Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1736690-Zombie-Story
by Zombie
Rated: 13+ · Other · Comedy · #1736690
:D I am aware there may be spelling errors and lacking punctuation. This is a brainstorm.

Name: Janey - aka - Janice

Age: 26

Style: Fairly stylish. Mostly casual, wears whats comfortable. Her favored hat is her gray hat with strings dangling on the sides that have balls on the end.

Location: Is in a cold climate. Lately the Winters have been becoming colder and colder and schools have been forced to shut down all over for several days.

After a few more days the weather seemed to be getting better. The warming temperatures and evaporating puddles only served as a mask of things yet to come.

Brainstorming characters and settings:

The setting is in mid December. The clouds are in the sky miserably hunching over, bloated with water. Kids are giggling and huddling together trying to maintain their body heat as their fingers are going numb. The majority of the students are wearing light jackets and viewing their own breath in surprise, because they hadn't expected to the chill to be so literally numbing. The parents are leaving their children with a kiss on the cheek, while other parents are forced to stick around for a moment because the kid doesn't want mommy to leave. Bullying was not strange for their school, since theyd been watching grown up shows and upper gradeschool students had been hitting puberty and trying to grow up. they decide to escalate their ego's by making others feel inferior or by skipping school. Although they would have more freedom to head on the track to failure when they reach high school. Nearby the school, maybe a mile or so away is a graveyard, separated by a fence overwhelmed with vines and weeds. The cemetary is small and hardly visited by anyone other than the elderly. Sometimes teenagers and young adults gather to feed their suspicions or experiment to see if the dead would try to contact them. these were only worn out speculations though as the dead reawakening in their cold mutilated corpses is entirely impossible. How could a being that had died several years prior, be revived in a body where most their limbs and organs had already significantly decomposed? In the center of this cemetery held a crypt for the more wealthy deceased. these coffins were closed off from the rest of the cemetery with thick rusted bars. Surrounding the crypt were drooping  trees and dead leaves forming a rough blanket on the ground.

Janice was on her way to work, she was having troubles getting by on bills, but after tonight she had the opportunity to get a short break to visit friends and unwind a little. At work she spent her hours sorting through medications and distributing them to older folks and men in their 20s in need of a stronger pain medication, because they chopped a finger off or fractured a limb doing absurd stunts. Janey took the job because her father was also in the medical field while she was growing up. When he left she had nothing to relate, except for the pills on the shelves behind her. At work with her was a friendly guy named Sam. He was always there to converse with her when things weren't going very well at home. He had a soft face underneath a moderately raggy beard. his hair was a brownish-red and rippled to his shoulders. he wore a beany off of work that cupped his hair in and made the rest fan out. It was interesting to her that if he had shaved off the hair atop is lip and chin, he had the potential to be attractive. Her boyfriend had his facial hair removed after his shower every morning. He had dark brown, short hair that brought out his dark eyes. Something else that differed from the Sam at work, his eyes were hazel.

Leaving work was cold and it was already dark. she wandered over to her car and shuffled through her keys. While sorting through them she hears something behind her. maybe a cat she thinks to herself. there were a lot of strays around the place she worked. She was about to use it when she realized, it wasnt locked. Another noise. this time closer. she decided to just get in the car quickly and leave. she opened the door and was about to get in when a cat jumped from the passenger's seat right by her shoulder. she moved out of the way out of reflex and caught her breath for a second, watching the cat run around the corner. then looking back in the car, she noticed there was more than just a cat paying her a visit. a man sat in the passenger's seat, tilting his head on the back of the seat  with his mouth wide open, sleeping. she was both curious, and also disgusted by the man covered in stains and contaminated with the aroma of moldy hamburgers and stagnant coffee. surveying him to see if he had anything he could use against her, she calmed and moved in to tap his shoulder and get his attention. He was unresponsive except for a twitch of his eye. she nudged him, and still no response. one more time, she nudged. A reaction.

He slowly opened his left eye and looked over at her with a questioning expression. He looked around to refresh his memory as to where he was, then regained a more settling expression where his mouth no longer gaped open as if he was a dead man reaching rigamortis like a man that overdosed and first got very sleepy. She backed a little when he coughed and struggled to open the door on the passenger's side. that door was hardly ever reliable. It would get jammed time and time again, and she backed up a little further to allow him to pass as he realized he could not get back out that way. he climbed over the seats, through the driver's door, with a sudden hunching over motion where he fell out of the car, followed by raging gurgling sounds from the wrath of his starved abdomen.  Staggering away all she could do is watch, and wonder what he might've taken from her car. Yet at most it looked as it always did, mostly clean aside from a couple stray soda cans. CRASH. she turned her attention back from her car to the homeless man, and he had appeared to have toppled over on garbage cans, vomitting. Maybe he was a patient in need, but she couldnt do anything about it if he was homeless. he would need togo to a free clinic to get treatment. so she got back in her car, watching him as she turned on the engine and the radio blared rock music from the 1990s. She put the car in reverse and tried her best to ignore the man, so she could get home before dinner. The entire drive home she wondered about how that man got in the place he was. Drug dealer? Nice man given a hefty share of misfortunes? Eh. She had other things to think about, like with their shortage of cash, what would she be getting for dinner. stopping at a red light, she saw teens in the lane right of her, texting and laughing with eachother. the driver was a boy about 17 with lightbrown hair, swiftly pushed to one side, and a pale yellow sweater. He had thick rimmed glasses and the girl next to him looked 2 years younger with relatively the same haircolor as the driver, with a low cut shirt and jeans. In one hand she had a compact, and in the other she had her blackberry cellphone. there was another girl in the back wearing a simple black t-shirt, jeans ripped at the knees and she was playing a lap top that matched her light blue hair. It looked as if it had been painted with a spray paint can. She glanced out the other window, away from Janey's car, shutting her laptop. Something must've caught her attention, for she began to lean over to look up at the sky, and a heavy sound passed over. Just a simple airplane following it's course, she thought. But seconds later it was followed by a second plane and a third, and they weren't what you'd see in an airport for public transportation. that was when she notice behind them was smoke rising from trees, and a firetruck on its way toward the source. Guess things are a bit more chaotic than usual. So she continued on her daily route, and headed home with the radio turned up. nothing unusual to report , just the typical forest fire and big sale off at a retailer's store. 3 blocks from home soemthing else interrupted her thoughts and caused her car to come to an abrupt hault. Maybe she ran something over! she got outside the car and glanced underneath her car to see if there was anythign there. nothing. so she got back in her car and kept driving, with chills surging up her spine. Things were so strange today, maybe she just needed a nap. But as she began to lift her hand to her mouth to yawn, she heard another noise. skittering in the car's interior. her confusion and frustration gave way to a new bit of energy and alertness as she stopped the car and looked around. lifting papers from her seat she saw nothign, and felt stupid for even looking in that spot. she heard the noise in the interior, not hte seat, the likelihood of multiple sources seemed very sparce. She took a breath and looked back in the car, nothing there either. Then another noise, this time from right behind her seat on the floor. It's sounds were beind drowned out by the engine of her car and ocassionally she'd hear them again. Like now under her seat, she lifted her legs upbruptly to curl up on her seat and look down, its dark.. theres a cup from this morning that used to have coffee in it, and next to it a twinky that had never been opened. she reached for the twinky, realizing she was hungry and then was taken aback by a face hurling itself toward her. At first she couldnt grasp it, then she realized, that face had fur, little beady eyes and a long slender tail. Its a rat, in her car! the rat missed and got her sleeve, then simply dangled from it, too dumbfounded to find her wrist, assuming thats where it was targetting. she reacted to this by hopping to the other seat in a very wimpy manner, and grabbed a water bottle which she then pelted at the rat. It missed and she looked around for somethign else to use. She found a window scraper for the frosty morning she'd been coping with the past month or so, and began beating the rat. It squealed and attempted to bite her, but then it had its mouth bloodied up with a gash in its face from the window scraper. she kept beating it till it scurried away. she thoght it was over but the rat made rebound and shot back up toward her with its bloody jacket of fur and left its mouth wide open,or what was left of it. the jaw of the rat was hanging by a tendon. thinking fast she repositioned the scraper in her hand and busted its teeth with it and sent the rat flying out the window which she previously didn't realize she left open. the rat seemed like it could keep going for yards, but came to a sudden hault when it combusted in a fire pit. That was when she realized she was near and alleyway, and there were hobos staring at the rat in the fire, then grimacing at it. She soon realized it wasn't just the appearance that offset them, the smell was terrible. It even lingered inside her car with the small patches of blood staining the floor and dripping from the dashboard with tufts of hair. she crinkled her nose at the sent of the rat and it's internal sewage contaminates burning, searched for a can of air freshener, pushing random items in her way aside. the vanilla berry aroma filled the car in uncomfortable doses for her now itchy throat. She coughed a couple times but was thankful the dead smell was gone and she wiped the blood up with napkins from the glove department. Meanwhile the hobos were still giving her a strange look and one began licking his lips at the meat in the pit. she cringed at the thought, rolled up her window, and drove away. the neighborhoods she passed by seemed peaceful until she got about a block from home. She realized there weren't many cars on the road and began to wonder if something terrible was happening, like perhaps in those zombie movies where people head home from work and when they get there the world is broken out in chaos. Pulling into her driveway slowly she examined the driveway, nothing unusual.... so she got out of the car with her purse on her shoulder and walked toward the door of her house. It was locked. good.  she sifted through her keys yet again to find the house key and let herself in. everything seemed to be in place. good. She headed down through the living room, glanced to the right at the open kitchen area, and still nothing unusual. Just then she heard a noise in the bathroom taht sounded like something falling down. in the bathroom she looked around, nothing.  Maybe it was her imagination, and ... Laundry powder had fallen on the floor, from the top shelf, and it poured on the floor as if it was trying to gain as much territory as in risk, competing against the dust particles and trimmed hair from her boyfriend's facial hair. The box was tipped back up and she began scooping back in powder that hadnt touched cousin it's vomit. then another noise and a bottle of coconut shampoo fell on her head, getting a little on her, but mainly making a new bruise. she fell on her rear,  staring at the wall, and a nail was emerging from a new hole in between the shelves. Then another sound.. A hammer. Irritated she figured her boyfriend must've been doing stupid decorating again with nails. he had a tendency to rather than use tape to put up posters, he used nails and screws and a staple gun, cause he was too lazy to go get tape from a nearby store. that was what hes done several times before, but this wasn't one of those times. peering from the doorway she saw him wrestling with a man in the master bedroom, and then next thing she saw was another nail shooting by her peripheral vision and onto the wall behind her. She didnt have time to be scared and instinctively moved out of the way. the man her boyfriend was wrestling with, didnt have a normal expression on his face and blood dripped from his mouth and his work attire was partially torn at the sleeves. he appeared to be trying to bite him. this is when she realized, he wasnt just putting up posters, he was trying to defend himself from that man, and aimed the nailgun in different directions because he was too much in shock to aim right. the zombie made another push for him and she hollered his name, "HENRY!" He was temporarily distracted by her voice, but then had a new burst of energy because naturally he wanted to be impressive. he shook the mans hand off his arm and pushed him aside, nailing his junk and his forehead. then she thought she could make out him saying, "THAT'S FOR EATING MY MOM!... BASTARD!!! " and he stomped on its chest. the entire time she was just staring in disbelief. he just nailed a man in their bedroom and put a hole through the bathroom wall.

"What the hell was that? Are you nuts?!"

Henry turned to her at this pumping breaths heavily, "It.... It was grandpa."


"He ate..", pausing for a breath, "my Mom.."

"Now I have to clean up a big mes-" She questioned his statement. "Ate your Mom?"

"Yeah. I was going off to give her money that I owed her for the downpayments on the car last year and when I got there, grandpa was eating her in the living room!"
© Copyright 2010 Zombie (zombie_shade at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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