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Rated: E · Article · News · #1735175
Contemporary Society Observations - The Rise of International Transparency & Justice

With the advent of Wiki-leaks, and the stereotypically American response of America, endangering those who uphold the truth for justice, which leads to peace and security, and targeting the saints, so it has been happening that out of the proverbial woodwork, are arising the voices of truth, many of whom are well known for their similar good works, and subsequent persecution and targeting by those making war on truth and justice to take the sovereignty from all the nations of the earth via covert fornication warfare.

From famous names from the times of Watergate, to the likes of Michael Moore, the voices of truth are rising up to prevent America from setting a precedent in relation to Wiki-leaks which ostensibly endangers all people who uphold the truth, or have done so, or may do so in the future.

As we watch, a great movement and revolution is commencing upon the earth, as those who cover the truth to conduct international crime sprees of unprovoked covert war of aggressions, and murder, and anti-sovereign fornication, make war on those whom they have called terrorists, and criminals, for revealing their crimes and for facing all wrongdoers with justice in light of the truth, at the foundation of modern society, in the ongoing endangerment by wrongdoers of all who do right, who uphold the truth, and are the proverbial "good guys" in America's international war on the truth and justice, and the peace and security which these result in upon the earth.

To target, in the name of maintaining security, those who uphold and reveal the truth, in our newly de-secured modern world and in contemporary wars, and rumored covert wars, is oximoronic, and patently contradictory, and counter-productive, and is an assault on justice, and peace, and security, and upon the foundations of law and order and every virtue that modern society has enshrined as the fundamental cornerstone of what is quintessentially good, and right, and furthermore, it represents a military assault upon democracy, and it's complete destruction by the enemies of IT.

And so, those who are experienced in being targeted by America for upholding the truth, and revealing wrongdoing as is their inherent conscious duty and right, above and beyond any legalized cover up and government imposed secrecy and abuse of national secrecy laws, are once again bravely rising up in their public speaking, in defense of Wikileaks, and Assange, and even Manning, and above all, in defense of the truth, and justice, and all who uphold these in America's great international war thereupon.

As more lights rise, and shine, so the darkness recoils in their gathering numbers, and hurls false accusations upon them, and labors to redefine them, and assaults the masses with propaganda, to spin the pillars of truth and justice to seem like trouble-makers, and agitators, and "terrorists", lest those who are actually guilty of such things are seen clearly in light of the truth.

Revealing the truth is not a crime, nor an act of terrorism, nor a military operation or conspiracy, but rather, is the antidote to disable and ensure justice upon ALL who are at odds with the truth, and are committing wrongdoing in secret in the course of destabilizing international security in America's insane military adventure to take over all the nations of the earth, which adventure sounds just as preposterous as it actually is, in true history.

Watch, closely now, as the defenders of truth and justice bravely rise up in defense of the same, to prevent America and it's accomplices from setting the very serious precedent of publicly targeting the saints, and inciting their murder in the great international covert war upon all nations which they have been formally judged to have lost.

The End of the ongoing covert international War of Terror against all nations, and truth, and justice, is very near.

Be Aware Now.

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