Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1734361-My-Life-as-Bella
Rated: 18+ · Other · Emotional · #1734361
A tragic story about a young girls life.
        My name is Isabella James. I was born in London on May eleventh, 1990 along with my identical twin Elizabeth. We had a older sister, Keira. She was three then. As soon as Liz and I were born my mother, father, sister's and I moved to Kensington, Maryland, U.S.A. Mostly populated by African Americans. I am now twenty years of age. I have long wavy brunette hair, bright blue eyes, five six. one hundred and twenty five pounds. I am curvy and honestly I believe my butt is too big. Of course Liz is identical but I think her butt is more toned and her breast are a little bigger.

        As long as my memory goes my sisters and I have been best friends. We do every thing together. For the first thirteen years of my life our family was strong. We were all happy. There was a lot of love going around. That all changed when Keira moved out to go to college. She had not talked to us for a few months when she had left. Dad started to drink. At first it was ok but then it just got worse. He drank more and more each week. Pretty soon it got to the point were he really was not coherent. After that Liz and I heard Dad and Mom verbally fight every night.

      One day Liz and I were walking home from school, laughing and giggling about previous antics during the school day. It was a beautiful day. We approached the house and Liz and I stopped in our tracks. We heard Mom and Dad screaming at each other. Liz looked at me the same time I had turned to look at her. Then we heard Mom Scream in pain and glass shattering. Right then Liz and I stormed up the porch. Liz slid the key in and turned the knob.

      The sight I am about to describe is horrible, well from a kids view of her parents it is. I saw Mom on the floor of the living room crying with blood racing down her forehead. Dad was standing over her with a angry look. Liz ran to her. I looked at Dad and blood started to boil inside of me. I walked up to him and started to yell, "What the hell is wrong with you! This is not you Dad! Stop it!" He Grabbed my arm with force and threw me by my Mother. "You are a dirty slut just like your mother!" Liz stood and ran towards him trying to defend me, He raised is hand and came down across my sisters face. I screamed, "NO!" as Liz fell to the floor. Dad stormed out the front door. It was just Mom, Liz and I crying on the floor.

    I was half hoping he would not come back, but he is still my father. Liz in I sat in silence in our bedroom. Liz was turned towards the wall laying in her bed. I just stared at the wall, thinking. I then heard the front door slam. Liz sat up quick and stared at me with wide eyes. Our door opened and Dad peered in. "Liz go upstairs to your Mother now," he said with a authoritative voice. Liz began, "but- "Now!" He interrupted. She fled upstairs to Mom. I don't like this I thought to myself. "You have been a very very bad girl Bella. I think its time I taught you a lesson" He had a wide grin on his drunk and sloppy face. "Dad please, no, please." I started to sob having an idea on what he is about to do. He then back handed me down on to my bed. It stung and the tears just came running out. He climbed on top of me pinning my arms and legs down. I regret wearing a skirt and leggings today. Stupid nice weather. If I had worn jeans I could have at least tried to fight him off while he was struggling holding me down and trying to get access. But of course not. He pulled his manhood out. I tried screaming and thrashing around. He screamed at me to shut up then he hit me in my gut. I gasped as the wind was knocked out of me. I closed my eyes in pain. I felt him push inside me, I screamed, "No! Please god no!" It hurt so much. It felt like I was being ripped apart. I quickly thought to myself, why isn't Mom or Liz coming to help? Why aren't the police being called? Something?! He ripped my blouse in half with one swift move. I felt him push inside me, in and out, in and out. I just wanted it to end. It felt like hours had passed. I felt him pull out of me and the I felt warm fluid spray all over my face and chest. I continued to sob. "That should teach you." He stalked out the room. I covered myself feeling violated and dirty, so dam dirty. I hurt so much. I wiped my face. Mom then walked in, I wanted to say why the hell didn't you help me? But I couldn't find the words. Mom sat next to me on the bed, crying, holding me. I then heard Liz scream, "NO! YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" I jumped up going for the door to protect my sister. Mom pulled me back and held me tight. I couldn't get free, "Mom, we have to help her, please!" She continued to grasp me. NO!

            The next day Liz and I were unnaturally quiet. We needed to get out of the house and to school fast. Her and I did not want to be there any longer then we should be. As we walked to school, I started to think about what had happened last night. I began crying uncontrollably, I felt my knees buckle and I sank to the concrete. Liz knelt beside me. "It's ok Bells, He is not going to hurt us anymore." I looked up at her threw blurred vision. "How? If we go to the police or anybody, He will kill us, Mom too. Or we will be homeless." She looked into my eyes, " I will not let this happen again and I will not let us be hurt by this. I am going to the police, He will not get away with this. I won't let anything happen to us love. Everything will be ok. I promise," she continued as she held me. "Come on, let's get to school," she smiled.

      Kensington Middle school. It is my last year here until I go to the high school. Liz and I walked in the front entrance holding one another. I was so incoherent. All the kids in the hallway were a blur. I couldn't really hear anything. I just felt Liz next to me, and my thoughts kept drifting to that horrible embrace last night. Our Father used to be kind, gentle, caring. Now he beats and rapes my sister and I? I know its the alcohol but I can't think of any way to stop that. Besides, nothing and I mean nothing will change how much anger and remorse I have for him. Liz said that she and I are going to go to the police headquarters after school. She said she will tell them everything then tell them to do a rape kit on her. She then asked, "You didn't take a shower since right?" I stared at her. She continued, "shit, if you take a shower after then they cant link him to your rape and we don't have anything else. Wait. Come with me." Liz started to drag me to the girls bathroom. We walked through the door. Liz checked to see if we were alone, we are. "Lift up your top," she said as she waited for me to respond. "What? No. Why?" I didn't have a clue on what she is going to do. Liz sighed, "I'm going to check if you have any bruises or swelling. If you do then we have more proof." I gave her a oh kind of look. So I lifted my shirt. She didn't have to look hard because as soon as I lifted my shirt she gasped. I looked into the mirror and I looked at my stomach, It was a dark shade of black and blue stretching five inches across my ribcage. I pulled my shirt down not wanting to look any longer. I turned to face Liz and I noticed she was crying. "I'm so sorry bell, I should have, I should have stopped him. I.....I...I shouldn't have let him hurt you. I'm so sorry." I was in shock. She was raped too and she is mad that she couldn't save me? "No, no Liz. He Hurt you too. There was nothing we could- "NO, she interrupted, "I could give a shit that he raped me! It was my job to protect YOU Bella! Not me, you!" She continued to cry. I held her, rubbing her back to attempt to calm her down. We were in the bathroom for ten minutes. We waited until we were composed enough to go back to class. We held each others arms walking back to class.

                  Finally it was two thirty. The bell rang for school to end and I nearly ran to the door. All I wanted right now was to be with my Sister. Liz was waiting for me as usual at the main entrance. She gave me a brief smile as I approached. I did the same. We walked in silence to the station. About five blocks away we were cut off by Dads crappy car. He got out slamming the door behind him. "Where the hell do you think you two are going? If your thinking about reporting me you can forget it, ( he leaned in so he could whisper to both of us) because the minute you do I will hurt and kill the both of you in front of one another. Got it? Liz and I both nodded unwillingly. "Good. Now get in the car, I'm taking you guys home." Liz started to swell with tears just as I was.

            From then on Liz and I were scared to death of him. We would not go to anybody for help or to tell, afraid of being beaten to death. The next few months were rancid. Every other night he raped me, again and again, over and over. The nights he wasn't with me he was doing it to Liz. Liz and I changed. We were not up to doing anything. We barley spoke. It was if we were dazed all the time. I hate this. One night I asked Mom why she lets him do these things to us. She replied with, "cause it's good for you. It will teach you to be a women." How can some humans be so dam crude?

          Next Liz found out Mom was on some heavy drugs. She had later told me. I kind of figured it was something. These are not our parents.

          One Saturday morning Liz and woke up to a empty house. We were actually very relieved. We made breakfast, watched a movie. There was a knock at the door. Liz looked at me with confusion. I walked to answer the door. It was Keira! I immediately wrapped my arms around her and started to sob. "I am so happy you're actually here," I said threw my broken tears. Liz saw that it was our sister and soon we were all in a happy group hug. I finally let her walk into the house. "I missed you guys so much, she said as she hugged us again. Whats been going on, where is mom and dad?" Liz and I looked at each other and sad expressions came over our faces. Keira looked puzzled. Liz asked Keira and I to our room. Over the next hour Liz explained everything to Keira.  There is no secrets between the James sisters. Keira had a shocked and angry look on her face. I started to worry, I don't want Keira to get hurt too. "Please don't do anything Keira, I cant get you hurt too," Liz stated as she began to cry. I cut in, "Keira, how come you haven't come by or called? Something?" She looked into my eyes with a apologetic expression. "I'm sorry guys, I got very busy in P.A. with school and work and managing having a fiance. I should have at least called. I could have stopped this before it really started." she paused, "don't worry, this will not continue."


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