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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Dark · #1737546
Demons. I saw demons, however I thought it was all in my mind. Looks like I was wrong...
Making generalizations narrows the mind, and deprives one of valuable experiences, possibilities, opportunities to gain knowledge and relationships. All of which have the potential to impact  life in a positive way.
Perception opened the mind if used correctly and can be...a most deadly weapon against the self. Reality is what one makes of it, perception can twist reality into something unreal, unchanging; it can catch you in a net of deceit and denial, give you the lust for revenge so you may render your foes asunder with your wrath and pridefully boast about it. It can open your eyes to your envy and how one can greedily attain the same fair vanity as the ones you see. Power one can receive from this can allow slothfulness and the endowment to feast gluttonously on the bounty of the world as those you rule over with fear...serve you as a master...
Although your reality...may not be the same for another...

“Why should I fear something that didn't exist?”

I watched as the woman before me fell to the ground, the dark red creature still attempting to crawl from her stomach. Their breaths in perfect unison until the small creature let out a exasperated cry yet no noise came from it. I witnessed as a bubble of blood appeared at it's mouth and explode due to the the force of the now audible scream.
Blood splattered across the ground, along the mossed walls beside the bus stop and slowly dripped down the gaps between it's sharp and overly sized teeth. The screaming stopped and the creature began to pant, gasping not for air but a way to cool itself off I noticed. Eyes opened on the creatures head as it lifted itself from it's now dead and silent host on three spindly insect like legs.
It wobbled twice before falling to the left – The direction in which I was standing, watching this- and it fell onto it's back, it's three legs franticly twitching in a spasmodic manner in the air.

I felt sudden pity for the small newborn creature. I had no idea as to what it was, why it had crawled out of the woman's stomach but I knew why no one else was there with me to bear witness to the birth of this...demon. It wasn't happening. That's why I wasn't bothered by the creatures screams...why should I fear something that didn't exist? It was simply illogical.

The beast looked at me, stopping it's rage and frantic movement. A tongue appearing from within the jaw of the creature, a sharp point at the end...It's eyes held nothing but hunger. I didn't fear it. I glared at it, I wanted it to try and kill me...The creature stood up with greater skill this time and began to make it's way to me. I turned my body towards it and held my hands out to the sides, welcoming it's attempt. The beast rose on it's hind legs, ready to use it's more powerful looking front leg to plough me to the floor and most likely eat me using those sharp teeth.
It's huge eyes widened as it looked at me, suddenly horrified by my presence. It fell backwards trying to avoid coming any closer to me and scrambled away back to it's host before casting me another glance. It grabbed the woman by the hair and began towing her away into the shadows of the near by alleyway. I took one last look of the creature before turning away and getting onto my bus as it pulled up, all I saw was hate...burning evil from behind a pair of glowing red eyes.

The day was young and my first hallucination had ended...

Chapter 1:
“Why do I watch? Simply, I'm fascinated...”

So, I guess you want to know what was going on back there...I don't guess...I know. Everyone is the same in that sense. I am an abnormal, an oddity in the system. From a young age, I've been able to see them.
No, not the dead. I'm not that crazy. I see demons, I see creatures of evil punish humans for their evil. A strange thing to say.
In reality these 'visions' I see are just multiple hallucinations. My brain malfunctioning. Simple.
No one else saw this poor young woman die. The beast born from her could not touch me...why could it? It is an intangible illusion caused by the curse of an over active imagination. I've never really told anyone about them, not since I ended school 2 years ago...I was asked by my school counsellor, “Why do you even watch them?” He had asked me utterly horrified as I recollected a time I saw several snake-like creatures with huge gaping jaws of just teeth tear a man to shreds outside of the classroom window. You know what I said, “Why do I watch?” I had asked, wondering why I was being asked such a simplistic question, “Simply, I'm fascinated by them.” I spoke earning a look of diastase and horror from the man sitting before me, “Sure, seeing someone be killed by creatures straight out of some demonic cult's mythology is nothing nice to look at. Yet while I'm watching...I can see how detailed I can imagine these creatures. I've never seen what it would look like to pull a man's intestines from inside of him or the smell...sometimes that is the worse part.” I joked with a sadistic grin.

After that I never saw the point of letting outsiders know of these things that I see. I'm intelligent enough to know that these demonic creatures don't exist...
And with that idea, I hang onto my sanity.

Back to my day I suppose...

The bus driver looked bored, as if he hated the fact that there was yet another person on his bus. I glared at him and spotted the small furry creature sitting on his shoulder, it's tail in the man's ear.
“Were 'ya goin'? We don't have all day y'know.” The man slurred, not drunk but too lazy to even pronounce words correctly, I wanted to punch his face.
“Return to town please.” I asked politely through my teeth. There was no need to get angry at a waste of space, he was adept as his job and was getting me to work...at lease he had one use.
I took my seat after paying for my ticket, a scowl on my face. 2 Hallucinations and a prick for a bus driver...I had the feeling that work would be no better.

I got off at my stop, giving one last look at the bus driver and the little creature that accompanied him. With a yawn I began my walk to work, I never once thought of the possibility that my day would have been so magnificently altered as it was about to be.

To be continued...
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