Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1733749-Look-Up
by james
Rated: E · Other · Religious · #1733749
Follow the star.
Look Up

The stars, that’s what drew their attention. It was the upward look. The would gaze at the sky and wonder. Night after night they looked up, and by day they would work, but their hearts were not below, they were above. The things above, that drew their minds, their hearts.

One day a star appeared. With rapture they gazed at the wonderful sight. They knew it was special, different, divine. The star captured their hearts.

“Look”, they would say, “The star.”

Others would laugh and walk away. “Dreamers, there is work to do. I’ve married a wife. There’s money to make. “Early to bed early to rise---.” I can’t be standing outside looking up, I need my rest.”

Their hearts would vibrate, “Look, the star. Let’s go see.”

“Be realistic. It’s nine hundred miles to the place. Sixty long days of travel and when you get there, then what? Is it real, this star. Is it real? I can’t see it . Not well.”

They looked up and hope filled their hearts. “We will go and see. We will know.”

“What fools, their selling all they have, and for what? Buying camels and clothes and food, and perfume. Did you hear that, their buying perfume. What do they need perfume for? And when they get there, then what? They’ll just have to turn around and come back.”

They did sell all. They did buy. They prepared. Days and weeks getting ready, and at night, the star. The lovely star.

“Look,” they would point up, “ The star.”

But most would look down, and around, at earth, at others, at friends, at mother. “I’m not going anywhere, I’m saving my money.”

One day they left, following the star. You could see it reflected in their eyes by day, and at night it was real, the star. They would sit and gaze and not talk. No need for talk. Few words are needed when the heart is full.

Days came and days went, but every day has it’s night, and at night, the star. Strange how darkness makes light brighter. There were storms and valleys, but peeping over the ridge or from behind the clouds, the star.

There were long, long climbs, and lonely times, but always when they looked up, it was there, the star.

Every day brought them closer, every night it shone brighter, and every step took them further, from home, from familiar.

“Israel, we’re almost there. Look here’s the road. Look there’s the Y. Look, there’s a priest, he’ll know. Let’s follow him, to Jerusalem. Surely this is the place.” They looked down, they looked around, they were lost.

Lost, so close to the goal. Lost, so far from home. Lost, among the crowd. Lost, in front of the temple grand. Lost, not looking up.

“Where is the King? We followed the star. We sold all and traveled far. Where is the one?” They looked around.

There was turmoil and meetings, much study, debate, and the nights were dark. The priests and sages all said it. “Not here, there.” and they pointed up, to Bethlehem.

Up! That’s it, up. Not down and around, but up. That night it was dark, very dark, and they looked up. The Star!

They left behind the turmoil, the study, the heads bent over a book, they had remembered the answer, “Look up.”

They went to the place the star led them, to Joseph and Mary and the babe, and there in the eyes of the Saviour, shown the star.

No turmoil, no meetings, no study, just open hearts. Poured out purses and bounty all given and more received.

They mounted their camels and gladly turned home. Now, with the star, in their hearts.
© Copyright 2010 james (jjantzen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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