Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1736931-Inspired-by-a-dream
by T-Rad
Rated: E · Chapter · Friendship · #1736931
This idea came to me in a dream. Its the beginning of a new story
Robin Reynolds walked into Lincoln High School and paid no mind to the stares people gave her or the comments pretty rich blonde Barbie’s in the corner made about her. She knew people were curious who was this tall, slightly curvy, brown straight haired, hazel eyes girl walking through the hall with so much confidence and assurance of herself. For a new student Robin was not afraid of what laid before her. New schools were nothing new to her, as she walked through them so many times before, in fact nothing made her afraid. Robin felt she experienced it all and being afraid was a waste of time.
She strolled down the hallway like she was on the runway at a Victoria Secret Fashion Show glancing at her admires that were posted up by the lockers. A few of these men were good looking. She flashed a smile to a very tall, muscular, brown skinned man. He wore his Maroon football jacket and seemed to be the leader of them all. He was whispering something to the other men as he took a second glance at Robin. Immediately he couldn’t help to stare as she caught his glance. “Robin?” He yelled in shock.
Robin thought how did anyone know her name. This must be a mistake. She looked closer and saw the familiar eyes and smile who brought her so much joy as a child. She thought maybe it could be him. She was back in her childhood home town. “Davon? Davon Tucker?” She laughed and he walked over to her.
His smile got wider and he picked her up and squeezed her so tight. “Wow! What are you doing here? I thought you were living in California or Hawaii, somewhere far from here.”
“I moved back this week.” Robin was relieved he did not know what happened in California and she planned to keep it that way. “Where is Ryan and Shawny?”
“Who? Oh maybe in class, I don’t know. So, this is for real. You’re going to school here?” Davon could not stop staring at her woman body. He remembered her being so skinny with no womeness to her. All the other girls seemed to develop early where Robin’s chest and butt was flatter than a wall. Her lips and eyes were as beautiful as they always been. He still craved to kiss them and wondered would he ever get his chance. He thought back to when they were ten and he dared her to kiss him one time during truth or dare. She was so nervous and just as she leaned into kiss him, her mother came storming in the house screaming about all the people in the house. Davon quickly ran home and never tried to kiss her again; well he never really got a chance because she moved away a few months later.
“Yeah, my grandmother made me move back here. But I have to let the office know I am here and get to class. See you later!” Robin strolled down the hallway as Davon and the other boys watched her and giggled.
“Yo, you know her, D?” Ty, the shortest of them all, but the most cockiest asked.
“Yeah, she use to live next door to me, when we were little, but she moved away.” Davon’s smile dipped into a frown.
“So, is she single? Because she won’t be for long, if you know what I mean ” Ty laughed.
“I don’t know and don’t even think about talking to her. Besides I don’t think she would waste her time on your non-romantic, cheap date, cheating, ass.” Davon said with anger. He could not believe Ty would even think about playing Robin the way he treated his other pawns. He wanted Robin and felt like she was always going to be his.
“Oh, D has a thing for Robin… We better back off!” Carlton laughed. “Man, it’s been how many years? I think she has grown out of that childhood crush even if you haven’t. And we promise we won’t tell Lisa that your long lost love is here.”
“She is not my long lost love and we never had crushes on each other. There is nothing to tell Lisa.” Davon got sadder as he walked away from his friend and headed to class. He knew now than ever he had to keep his feelings for Robin a secret. So, what if he wanted her since they were five years old, he had Lisa now. She’d been with him since the beginning of freshman year, stood by his side, and truly loved him. He loved her too, but not the way he thought he loved Robin. He sat confused throughout his first few classes and thought about Robin and when he would get to see her again.

Robin walked into her first class with anger. The class was small and had over thirty something kids crowed in tiny desks. They all stared at her like she was an alien or something. She never cared what people thought about her, but this was getting annoying. These people acted like they never saw anyone new before. She found an open seat in the back and took a seat trying not be noticed. She watched the girl in front of her, as she reapplied her make up. “I’m hungry.” The girl said after her lips were glossing. Robin knew that voice.
“Shawny?” Robin tapped the girl on the shoulder.
“What do you want? Screamed the girl as she turned around. “OMG!!, Robin!” She jumped out her seat and gave her a big hug. “I can’t believe you are here.” Sharron Styles, also known as Shawny, knew Robin since they were in diapers, born at the same hospital, two days apart. Their mothers became friends in the nursery room. They went from diapers to first crushes in no time. They took their first step together, said the same first word “Day,” for Davon, and shared the same clothes. Shawny was about the same height as Robin, dark completion, very skinny but still with her baby cheeks and her hair of course in braids she did not look much different then she did the day Robin and her mother stood on Shawny’s steps saying good-bye
“I just got back.” Robin tried to be excited to see Shawny. She missed her, but she did not want to be in this small town. She missed Las Angles and hated that she had to moved back here.
“Well, why are you so miserable? Oh my, D and Ryan are going to be so excited to see you. Well, they aren’t really speaking anymore, but I’ll have to rearrange a little get together at my house for the four of us, like old times.” Shawny rambled on with details about this little shindig she wanted to have at her house. Robin did not want it to be like old times. She was not the same ten year old girl who liked taking adventures, playing pretend, and beating all the boys at whatever sport they played. She grew up a lot these past eight years and she felt none of them would understand. They would soon realize Robin was different and did not belong at Lincoln High School.
Before, Robin could answer Shawny’s questions or interrupted her from her party plans the teacher walked into the room, asking everyone to be quiet and turn to the front. Robin hated math class, she hated every class in general. She was smart, very intelligent, she just did not care about school. She felt she knew everything the teachers were already telling her and hated dealing with the drama from the catty girls and cocky boys. She always felt she was better, more mature than what traveled through narrow white hallways almost resembling a prison. Robin read and researched a lot, growing up as an only child. She had nothing else to do but study, read, and write. However, she promised her grandmother she would finish high school and go to college. Robin thought that meant she would be able to finish high school in LA, but before she could take back her promise she was on a plane back to New York and living with her Aunt Terry.
Aunt Terry was strict and never approved of Robin. Her brother, John, Robin’s father, did not make the family happy when he chose to get Robin’s mother pregnant. John and his family came from money and looked down on anyone who did not drive a Benz, Lincoln, BMW or other expensive cars. Robin’s mother, Victoria did not have money. She worked two jobs to pay for college, but she was a hard worker. It was not clear if John loved her or lusted after her thick hips, large breasts and plum butt. John’s family, including Terry was stunned to find out charming, all star athlete, wealthy, tan skinned, educated man would want someone like Victoria. Terry was too concerned with class and wealth to see how John and Victoria felt about each other. John’s mother was in too much disgust and refused to support to John, so she moved to California. However, due to circumstances she could not control, Robin and John moved in with her when Robin turned 15. She grew to love and respect her granddaughter, but could not control her wild rebellious behavior and had to send her to live with her Aunt Terry.
As second and third period dragged by Robin thought of her grandmother and wondered what she was doing. She wondered who was helping her with the cleaning and cooking. She believed in a few days her grandmother would call her up and tell her she could come home. That thought shook Robin up, because for years she never felt like California was her home, in fact she never thought she had a home.

“Robin, come on!” Shawny pulled on her arm. “I have to get my table. These bitches keep thinking they can still my table.”
“I never thought you were worried about someone stealing something from you.” Robin laughed. She remembered how tough Shawny walked around stating she could beat up everyone, older, younger. Robin thought back to the time Shawny tried to fight these girls. She could not stop laughing.
“What is so funny?” Shawny asked in annoyance as they walked into the cafeteria.
“I was thinking about that time I had to save you from getting your ass beat by Loni and her two big manly looking cousins.” Robin could not hold in her laughter. She hadn’t laughed like that in along time.
“You didn’t have to save me, you had to save them.” Shawny stated with confidence. “Anyway, this is Maria and Sarah. Everyone this is my best friend from when I was younger Robin. She moved away from here, but she’s back.” The excitement was written all over Shawny’s face. For someone who never shows emotion, Robin’s smiled matched Shawny’s excitement.
“So, you’re Miss Robin Reynolds? Shawny always talks about you. I felt like I already met you.” Maria, the nicest of them all said. He voice was so quite and polite, she did not fit in with Shawny. Maria was a beautiful Latin young women with long black curly hair, big green eyes, and a light caramel complexion. Her accent matched her style perfectly. Robin liked her and took the seat next to her.
“Shawny is always talking, rambling about something. And I am sure she exaggerated some stories too.” Robin began to laugh and then instantly stopped and a blank expression threw across her face.
“Robin, what are you staring at? What’s wrong?” The girls continued to ask questions about what caught Robin’s attention. They looked in the direction her eyes were focused on but did not see anything that made her stop in her tracks. “Robin??” They continued to yell.
“I’ll be back.” Robin said as she got up from the table. She walked across the cafeteria and outside where most of the boys were. She walked through Davon and the other football players as they made sexual gestures and tried to get her attention. Robin was determined to get to the end of the cement, the last table. As she walked over, she saw him so clumsy, trying to handle his tray and books with out falling over. He still had a hard time balancing things and walking. Ryan could barely put one foot in front of the other without falling over. He put his tray on the table, exhaling, feeling victorious to make it all the way outside and to his table without knocking anything over. He stood up and looked in her direction. The largest smile jumped on his face. He stared at her as they both ran to each other. She jumped on him and gave him a big hug. He kissed her cheek as he put her back down on the ground.
“Robin, I didn’t want to believe the fifty text messages Shawny sent me. You’re really here!” Tears appeared in his eyes. Ryan was short with a nice built. He was light skinned with bright big green eyes and these perfect curved lips. Robin could not believe how much he had grown up. He still was so handsome, so mature looking and like a man, like how she always thought he would look like when they got older.
“Yeah, I am here.” Robin hugged him again. Out of everyone she missed Ryan the most. She was close with Shawny and Davon, but there was always something special between her and Ryan. For awhile her and Ryan wrote letters to each other after she moved away but some how they stopped coming in and going out. Their lives changed and she could not be mad at him for growing up. For the first time, since she was back she was glad and thankful her grandmother sent her here. However, she could not show it. She did not want anyone to know how she felt about Ryan.
“Are you eating lunch with Shawny? Because you could eat lunch with me.” Ryan asked so cutely. Many girls would think he was weak or a nerd or something, but Robin was attracted to his kindness and respect for woman.
“I came to lunch with Shawny, but you know I come and go as I please. I don’t have to eat with them. Are you eating alone?”
“No, my friends will be coming soon. I could tell them to find another table, so you and I could eat together and talk about what happened.” Ryan was so sincere. “I heard about your mother and everything. I am sorry. I wanted to be there for you. How are you?” Ryan was the only one who asked how she was holding up. Did Davon and Shawny know what happened to her mother? They had too, if Ryan knew.
“I am fine. It’s hard to be back here and especially living with my Aunt Terry. Do you know she had the nerve to say something about my mom?” Robin never opened up to anyone except for Ryan. She trusted him and never hesitated to tell him her thoughts and feelings. Unlike Shawny and Davon, it felt like she never left Ryan, that her and Ryan had stayed friends all this time. “Ugh, I hate that woman.”
“I am sorry, Robin.” Ryan hugged her tight. He looked up and saw his friends staring at him. “Oh, this is Kyle and Rich. This is Robin. Her and I use to be friends when we were little kids.”
Kyle and Rich stood up and shook her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Kyle said like the perfect gentleman. Robin was not use to men with manners. She was use to having guys trying to slap her ass or make comments about her looks. She never had men respect her the way Ryan and his friends did at that moment. “Are you going to eat?”
“Oh, I’m not really hungry.” Robin said looking at their plates. “Besides, that looks disgusting.”
“It may look awful but it’s actually pretty good food.” Rich took a bite of his sloppy Joe and some sauce dripped down his cheek. “The food here is good. I sure enjoy it.” Rich took another bite. He was a heavy guy with blonde hair and blue eyes. He had a southern accent and this sweet kindness about him. He made Robin relax a bit. There were definitely guys not like this in LA.
“Robin, you still don’t eat? She never use to eat anything but Bananas, Strawberries, Ice Cream and Cereal.” Ryan laughed. “Her mother use to beg her to eat; made her sit at the table to everything was finished, but her stubborn self didn’t move and her mother let her go.”
“That’s not true. I eat more than that. I eat salad and chicken. And I’m not stubborn; I’m just not going to do anything I don’t want to do.” As the words flowed out her mouth her cell phone rang so loud the whole dining area caught her attention. “Excuse me.” Robin walked away from the table.
“I told you that you couldn’t call me anymore… I know but if my grandmother finds out… No, I’m not scared of her or that bitch Aunt of mine. I don’t care. Stop calling me.” Robin hung up the phone. She tried to hide her anger but she couldn’t. Elie could not get the hint their relationship had to be over. He was the reason she had to come back here and she was so angry at him. It was his fault and she would not forgive him for what he did to her.
As she walked back to the table the three gentleman pretended not have eased dropped on her conversation. Ryan looked concerned and he wanted to ask his friends about the angry phone call; however, he had to respect her privacy. “Hey Robin, Shawny text me wondering if you were with me. She said she was worried and realized you have not changed. I told her to come join us if she wanted. Is that okay?”
“Why are you asking me? Of course it’s okay.” Robin said still thinking of her phone call.
“Shawny Styles would never come sit with us though. She thinks she’s better than us.” Kyle commented. “I remember one day I said ‘hi’ to her and Sarah and they laughed, rolled their eyes and walk away.”
“Really? So you don’t talk to Shawny anymore? And she said you and Davon really aren’t talking anymore either. What happened?” Robin was curious how her three best friends could have drifted so far apart. She had a reason to not be as close with them; she moved further and further away but they lived in the same town, on the same street and went to the same school their whole lives.
“You know how it goes. People get to high school and things change. Davon and I stayed cool for along time, but when he got captain of the football team he forgot about his best friend. And Shawny, well she’s so concerned with what everyone thinks of her she’s worried that being friends with me would lessen her popularity or something. You know sitting with me could ruin your untainted reputation.” Ryan began to explain.
“Who cares about a damn reputation? Ryan, you know me better than that. I’m going to say something to both D and Shawny. That’s fucked up of them to treat you like that. How would you ruin their popularity anyway?”
“Because we aren’t dumb ass jocks, but intelligent artists.” Kyle blurted out. “Well, Rich does not have much artistic ability but he’s smart so we keep him around.” All the boys laughed. Robin looked at Rich. She would have laughed but felt left out of the inside joke.
“Shut up. I’m artistic, just in a different way than you are. I have the visual art and ya have the performance art. Remember?” Rich said with confidence. “You’ll see how much ya need me one day. Robin, I’m a true artist. They’re just wannabees.” He laughed so hard as food feel out of his mouth.
“You still sing and dance Ryan?” Robin missed the sound of his singing voice. When she couldn’t sleep while her mother was out doing who knows what with some mystery man Ryan put her to sleep with his soothing relaxing voice through the phone.
“Yes and so since we sing in the choir and don’t run around chasing a ball, I guess we aren’t as cool as the rest of them.” Ryan pointed in Davon’s direction. “What the hell is he doing walking over here?”
“Robin, come on. I don’t get why you’re wasting your time with these losers.” Davon tried to pull her out of the chair.
“Get your hands off of me. I’m not wasting my time. I am enjoying myself.” Robin started to get angry and could feel her temper start to boil. She remembered her grandmother’s words: Count to ten because if you get one suspension or detention I will not send you any money. She didn’t need her money. She knew how to get it herself, but she did need her grandmother’s respect and refused to disappoint her.
“You know you want to hang out with me, you always chose me over him.” Davon rambled on like he was king or something and Robin should just feel so grateful he wanted to speak with her.
Robin jumped out her seat. “I never chose you over anyone. My mom made me play with Shawny. You’re her cousin and lived at the same house; so of course I spent more time with you. You always said things like that to make yourself better. But go on, Day, be that same cocky asshole you’ve always been. Stay jealous of Ryan.” Robin was screaming and acting like someone she hated to be. Her Aunt Terry said this attitude showed how poor and uneducated she was and constantly reminded her the mistake her father made. “Fuck you, Davon.” Her anger with Elli came out and was used to spit fire at Davon.
“What did you just say? You’ve got some nerve. What you move to Cali and forgot about us, like you’re some bad ass chick. Robin, I knew you before you were wrapped up in dollar bills, designer clothes, and partying with stuck up white folks.” Davon was angry but more sad. He stared at Robin expecting a fierce come back from her. This was how they were. They always yelled and fought but everyone believed it was because they liked each other. Shawny told Davon when they were little that Robin always said she liked when Davon fought with her, in fact she looked forward to the arguments. Davon took this as a sign Robin liked him, but really Robin just liked the control or power. Davon always gave in to her and then would give her what ever she wanted. Robin could win against him, no matter how strong he thought he was, but this time was different. Robin did not want anything from Davon. She hated who he had become.
“You don’t know shit about me and who I was partying with? Why don’t you take your self back over there and hang out with those disgusting pig headed friends of yours.” Robin sat back down and tried to calm herself.
“What the hell is going on? Robin, you just got back and you two are already fighting.” Shawny ran over to the argument. “Davon, have some respect.”
“Me? Why is it always my fault? I’m you’re fucking cousin but like always you take her side. And of course Ryan is staying quiet. Still the little punk he’s always been.”
“Shut the hell up!” Ryan stood up. “ I am not going to let you talk to her like this.”
“Yeah, and what the hell are you going to do about it?” Davon stood tall with Carlton and Ty right next to him. They tried to intimidate Ryan but he was not backing down.
“I am not scared you…” Ryan yelled as the bell rang for their next class. He was ready to keep yelling his point but Miss Joy came over to brake up the argument. He really enjoyed Miss Joy as a teacher and did not want to disrespect her.
“What is this all about?” Miss Joy looked at Ryan. “Everyone go to class. Ryan, Davon come with me. And excuse me, but who are you young lady. Do you go to school here?” Miss Joy stared at Robin waiting for an answer. She did not responded. Robin’s stubbornness and attitude shown through. “Well, whoever you are, follow me. The four of us will have a nice chat with Principal Johnson.”
“Miss Joy I can explain everything.” Ryan tried to plead his case but Miss Joy did not want to hear it. She had enough going on in her head to be dealing with this today. And Robin’s disrespect only set her off. Times like this she hated being a teacher in a public high school. She wanted to make a difference, but dealing with bitches like Robin made her regret giving up teaching at the college level.
“Principal Johnson, I apologize for interrupting but these three caused a huge disturbance in the cafeteria today. They were yelling and cursing, something we do not tolerate at this school.“ She looked at Robin. “And I am not sure who this young lady is. I don’t think she goes to school here, but I don’t have time to find out. I have to get to my class. Please let me know if you need anything else.” Before Principal Johnson could respond Miss Joy was gone. Her heels clicked down the hallway and with each step her anger grew more intense.
“Davon, please tell me what is going on here… Wait, aren’t you the new student?” He looked at Robin. “You are Terry Smith’s niece, right?” Josh Johnson and Terry were very good friends, before he came a high school principal. Josh wanted to be a lawyer and tried courting Terry. Trying to be a lawyer was not good enough. She told them they could be friends; however, Josh could not pass the bar and some how went from being a substitute teacher to twenty years later being principal. Terry could not date a teacher or even be friends with someone who only made under $30,000 a year. But if she needed something, like to get her niece into the high school, she used him.
“Yes, my name is Robin Reynolds.” Robin tried to stay calm. She knew better than to disrespect authority again. She could not believe her first day in Lincoln High School and she was sitting in the principal’s office. Her Aunt Terry and grandmother would be giving her an earful tonight. This was definitely turning into the worst day of her life.
“Well, Miss Reynolds I don’t know what you did at your other schools, but here at Lincoln we do not tolerate improper behavior.” Principal Johnson began to lecture her. Robin heard enough lecturing in her life to sit through this.
“You don’t even know what happened.” Her voice level raised. “I was minding my own business and Davon started running off the mouth like always. I tried to defend myself.”
“Like always. You two know each other?” Principal Johnson asked.
“Yes, Mr. Johnson. Robin used to live here when we were little. Davon, Shawny, Robin and I were all friends.” Ryan answered his question. “We didn’t mean to cause any problems. There was some miscommunication.” He tried to keep his composure. Ryan hated conflict and more than anything being in trouble. He was that good kid, doing everything he could to please everyone, keep everyone happy. He tried to fix everyone’s problems, be the shoulder to cry on even if it put him in a bad situation. He always wanted to protect Robin, especially from Davon, but he was much stronger and had this way about him that always seemed to catch Robin’s attention. He sat back for years in Davon’s shadow, believing like everyone else he would get Robin.
“Please explain to me what happened.” Principal Johnson was a very understanding man. He thought of being principal was another way of working with the law, well following school rules. Students would come into his office that needed discipline and he’d get to listen to their side and punish them for his actions. It was like being a lawyer and judge in one.
“I just tried to holla at Robin. It’s been awhile. She got all moody and giving her attitude as always. Now, I’m not going to be disrespected by nobody. Then this fool tried to be the hero.” Davon told his side of the story. “There’s no reason for me to be here.”
“That’s not true. Robin was sitting with me and Davon tried to force her to talk to him.” Ryan interrupted him.
“I don’t have to force anyone to talk to me, especially Robin.” Davon smiled at her. And Robin hated the effect his smile had on her. He was very good looking and his smile always made her smile. It was like a million tingles were flowing through her body. He was right. She did like talking to him and she did miss him. She missed his smile, his confidence, the way he went around telling everyone he was going to marry her. Back then, Robin believed in fairy tales and the story of falling in love with your childhood friend. Everyone, from their parents, people in church, to the neighbors rambled on how cute they were together. She didn’t know anything else and she knew if she never moved away her and Davon probably would have been together. It hurt her in side because deep down she liked Ryan more, but he never even noticed her. It was like he only saw her as a friend.
“Look, I don’t have time for this. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble. And it was a stupid conversation between Davon and I. Ryan did nothing wrong. May we all leave?” Robin wanted to get out of the principal’s office. She was hopping she could convince Principal Johnson to forget everything and let them leave. “Sir, we are sorry and we promise it won’t happen again.” She battered her eyes and gave her innocent smile. Robin wasn’t stupid. She was tough but when she needed something she did what she had to get it. “Davon did yell at me and I may have sad the F word, but he said some inappropriate things. And Ryan he was just standing up for me.”
“Is this true, gentleman?” Principal Johnson looked at the two young men who sat in his office overflowing with anger. The boys nodded their heads. “Davon, if you apologize for Robin, you won’t have to serve detention. Miss Reynolds because of your use of bad language you are to write me a 5000 word essay on the foul language, due by Wednesday or you will be in detention. That’s all for now. Please return to your classes.” Principal Johnson stood up and opened the door.
Robin was pissed but could not fight against him. And she felt his punishment was nothing. Writing the paper was easy. She did not want to hear Davon’s apologize though. She was sick of the men saying sorry for something they were only going to do again. And Davon was going to sweet talk her, like only he could. At ten he knew how to pursued people. He was so good at it she was going to kiss him.
“Birdie, my sweet Robin, I apologize for upsetting you. I’ve missed you and didn’t want to hurt you in away. Please let me make this up to you. How about I take you to dinner? I’ll take you to you Italian Pizza; I know its your favorite.” He called her Birdie. That’s what always got her. He originally started calling her Birdie to annoy her, but she loved it. It was their thing and only he was allowed to call her that. Hearing Birdie put her in a happy place, seeing his smile made it difficult for her to blow him off and pretend she didn’t care about his damn apology.
“Fine!” The words stormed out her mouth. “I’ll go to Italian Pizza with you but only because I miss Oreos on my pizza. They don’t do that in LA.” Robin smiled. “But you are not forgiven.” She rolled her eyes and witnessed the somber look on Ryan’s face. Was he jealous she accepted his apology and was going to dinner with him. “Pick me up at six. You do have a car right?”
“I’ll be there. Of course I have a car.” Davon said and walked into his class.
“You alright, Ryan.” Robin grabbed his hand. “I never got to say thank you for saying something to Davon. You never stepped in before.” She looked into his eyes.
“Things are different now, and you are welcome. But I’m alright. Robin, I’ll get up with you later.” Ryan turned the corner and walked into his class. His look gave Robin a sadness in her heart. She was so confused on how he felt about her but she wished he felt the same way about her.

Chapter 2

“Robin, your first day? Why the hell am I doing this? I am about this close to sending you back to California.” Aunt Terry could not stop yelling.
“Send me back. Do you think I want to be here with you. You don’t even know what happened.” Robin yelled back. She didn’t care about yelling at Aunt Terry. There was nothing she could do or say that would change things.
“I don’t give a damn what happened or whose fault you think it is. I know you. You’re just like your mother. That same attitude and if you’re not careful you are going to end up just like her.” Her words stung Robin. How could she say something like this. Robin was not going stay and listen to this. She grabbed her purse and ran out the house, slamming the doors.
She ran to Shawny’s house and banged on the door. “Who the hell is banging on my door like that?” Shawny opened the door.
“It’s me. Robin. Please can I come in.” Robin was so angry tears were filling in her eyes.
“Yes, come on. Why are you crying? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you cry.” Shawny hugged her and led her into the same bedroom she had for 18 years.
Everything looked the same. Pink splashed the room and on her night stand next to her bed was a picture of Shawny and Robin on their first day in Kindergarten. Robin in a baby blue dress and Shawny in the same dress but pink. They were smiling and showing off their book bags. Robin picked up the photo and smiled. “You still have this picture?” Robin wiped tears off her cheek.
“Of course I have it. You were my first best friend. What’s wrong?” Shawny sat on her bed. She sat down so careful as to not but a wringle on her sheets or clothes.
“It’s that fucking bitch Terry. Ugh, I hate that woman.” Robin rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest. Her foot was tapping and soon the anger spread through her body like a forest fire. “She always has to run her mouth about my mom. If she’s not careful I’m going to do to her what my mother should have done. Shawny, I’ll kill her. I swear.” She looked like she was going to hit something.
“Come sit down. Relax. You’re not going to kill. She’s not worth getting all upset about. Besides I heard you have a date with Day tonight.” That was just like Shawny always switching the subject to boys. She wanted Robin and Day to be together since they were kids. She used to pretend double dates for them when they were kids. She made it seem like everyone was just coming over to hang out, but somehow she made it that Day and Robin were playing together and her and Ryan were alone. Most of the time she’d convience everyone to play house. Ryan was always her husband and Robin was always Day’s wife. Of course she couldn’t be married to Davon that was her cousin but secretly she liked Ryan and always believed Robin and Day belonged together.
“Why do you always do that? It’s not a date. Shawny, don’t start getting all these ideas and start planning our wedding.”
“Listen, we’ve known since we babies you two were going to get married. You came back for him. Admit it. Damn only if he wasn’t with Lisa.” Shawny stared rambling on about a plan to get Lisa to break up with Davon. Make it seem like Lisa could do it better and that way Davon didn’t look like a bad guy or Robin was a home wrecker.
“Will you shut up for five seconds? I’m not going on a date with Davon. We are not getting married and I’m defiantly not coming up with a plan so this girl can break up with him. She can have him. I don’t want him.” Robin was not getting angrier. She thought she would be able to vent to Shawny about her aunt, instead she had to hear about how things used to be and how they were going to be. Davon and her were not going to be together. Things were not the same. Her mother was dead, she hadn’t lived in the small town in eight years, and she didn’t want anything to do with Davon. Today, had her thinking of someone else; although with her track record she didn’t deserve him even if he was interested in her.
“Robin, I’m sorry. I just was trying to make you laugh. Hey, why don’t you move in with me? You know my parents wouldn’t care and in case you wondering Davon doesn’t live with us anymore. Him and my grandmother moved on years ago.” Shawny got up to give Robin a hug.
“I can’t do that. My grandmother would flip. She said if I cause any problems she’s not speaking to me anymore. Shawny, I want to say that’s fine, because for me it is, but not for my grandmother. She needs me. I’m all she’s got.” A tear started to appear in Robin’s eyes. She never cried and she sure wasn’t going to start now. Her phone started ringing. She looked scared to answer it. “Hi, Grandma. Please don’t be upset. You have it all wrong… I didn’t get into a fight at school… Aunt Terry lied. She’s being over dramatic again… Grandma, listen…” Robin explained to her grandmother what happened at school and with her aunt. “You’re serious… So, if it’s okay I can stay with Shawny… Thank you Grandma. I love you too.” A smile jumped across Robin’s face as she hung up the phone.
“I’m going to ask my mom.” Shawny ran downstairs. About five minutes later her mother and her were back in the room. “Robin, I’m so excited. It will be like sleepovers when we were little, expect every night.”
“Robin, oh my. You look just like your mother. So beautiful.” Shelia gave Robin a hug. “Sorry to bring her up. I’m sure it must be hard for you. I’d be delighted to have you stay with us. Let’s go get your things from Terry’s house.” Shelia was just like Shawny. They were always running their mouth and saying things they shouldn’t have.
© Copyright 2010 T-Rad (tradley at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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