Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1738833-The-Room
Rated: E · Short Story · Thriller/Suspense · #1738833
A man wakes up in a room and he doesn't know how he got there.

I awoke in the corner of a room. The room was empty and there were no windows or doors. I had no idea where I was, what time it was, or what day it was. I shouted out "Hello, can anyone here me?" But there was just silence. I sat down in the corner where I was previously. I was thinking about what I did last night, but it was hard to remember. I paced back and forth, it felt like hours had past and nothing had changed at all in this room. Until I heard a thumping noise against the wall. Thump, thump, thump, over and over again. I ran over to the wall were the noise was coming from. I started to shout "Hey, let me out of here." The second I started to do that the noise stopped. I kept banging and shouting on the wall hoping maybe whoever it was would help me, but it was no use.

It seemed like a whole day had past and there had been no change. I was going mad; I started to slam myself against the wall hoping I would go right through it. With all my force and weight, it didn't even seem like I dented the wall at all. All of a sudden the room started to shake. I was getting thrown all over the place and could hardly keep my balance. I fell to the floor and was rolling around. I tried to get back up. However the room was shaking so much that I lost my balance, slammed my head against the wall and it knocked me out cold.

I woke up again, in what seemed to be the same place as the first time. There was nothing I could do. I was losing my mind and I couldn't go on. I had my back up against the wall, and it started to move forward slowly. I jumped up and looked and saw that all the walls were moving in. I started to panic and knew I only had a few minutes left. I looked up and high up, there was no ceiling. I knew that was my chance but I had to act fast. When the walls were close enough I put one of my hands on one side and the other on the other side, and climbed up to the ceiling as fast as I could. The space was getting smaller but I had to make it. The ceiling was reachable, and I grabbed on to the ledge and pulled myself up. I was relived to be out of there but it didn't seem to matter. I was in a bigger room, but this time there was a window down on the far end. I walked over to the window and looked through it. At first I couldn't believe my eyes: I saw a computer with words on it that were written like a story. That's when it hit me, I'm not a person - I was a thought.
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