Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1734929-The-Amulet
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1734929
He tried, while she did not accept her fate and suffered.

In the earliest of times, the Earth was a peaceful and a prosperous place. There were no fights and no evil lurked around the corner ready to pounce on someone. But one day the whole world changed.
Creatures from other planets couldn’t bear the peace the Earthlings enjoyed and decided to pollute the world. In order to protect themselves from the atrocities of the aliens, the Earthlings chose the best family to guard the entrance into Earth. These were the “Guardian” family. All the creatures of Earth had contributed some of their power; cast it into an amulet which was handed over to the Guardians to protect the Earth in every possible way. At that time, the Guardians defeated the jealous aliens but evil decided not to give up.
A thousand years later, the Earth was still alive and evil had done everything to harm it but proved unsuccessful in every try. The Guardian family still had the potent amulet but only the oldest man, the grandfather, knew about it’s fabulous and mystical powers. Everyone in the family had seen the amulet but no one took the amulet seriously. It was a legend that the locket was to be hung in a corner of the Guardians’ abode to prevent all evil from destroying the world.
One day, the grandfather decided to tell his only granddaughter about the magic of the amulet. When he did so, the girl refused to believe it. She was a part of the new generation and thanks to science, she wasn’t into such things. Ignoring her grandfather, she thought he had gone mad. Later that night, overwhelmed by the amulet’s beauty and grandeur she decided to wear it to a party at her friend’s house. Once there, she forgot all about it and got so absorbed in the party that the amulet fell off into a flower pot and she didn’t realize it until she reached home.
Her grandfather had found out about the locket’s absence, so when she got home he questioned her about it. Dumbstruck, the girl glanced down at her neck to find the amulet lost. Immediately, panic gripped both of them and her grandfather’s facial expressions mad her grasp the urgency and danger of the situation. At once, adrenaline started coursing through her veins as she dashed to her friend’s house to recover the amulet.
On the other hand, the aliens from the other planets sensed the loss of the amulet and planned to attack planet Earth.
The girl thoroughly searched the entire house and to her utter disappointment, the amulet still couldn’t be found. Just when she was about to give up, her gaze fell on something shimmering in a flower pot and she found the lost, prized family possession.
The aliens had almost reached the Earth when the girl ran into the house with the amulet in her hand. The boundary which had been destroyed by the amulet’s absence, reformed again and as soon as the alien creatures hit the boundary, with an ear-splitting explosion and a blinding flare of light, they were no more. Evil had been finished forever.

“Indeed good has arrived and evil perished, for evil is bound to perish.”

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