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Rated: GC · Other · Romance/Love · #1734921
Young Love fulfilled
Chapter 5

October 1814

The days started to fly by, and before Melody knew it, her wedding day had arrived. Melody chose to wear an ecru gown with Belgian lace on the bodice and flounced around the bottom. Once she was dressed, she looked in her cheval mirror and admired how well the silk fabric gently draped her body. The style was very becoming to her and showed off her voluptuous figure. There were tears in her mother’s eyes as Melody turned around and faced her. When Melody saw her tears, she said, “Oh, Mother, please don’t cry on my wedding day. I truly love Henry, and I know we’re going to have a wonderful life.”

Melody’s mother smiled as she replied, “I know you are, darling. I’m just a little overwhelmed seeing you all grown up and ready to start your new life. I promise they’re happy tears. You have grown up to be a wonderful daughter. Your father and I are so very proud of the woman you have become. Now, we need to go downstairs. It’s time to leave for the church.”

The small church was simply gorgeous. Her mother had decorated the church with gold chrysanthemums and yellow mums. There must have been a hundred candles lit all around the church. White and gold tulle bows decorated the pews. As Melody stood at the entrance and listened to the music swell, she looked up at the altar and saw Henry standing there with her father and Lord Weston. Melody walked up the aisle toward Henry. Her knees were shaking, and her hands were trembling so badly that she could barely hold her flower bouquet.

The next thing she knew, she was standing by Henry, and her father started the Mass. They turned toward each other as they repeated their vows to love, honor, and cherish each other for the rest of their lives. Each word took on a new meaning for her. Henry’s voice was strong and sure, and Melody’s was soft but steady. As Henry slid an incredibly beautiful emerald and diamond ring on her third finger, she was overcome by the love she felt for him. Before she knew it, her father was saying, “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, I now pronounce that you are man and wife. What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. You may now kiss your bride.” Henry raised her veil and softly kissed her lips, with reverence. She placed her hand in the crook of his arm, and they walked back down the aisle to the rear of the church, where they signed the church registry. They were married at last.

They walked back to Melody’s house, where the small wedding breakfast was being held for them. Lord Weston made the first toast, wishing Melody and Henry many years of happiness. Then Brandon offered his toast, wishing them all the happiness in the world and hoping that they would be as happy as he and Lily were. Melody’s stomach was jumping with excitement, so she was not able to eat anything, but she did manage a bite of the incredibly beautiful wedding cake that her mother had made for them. The sugar roses were so lovely that it seemed a shame to eat them. Soon it was time for her to change into her traveling dress, and she went upstairs with her mother.

Her mother looked at her with love and pride shining in her eyes as she said, “Melody, you’re a beautiful bride. I’m so happy you have found someone to love. Henry is a very nice young man, and I know he’ll take good care of you. We’ll miss you terribly, but your father and I won’t be sad, because we know you’ll be happy. I probably should have asked you this earlier, but do you have any questions you would like to ask me about the wedding night before you go back downstairs?”

Melody hesitantly asked, “Mother what . . . will happen tonight? I don’t know anything, and I’m a little . . . frightened. Please explain everything to me.”

“Henry will be gentle, and he will take care of everything. You don’t need to worry, because he’ll know what to do. The physical side of love is so beautiful when shared between two people who genuinely love each other. Just let your husband guide you,” she said.

“All right, Mother . . . I’ll put my trust in Henry. I’m sure you’re right. He’ll know what to do.” Then with fear in her voice, she said, “It’s just that I’ve heard . . . it’s painful to lose your virginity.”

“Melody, there will be some mild discomfort, but it will be very fleeting, and then everything will be fine, so stop worrying. I understand your concerns because I felt the same way when your father and I were married. It’s perfectly normal to be apprehensive. I promise you’ll be fine, and tomorrow you’ll be so happy you won’t even remember you were scared. It’s time to go back downstairs to your handsome new husband. You have a long drive ahead of you, so you need to get started.”

Melody came down the stairs, and her eyes went to Henry’s. He was looking at her with so much love that it brought tears to her eyes. He took her hand as she stepped down to the floor and said, “My love, it’s time for us to go. We have a long drive before we stop for the night. Come, my darling.”

As the carriage left Melody’s home, she looked back and watched as her parents grew smaller and smaller, until she could no longer see them. She felt the tears silently slip down her cheeks. Henry had a concerned expression on his face when he asked, “What’s wrong, my love? Why are you crying? Have I done anything to upset you?”

Melody was pleased by the concern he was showing, so she smiled through her tears and said, “No, Henry. I just realized that I’ll never live with my parents again, and I love them so much. I shall miss them terribly. I know that I’ll come back for visits, but it won’t be the same. I promise I’m not sad to be leaving with you, and I’m sure we’ll have a wonderful life together.”

“Thank goodness! You had me worried when I saw your tears. I promise we’ll have a happy life, and I’ll always love and protect you. I’m thrilled that we’re finally married . . . and that you’re now my bride. Now is there anything else bothering you?” he asked.

Melody thought for a minute and then replied, “There is one thing that I’m concerned about. Your father is such a powerful man, and your parents move in the highest echelon of society. I wonder if they will be willing to accept me as your wife. Do you think they’ll like me?”

Henry looked uncomfortable as he answered, “Darling, it will take some time for them to adjust to the idea of our marriage, but I’m sure you can win them over with time. You’re right about them being high in the instep. My parents have expressed the opinion that I should marry to bring more prestige to the family. A person’s standing in life is more important to them than anything else. I need you to understand that my parents are cold and distant, but they’re like that with everyone, so I don’t want you to take anything they may say, personally. To be honest with you, they rarely like any of my friends, and you can’t let it bother you. As I said, just give it time. I’m sure they’ll come around eventually. Come over here and let me give you a hug. I need to hold you close to my heart. I’m so pleased to have you as my wife, and I’m the happiest of men.”

Melody smiled up at him with such a look of trust as she said, “I’m sure you’re right. I’m relieved you told me how they are, so I’ll know what to expect. I was so excited last night that I barely slept at all, so I’m going to lay here in your arms and take a short nap, if that is all right with you.”

Henry gazed at her with love glowing in his eyes and said reassuringly, “I’ll be happy to hold you while you sleep. Just rest your pretty head on my shoulder. I’ll wake you when we arrive at the inn.” Melody sighed as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

They traveled until dusk. He saw the coaching inn up ahead, where he planned to stop, so Henry gently woke her up. She looked enchanting as she slowly opened her eyes. She looked around and asked, “Are we there yet?”

“We’re arriving at the inn now. I’ve made arrangements for us to have a private dining parlor, and we’ll have adjoining bedchambers. We should be quite comfortable. Lord Weston recommended this coaching inn, and he usually knows where the best places are.” When the carriage had stopped, Henry turned and helped Melody out of the carriage. He offered his arm, and they entered the inn. The innkeeper came forward and welcomed them to his inn, and then he led them to the private dining parlor. He assured them that dinner would be served shortly. Henry helped Melody remove her cloak and pulled out her chair; he then took his seat. The innkeeper returned with a serving girl, and they laid out the food on the table and then excused themselves. The food was excellent, but Melody was so nervous that she found it difficult to swallow. After they were through eating, he escorted her to her room. Henry told Melody that he would send up her maid, to help her get ready for bed, and he left her alone.

Melody looked around the room and was pleased to see how clean and inviting everything was. As she walked around the room, she noticed the lovely lace curtains at the window. There was a comfortable-looking bed with a pretty homemade quilt and lots of pillows on it. There was a fire burning in the hearth, and the room felt invitingly warm. There was a knock on the door, and Melody went to see who it was. Since it was her maid, Millie, she let her in.

“Your husband sent me up to help you get ready for bed, my lady.” She immediately began pulling out Melody’s nightclothes. There was a beautiful, fine, lawn night rail with a matching dressing gown for the night. Melody smiled as she remembered how her mother had worked on it each night, making sure she would have something pretty to wear tonight. Millie helped her remove her traveling dress and then brushed her long hair until it was tangle free and shining. Melody left it loose because she knew that would be how Henry would want it. Finally, Melody was ready for bed, so she sent Millie away for the night.

Her nerves were on edge, and she was not sure what she should do. Should she go ahead and get into bed, or should she sit in the chair until Henry joined her? Her heart was beating rapidly, and her breathing was shallow; her hands were trembling because she was so nervous. Soon Henry would be coming through the door, and she was terrified, because she was not sure what would happen. She thought about what her mother had told her and tried to take comfort from her words. It was very difficult when she had very little idea of what to expect. Why couldn’t her mother have been more forthcoming! Melody decided she would go ahead and get into bed to wait for Henry. Soon, she heard a knock on the door from Henry’s room. As he opened the door, he came into the room and stopped when he saw her in bed. He had on a long, dark blue, silk dressing gown tied at the waist, and Melody could see that he did not have anything on underneath his robe.

Henry just stood there and gazed over at Melody. How lovely she looked with all her golden hair around her shoulders! It was the first time he had ever seen Melody with her hair down. It fell almost to her waist, and he could just imagine losing himself in all that glorious hair. The scent of lemons filled the air, and Henry knew it was Melody’s special essence. His nostrils flared, and he had to stifle his raging desire to make her his own. The very thought that Melody was all his, had his senses aroused, and he felt very possessive. It was a powerful aphrodisiac to know that she had never been touched by another man. Henry walked over to the bed and smiled down at her. “Melody, you look so beautiful. I knew you had beautiful hair, but I had no idea how lovely it truly was. I’ve dreamed of burying my face in all your gorgeous hair. Your hair always smells like lemons, and I have always loved that scent. May I join you in our marriage bed?”

Melody did not speak, but she nodded her head as Henry turned down the bedside lamp. He pulled back the covers and got into bed. As he looked over at Melody, he held his arms open, and Melody went to him. He gazed deeply into her eyes and gently stroked her cheek. Her skin felt as soft as silk, and he could stroke her lovely skin all night. She looked up at Henry and then laid her head on his shoulder. Henry pulled her close, lifted her chin, and slowly lowered his head to kiss her. Melody was trembling, and Henry knew she was terrified.

“Do you know what will happen here tonight, in our marriage bed?” he asked. “You have nothing to fear. I promise I won’t do anything to hurt you. Just let me kiss and hold you, and if anything bothers you, let me know, all right?”

He kissed Melody again, and this time, he deepened the kiss as he pulled her closer to him. His desire was running hot, but he knew he had to control it so that he did not frighten her. As he kissed her, he nibbled at Melody’s luscious lips, and soon she sighed and parted them. He slid his tongue into her sweet mouth and tasted her sweet essence. She hesitantly followed his lead and used her tongue as he did. The kisses grew firmer, and their breathing became heavier. He started rubbing Melody’s back and gently placed his other hand on her breast. He could feel her nipple grow taut as he lowered his head to kiss Melody on her slender neck. Then he nibbled his way down to the swell of her breasts. He could feel her quiver and knew she was experiencing her first real taste of passion, and he felt incredibly honored that he would be the first and only man to ever see her in the throes of passion.

“Let me help you remove your gown . . . I want to see your incredibly lovely breasts. I’ve been dreaming of them ever since I first met you. I love that you’re so voluptuous. You look just as I always imagined you would.”

Melody nodded her head and let Henry remove her gown. He took his robe off and tossed them both over the side of the bed. He began to kiss Melody again, but this time with more urgency. He pulled her up against him, and it felt marvelous to finally be skin to skin with her. He rained kisses all over her face and cheeks. Her skin was so soft and smooth, and he was aroused by her fresh, clean, womanly scent. He nibbled down her neck again and moved lower to take her nipple into his mouth. She gasped with pleasure, and soon he had her moaning and writhing. Her breasts grew heavy, and her nipples became rigid as he circled her areola with the tip of his finger and brushed his thumb across the tight little bud. Henry moved to her other breast, took the nipple into his mouth, and gently suckled. His other hand was roaming slowly downward, and soon he was at the apex of her pretty, plump thighs, where her lovely golden curls were. Melody quivered as Henry touched her there. Soon, she was panting as he moved his hand between her thighs and found her little nubbin. Henry began to circle it, and he felt how wet she was. It amazed him that she was so responsive to his touch. Melody looked embarrassed by what was happening to her body, but he could tell it was feeling so marvelous that she did not want him to stop. Henry took his finger and slowly and gently pushed it inside of her and she stiffened. So he said, “It’s all right, love. I won’t do anything to hurt you. I promise that you’ll enjoy this, so try to relax.” He gently stroked her with his finger and worked a second finger in to gently stretch her so she would be ready to receive him.

Soon, Melody was forgetting to breathe, and she was trembling with excitement. He parted her lovely thighs and moved in between. Her thighs were just the way he dreamed they would be—all plump, soft, pink skin. He felt Melody stiffen up when she felt his thick rod nestled against her belly, so he said, “Don’t be afraid, Melody. God made my body in a unique way so that it will fit perfectly inside yours. What you’re feeling is the part of me that will enter your body. If you want, you can call it my love tool. Your body is designed to accept me inside. That’s why you’re so wet. That way, when I enter you, it won’t hurt.”

He kissed her deeply, and he could feel Melody relaxing as she began to moan and toss her head back and forth on the pillow. He carefully placed his shaft at the entrance of her passage. He moved his thick shaft up and down her nether lips, to get it wet with her love juices. He gently entered her, and he could feel how tight she was. He had never felt anything as wonderful before. He knew he would need all the control, he could find, to keep from hurting her. He pushed further in, until he came to her maidenhead. He stopped to gather his strength as he kissed her; he pushed through and was buried all the way to the hilt. It was an incredible feeling to know that they were now joined and made one. Melody gave a little whimper and started to tense up, so he said, “I’m sorry. I know this hurts, but I promise that soon you won’t feel any more pain.”

He stayed very still, to give her a chance to get used to him being inside of her. It felt indescribably wonderful to finally be inside her. As he felt her begin to relax, he started to move. Soon, Melody had picked up his rhythm and was moving with him. She was making sounds that let Henry know that she was starting to enjoy the friction of his movements. He picked up the pace, moving faster and faster. He could not hold back any longer, but he wanted to make sure Melody was there with him, so he reached down and rubbed her little bud of desire, and he felt Melody’s muscles begin to tighten around his shaft. It was obvious she did not know what was happening, but it felt so good to be the first man to bring her to fulfillment, and he knew she did not want him to stop. He watched her face as she went flying, and the waves of pleasure rolled through her delectable body. Her channel tightened around his thick shaft as she reached the heights of ecstasy, and the spasms kept coming. Henry stiffened; then his seed flowed into her, and it felt incredible. There were no words that could describe how wonderful it felt. He gently pulled out of her body, fell to the side, and pulled Melody into his arms and held her tight. “Are you all right?” he asked. “I didn’t hurt you too much, did I? I know there was some pain, but I tried to be as gentle as possible.”

Melody looked at Henry and gave him a soft smile, then said, “That was the most incredible thing I have ever felt. Is it always like that?”

“Oh my darling girl, it just keeps getting better and better.” So. . . he showed her . . . all over again!

© Copyright 2010 Vikki Vaught (vvaught512 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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