this warrior would be dead on his feet right now. He just stared at my uncle like he'd be slapped in the face. My uncles voice was loud and firm and full of authority.

Jett: "My lord, she is a female. I mean no disrespect for her being your neice but...."

He just couldn't express his feelings toward this. And no disrespect my ass, he was only saying that to cover himself for basically calling me weak and downing me in front of my uncle, his lord. Oh if he only knew who he was dealing with he'd be shaking right now.

Willaim: "I'm not saying your weak, but Alehna has alot more fighting experience than any of you warriors have. Even I do not have the skills and abilities that she does. You must understand

I'm not sayin this to put you down any of you. She's just alot stronger than you give her credit for."

The warrior couldn't speak anymore, he seemed at a lose. He'd lost the battle to reason his thoughts. I didn't blame him for his reaction, but it was alittle over the top its not impossible for a female to be a warrrior. I stepped up alittle, making myself seen by all the warriors, my pitch black sunglasses still tight to my face.

Alehna: "I'm sorry. Maybe, it wasn't a good idea for me to come. I didn't mean to make a fuss over something that happened a long time ago. I was coming to visit my fathers tomb, and to see my uncle..."

One of the warriors just glared at Jett. He stepped forward and had this look of respect and sorrow on his face. I'm assuming it was because I mentioned my father.

Night: "You'll have to forgive J, he's not used to seeing a female who can kick some ass here and there. He's the big guy around here. I'm sure he didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable this is your house after all. We're the ones imposing."

Alehna: "No your not. I told my uncle he could have it. I...I don't come here alot and it would just be better if someone else took care of it and beings as this was the place for you males to have council it only seemed fair. I don't intend to stay long."

My uncle looked upset by the new's but understood that I didn't stay in once place long. We all shot our heads toward the door as we heard a knock. My uncle gave permission to come in and I was shocked and happy at the same time with who I seen coming through the door.

Icy: "A..Alehna?!"

She rushed in and basically ignored everyone around her and threw her arms around me.

Icy: " ALEHNA!!! I've missed you so much. Where have you been? Why haven't you came by?!"

Alehna: "Ice, oh my your so much taller now... And so grown up! I missed you as well. I didn't know you were staying here at the mansion.. Especially with all the egotistic males..."

I shot a look to Jett and smiled

Icy: "I got mated to one of the warriors. I've been here ever since."

Alehna: "Mated?! When, to who, which one?"

I couldn't believe it my lil Ice cube got mated and I didn't even come to see. I felt ashamed. I seen her start walking toward the brothers. I couldn't breath when she put her arms around the waist of Jett. I was wide eyed, it was unbelievable that my lil Ice would go for the bad ass type. I just got more angry about it. If he hurt her, god help him.

Icy: "This is my mate, Jett. Alehna whats wrong?"

Alehna: "Your mated to him? The rude, ignorate, egotistic bas.."

My uncle cut me off before I dug myself a deeper hole...

William: "They've been mated for almost over a year now. He's been very good to her Alehna."

Icy: "So I take it you've already met? Al, he's not that bad, really! He may be a jerk sometimes but he's very sweet"

All the warriors gave off a laugh, and that didn't reasure me very well. He had better been nice to her, because this just gave me a major reason to stay for alot longer than I'd planned. Then there was something different about her, she glowed. Could it be from her still being new to the mating... NO! Absolutly not! No, No, No, NO!

Alehna: "Ice are your pregnate?!"

Icy just glowed like Christmas lights.

Icy: "How did you know? Do I have it printed on my forehead?"

I couldn't believe it. My uncle grabbed his chair real quick and shoved it under me as my knees gave out. My baby sister....My Ice Cube... going to be a mother.....

Icy: "Al, are you alright? You don't look so good. Oh your so pale! Do you need to feed? I can call on someone!"

Alehna: "Yes, I'm fine. I don't know, maybe I should go out. I need some air."

I moved towards the door and rushed out. I did need the fresh air, I couldn't believe it. It was hard to carry young especially for our kind. It was alot of pressure on females bodies. Then its been known that females sometimes don't make it through the delievery. I couldn't lose her too. But, I wouldn't want her to give up this child. She was so happy. I just hope it will go ok. I moved down town to the local bar, that us vamps go to. A place where we didn't have to hide or pretend to be human. Twilight! Greatest bar ever. I walked in, my skin crawling with anticipation. I just loved being in a place where I didn't have to hide. I moved to the bar and sat in the chair, waiting for the bartender to come my way.

BarTender: "What can I get you?"

I could get so many drinks, Bloody Mary, Ecstacy, Fanged Tooth, Rose Red so many. But right now I was more into the harder stuff. I needed to be to get my mind of Icy and that egotistic male of hers.

Alehna: "Fanger please."

BarTender: "Coming right up."

I waited for my drink to be made. The band wasn't all that bad but it needed to speed up. I didn't really feel like listening to depressing music right now. I just couldn't wrap my mind around Icy and Jett... It wasn't right. She was the younger one. I guess while I was off doing my thing, my sister was creating a life for herself. I'm happy for her, but I feel this urge to want to rip his skin from his muscles and feed it to the birds... -Inturrupted-

Bartender: "Here ya go."

I just nodded my head to him. Thanking him siliently for a drink much needed . I didn't come to play but, the males at this bar were full of themselves and didn't like no for an answer. To hell with what they wanted. I'm never going to settle down with some egotistic male.... Gosh my blood boils when I think of them.

Male: "Hey wanna drink?"

I just looked at him.

Alehna: "I already have one as you can see."

Male: "Ah come on let me get you another?"

Alehna: "No."

I started to walk away to find an empty table facing the crowd when he grabbed my upper arm and yanked. I was getting ready to shatter his pelvic bone when someone gripped him so hard he went to his knees when I looked up I wanted to snap, Night the warrior who was defending me.

Night: "Now I suggest you call it a night and leave. Now!"

The male took off faster than you could blink. Of course saying the whole "I'll get you for this" it was so old.

Alehna: "I didn't need your help!"

Night: "No, but he did."

I couldn't help but want to laugh. I wonder if he was kissing up for his warrior brother, if so I didn't want it. I don't much like the kissing up act. I walked past him and went to the empty table took my seat and began to enjoy my Fanger. Sad thing was is that I did need to feed and soon my throat was getting scratchy and it began to ache. I noticed that the warrior had taken the seat across from mine. I just stared and he did the same.

Night: "You know you really shouldn't let your self go like this."

Alehna: "I don't know what your talking about."

Night: "Oh so the achy throat isn't enough?"

All I could do was glare at him.

Alehna: "What do you want? If you've come to apoligize for your brother I don't want to hear it. I could care less really."

Night: "What makes you think I came for him?"

Alehna: "Oh I don't know. You just happen to come here as soon as I take off. Let me guess to just come to have a drink?"

Night: "No, I came to see you. I didn't want to be rude. I didn't properly introduce myself. I'm Night."

His smiles wasn't the only thing nice about him. His voice was deep, dark and his breath held a hint of peppermint to it, he was all muscle not an ounce of fat on him. But he was a warrior one of the higher species according to his brother. Males were all the same, get close to you, get what they want then dump you like your trash. Not me, not again. I promised myself that I wouldn't be used and if this male thought he was going to succeed in what he was trying to do he was wrong.

Alehna: "Well Night, I'm not in the mood for conversation right now. I just want to drink."

He didn't talk for the longest time, he just sat there. He stared at me like he was waiting for something. I didn't know what it was, but I caught myself watching his every move. He got up a couple times for more drinks and I stared....What was I doing? I couldn't believe I was staring at him. Its just a thing it will go away... Really... I was now looking through the crowd, looking for a single male. It was a buzz kill that we could only drink from the opposite sex. It would be so much easier if we could feed off our own too.. I couldn't help but sigh out loud. Night didn't miss it and he just smiled like he'd been right.

Alehna: "What?"

Night: "Nothing, you need to feed."

I hated to admit it to myself but he was right I did, and soon.

Alehna: "I will. When I find the right male... I don't want to just go for anyone y'know."

Night: "Use me."

I was shocked, I couldn't... I wouldn't... He was a male of worth, and more than likely he'd never had a female drink from him before. Most of the warriors wait until they've found there mates to do that.

Alehna: "No, I'll find someone else."

Night: "Why? Am I unworthy?"

He looked uncertain. Almost saddened by my denial.

Alehna: "Why are you willing to let me?"

Night: "I don't know. Just thought I'd be nice."

Even thought thats not exactly what Night was thinking. He was attracted to her. He liked the way her lips moved. They hypnotized him in some way. He liked my smell, when I was mad, or being a smart ass. He found it cute. I moved closer.

Alehna: "Your just being nice because my uncle is your leader."

It wasn't a question, it was a fact. There was more to it that him just being nice out of his own heart. Though in my opinion males didn't posses emotions. All they wanted was sex, blood, and to kill.

Night: "What if I told you I just want to feel your lips on my skin? To see if they feel as good as they look? Besides, I'd rather you used me than let you use one of these....males"

I didn't really know what to say. I'd never heard a male speak to me like this. It made me feel.....good.. I didn't like it. It was another trick. There was something about him that didn't seem like all the others.

Alehna: "I...Why would you say that?"

Night: "I promise, I didn't mean it to sound quite that way. But, I am serious. I want you to feed from me. While your staying here I want you to come to me. I mean we are going to be partners from now on. He's leaving town."

That smile again. He just made my skin hot. I didn't like that he had control over my emotions. It wasn't right. But, I was going to use him...wait...

Alehna: "Partners? What do you mean?"

Night: "Your uncle decided that you and I would be partners. He doesn't want you leavin the house by yourself anymore."

He waited for my response but he was too close to me. My throat ached so much. He smelt like spices and peppermit.

Night: "Why are you refusing me? I can see clearly you want to. I'm not saying that if you use me we'll be tied together. I'm only offering because I don't want you in pain because of it."

Well when he puts it that way, I couldn't refuse anymore. I hated doing it in front of others but hey, I was getting close to being in a blood frenzy.

Alehna: "Your wrist. Please."

I didn't like the plea I heard come out of my own mouth, or the fact that I was doing this to begin with. He was a warrior of worth. He should have waited but, I couldn't anymore. I gripped his wrist when he held it out, and sank my fangs into him. I sucked and pulled, he rubbed my hair with his free hand, soothing me almost. I relaxed and took what I needed, as soon as my fangs were free of his skin it healed. Guess you got to love that. Our saliva held something that could heal little wounds like bites or scratches. It was handy. I didn't even want to look at him.

Night: "Wasn't so bad now was it?"

Alehna: "Was that your first time?"

Night: "Oh no, I've had loads of times where vamps almost went into blood frenzy's before."

Alehna: "No.. Not that I mean, was I the first to drink from you?"

Night: "Yes, but I asked you remember?"

Alehna: "Thank you."

Night: "Your welcome, Alehna."

We went the rest of the night not talking. I didn't really know what to say. His blood was so warm and it went through my body like....There are no words for how it felt. Its been a long time since I've had pure, good tasting blood. It was nice. I wish I could find more males like Night but I'd never find anyone. We finally left Twilight Bar and headed back for the mansion. We still didn't say anything to each other. Icy was waiting by the front door when we returned, she threw her arms around me and was crying.

Icy: "I thought you left again. I didn't know if you was coming back!"

I couldn't help but feel bad that she felt that way. I hugged her in return and remembered all the good times we had when we were kids before I left.

Alehna: "Sorry Icy. I didn't mean to make you worried. I'm going to be here for awhile so don't worry about me leaving any time soon alright."

She was sobbing now. She was so happy that I was staying I could see that clearly.

Icy: "I'm so happy your home. I've missed you so much."

Night just came in, and Icy stopped him.

Icy: "Thank you Night for bringing her back. Alehna, you look so much better, did you feed?"

I couldn't stop myself from blushing, I looked down. Icy looked from me to Night.

Icy: "Night! Your red. Do you have a fever?!"

Night: "No, no I'm fine. I'm going to go upstairs and lay down. It'll be dawn soon."

Alehna: "I'm going to do the same."

Icy: "Good, you need your rest. Your rooms ready for you. And don't worry I had a little talk with Jett... He'll be on his best behavior from now on."

Yeah like he was going to be in a better mood about this whole thing. I don't see why he's got such a problem with a female being a warrior, maybe he's afraid of getting shown up by a girl. I think that would be a great site to see.. I gave my sister a hug and walked up the stairs to where my room was. I walked in and looked around. It was the same as I left it. Even the bear that my father had gotten me was still sitting on the bed.

Jinx: "So, what happened between you and Night?"

I was actually startled. I spun around. When did he get in here, and how I didn't even hear him move.

Alehna: "What do you mean?"

Jinx: "Night's been acting weird ever since you both returned. What happened?"

I didn't have to answer his question but, I wanted someone to know. And, he was acting weird I don't know why. I knew I shouldn't have used him.

Alehna: "I fed from him."

If I wasn't looking at the warrior I wouldn't have believed it his mouth just dropped.

Jinx: "Wait! You fed from Night? And, he let you?"

Alehna: "He's the one who offered! I didn't take it from him without permission y'know!"

Gosh the nerve of him, thinking I'd taken it from him. Like, that would ever happen!

Jinx: "I, its, well Night swore never to let a female drink from him so it was shocking is all. Sorry my bad. Anyways, you should get some sleep."

Jinx left the room after saying that, he didn't say another word.. Why would Night let me drink from him if he swore against it? I was so confused. Jinx moved toward his and Nights room he walked in and moved to his bed. Night was just laying there rubbing his wrist, and staring off into space.

Jinx: "So dude, whats up?"

Night: "Huh? Nothing just.. I don't know."

Jinx: "What happened to you not ever feeding a female?"

Night: "How'd you hear about that?"

Jinx: "Alehna. She's worried, she thinks she did something wrong."

Night: "Shit, no she didn't. I offered I told her not to worry about it. I should go talk to her."

Jinx: "Don't think nows good."

Night: "Why?"

Jinx: "Last I seen she was getting ready to go to sleep."

Night: "I'll wait till tomorrow night then."

Jinx: "So tell me about it."

Night dazed a bit like he was thinking of how if felt.

Night: "It...I loved it.. She was warm, soft. She smelt so good, I wanted...."

Jinx: "Wanted?"

Night: "I wanted her. Alot. I held my control then we got back here and I don't know."

Jinx: "You like her."

Night: "Dude J, I haven't known her but a couple hours."

Jinx: "Doesn't matter. I mean look at Jett, and Our lord. They only knew there mates for a couple days now there together and loving it."

Night: "I don't know man. She doesn't feel anything. I know that. She's locked herself away thats for sure."

Jinx: "Prove her wrong. Prove to her that your better."

Night thought about it. Maybe J was right, maybe all he had to do was prove that he was better than another male. But how was he going to do that? Night feel asleep thinking about the ways he could do it. He woke up with a jolt and looked around. Jinx was still asleep and the sun was just now setting. Night got up and put his jeans on and headed down stairs toward the kitchen. He smelt something good, he thought to himself that Ben had been making breakfast. He opened the swinging doors and stopped. That wasn't Ben. Alehna was moving from the stove to the fridge. She had flour all over her face, she must have been bakeing something. She turned toward the counter and stopped.

Alehna: "Mornin, want something to eat?"

He didn't know what to say, the shocked look on her face and the fact that she had flour all over it was kinda cute.

Night: "What are you making?"

Alehna looked at the stove like she was making sure she knew.

Alehna: "Brownies. But I can make something else if you'd like?"

Night: "Mmm, brownies. Where's Ben?"

Alehna: "Oh, I told him I didn't need help. And I'd fix it by myself. But, the brownies are almost done."

Night couldn't believe that Ben would give up so easlily. He really liked cooking, let alone to let a female cook her own food.

Night: "Alright....Hey, I need to talk to you."

Alehna just looked at him. Her eyes knew what he wanted to talk to her about.

Alehna: "I'm sorry"

Night: "I'm sorry"

They said it at the same time, and they both looked at eachother wondering why he was sorry or why she was sorry.

Night: "Why are you sorry?"

Alehna: "I shouldn't have drank from you, even if your the one who offered."

Night: "Alehna, I'm not upset about it. You shouldn't be sorry. I knew you were worried about it, I really should have explained it last night. It was just the first time for me, and it.."

Night stopped, turning red as if he'd embarrassed himself. Alehna waited for him to finish what he was saying and when it took him longer than she'd liked she'd finished it for him.

Alehna: "It felt good?"

Night: "Yes. It was a shock. I thought my skin would crawl with someone doing that. And I didn't expect to like it.."

Alehna smiled and Night almost melted.

Alehna: "Well now that I've got you alone, I need to ask you something."

Night thought of what she'd said and he looked around. Oh yeah they were alone.

Alehna: "I want to go out tonight. To hunt."

Night snapped his attention back to her.

Night: "What? No way."

Alehna glared and got mad. He wasn't my baby sitter and he wasn't in control of me. I was only telling him to be nice.

Alehna: "Well I'm going with or without you. I was just letting you know in case you wanted to tag along."

Night: "Alehna..."

Night was interrupted by Jinx.

Jinx: "Mmmmmmm, Something smells really good.. Brownies.. I want some."

Jinx looked at both of them, and noticed they were just glaring at eachother. Jett and Icy walked in, aslo attracted by the smell of the brownies.

Icy: "Brownies my fave. Alehna, good morning. Did you sleep well?"

Alehna: "I slept fine. And there almost done about another 10 minutes."

Alehna and Jett exchanged glances but he kept his mouth shut so Alehna did the same. Besides, she already had enough problems without making more. We all waited there in silence. And then

the timer went off with a loud ding. Icy jumped then started laughing.

Icy: "Gez, its so quiet that it scared me."

It was hard to watch when Jett moved over to her and started kissing her and rubbing her stomach. He seemed so sweet to her but to everyone else he was a pain in the ass. I couldn't watch, I

grabbed the towel I was using to grab the pan but Night rushed over and took it.

Night: "Let me get it, you might burn yourself."

Alehna: "Night its alright I can get it."

He just ignored me and Icy and Jinx exchanged looks. Icy just lit up again. I don't know why she was so darn happy. The male was getting in my way. Night set the brownies down on the stove top

and then moved to the plates and took out 5. Jinx was the fist to get in line for the brownies.

Icy: "Heeey!"

Jett laughed at Icys whinning.

Jinx: "You snooze you lose."

It seemed lively here and nice. I'm happy they all like brownies so much cause I did make quite a bit. They all got them some brownies and Jett and Icy were going at it again. He was feeding her she was feeding him. Gosh it was hard to watch. Its one of those things where you don't want to watch but you can't look away...

Jinx: "MMMMMMM! So good!"

Alehna: "I'm glad you like them, enjoy."

I walked out of the room as quickly as I could, hoping Night didn't notice me leaving. Of course, I was wrong. He was hot on my tail, literally. I could feel the heat coming off him.

Night: "Alehna, I'm not done yet."

Alehna: "Your not going to say anything to change my mind. Whether you like it or not, I am...a....wa....rri....or get used to it."

Night: "Alehna!"

I spun around quickly not expecting him to be so close, my heart skipped a beat.

Alehna: "What?"

He seemed lost for words. I was waiting for him to speak but he never did he just stood there. I stepped back alittle so that I could see his face clearly.

Alehna: "Well?"

Night: "Uh, hmm. Oh! Why are you so stubborn? You could get hurt out there."

Alehna: "I know that. I'm not stubborn I just don't like to be told what I can and cannot do! Especially by you!"

He flinched like I'd just slapped him across the face.

Night: "Fine! Do what you want!"

He stormed away without another thought about it. Icy walked into the room, and whistled.

Icy: "Sis you sure have a way with the males... If I had Jett that hot it'd be one hell of a night."

I held my hand up quickly.

Alehna: "Ice! I don't wanna know!"

She smiled and put her arm around me..

Icy: "Come on. Lets go to Twilights and get us a drink."

If it had been anyone else I would have told her no thanks... But, this is my lil Ice Cube... It'd be nice to catch up with her alone..

We left the mansion. I thought Jett would be all down her back for leaving the mansion without him. I guess he did let her leave when she wanted to and unlike I thought all down her neck. We walked along the streets, we had about 5 blocks to go before we were close to the bar. I refused to walk but Icy is very persuasive, she said it was healthy for her to exersice and walking was the best for her. Of course, who was I to complain I didn't know the first thing about being pregnate. We finally got there and she was panting. I felt bad.

Alehna: "Are you sure your ok?"

Icy: "Yes yes. It was just alittle further than I remember.."

I helped Icy to her seat and grabbed a couple drinks from the bar. I returned to my seat across from her.

Alehna: "Here ya go. One nice hot coffee."

Icy took it smiling brightly.

Icy: "How'd you know? Oh I needed this."

Alehna: "Its pretty cold outside, and besides you can't drink right?"

Icy: "Nope, but its not a bad thing. I didn't like to drink anyways."

I sat there for a moment and didn't say much, I was thinking about what to say. Its been years since I've seen my sister and I didn't have much of a conversation starter.

Icy: "So how have you been since I seen you last?"

She looked sad as she said it.

Alehna: "Ice cube.... I've been alright, training you know. I -pause- I didn't know you were getting mated...Or that you was pregnate. The last thing I heard was that dad had gotten killed. I'm sorry Icy I should have been here for you. I'm your big sister, I'm supposed to protect you. And I failed.. But I'll make it up to you I swear.

Icy: "Al, don't be so worried about me. I'm fine, I've been taken care of. When father died it was hard, but I had Jett. And I know you don't much like eachother but please try and get along. I've missed you so much. I wanted to get ahold of you when the mating was getting started, and when I found out I was pregnate but I didn't have a way to contact you. I'm sorry too. Your a great sister Al don't think that I think any less of you because you've been gone. I love you so much. Your....Your all I have..."

I grasped her hand tightly and smiled sadly.

Alehna: "No, I'm not. You've got a life now. And I'm so glad you met a mate who I know will protect you and give his life for you. I just wish I was there for you growing up. To help out with small things. You know."

We both smiled at each other. I did miss my sister, I wasn't much of a girly girl but it was nice to have girl talk and stuff. But, still the truth was is she's moved on with her life, and I feel like I've been left behind somehow...Replaced... We sat there enjoying our drinks, and then... I don't know I just got this horrible feeling that we should leave...quickly. I stood up and gripped her elbow pulling her to her feet.

Alehna: "Icy we need to leave now. Hurry get your coat on."

Icy knew that the hardness in my voice that she needed to hurry. She didn't complain or ask for an explination. She had her coat on and was ready to bolt if needed. I put her behind me and we made our way to the back door, I opened it and the alley seemed clear, we moved through it slow and steady. I stopped her when we were about to clear the alley.

Alehna: "Icy, when I tell you I want you to faze out ok?"

Icy had alarm on her face.

Icy: "Al I can't! I can't it might hurt my baby!"

I cursed, I turned to her, I noticed she had started shaking.

Alehna: "Ok, its alright. You've been good through this..."

Icy: "Please now can you tell me whats wrong?"

Alehna: "I need you to stay calm. There are Havens close by. Very close. I can smell them. But -pause- there's something else. Something I haven't smelt in a long, long time. And, I'm worried. As soon as I give you the signal I want you to move as quickly and safely as you can. Go back to the mansion. I'll meet you there, alright? Can you do that for me?"

The warrior in me was coming back to the surface and it was worse beings as my one and only baby sister was with me. On top of that she had my neice with her. I couldn't let them harm her I'd never forgive myself if something happened to her.

Icy: "Alright I can do it...."

I could tell that she was terrified but, I needed to keep her calm. I moved out of the alley looking, smelling anything that was near. All I smelt were the Havens, but that familiar smell was back and it was stronger. I could tell that the safest way was North. I signaled her to come out and she came right to my side. As soon as she made it to my side, the Havens attacked. I moved her further back and gripped my sword. Once they got close enough I whipped it out and blood flew. That wasn't much of a fight I thought. But, something I never expected to see came into view. Both Icy and I were wide eyed. A Werewolf.

Alehna: "No. I killed all of you!"

All the wolfs reply was a growl, he was furious with me. I gripped Icy tightly. The wolf came at me, Icy screamed but when she opened her eyes she was in my arms, blood all over her hands.

Icy: "Alehna!"

Alehna: "I'm alright. Go, you need to leave now. I'll keep them here. You go! Hurry don't look back no matter what!"

I set her down and she took off. She ran as hard as she could. I spun around facing the wolf coming at me, and I smiled, fangs bared.

Alehna: "Alright, come get me!"

Icy made it to the steps of the Mansion out of breath. She walked through the doors and collapsed on her knees. Jett ran to her side so quick if you blinked you missed him. He held her close to him. He was horrified at the blood he'd seen.


Icy: "Its not mine, its not mine! Oh Jett it was horrible....Alehna! You have to go help Alehna.. Hurry!"

Night walked in along with Jinx. Night stopped dead, his eyes widening.

Jinx: "Whats going on?!"

Night was already out the door, Jinx took off behind him. Jett put Icy in the room and kissed her, then he was gone. The tried to move as quickly as they could. When they got there, it was a horrible site.. Blood everywhere..Bodies all over...


Jinx: "Dude, there's a dead wolve... There's hundreds of Havens here...I don't think"

Night: "She's ok!"

They moved forward, Night frantically looking for Alehna, Jett looking around thinking to himself if she was dead that it would kill his mate.

Alehna: "Your the last one huh? You didn't evolve that much since I last seen your kind.. Doesn't suprise me you mutt!"

The wolf growled and came at her, slashing at her with his claws, getting her skin a couple times. She was already bleeding alot as it was. She was losing it too quickly if she kept this up she was going to faint. She heard yelling. Someone was yelling her name... Night... Night was here. Oh no.. I slashed at the wolf with my sword, clipping his arm. The wolf heard the voices too and decided it best to retreat for now. He jumped on top of the building across the street and disappeard into the night. I stood there frustrated. Night, Jinx and Jett came around the corner, they all stood there staring at me like I was something they'd never seen. My eyes were pitch blue, my face and body covered in blood, both mine and the enemys and my sword was crimson red. I just remember Nights face: Horrified, relieved, sad. Then, I passed out..

Night: "Alehna!"

I woke to a strange sensation, warmth and wetness. I opened my eyes and seen Icy standing over me crying her eyes out. I rubbed my finger tips along her cheek. I mouthed don't cry...I couldn't speak...Why? A man in a white coat appeared. He was saying his name. Ed...ge.

Dr. Edge: "Alehna? Can you hear me?"

Icy: "She's going to be ok right?!"

Dr. Edge: "I'm still not sure, not until I strip her down and see whats there."

I could feel his rough hands moving agianst me, he was taking my cloths off.. I tried to move, to talk but I couldn't I felt helpless. Once he'd removed my clothing, I heard Icy and the Dr. gasp. I knew it was bad. He started naming off all of my wounds. Icy started crying harder. My back looked like someone had taken a can opener to it. My arms weren't any better..

Alehna: "I..cy"

She rushed to my side, gripping my hand..

Icy: "I'm here!"

Alehna: "Y..ou a..lri..ght? N..ot h..urt?"

Icy: "Oh Al, I'm alright I'm great....Worry about yourself....Oh this is all my fault...."

I couldn't help but shake my head over and over, the doctor yelled and held me down.

Dr. Edge: "Stop it! Your going to re-open the wounds!"

I stopped and Icy held my hands, Jett behind her, trying to comfort her. I couldn't help but feel embarrassed that he was in here....And I was naked...I passed out again. When I opened my eyes the room was empty, I could move better now. I sat up and grabbed the robe that was hanging up. I still had blood on me, but it wasn't as bad as it was before. I stood up, my legs alittle shaky I wanted to get out of this room, it was so bright. I opened the door and seen that it connected to the mansion...

Alehna: "Thats new.."

I moved to the main hall and stopped, I could hear the warriors voices clearly.

Jinx: "Man, who would have ever thought that a female could do all that."

Jinx started shaking his head, thinking of the site he had seen earlier tonight.

Jett: "I have to give her credit. I'm grateful that she's a warrior, because if she hadn't been.....My mate would have been killed..."

Jinx: "I mean did you see all those Havens? There were hundreds! And, to see a wolf up close like that... Even though it was dead it was still creepy. My lord, wasn't kidding when he said she killed

all of them, but I guess a couple survived. If my lord was here now he'd be flipping out. Night, what do you think?"

Night: "I don't care."

Jinx: "Come on man, your only upset because you haven't told her how you feel yet... And with you having this kind of feeling toward her, it doesn't suprise me that your upset. I mean she's in there all cut up.."

© Copyright 2011 Senka Cain (senkacain at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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