Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1734836-Step-into-the-Night-chapter-7
by Gurren
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1734836
Dreams to come true...or is it? Full synopsis inside
Hello! I'm back. School holiday is coming in an end. I hope I can finish up chapter 8 by then. Well, I hope you enjoyed the story!

Warning: This work has broken English. Approach with caution and a sense of dignity to correct me if I'm wrong so that I can improve my writing. Fyi, English is my second language

Synopsis:Henry Edgewhiteis a normal teenage boy with one disadvantage-he can't dream. Although it seemed an insignificant fact but that weakness is only a piece of the puzzle. There have been an outbreak in Malaysia. A disease called Acute Brain Activity Disorder (ABAD) kills people just by shuting down their brains. Little do the people of Malaysia know, that disease is not your ordinary disease. Rather, it was a tool to set up the stage for an evil plot. And Henry was right in the middle of it.

Chapter 7: Disillusionment and Struggle


         That is all in his mind. Clenching to his heart like the jaws of a vicious animal. Why did he had to say that to her? She had already suffered so much and he just had to make it worse. What was he thinking? She is his best friend, nothing more nothing less. Why can’t he be satisfied with her as his best friend? That girl’s emotional state is still unstable. She had been showing improvements but he just had to blow it.  He felt so stupid, so miserable, so guilty.

         ‘I think I’m in love with you.’

         He clenched his teeth whenever that phrase repeat itself in his mind, feeling angered of himself. That one phrase that could blew apart his relationship with Michelle.

         The trip back home was a surreal one. He didn’t realize what he was doing, where is he looking or where he was heading. He just let his body on autopilot to guide him back home. His form was like a zombie, complete with lifeless eyes, head down and limping posture. Occasionally, he would get a glance or two from passerby but he didn’t care. His mind was too occupied with a certain Chinese girl to care about other people.

         It was a while before Henry realized that he was right in front of his house. He rummaged his pockets for his keys and proceeded to open the front gate and the door. Henry closed the door behind him as he smells something delicious from the kitchen. It smelt like sambal. Sambal usually hits the spot but he just didn’t have the appetite to eat. Guilt is still clutching his stomach.

Henry glanced at the clock on the kitchen wall. It was already 6.00 pm. Henry sighed heavily. The trip back took more time than usual. He glanced around, no sign of his mother.

Henry slumped upstairs to his room. From his mother’s room, he could hear sounds of his mother yelling. The editors are picking a fight with her again. She is really in a bad mood.

Henry entered his room and threw his beg at the corner. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned his top collar and slumped on the bed, absolutely exhausted. He sighed heavily to his pillow. He turned his body around, facing the ceiling.

“What the hell was I thinking?” Henry sighed again.

“She...rejected me...” Henry covered his eyes with his forearm. It could really be the end of their relationship as best friends. No more talking animatedly with each other, no more walks to school, no more ice-cream with her. All this thoughts scared Henry so much. This can’t be happening.

‘This is stupid.” Henry laughed. “She is will definitely forgive me right? Tomorrow, she will greet me with her smile and-”


The sound of her cry echoes in his head. For some reason, Henry felt a sudden wetness on his forearm. The wetness continued as he sobbed. It was his biggest mistake.

“I want the old times back...” Henry muttered. “I want Michelle back to her normal self. I want to experience the good times over and over again.  I don’t want this to happen. I hate this. Please, I want the old times back...forever....” With that, Henry cried himself to sleep.


Morning came too fast. Henry woke up groggily. He sat up on his bed and did some stretching.

“Its morning already...” Henry said. “The start of a lousy day.”

He realized that he didn’t change from his school uniform yesterday. “Wow, I must be really miserable.” Henry laughed at his poor joke. He bathed and wore fresh pairs of school uniform. He took his bag and went downstairs.

He wasn’t in a mood to eat breakfast even though his last meal was yesterday’s lunch. He walked to the station, waving at Muthu as he passed by the Mamak stall.

Not long after, he arrived at the station. The hectic atmosphere that he knew and loved filled the station. He took out his wallet and scanned it over the ‘Touch and Go’ scanner only to be greeted by a beep. The screen above the scanner showed ‘Insufficient credit’. Henry groaned as he made his way to the ticket counter. His Touch and Go prepaid ran out. How frustrating. A great way to start the morning.

As he approached the counter, he saw a plump man at the said counter, not a certain unknown bubbly young girl. The plump man was kind of a gloomy and smug. For some reason, he swore he had seen that guy before. That was weird. Where did the bubbly girl went? Henry walked to the platform with that lingering thought.

Henry leaned on one of the platform’s pillar. No sight of Michelle, much to his sadness.  Well, what is he hoping for? That girl is still in the hospital. If a miracle happened and she was discharged yesterday, Henry was sure she will be too afraid of him to talk to him. The frustration of yesterday’s event still clings to his heart.

“Well, at least there is no sign of Edmond.”

         As soon as he said that, he saw Edmond from the stairs with his trademark grin. “Speak of the devil.” Henry grumbled.

         He was going to prepare to answer the hyperactive boy’s trivial question when much to his surprise, Edmond passed by with saying a word.

         “Heh?” Henry was a little shocked that Edmond didn’t choke hold, high five nor even spoke to him. That guy is too friendly to do that. Henry kept his eyes on Edmond, watching for any suspicious act.

Edmond took a spot at another pillar and leaned on it. Just then, a girl approaches him. Wait, a girl?!

Henry couldn’t believe his eyes. A girl with short hair approached Edmond.  From the look of Edmond’s face, he was really delighted of her arrival. They talked for a while before...cuddling to each other.

“What...the...hell...” Henry was speechless. Edmond actually had a girlfriend. That overly hyperactive, obnoxious guy HAS a girlfriend. Wow, that was shocking. Truly shocking.

From the corners of his eyes, he saw Khe Tiaw, the sickly thin friend of Edmond. He was with the school’s soccer gang, laughing and talking animatedly. Wait, that is not right. Khe Tiaw is far from being athletic yet alone healthly. He is too thin to be in the soccer gang group. From his observations, the soccer gang are a bunch of big fit, athletic guys who won’t talk to anyone that is too as fit or as athletic as them. Then again, why is Khe Tiaw talking to them a little too animatedly?

Henry looked the other way. This morning was too shocking for his poor guilt-ridden heart. Too much revelation in a day is dangerous for the heart. Henry sighed. Why is everything so weird and out of place today? It was like today is April’s fool.

Henry laughed jokingly. “With all this weird stuff going on, the next thing I knew is Michelle talking to me. Wow, now that will be a BIG surprise.”

“Yoooooo!” A too familiar voice said.


“How are you, Henry! Nice morning today isn’t it?” Henry felt a slap to his back which made him stumbled slightly forward.

Henry looked beside him to see...Michelle. She was in her blue pinafore with her trademark ponytail on. She had her radiant smile on her, something he missed.

“Wa...Wa....Wa...Wa...Wa...Wa...” Henry was speechless. He couldn’t form the words for his mouth to speak. The magnitude of HER in front to him and too much for his brain to handle that it affects his speech control. He looked at her like she was a ghost.

“Dude, what is with you? Cat got your tongue? Speaking of cats, I saw a really cute one today on my way back. It was-”

“What are you doing here?” Henry blurted out, as soon his brain’s speech centre was working again.

“Huh? What you don’t like me here?” Michelle said sarcastically.

“Huh? No no no no.” Henry waved his hands in front of him. “Should you be in the hospital?”

Michelle chuckled. “Oh yeah, I was discharged last night. Packed my stuff and busted out from that hospital. I kinda miss school so I decided to go to school today.” Michelle smiled.

“Hah? Wait, you were discharged yesterday? Are you sure you can go to school today?”

“Don’t worry my friend, I as fit as a marathon runner.” Michelle smiled.

“Oh, I see...So uhm...” Henry was lost in words. Michelle was talking to him as she used too. Does that mean she forgets about yesterday’s event?”

“Hmm? What?”

“Uhm...you see...Why are you talking you me?” Henry mustered enough courage to say that. “I thought you were like um... you know...hate me after yesterday’s event”

Michelle stared at him blankly before cracking out. “Oh, that thing. I’m really sorry Henry but that was all an act. I wanted to surprise you about my discharge see. That’s why I wanted you to leave; I want to pack my stuff. You sure don’t want to see me packing my panties right?” Michelle winked.

“Huh? Seriously?” Henry said, absolutely baffled by her response.

“Seriously, don’t worry too much about it.”

“Uhm...then about the I love you part...er...” Henry flustered. He was blushing heavily. He could felt his cheeks burning up.

“Oh, that...” Michelle looked away. Her cheeks turned red. “I-”

The screeching halt of the LRT interrupted Michelle. She turned around to see the LRT coming into a stop.

“Well that’s the LRT. Come on!” Michelle grabbed his hand and pulled him with her. Henry was slightly disappointed. He couldn’t hear Michelle’s true respond. It was true that she was not mad and he was very happy about that but he would but much happier if he could knew her respond about his feelings.

“You know...” Michelle said as they entered the LRT.

“I kinda love you too.” Michelle mumbled but was loud enough from him to hear her.

“I always love you, Henry.” Michelle said, never making eye contact with him.

Henry was silenced. He was glad. Happiness filled every cell of his body, something alien to him these past few days.

“I’m glad, Michelle...” He muttered.

They stood side by side. No words are needed to be exchange anymore. Just being each other’s side, so much love is express. They are best friends turned lover.

Henry watched out the window, where the sight of the city marvelled his eyes just as a pair of dove flew by.

“Thank god...”


School was fun.

Everything was perfect today. He managed to solve more Maths problem than usual, performed a complex Chemistry experiment and recited a poem with such emotions that the teacher almost cry. All of that while staring at Michelle occasionally, resulting both individuals to blushed really hard. They flirted a bit during Chemistry, which earned him a death glare from Zati. He doesn’t care though. He and Michelle are in love and he is very happy about that. He wished that this could last forever.

It was recess time and Michelle had to go to help the teacher first. There were a few students still inside the class when Henry spotted Edmond sitting at class, staring out at the distance. That guy seemed bored, and since he kinda accompanied him during Michelle’s absence, he had the right to know about him and Michelle.

“Hey Edmond! What are you doing?” Henry approached him.

Edmond looked up at him. “Hey, well waiting for Lian of course.”

“I see. You never told me you had a girlfriend though.”

“Huh? I thought the whole knew about me and Lian. We had been together since form 1”

“Really? Wow, I didn’t know. So, now you just left Khe Tiaw, Suresh and Farid alone?”

“Huh? Khe Tiaw? Farid? Suresh? Who are they?” Edmond said with a questioning look.

“Heh?” Henry shot a questioning look back at Edmond. “They are your band pals remember? You were the guitarist and all.”

“Me? Playing the guitar?” Edmond laughed. “Dude, I won’t play the guitar. I’m more to the singing type. You’re kinda funny.

“Heh? But don’t you say that you played the guitar when we were at the canteen yesterday?” Henry said, things were getting weirder and awkward by the second.

“Yesterday at the canteen? I ate with Lian yesterday and today is the first time I even talked to you.” Edmond frowned, confused by Henry’s statement.

“Wait, what?”

“Seriously dude, you really are it your own world. You are really an interesting guy. Well, catch you later then. Nice talking to you bro.” Edmond stood up and went to the door where the short-haired girl is waiting for him.

Henry was baffled. Why Edmond said it was his first time talking to him. It was really weird, not to mention suspicious. When Henry thought about it, everything is kinda out of place. In class, he swore there were missing person in the class. Their names were not in the registry. Encik Nazeem did not brought his signature cane with him today. The chemistry teacher was also too nice today. It was suspicious.

“Hey, I’m back.” Michelle appeared beside him.

“Hey.” Henry replied bluntly.

“What’s the matter? You looked like something is bothering you.” Michelle looked at him with concern in her eyes.

“I just felt everything is out of place today. Though I’m really enjoying all my classroom success today. But I really felt something is suspicious here.”

Michelle smiled. “Don’t worry. Everything is going to be all right.” She suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck. “Because I’m with you and we shall be together forever.” Michelle’s face was getting closer to his.

“H...H...Hey! What are you doing?” Henry flustered.

“No one is here now. Don’t worry.” Michelle said seductively. Henry looked from the corners of his eyes. The classroom was empty. That couldn’t be, he swore there were still people here a second ago.


“I think I could not hold myself anymore...”  Michelle grabbed his tie and loosen it up. “I want you...I want you to be with me forever.

Henry was shaking as Michelle undoes his top button. Michelle is really daring today. Too daring. Her face was red and her eyes were full of lust. It is not cute anymore. Henry just couldn’t take it.

“Michelle, stop!” Henry pushed her away. “It isn’t right. We can’t do this...well...here.”

Michelle smiled slyly. “But I want you now. Together, we will live this perfect world forever.” She closed in towards him.

“Wait, no...I still think this is not right. Something is off about this.” Henry backed a little as Michelle closed in.

“But this is what you want right. The love of Michelle. I’m giving you my love now. Forever and ever.” Michelle muttered into his ears in a seductive fashion.

“No, please wait...” Henry backed off even further until he hit a table. Michelle is getting scarier by the second.

“This is the perfect world you wish right, Henry dear? Come to me, and I’ll show you more into the perfect world.” Michelle undoes his second button.

Henry grabbed her shoulders. “Stop Michelle! You’re acting weird. You are acting really weird. What’s up with all this perfect world and forever and ever?”

Michelle gave him a questioning look. “This is what you wished for right?”

Henry looked at her. It is not right. His instinct was screaming at him. All of this was too weird. Something is up, something is definitely up.

“A distorted place, out of character people, too good to be true events.” Henry mumbled. It was a dream. All of this was a dream. No wonder everything seemed perfect. Too perfect actually. It was all a big dream.

Henry looked at Michelle. “Please Michelle, stop this.”

Michelle stopped at looked at his eyes. “But why? Doesn’t this is your greatest desire? Your desire to be with me?”

Henry gritted his teeth. “Yes, I want to be with you but all of this is a dream right?” It was hard to accept this as a dream. It was what he ever wanted.

Michelle was shocked at his sentence. Her eyes were wide open and her mouth was hanging. Then she looked down, looking sad.

“I’m sorry, but this is a dream. Dreams are not eternal or even real. But I enjoyed this.” Henry said. He was kinda sad too, to let go of this perfect situation.

“Tch.” Michelle chided.


Michelle suddenly burst out a maniacally laughter that sent shivers through out his body. This is creeping him out.

“So, you figured it out by yourself? That was quick. I thought you are a dim one but you are a bright one eh?” Michelle said maniacally.

“Michelle, this is...”

“You are one confused brat eh? It is what you want right? Your best friend to accept your feelings, to perform in class, to make that hyperactive bastard not to disturb you anymore. Can’t you be grateful and accept it like a good boy you are?”

“But Michelle, this is a-” Henry tried to cut her off only to get cut off by her.

“But no! You still want to doubt yourself and get all suspicious. This is what you yearn for. Your deep desire that your shit reality won’t give you. Your reality is a bunch of shit, isn’t it? You, yourself agreed right? Just because reality won’t give you all the precious time with that girl back to you right?”

“I gave you a new reality. A reality you wished for. But why you are still frickin’ complaining? Are you that ungrateful? ” Michelle said angrily.

“Michelle! What the heck are you talking about?” Henry said.

“Shut up, you ungrateful brat! If you don’t want to accept this reality and want to go back to your shit reality...” Michelle took a step forward.

“I’ll kill you before you went back to your shit reality.” Michelle said maniacally as black aura seeped out from her body.

Henry backed off to the wall fast, this is not Michelle. This is his dreams playing tricks on him. He needs to get out from here.

Henry pinched his forearm hard, hoping to wake up. He winced at the pain but he is still there. The black aura Michelle is still in front of him. Michelle laughed.

“You think by pinching your pathetic self, you can get out from here? This is your reality now. Not your shit reality but your dream reality. If you don’t want to accept this reality then you might as well die here!” Michelle’s black aura flared.

“Holy shit...” Henry cursed. He tried pinching his forearm once more, this time even harder but it is still uneffective.

Michelle laughed. “You are one pathetic brat!” She lunged forwards with claws from the black aura. Henry saw it coming and dodged Michelle’s assault by jumping out of the way. He took a glanced at Michelle. Her hands were coated with black aura, forming claws that would be deadly to his neck. Her eyes were wide and full of lust. It was also yellow and cat slits. She wore a grin that would make most maniacs to shame.

“Wow, you dodged. That is very amazing of you. But...” Michelle said and raised her hands. In an instant, the door opened to reveal 5 students, each with black aura seeping out from their bodies and claws from the said black aura.

Michelle laughed maniacally. “Now, can you run brat?”

Henry’s eyes widen in fear. He was screwed.

© Copyright 2010 Gurren (nazran456 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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