Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1734430-Wasteland
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1734430
After the nuclear wake, how far do the lines of good and evil blur for the word SURVIVAL.
"The Wasteland…our little reminder of what humanity is capable of. About seven years ago, A war between two continents, waged by the inhabitants that lived on it was finally about to begin. The leader of the Eastern Continent of Tziah, tried on many occasions to avoid conflict with the people of the Western Continent, Yabbashah, but never was he successful at gaining that leisure. Eventually, as time began to pass on, and tensions ran higher and higher, the first steps of the cold war, had finally begun, at the helm of it all, the Eastern Continents leader, Omaron Qeelok. As the opposing forces leader, The Western Continents Lorra Steplok. In a broad solution, the war was expected to go on for years and years to come, but, little did they know, The Northern Continent of Thebel, had already launched a nuclear missile, set to make impact with Tziah in a matter of hours. What made things worse was that there were still millions of civilians there who hadn't evacuated from the area, due to the lack of boats available to ship them off to any safe locations, not to mention the war was begin held there, right in the middle of Tenzil City on Tziah.

Before the battle even reached a casualty of two hundred, Tziah and Yabbashah's fighting came to its halt once the soldiers on the field of battle realized a lone metallic figure in the sky descending towards them. It was easy to determine that there wouldn't be enough time for anybody to evacuate before the figure made landfall, and due to their gawking and attempts to decipher what the figure was, it only wasted a good amount of time that would have possibly gave them a better chance at finding cover and surviving. An announcement throughout the city alerted victims to find a safe place to hide, from what was coming their way, it was indeed a nuclear missile, the one thing that could claim millions of lives for one mans own sadistic fantasy of one particular thing: 'Striking fear into the hearts of other nations.'

Pandemonium and chaos ensued upon the announcement that Tziah had secretly built underground silos in case of emergency, albeit it was never expected to be for a nuclear attack. Many citizens found safety, many more found shock and panic, once these four silos all ran out of space for the remaining thousands upon thousands of people remaining. As for the soldiers on the battlefield, once they discovered that the massive figure was a missile, it was too late to run, the missile made impact and rocked the entire continent with an explosion with a force so great, the blast may have caused a short tsunami somewhere nearby.

In the end, Tziah, was all but a mass of ruins and decomposing bodies. The civilians hidden safely in the silos emerged a day later, hungry, and parched, and upon seeing the sight of their once bustling continent now reduced to gravel and ruin, many gave up on life all together, and found ways of ending their families and their own pain, often case would be the parent killing off the children and wife, or the wife killing the father and children, and in some unique cases, a son ending the lives of his family, whichever it was, they all did it with the belief that there was no hope left for anybody on Tziah, and yet, It seemed that way for those who decided to live on and fight for survival. Seven years passed by, people were given their own complicated ways of maintaining life, trying to find fresh food and water outlets, which was never ever common place, and avoiding the various threats that lie in wait around the Wasteland.

The after effects of the nuclear missile left a poison in the air that altered Tziah's wildlife into ferocious beings commandeering great brute strength, however, the hunt for these creatures would provide for a decent meal for at least two days. Gangs of ill-willed people were formed in a way to unselfishly steal from those who had a luxurious amount of food and provide it to children that lacked it, yet, in the past five years, their authority has deviated from the art of kindness, to the crime of murder and slaughter on whoever was not apart of their faction, they'd give their victims one ultimatum: Join them, or perish, if people joined up, they'd be trained in combat and the usage of fire arms, if you refused to join, they'd make a prime example of your body as a testament, The Marauders are coming. A small military group, code named EXTRACT, was formed in order to protect citizens from those groups of Marauders, and the local wildlife, and quite possibly, the opportunity to find a way off of Tziah, with force and possibly sacrifice.

The last thing that should be mentioned is the nuclear poisoning that was released in the air by the missile. Slowly it shortens the life expectancy of the inhabitants of Tziah and surely it will lead to our deaths in a few short years. Any attempts to leave the boundaries of Tziah may automatically result in the instant death of those who try, being exposed to the chemicals of fresh air at such a quick pace while the nuclear poisoning still lingers in you body may cause an unsettling death. Had Thebes really planned on wiping out an entire group of people? The fearsome reality that is genocide?

Unfortunately, this is the world we live in, and quite possibly…it won't get any better. The lives of many are slowly decreasing down to few, and with the way things are for us nowadays, what hope is there left? The choices of the paragon, only causes more death, but, what about the choices of a renegade, what comes from that?
Welcome to the Wasteland
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