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Rated: GC · Short Story · Fantasy · #1735416
Two complete and total strangers meet and have an immediate and intense love affair
Ella Gray had not had a good day in many years. Nearing her twenty seventh birthday; she had now entered the life of a frantic, R.N. working grave yard shift in the E.R.at one of the largest hospitals in the city. Yesterday, a twelve year old girl was shot by her step father.

The night before that it had been an elderly woman who was car jacked, thrown from her car, beaten and then left for dead in her driveway. Ella could only grimace when she thought what gruesome things might await her tonight.

"Shit hole of a world", She murmured bitterly. The cold, December night found Ella about a half mile from the hospital, huddled in a corner, puffing a ciggarette. She wrapped her brown, Sublime hoodie tightly around her sky blue scrubs and flipped her long, wavy brown hair from beneath her collar.

Ella was just getting to the good part of the cigarette when she noticed Him. He was headed toward the hospital; walking confidently through the parking lot as if he owned every inch of the asphalt beneath him. He did not see her, of course, as she was too far away, but Ella liked it that way. She liked not being seen. It was much more enjoyable to watch from afar with no threat of anything further happening outside the safety of her fantasies.

Finishing up her cigarette; Ella shoved it into the makeshift sand ashtray and headed back toward the warmth of the hospital.

Adjusting her badges; Ella absent mindedly made her way through the massive, hotel-esque lobby, toward the elevators that would take her up to Triage.

"Se tu fossi la mia donna, non avrebbe dovuto lavorare", The Stranger said, his voice soft yet deafening all at once.

Ella glanced up, realizing she had nearly collided with the man. Her knees nearly buckled when she realized it was the gorgeous stranger from the parking lot.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak Italian, Ella said, holding her hands out in front as a sort of shield, although she did not know what she was shielding herself from exactly.

"Non è importante, le tue labbra sono per altre cose" The stranger replied, his full lips curving into a teasing smile. Ella felt the heat rising in her cheeks; although she did not really understand why. Perhaps it was the way this man was staring at her, almost through her as if he knew her very thoughts.

"I'm sorry, um, I have to get back to work, Ella stammered, attempting to walk past him. He instictively stepped to the side; allowing her easy access to get by. The Stranger watched after her for several moments; admiring the way her apple shaped bottom rose and fell as she walked, the shapeliness of her legs beneath the thin material of her uniform. "Bello, The man murmured to himself with a smile, bello e timido.
"Niente di meglio."

The rest of the night passed by relatively quickly and Ella ended her shift around seven A.M. the following morning. Giving a half hearted wave to a couple fellow employees; Ella ducked into the locker rooms for a quick shower before heading home.
Relishing the feel of the scolding hot water against her flesh; Ella laid her head against the cool tile of the shower. Images of the night did their macabre parade through her mind and she squeezed her eyes shut; trying to become like the other nurses; trying to make herself numb.

The man from the parking lot flashed into her mind and she was more than eager to embrace the thought. Anything was better than reliving putting someone's brain back inside their skull. His face showed clear on the movie screen of her mind; olive skin, golden green eyes, wavy dark brown hair.

She remembered the lines around his eyes had crinkled when he smiled. She thought of his lips, the way his mustached curled softly over them. Feeling the hot water on her bare skin; Ella ran her fingers lightly across her nipples; immediately feeling them become taunt. Leaning her head back; she reached a hand between her legs, imagining that her fingers belonged to someone else...

Night had enveloped the city like a dark black furneral veil. Ella emerged from the hospital, exhausted, sexually frustrated and longing for a joint. She dragged herself to her car, pulling her long hair into a loose bun behind her.

"Senora, senora", came a voice. She turned to find the Stranger leaning against a motorcyle, an antique Harley Davidson that he had no doubtedly restored. Seemed a little strange for an Italian man to be a Harley guy, but hey, it was a strange night.

Her incident in the shower suddenly flashing through her mind; Ella felt a sudden flood of warmth in her belly and she didn't know whether she wanted to run away and hide from this man or run to him and disappear forever.

He stood face to face with her; the pale light from the parking lot reflecting in his green eyes.

"Venga con me", He said, reaching his hand out to her. Ella looked at his hand, then at him. Without thinking any further; she reached out her hand and felt him grasp it tightly in his own. He led her to the motorcycle and motioned for her to get on. He handed her a helmet, and throwing a leg over, he started the bike. She felt the engine come to life between her legs; the vibration caused her heart to pound.

"Tenere su di me", the man said, placing her arms around his waist. She held on tightly, laying her face against the softness of his jacket. Then it was the cool, December air rushing around her, the feel of his sturdy warmth, the fresh soap smell of his hair.

They drove for what seemed like forever until the man pulled the motorcycle into a clearing, with woods surrounding on all sides. He put the kickstand down and climbed from the bike.

He turned to look at her, a whimsical expression forming on his handsome face.

"Vieni qui, the man growled, forcing himself between her legs and firmly pulling her toward him. She felt her heart pounding so hard; Ella thought her rib cage would explode.

"What? No, I can't do this, this is crazy, it's freezing out here and I don't even know you---But then his lips were all over hers, the soft hairs of his mustached teasing her, enticing her to kiss him back. His tongue flirted inside her mouth before leaving to trace the delicate space on her neck.

"Dimmi di venire dentro di te, He purred, causing her eyes to roll back as he breathed against her ear.

"I can't...understand you, Ella breathed, ignoring the voices that screamed what she was doing was madness.

She felt the warmth of his fingers against her thigh as he reached his hands inside her pants; shoving her panties aside. Ella gasped, feeling the Stranger's fingers delve deep inside her. She had imagined this, fantasised about it in the shower not even an hour ago and now it was really happening...

"Vi piace, non è vero?" The stranger asked, his voice husky with desire. He stood over her; hidden by shadow. All she could make out were his eyes and the way his lips curved into a smile whenever she let out a moan or gasp.

"Le donne Americane non sanno il vero amore", The man breathed, his voice deep. "Posso amarti destra, The stranger said, jerking her pants so hard; he almost ripped them. He leaned her back against the bike; reaching with one hand beneath her shirt and keeping the other deep inside her.

He lifted her shirt above her head; quickly unhooking her bra and tossing it to the ground below them. He took a step back, silently regarding her. The pale moonlight played against his features and he smiled, genuinely.

"Che cosa farò adesso? The man asked, his eyes sparkling again, "Voi mi farà innamorare." Ella thought she heard something about amorae and wasn't that supposed to mean love? Now THAT really was crazy.

"Kiss me, Ella breathed, licking her lips in anticipation. She didn't care anymore. She didn't care about her job or her cheating husband at home. She didn't care about the nosy, hateful inlaws or her own parents who constantly badgered her about when she would children. All she cared about was right now, right here, this moment. The way this man's hands felt against her flesh, the way he could take her captive with just a single look.

The man looked at her, that whimsical expression on his face. He quickly shrugged off his tee shirt and jacket, not seeming to mind the cold. She couldn't feel it either. He grasped her firmly around the waist again. She stood with her body against his, nothing seperating them except his belted blue jeans and her black, silk panties. She could feel the heat emanatating from his body and she instictively laid her head against his chest, realizing that his heart was also pounding.

"What's your name? She asked as he softly ran his lips against her neck. "Nessun nome", He said, pulling away and looking firmly into her eyes. It was the first time he had looked at her so sternly. "No names, he said again, his accent strong.

"Non voglio sapere nulla di te", the man said, still looking hard at her. "Niente, he said again, and she felt that sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach again. Sensing her displeasure; his demeanor softened.

"Lo voglio solo questo, He whispered, his fingers tracing the velvet folds of her sensitive flesh. She felt her hands fumbling against his buckle and he laughed when she could not get his jeans unbuttoned. Ella had not had much practice in this arena and she was a little clumsy.

The man seemed to find her awkardness endearing and it was only when she was standing completely naked before him; that the playful smile dropped from his handsome features and an all together different look took over. The man gazed at her, the soft curves of her body silver and illuminated by the full moon.

"Girarsi, The man said, his voice deep and husky again. Before she had time to comply he already had her turned around and Ella used the seat of the motocycle to brace herself up. The man took her hips in his hands, grabbing a handful of her ample behind and giving a stinging swat. Squatting slightly, the Stranger nudged her legs apart with his knees and she could feel the head of him, huge and aching to get inside.

"No, io voglio vedere", the man said, quickly changing his mind. Digging into his pack; he pulled out a fluffy, multi colored quilt and laid it on the ground. He guided Ella's body to it, where she could not even feel the cold ground beneath them. Ella leaned back, bracing herself on her elbows as the man stood on his knees, his massive erection inches from her face.

"Bacio, The man said, placing a gentle hand on the back of her head. Then she felt him inside her mouth; filling it up so much that she gagged and choked all the while he forced himself deeper inside her, moaning and cursing her in his native tongue. He kept his fingers inside her, moving slowly in and out, massaging her full breasts. She softly kissed his balls, gripping his thickness in her hand, slowly massaging up and down.

"Cazzo, si sente così bene", The stranger said, his voice coming out in ragged gasps. "No, no, he said, pulling himself away from her. She moved her mouth toward him, reaching for him, but he kept her hands at bay.

"Il tuo turno, bambina, The stranger murmured against her ear, gasping as she finally found him and began to gently massage him up and down again.

"Mi chiedo che cosa ti piace il gusto", The stanger said, decending the length of her body with the softness of his full lips. He shoved her legs apart, softly kissing and tracing his tongue along the sensitve area between her legs. He grasped her thighs firmly in his big hands, and then she felt the soft, warmth of his mouth on her.

Her body jerked with pleasure as his tongue flicked at the sensitive area between her thighs and she felt her eyes roll back in her head when he thrust his tongue deeply inside her, sucking her, tasting her, drinking her. She wanted to cry out, call out his name, but she couldn't. She didn't know his name.

He felt her leg muscles tightning around him and it sent him wild with passion to know that she was close, perhaps closer than he was. She tasted so good, so fresh and sweet, like honeysuckles on a warm, Spring day. He felt her fingers in his hair, running through his wavy locks as her body convulsed with pleasure he could tell she had never experienced before. That realization almost caused him to explode with raw desire, but he firmly resisted the urge.

Peeling himself away from the warm, juicy sweetness, he reached up toward her, burying her mouth with his own, and she could taste herself on him.

He kept her long legs spread wide open as he knelt over her, showering her with kisses as he gently massaged her breasts, kissing and sucking her pink, erect nipples.

"Fuck me, Ella whispered, not even recongnizing her own voice. She grasped his aching cock in her hand, feeling it warm and pulsating along with her own heart beat. There was that whimsical smile again and he witheld himself from her teasingly.

"Prego per lo, The stranger said, his green eyes flashing dark with desire. He kept himself just out of her reach, but he set her up on her knees so she would figure out what he wanted despite the language barrier.

"Prego per lo, he said again, his voice low and deep. Ella gazed up at him, not caring about anything except having him inside her.

"Per favore? Ella asked in perfect Italian. His eyes sparkled and he smiled as he leaned her back, situating himself between her thighs.

"Per favore, ciò che? The stranger asked, running the tip of his massive cock along the edge of her clit.

"Fuck me, Ella replied, barely able to speak. It had been so long. So long since a man touched her like this. Made her feel desirable and who was he? What the hell was his name?

Then he was inside her, all of him, hip deep and all she could do was hold onto him, trying to breathe as he thrust himself inside her, deeper and deeper.

"Così morbido, He murmured, brushing his lips softly against her neck. He leaned down; his body fully encompassing her own; and began to kiss her breasts, suck her nipples.

She wrapped her long legs around his waist, forcing him deeper inside her and he groaned, throwing his head back and cursing in Italian.

She reached up and kissed him deeply, kissed him as if she had known him for ages as he moved inside her, so deep inside her.

He nestled softly against her ear, whispering loving in his native tongue and then she felt her body shudder into convulsions. He felt the wetness of her orgasm all over him, leaking onto his thighs. He groaned with pleasure again, feeling the height of his own orgasm taking over.

And then, with her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him; The stranger emptied himself deep inside her, his own body shuddering and trembling violently as they climaxed over and over together until his body utterly ached and he could no longer breathe.

"Grazie, he whispered, softly kissing her on the lips.

Ella lay, as the sun began to rise over the mountains, feeling The Stranger's seed flowing deep inside her. She smiled to herself and fell asleep, not even minding when he climbed aboard his motorcycle and disappeared into the early morning light as if he had never been there at all.

© Copyright 2010 Streetcar named Desire (dmg777 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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