Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1734715-The-Next-Thirty-Days
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Other · #1734715
Beauty, Deception and Technology, all in one.

Darcy Piedmont was the kind of woman that everyman wanted to sleep with, but not marry. She wondered, what exactly made her a good fuck but not a good wife? Was it her insatiable sex drive, or her flirtatious nature? She didn’t really know, and sometimes she didn’t even care. Staring out the window was always relaxing for Darcy, she resolved many issues that way. Her trip to Paris last week gave her time for some much needed window reflection, but her latest problem wasn’t going away with just deep though and mediation. Darcy was shaken from her daze by a tall and seemingly unsuspecting gentleman passing by the window, she drank the rest of her latte grabbed her things and headed out the door. To her surprise the guy she noticed from the window was coming into through the door. Their eyes met briefly, she brushed against him gently then turned around and said “im sorry sir”. No problem he said, not unless you have something to be sorry for. His comment made Darcy stop briefly; she turned and looked at him. Her quick witted nature almost forced her to say something, but the thief in her made her keep walking.

Safely in her car Darcy pulled out the wallet of the guy she pick pocketed at the bookstore. She laughed to herself, the men were always easy. They are always to bedazzled by her double dd’s to notice, then again some of them were just plain dumb. She opened up the wallet to what secret treasures it bestowed. Darcy’s smile quickly faded. No credit cards, no id, nothing. Well this was a waste of time she said, but as she got to the last compartment there was a note, it read “sorry sweetheart, I’m not that dumb”. For the second time in her life, she panicked. She through the wallet on the floor, and put the key in the ignition but before she could start the car there was a knock on her window. Almost too afraid to look up, she glanced out the corner of her eye and saw her mark standing at the window, oddly he was smiling. She cracked the window just enough to feel the cold air hit her face. Yes, how can I help you she said? Im sorry to bother you my name is Francis, I was just wondering if I could take you out for a drink? Ah thanks but right now I have somewhere to be, but im here everyday about this time, maybe another day. Ok Darcy, well can I at least have my wallet back? She froze. He stared? Oh did I say something wrong? Who are you and what the hell do you want with me? I just want to talk, your favorite cocktail is 7 and 7 right? Darcy lunged forward reached under the seat for her glock but it was gone. What’s wrong Darcy, missing your piece? Look all I want to do is talk, the man who was so sweet and innocent looking earlier transformed into a monsterous looking creature. He grabbed the door handle, but it was already locked. Darcy knew that if she didn’t get the hell out there, there was going to be trouble. She turned the key in the ignition, but the car didn’t start. Uh oh Darcy, looks like some car trouble, I can call AAA if you want, then this monster let out a laugh, it sent chills through her. But then as if on que, the car started but something wasn’t right. Whats that smell? Darcy tried to open the door but it wouldn’t open, the window that she cracked earlier raised on its own and the eerie bastard that she pick pocketed earlier, was now standing on the other side of the window, still laughing. The last thing she saw before she blacked out was a man rising from the floor of her backseat, and the only thing that she could tell, was that he was laughing too.

Is it done yet? Yes sir, she’s out cold, should take about 5 – 10 mins for the drug to wear off. Good said the voice on the other line, move to phase too and with that the call was gone. Francis proceeded with the plan. Come on man get out the car, no time to play. The door opened and the 6’5 giant unfolded himself from the back of the two seater, together they walked back to the car they arrived in. Francis pulled out his Newport, lit it and then enjoyed the feeling of success. I been in this business a long time, he said. Been caught in some shit that I never thought I would get out of, the only thing that keeps me going is this little piece of death right here. He inhaled, then exhaled. Ah, that’s it, that’s it right there. Francis started smoking right after his 12th birthday. He was surrounded by smokers, his mother said he was destined to be one. As much as I enjoy it, I never can get that feeling back, that feeling of pulling a for the first time he said. Francis puffed and puffed until the feeling came back, but it never did. If he could just get that feeling one more time then he would quit, years later he was still praying for that feeling. He looked over at his cohort to see if maybe this time he could get a reaction out of him, but as usual he didn’t have anything to say.

Francis looked down at his watch as it started to beep. He grabbed the binoculars and peered through them into Darcy’s car. He saw that she was slowly coming too, he waited about a min, wanted her to be fully awake for the call. He laughed, dumb bitch still trying to start the car. Little did Darcy know that her car was remodeled with a remote starter while she was in the bookstore. This little piece of magic was also equipped with a automated kill switch. Francis hit a few buttons on the phone and it started ringing, he was still watching Darcy through the binoculars. She answered the phone, paused and then very groggily said hello. Hey sleeping beauty, how you feeling? Im sorry for taking your wallet she said, you can have it back. Don’t’ you think I know that? If you took a minute to look around, you would notice it’s gone. You know that’s the problem I have with you women, you never analyze your surroundings. What the fuck do you want she said ? Please tell me. I just want to go home. Oh so now you want to go home, what happen to that important meeting you had? Look Darcy, you can go home shortly but like it or not we are going to have that drink, we can either do it nice or nasty. Im sure you already know which one Im hoping for. Fine, I’ll go just please don’t hurt me. Ooh I like it when they beg Francis said. He pressed the button and Darcy’s car started, ok if you look in your glove box you will see a GPS system, turn it on and hit destination. The location that we are going to is already in it. Now the only thing you have to do is drive. So what’s stopping me from just driving to the police she said? Oh you wouldn’t do that too me now would you? Well just in case you lost your mind for a second, we would officially enter backup mode, and I don’t think you want to go in backup mode. Lives have been lost in backup mode. So now are we on the same page, almost Darcy said. Can you at least tell me your name? Oh damn, where are my manners, im sorry. My name is Francis Covington, and for the next 30 days, we are going to become very close friends. I promise.

Chapter Two

Daddy my stomach hurts, can I have some candy to make it better? Sorry honey, that might make it hurt worse. I tell you what, daddy will whip up a magic potion for you real quick. I got the spell from Harry Potter himself. Daddy!!! You said I could talk to him next time you sawed him. Donald laughed, he always did when it came to his daughter. She was his life. Donald pulled out the “magic potion” know to the rest of us as pepto bismol, he did a few waves with his hand and produced the little cup filled with the pink liquid. Daddy!!! That’s the boo boo song medicine. No sweety this is magic potion I promise. Ok if you say so daddy. Where is uncle mike? Oh he had to take care of some business out of town, he will be back this weekend. Ok great, I like him daddy. Can I have two daddies? Ok Alicia, slow down. Now we had that talk already, you can’t tell anybody that Uncle Mike sleeps over ok. That’s just our little secret. So I can’t tell mommy either? No sweetie, mommy and uncle Mike don’t get along too good so she would be really really made at daddy if she knew he was coming over. Ok Daddy, it’s just our little secret. Donald smiled and said ok. He hated lying. They always started off so small and innocent, but never ended up the same way and this lie was no different. Six months ago Donald and wife decided to put their home up for sale, with twins on the way the modest 3 bedroom house just didn’t seem like it would be big enough. Upon walking into the realtor’s office they were greeted by a professional and quite handsome agent who was all to eager to help them find a new home. Michael Langston was his name, and he was very good at everything he did, everything! It happened so suddenly, they started off talking about the Falcons and ended up having sex. Now $50,000 later, and still no new home, one lie has turned into many more. Donald never thought that he had the type of career that would warrant being blackmailed by someone, but I guess being a Chief Security Office holds some weight. He couldn’t dare let this get out, how could he have been so stupid. Now this asshole has him on video getting serviced at work, in his office during work hours. Stupid Stupid Stupid. Those were the only words that came into Donald’s head. He had the money to pay, but he knew that it wouldn’t stop their. He had to figure something out, and fast. Donald picked up the phone and called in a favor, he knew it would be a long shot but it was worth a try. Hello John, how are you? Its me Donald, yea I know its been a long time. Listen buddy, I have a favor to cash in on, you think you up for it. Yea well it could get a little messy, but if you have a apron and some extra towels you might just be ok. Let’s meet at our usual spot, say about 12pm tomorrow. Donald hung up the phone and took a deep breath, he wasn’t sure if he was ready to go down this road. He knew the consequences would be dire if anyone found out what he was about to do, but he just couldn’t let this bastard get away with this, no not on his watch.

Darcy followed directions, and did exactly as she was told to do. Although she was driving to this unknown destination, she was formulating a plan of escape. She felt insulted, and somewhat stupid. But she would have time later to go back and asess the situation to see where she went wrong. As the automated voice spit out the directions, Darcy looked in her rearview mirror and she saw the man who calls himself Francis about 3 cars behind her. What could he possibly want, and how in the hell did he know all about her, even her favorite drink? Darcy started thinking about how careless she had been lately. This look was by far her favorite, and maybe that’s why she got so comfortable. Her phone rang; it was the same unknown number from earlier. She started not to answer, but didn’t want to cause a raucous just yet. What do you want she belted. Hello Darcy, I trust you are finding my ground transportation to be first class. Who the hell is this she asked? The squeaky voiced man said, my name is Sir, short for Serendipitous. What kind of name is that Darcy said. The one that I gave myself he said, look we will have plenty of time for pleasantries upon your arrival to my facility. I want you to know that I will not harm you, as long as you do what I tell you to do. In her most agigitated voice she yelled look “Sir” I don’t know who you are or what you want with me, but Im tired of trying to being controlled like a puppet. If you know anything about me and who I truly am, then you know not to fuck with me. With that Darcy through the cell phone on to the floor, slammed on the brakes almost causing the two cars behind her to wreck. She shoved the gear shift into park, and she sat. She figured it would take about 1 minute for “Sirs” henchmen to call him and tell him what she had done, then about another minute for him to call her back. She waited. At about the 1 minute and 30 second mark her phone rang. She answered, hmmm you were a lot faster than I thought you would be. You better get that car moving and now or…or what Darcy yelled?? Oh wait I forgot, we will enter backup mode right. Ok, well Im already in back up mode. You either tell me whats going on or I will sit here. If I die oh well, as far as anybody else is concerned, im already dead. Now you have exactly 1 minute to tell me what is going on or else. Or else what Darcy? What could you possibly do to hurt me. Darcy laughed, she almost sounded insane. Sir, who said anything about hurting you? Darcy threw the car into drive; she cut the wheel as hard as she could to so that she could make a uturn, and floored it. The sports car jolted from its stationary position and completed a perfect uturn, her target; Francis. She lined the front of her car up with the side of his car, he couldn’t move at all. Her sudden stop caused the traffic to back up behind her. She wanted answers, and somebody was going to give them to her. She sped toward Francis and crashed into the side of his car, she didn’t reverse, but kept the car there in order to trap him in. She could see the panicked look on his face, the impact of the collision caused his airbag to inflate. Darcy hopped out the car, ran to the trunk and grabbed her tire iron, and then she went back to Francis and busted out the driver side window. Look, you want to play games then here is one for you. Tell me whats going on or you die, simple as that! Your crazy you know that Francis said, Darcy looked at him and smiled. Sweety this isn’t crazy, this is pissed. She went back to her car, reversed and slammed into the side of his car again. She opened the door and stood up, so you do you have an answer to my question yet Francis? Fuck you he yelled, blood dripping down the side of his mouth. No thanks she yelled back. She jumped back into the car, reversed and then slammed into the side of his car again.

Darcy knew that with all of the people standing recording this with their phones, someone had probably called the police. She sped off down the street, in her mirror she could see people rushing over to help Francis and whoever else was in the car. She made a left onto University and then pulled into the first parking garage she could find. She grabbed the cell phone opened the back and removed the battery but she kept the phone. She would turn it on later, after this got back to “Sir” she knew he would be trying to reach her or even find out where she was. Yes, if he knew anything about Darcy Covington then he knows just how ruthless I can be. Next time she would be ready, but she just couldn’t figure out what they wanted, why me she muttered, what could he possibly want with me. Darcy got out the car and headed to the street, she flagged a cab then told the driver where to go? After she gave him the address he said look ma’am that’s a four hour drive. Whatever it costs, I will triple she yelled. The cabbie’s eyes lit, up. Ok then lets roll he said.

© Copyright 2010 R. Marcus Alexander (ralexander411 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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