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Viva La Revolution fantasy world style |
Shank again woke with sweat beading her brow. The dreams where getting more intense, more real. She vaguely wondered when she would wake up and find that this was the dream and her dream was real. Chuckling to herself she peeled the sweat soaked sheets from her body and stood up next to her bed. The pitcher of water next to her bed was half full, she poured the rest of its contents into the bowl and began to rinse off her face and upper body. When she finished she quickly dressed and pulled on her leather armor, buckling her sword on her belt she decided that she would again try to tell the high priest about her dreams. She knew that of course he would not listen, for why would the All Mighty One Eye send a lowly thief dreams and omens instead of the high priest? She snorted, because she would get things done and the priest would sit around and wonder at the meaning of course. Looking at herself one time in the mirror before leaving her hovel she shook her head. This time even if the priest did not listen she would try to make it happen. She reached the temple before it was even dawn. She waited at the gates for a priest to come led her in, but when she saw them they had guards with them. Apparently they did not want to listen to her any more. Fine, may the All Mighty One Eye known who really serves him when the time comes. She turned and walked away from the temple. She needed leverage. She needed someone of note who would just listen to her. She wasn’t watching where she was going when she ran smack dab into exactly what she needed. Her hands working on reflex went for his purse, and came away with it. “Oi.” The man bellowed. “You ‘ave tat w’ich belongs to me.” The purse was heavy enough for her to live off for a year, but she was preoccupied and just handed it back to him. “Sorry sir must’ve dropped it.” She said as she began to walk away. She didn’t notice that he followed her all the way to the Bloody Frog Head Tavern until she looked up to the serving wench taking his order. He sat across from her and was actually quite handsome. Her brow furrowed together in suspicion. Her eyes narrowed she looked him over. He carried weapons and wore armor. He looked like an assassin vine, harmless enough, but ready to kill at a moment’s notice. “You’re a thief.” His voice sounded confused. “Why give back my purse?” “Who are you to care?” She asked with mild surprise. “I am General Death Breed.” He gave her a half smile knowing that his name froze most hearts with fear. Instead of fear her eyes opened wide at her luck and she not only smiled but also let out a small laugh. His smile faded and his jaw clenched. Her laughter faded at this and she half-stood and her hands rose palm up in a peaceful manner. “All praise to the All Mighty One Eye.” She said sitting back down. “He sends you to me.” His right eyebrow shot up to arch over his eye. “Please just sit and listen through my tale before deciding if I am crazy or not.” ************************************************************************ “Aye, the priest was right to think you crazy, I would to but for the dreams that I’ve been ‘aveing.” Death Breed’s words where like music to her ears. “It’s about time to stand up to the bullies of the world anyway. It’s been a long time since we ‘ave stood up for ourselves as we should.” Standing up he threw two gold coins down on the table. “Come with me Shank.” With that he turned and walked toward the door. Scrambling to catch up Shank stood and ran out after him. It was just before lunch and she had told him everything she thought would make him see, and instead of scoffing at her as she thought he would, he had agreed with her. She was in a hazy state of mind. Half-light hearted, half wanting to scream at the top of her lungs in triumph. Death Breed took her into the castle itself; she waited in a room for three hours while he spoke to the king. Then the king himself ushered her to a balcony and told her to speak her mind. If she could get the people behind her, then she would have the crown behind her. With that she spoke, quietly at first, then she yelled out her case. “It has been to long that our people have squatted on the outside of civilizations lands to only feed off of the table droppings. Now is the time to stand up to those who would kill us for no real reason. Fear drives them; let pride in ourselves drive us. Let us stand and walk through the lands without fear that a mob will come to kill us. Let us finally show them what real fear is. There is no reason why we should stay here and die slowly of starvation when we could go into the enemy’s rich lands and take that which should rightfully be ours. They have beaten us down for centuries, calling us monsters. They have killed us on sight. I say who is the monster here? Not I, not you. Come let us show them why they fear us. Slaves, monsters, disgusting, despicable, kill, kill, and kill. That is their chant about us. That is what they think us to be. Let us take up arms and show them that we take care of our own. For every one of us they have killed let us kill three of them!” Silence, so thick that she could no longer breathe. A merchant opened his mouth; ready to hurl something mean at her in words when It happened. The statue of the All Mighty One Eye roared. Every one was struck deaf for several moments. And then everything after that was lost in a frenzy of movement. ************************************************************************ “We have done it Shank.” Death Breed whispered softly. “For centuries they have hated and feared us, it’s been twenty years since we started this, and ‘opefully we will not make the same mistake that they made.” Death Breed smiled at the young woman next to him. She smiled back and hugged him. “Mom would’ve been so ‘appy.” The woman said as she looked up at the statue of her mother. Hair streaming behind her, sword held high and one tear on her cheek. The plank at her feet read: May every race revolt against those who hold them down. A male was showing the statue to his family a few feet away. Death Breed looked at Hope and smiled. “Aye, Shank would been real ‘appy ‘ere.” The child of the couple teetered over to Hope and pulled on her skirt. Hope looked down and smiled at the child. “You pretty Lady.” The child said before walking back over to her parents. Hope laughed at the surprised look on her fathers face. She looked back over at the family of what used to be her enemy, and gave a quick prayer of thankfulness that the war was over to One Eye. The Mother of the child picked her up and waved at Hope, turned and left. Turning to look at her father Hope smiled. “You see Dad, Humans may be able to learn to live with everyone, even Ogres.” THE END |