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Rated: GC · Chapter · Other · #1734916
The romance continues
Chapter 2

Early August 1814

Melody and Henry spent time with each other every day over the next few weeks. Each time they were together, they got to know each other a little better. The more time they spent together, the deeper their feelings grew. Each day, they would either go for a drive in the park, ride their horses, or go on a picnic. In the evening, they would see each other at some of the parties that were still being held. Even though the season was almost over, some hostesses were still entertaining.

One evening, about a week after they had met, they went out onto the terrace to walk in the gardens. As they gazed into each other’s eyes, Henry could feel such a strong connection with Melody.

Henry gazed into her gorgeous sherry-colored eyes and said, “I’m so delighted that you came to the party tonight. I looked forward to seeing you this evening.”

“I wanted to see you too, my lord. Isn’t it a beautiful evening tonight? Just look at all the stars. Oh look, there’s a shooting star! I’ll have to make a wish!” exclaimed Melody.

She closed her eyes to make her wish, and Henry watched her and thought she was the most radiantly beautiful woman he had ever seen. “You’re so pretty with your lovely eyes shining so brightly in the moonlight. I think we have known each other long enough to use our first names, don’t you? May I call you Melody, and will you please call me Henry?”

Melody gazed into Henry’s limpid blue eyes and said, “Yes, I would like that very much, Henry. I agree we have known each other long enough to use first names.”

Hearing her say his name made him want to kiss her, so he stepped in closer, put his arms around her, and lowered his head. He felt her lips tremble, and he knew she was enjoying their kiss. As she closed her eyes, he gently stroked his lips across hers. They felt as soft as a rose petal, and he deepened the kiss, yet still keeping it gentle. Her untutored response made him aware that this was her first kiss. He made a slight groan and lifted his lips from hers. He watched as she slowly opened her eyes and sweetly smiled at him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, but I don’t regret the kiss. Your lips looked so soft that I just couldn’t resist the temptation. Melody, I hold you in very high esteem, and I have the greatest respect for you. Please forgive my forwardness.” He took her hand, raised it to his lips, and he felt her hand tremble as he kissed her fingers, and desire ran through his body, stronger than he could ever remember feeling.

Melody softly whispered, “I’m not offended, and I enjoyed your kiss very much. That was the first kiss I have ever received, and I thought it was wonderful, Henry.”

He felt greatly honored that she had allowed him to be the first man to touch her delectable lips. Her plump lower lip had enticed him beyond endurance, and it pleased him that no other man had experienced her soft sweet lips. He stepped back and said, “As much as I enjoyed your kiss, we need to return to the ballroom, before anyone notices us missing.”

They walked back through the French doors. Both of them were feeling as if something remarkable had just happened. Henry noticed his best friend walking toward them. He turned to Melody and said, “Let me introduce you to my friend Bryan Willingham, the Earl of Weston.”

Weston stopped in front of Henry and asked, “Montgomery, are you ready to leave yet? Who is this lovely young lady with you? Would you please introduce us?”

Henry smiled and said, “Hello, Weston, please let me introduce you to Miss. Canterfield-Smyth. She’s from Lincolnshire, and she’s visiting her aunt, Lady Helton.”

Weston elegantly bowed and then said, “Henry has spoken of you on several occasions, and now I understand why. You are very lovely. It’s a pleasure to meet you!”

Melody curtsied and said, “Thank you, my lord. Lord Montgomery has mentioned you to me also. He speaks very highly of you, and I’m pleased to make your acquaintance.”

Henry turned to Melody and raised her hand to his lips as he said, “Let me take you back to your aunt. Weston and I are leaving to go meet some of our friends. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow afternoon. I’ll pick you up at four o’clock so we can take our ride in the park. Oh, here’s your aunt coming now.”

Lady Helton smiled at Lord Weston as she said, “Hello, Lord Weston. It’s so nice to see you again. How is your mother? I haven’t seen her this season.”

“Thank you for asking about my mother. Her health has been poor, so she decided to remain at our country estate rather than coming to town this year,” replied Lord Weston.

“Please tell her I asked about her. I’ve always enjoyed your mother’s company. I hope she gets to feeling better soon.” Lady Helton turned to Melody and said, “Melody, I’m ready to leave. We promised to stop by Lady Bradford’s musicale this evening, so we need to be leaving if we are going to get there in time.”

“All right, Aunt Miriam, I’m ready.” Melody turned to Henry and said, “Lord Montgomery, I look forward to our ride tomorrow.” Then she looked over at Lord Weston as she said, “It was very nice meeting you, Lord Weston.”

Melody and her aunt turned and walked away. Henry turned to Lord Weston and asked, “Is she not as lovely as I told you she was?”

Weston glanced over at Henry, then he said, “Yes, she is, and she also seems very nice, if a little shy. I can see why you’re so besotted with her!”

Henry grinned as he replied, “Well, I don’t know that I would call myself besotted, however I do enjoy her company greatly. Let’s leave and go meet our friends at White’s.”

The following day, Henry picked Melody up, and they went for a ride in Hyde Park, along Rotten Row. It was obvious that their horses were biting at the bit and wanted a good run. “Why don’t we have a little race to that tree over there? I’ll give you a head start, all right?”

Melody agreed, and she took off before Henry even had a chance to say go. She was halfway to the tree before he got his horse turned around. Once he did, he sped after her, but there was no way he could catch her. When he caught up with her, he said, “You’ve really improved lately. Have you been practicing in the morning?”

Melody threw her head back and laughed as she said, “I’ve been riding almost every morning, and I just beat you, so what do you think of that!”

Laughter was shining in Henry’s eyes as he replied, “I guess I’d better watch out, and next time, I won’t give you a head start, because you don’t need it.” Melody merrily smiled at Henry, and they continued on their ride.

Melody’s heart swelled with love for Henry, and she wished he would kiss her again as he had last evening at the party. “Henry, I’m so pleased that we have become such good friends. In many ways, I feel as if I’ve known you for a long time.”

As their horses approached a wooded area of the park, Henry asked, “Why don’t we walk a bit?” Melody agreed, and he helped her down from her horse. They held hands as they walked along the path as their horses trailed behind them. It was as if they were the only people in the world. The sunlight filtered through the trees, and Melody felt a huge sense of contentment. She glanced over at Henry, and her heart accelerated because his eyes were darkened to a deep blue, and she thought he wanted to kiss her as much as she wanted to kiss him. Henry stopped walking and pulled her into his arms as he lowered his head and softly touched his lips to hers. Sweet vibrations ran through her body, and she sighed when she felt Henry’s tongue slide across her lips. As Melody gasped, he slid his tongue into her mouth. It was the most amazing feeling, and she tentatively met his tongue with her own. Henry pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. Melody wound her arms up around his neck, and as he continued to kiss her, she ran her fingers through his thick red gold curls. They were pressed closely together from chest to thighs, and she felt something hard and firm against her belly.

Henry let out a groan and said, “Melody, we had better stop. I find you extremely attractive, and your kisses are sweeter than candy, but I don’t want to do anything to offend you.” He let her go and stepped back, but did not release her hand.

Melody glowingly replied, “Henry, you haven’t offended me. I wanted you to kiss me. Your kisses are very enticing, but you’re right. We do need to stop before someone comes along and sees us.” Henry helped Melody mount her horse, and they continued on their ride. He escorted Melody back to her aunt’s house, and they parted with promises to meet at one o’clock the next day.

On the following day, they went on a picnic. When they arrived at Hyde Park, Henry picked out a spot next to the Serpentine, and spread out a blanket he had brought with him. He had gone to Gunter’s for their luncheon. There were shaved ham sandwiches and several kinds of fruit with a jug of lemonade. Henry filled a plate for Melody and handed it to her. Then he proceeded to fill his plate with all the food that remained. They sat there eating and enjoying the lovely warm afternoon when Henry asked, “What’s Lincolnshire like? I haven’t been there before. Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

“No, I’m an only child. My parents had me when they were in their late thirties. They tried to have a child for a long time, so when I was born, they were overjoyed. They call me their little gift from God and have said many times that I’m a true blessing to them. You know that my father is the vicar of Little Smythington parish, and we live in a very small village where everyone knows everybody’s business. I had several friends while growing up, and we would always play together. You’ve met Susan. We’ve been friends since we were small children. I have another friend who lives next door to me. He and I used to go fishing, and he taught me how to skip rocks. We were constantly together while I was growing up. Brandon has recently gotten married, and his wife is expecting their first child at Christmas time. I’m looking forward to seeing them when I get home. What about you? What was it like growing up as the son of a duke?” she asked.

Henry stretched out beside her as he replied, “You already know I have an elder brother. Nelson and I were best friends growing up, which is surprising, because he’s seven years older than I am. I have two sisters. Helen is seventeen, and Kathryn is thirteen. Our parents didn’t spend much time with us while we were growing up. They spent most of their time in London. Nelson looked after us and made sure that we were well cared for. Sanderford Park was a great place to grow up in, with lots of trees to climb and a big lake to swim in. We had everything that money could buy, but all we really wanted was our parents’ love. From what you have shared, I envy you, because it’s obvious that your parents love you very much.”

Melody gave Henry a sympathetic smile and said, “You’re right. I realize that I’m very fortunate to have such loving parents, and not everyone is so lucky. Susan lost her father when she was about ten years old, and my father has tried to fulfill the father’s role for her, which she has appreciated very much, but it’s not the same as having her own father. Tell me more about your childhood.”

As he absently pulled at a blade of grass, he said, “You met my friend Weston. We met when I went away to school at eleven. I went to Eton, because that’s where all the men in my family have gone. I enjoyed school tremendously and had quite a few friends, but Weston was my best friend. Weston couldn’t join the army because he was an only child. It disappointed him greatly that he couldn’t, especially when I left to go to the continent.”

Melody glanced over at Henry and said, “I enjoyed meeting your friend. It’s important to have close friends. You still haven’t told me what it’s like having a father who’s a duke. I can’t imagine what that would be like.”

“I would really rather not be a duke’s son, but we don’t always get what we wish for. You already know that I went into the army when I was eighteen, so that makes me four and twenty. I’ve loved the army, and I don’t really want to leave it. But since the war is over, I would eventually be sent to India, and I’m not so sure that I would want to go there. Once I get my men situated, I’ll sell my commission. I have a small estate that my grandmother left me, so I plan to live there. The estate is in Yorkshire, and that isn’t too far from where you live. That’s enough about me. Why don’t we eat some of those delicious strawberries?” he asked.

The strawberries were delicious, and Henry made a game out of eating them. First, he would eat one, and then he would feed one to Melody. His eyes would darken when she opened her lips to take the strawberry into her mouth, and then he would lick his fingers as he looked deeply into her eyes. Melody knew Henry desired her, and it excited her even though she did not fully understand about desire. After they finished eating, they went for a walk along the Serpentine. They watched all the little children, with their nursemaids, playing by the riverbank. Melody told him how much she enjoyed her work with the orphanage and that she would some day like to be able to help in a more significant way. They shared more about themselves, and Melody knew that she had found someone very special in Henry.

On their last outing together, before she was due to leave for Lincolnshire, Henry turned to Melody and asked, “I would like to spend more time with you. Would your parents mind if I came to visit you this fall?”

As they rode along in his curricle, she said, “Henry, I’d love for you to come for a visit. I’m sure my parents would be happy to meet you. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed our time together, and I would be pleased if you came to see me.”

“I’ve enjoyed spending this time with you immensely. Even though we have only known each other for a few weeks, I’ve grown quite fond of you, and I look forward to continuing our friendship.” Henry stopped his curricle and turned to Melody. They were hidden behind some bushes, so he took her in his arms and kissed her. He flicked his tongue across her lips, so Melody parted them, and he deepened the kiss. She tasted as sweet as he remembered, and he could go on kissing her forever. He felt his passion stirring, but he knew he needed to stop, before he went too far. He did not want to frighten Melody, so he reluctantly ended their kiss. “You have the sweetest tasting mouth! You taste just like the strawberries we just ate. I never want to let you go, but we don’t want anyone to see us, so we need to stop.”

Melody looked at Henry and smiled, “You already know that I enjoy your kisses, and I find them very exciting. I’m going to miss you, and I look forward to your visit. When do you think you’ll be able to come?”

“I need to spend a few weeks with my family and find out how I can help my brother, but I should be able to come around the middle of September. Would that be convenient for you?” he asked.

With a radiant smile on her face, she replied, “I’m sure that would be fine. I’ll let my parents know when to expect you.”

They arrived back at Lady Helton’s house, and Henry helped her out of his curricle. As he lowered her to the ground, he held on to her, as if he never wanted to let her go. Melody’s heart was beating very fast, and her hands were shaking from all the emotions she was feeling. She looked into his eyes and saw his were intensely blue and filled with what she now believed was desire. While desire was new to Melody, she knew she did desire him greatly. Slowly Henry released her and stepped back. He escorted her inside to take his leave of her aunt.

Henry turned to her and smiled as he said, “I’ll see you soon, Melody. I’ll send you a note to let you know when I’ll arrive in Lincolnshire.”

Melody gazed into his eyes and answered, “I’ll look forward to your arrival, my lord.”

Henry turned to Lady Helton and said, “I appreciate your hospitality, and I hope to see you again.” Then he turned to Melody and lifted her hand to his lips. While glancing up at her, he tenderly kissed her hand. He bowed, and then he was gone.

Aunt Miriam turned to Melody and asked, “Melody what was that all about, my dear child?”

Melody replied, “Lord Montgomery has asked if he could come and visit me at my home, and I told him that I would enjoy his visit immensely.”

Melody’s aunt rushed to her and gave her a hug. “Oh, this is wonderful news! I just know he is falling in love with you. You mark my word, you will soon be engaged. He would never ask if he could visit you at your home if he weren’t serious about his intentions.”

“I think you must be right. I know that I’m falling in love with him. While I’m very pleased, I’m also very apprehensive. What if I’m wrong about how he feels? It’s only been three weeks since we met! Could he possibly be in love with me in so short a time?” she asked.

Lady Miriam looked lovingly into Melody’s eyes as she replied, “Darling, it’s normal to be concerned, because everything has happened so quickly. However, sometimes love just happens that way. Just relax and enjoy how you are feeling. All will be well, just you wait and see!”

Melody left for Lincolnshire the next day. The trip was long and boring, but it gave her quite a bit of time to think about Henry. She knew that she was in love with him, and while it felt marvelous, she was a little frightened. Even though she was still very young, she had plans for what she wanted to do with her life, and if Henry asked her to marry him, those plans would be difficult to achieve. Oh well, she was getting ahead of herself anyway. It’s not as if he had asked her to marry him, and he could change his mind about coming to visit anyway. She decided that she would put it out of her mind until he wrote to her, and then she just might believe he cared.

The countryside was simply gorgeous; the leaves were just beginning to turn. While Melody loved the summer, she did enjoy all the gorgeous colors of fall. Thank goodness, the weather was cooperating; they had not had any rain during the entire trip. Even though it took five days to get to Lincolnshire, they had made good time. Millie spent most of her time doing needlework, and Melody read several books, which helped to pass the time.

When she arrived home, she was glad to see her parents. Even though she had enjoyed London tremendously, she was overjoyed to be home again. She realized she had missed them terribly. They wanted to know all about her first season and how many new friends she had made. During one of their conversations, she casually mentioned Henry and said, “He mentioned that he might come to visit. His father, the Duke of Sanderford, has property in Doncaster, which is not too terribly far away. He said that he would come to visit on his way to his father’s property, if that would be all right with you. I enjoyed my time in London, and I went to so many balls, soirees, and garden parties that I actually grew tired of them. Aunt Miriam was a delightful hostess and made sure that I had plenty of activities to do. Susan got me involved with St. Mark’s Orphanage, and I really enjoyed spending time with all the children. We also went to the Royal Opera House in Covent Gardens, and I found it to be divine. All the singers had incredible voices, and I was extremely impressed. I know that I’ll be an opera lover for the rest of my life.”

Melody’s mother said, “Honey, we’re so pleased that you had a wonderful time. Lord Montgomery sounds like a nice young man, and we would be happy to have him come for a visit. We missed you so much, and we’re just thankful you have returned to us.”

© Copyright 2010 Vikki Vaught (vvaught512 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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