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Rated: · Fiction · Other · #1739461
A teenager trying to evade the police takes a tip from a ghost in the cemetery.
         The moon hung in the sky like a bright yellow coin and a teenager dressed in a midnight black hoodie dashed down an alley, fading into the shadows thrown on the buildings by the street lights, he vaulted the brick wall at the end of the alley into a cemetery so he could escape the approaching siren. Laying slumped down against a headstone waiting for the cop car to leave. Jason turned to read who had kept him safe from the cops, the headstone was of an old world war II veteran Ronnie Lemming. With the cops gone and Jason still worrying about being seen, he drifted like a shadow toward the gate when he heard a voice behind him say, “I wouldn't leave yet if I was you.”
“W-Who said that?” Jason said with a shaky voice.
“Well you were just sitting on my bones, does that help?”
Jason peered over his shoulder and saw a man in a service uniform sitting slumped against the headstone he was just at.
“It was on a night just about like this-”
“What was?” Jason interrupted.
“The night I was running from the Nazi, I was a sniper sitting in this old bombed out house looking over this communication line. I had been there probably eleven hours and was getting ready to leave when I heard the clump-clump-clump of boots on side walk, So I waited under the stairs until I could identify the person. I poked my head out around the staircase and saw an S.S. General standing on the corner so I unslung my rifle, shouldered it and the crack when it went off ripped through the night was deafening, but there was three other people with him who started shouting in German before the body of the S.S. Man even hit the street.”
“Did you know what they were saying?” Questioned Jason.
“I don't know much German, but I heard one of them saying 'search the houses, the shooter can't be too far away,' so I knew I had to leave. I jumped out a window on the back side of the house and tucked out to the north-east, not really knowing where I was running to but what I was running from. After jumping a ditch I ended up in a little cemetery a lot like this one.”
“What happened next?” Jason said, siting wrapped up in the veteran's story.
“Well I sat slumped next to the largest headstone in the cemetery until I thought they were all gone, then stood up and took off running again... only to be shot in the back and later I fell sick and died. So when I say I wouldn't leave yet I think I would know, when waiting someone out wait until you think it's safe then give it another five to ten minuets just to be safe.” Jason looked over to the headstone where Ronnie was slumped at and he was gone. Taking Ronnie's advice Jason stayed in the cemetery for another few minuets when the cop car pulled around around the other side and shined their spotlight out across the cemetery, “So the old man was right,” Said Jason as he moved around the other side of the headstone he was at until the cops had left and climbed the fence and left the graveyard.
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