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Meaning of personality and some tips on how to develop it.

Personality actually means the qualities or traits of an individual.
Its your personality that leaves an impression on the stranger and as it is “first impression is the last impression”. Therefore it is very important to have a strong personality. Personality is depicted not only by your way of dressing but also by your way of speaking. Many people don’t feel confident to speak before huge gathering and thus they prove to have a weak personality. A person having a good personality has good command over his language and is confident speaking before the public.

Here are some tips to develop your personality:

1.Read more as this would help you in gaining knowledge and would also expand the areas of your interest.
2.Be a good listener because this will make people feel comfortable while interacting with you. There is nothing more appealing than having someone listen to you intently making you feel like you're the only person in the world.
3.Be a good communicator and talk what people want to hear. People love to talk about themselves, about their interests and so go ahead talk about all these. Show interest in their talks.
4.Meet new people. This will help you in developing confidence and will broaden your horizon.
5.Have a positive attitude because nobody wants to be in company of negative people or those who keep complaining. So be a person who can light up the room with his energy. Keep a smile on your face and the world will smile with you.
6.Be humorous because people want to be with someone who would make them laugh, who is chirpy and can find out fun in all situations.
7.Give respect to others as this is the most important thing for every person on this earth. If you will respect others, they will certainly respect you in return.

These are just few tips that will help you in developing your personality. Not only this, but for developing your personality it is very important to be a good speaker also. You must get a platform where you can speak before the public.Join some institute or a group that gives you this opportunity.

ANURAG AGGARWAL INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC SPEAKING helps you in GDs, power point presentations, debates, roles plays, speeches and much more which helps to build up your confidence. It is located in Delhi (north, south, west, central), Noida, Ghaziabad and Gurgaon.
So to have a good personality, become a good speaker and feel confident by joining the course. For more details, visit http://www.anuragaggarwal.com or call Shivangi: 91-9999996242. We would be happy to help you.

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