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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Dark · #1733049
Misery pits a mother’s love against a blitzkrieg from Heaven & a Hellish onslaught.

By E.C. Landt

December 09, 2010

For the back of the book –

Misery pits a mother’s love against a blitzkrieg from Heaven & a Hellish onslaught.

One Vatican Priest aids her to repel the demons, trust the angels, & to find a path to freedom but it may cost him his life.

She must have the strength to face Lucifer himself to save everyone she loves including the Priest who is the only one who trusts her.

The Generals of Heaven know what she plans to do & the devastation unleashed in failure but success could be the end of God.

Prologue – Father Brant – August 17, 2010

         The weather was foul as he laid the child into the soggy Earth.  Rain poured.  “This is the last that I will bury!”  He vowed to himself while taking a last hard look at the infant – a grizzly humanesque abomination looking of animal, human, & something alien - to him it was still just a baby boy that didn’t deserve the painful death received.  His poor little mouth gaped & the rest of the face was twisted horribly. His eyes were in a terrible state of fear & desperation.  The babe’s limbs had broken several times & lay in a wreck around the torso which was just a heap in the mud. Thin skin, separated from the muscle beneath, sagged.  No blood was left but the appalling greenish skin had stains where it had run free.  “I can’t leave you without a name, forever in the dark, forgotten.  Elias is your name & I will see you in Heaven.”  The man kissed the forehead of Elias & filled in the lonely grave. 

         These were the duties that shook his faith!  He removed the collar of his rank & faith from his throat.  Tonight it choked as he completed Last Rights in tears.  The thunder sounded so loud it seemed to originate from every molecule in existence.  His hands & back ached but not from the digging & not as much as his chest where he had just held that child to him.  The only 2 hours Elias had known were full of agony & panic.  As the lightning flashed above he knew what must be done.

Prologue – August 17, 1899 – Diamond City, North Carolina

         “Hurricane comin’!  Hurricane’s a comin’!” 

Screams could be heard from the dying and from those fleeing.  Debris was strewn furiously by the raging storm.  A woman trapped under the remains of the Doctor’s home & office heard them but her cries were louder than theirs. 

Wood splintered.  The structure gave way killing the Dr., his nurse wife, & his 2 teenage sons who had refused to leave a patient.  As proud as he was of them at the time he hated watching as they slowly choked to death on their own blood from the window glass embedded in their necks & his dear wife had being taken by the wind.  It took him a long time to die.  The Dr. was sandwiched between the timber support beams for many minutes.  The increasing pressure finally ended his life. 

With broken legs & temperature dropping she gave birth alone to her daughter.  Her child came into the world just as the eye of the hurricane passed above.  The faces of the physician’s family stayed with her & their efforts remembered.  She said a prayer for them & her new daughter.  The stars were visible to her for a moment despite the rubble.  “Aliya Oralie.”  She heard the voice clearly from above.  She wrote this as her child’s name in her diary that she kept in her apron as she died with the rest of the town.

         August 18th - When men came to look for survivors & supplies they found the baby girl wriggling in the mud, blue with cold, & clutching the page with her name in her hands.  She was the only one alive from a town that had been wiped from the face of the Earth.

Prologue – Aliya Oralie – August 17, 2010

         The ancient creaking door to the dungeonous cell opened and the bawdy prisoner of stunning height & substantial bulk was pushed inside.  The cell was made of a harsh jagged stone that remained ice cold even in summer’s raging heat & looked about as warm as it felt.  It was pretty dark inside & took time to get his bearings.  When his eyes adjusted he took a good look around he saw that he was not alone & he liked that. 

The woman looked about 30-35 years old & was standing quietly in the very center of the now shared space.  It was too dark to really see her but he didn’t really care!  “Well pretty lady how is it that I earned a cell with you?”  He asked trying to sound at least somewhat kindly.  He reached out to rape her drool clinging to his teeth & flowing over his chin.  His craze for gratification & mutilation overwhelmed the disgust for the environment but his enthusiasm for her ample breasts & thin silhouette was instantly recast to terror. 

Pain wrenched through his body & blood started to drain from his eyes, nose, & ears.  His throat clogged with it.  He was being torn inside his soul & there wasn’t anything he could do about it! 
Having never felt fear before, believing himself better and more evolved than anyone the planet had ever seen, it was torturous now.  Never had anyone ever been stronger or more frightening or more violent than he with the help of his demon.  Memories of all of their conquests raced through his head.  Not wanting to believe this was happening he chose to focus on a 4 year old girl whom they had cut open to rape her better.  They had watched her die as his orgasm oozed through one of the wounds she received while fighting against him.  The sight of his cum in her blood was the most powerful aphrodisiac he had ever experienced & he took her body many more times, including breaking her jaw to use her mouth, until it got cold. 

They had put her body in a meat grinder at a local butcher shop imagining hundreds of people eating a bite or two of her was comical to them.  The memory aroused his demon but both were helpless in this fight.  They felt small & naked in front of this lady whom held them in thrall! 

         Asmodeus writhed in the violent lecher’s body.  They had made a good team.  This man was as horny and base as he.  Nothing they had done together had made him revolt.  He still had many things to show this human, to share with him, & experience through him!  But he was leaving that body.  He was being expelled with great force.

         The demon screamed & roared inside the convict’s head & raged inside his body as it was stolen from him.  Shock & surprise flooded through both prisoner & demon as they were ripped apart.  Urine & feces spilled out of the ruined body of the man & the blood had scabbed on the floor.  The sulfurous smell would not be easy to dissipate in these lowest & forbidden chambers.

         “You will never hurt an other again!” Aliya growled.  “I release you from your demon & end your life.  Go to Hell you piece of shit!”  And that is exactly what happened! 

The demon was caught inside her body & the man’s soul was sent to the abyss.

         While the body was removed & cell cleaned all were silent & wary.  The team was made of 5 human males about 16 years of age.  Clearly they were terrified of her & what she does for the church.  Not that she could help it!  All of her life she had been able to purge demons from people.  When she was young many people stayed away from her.  It hurt her then but now she knows that those were possessed beings who could tell she was hazardous to them. 

         No demon could sense her now though.  She was very strong & took her work to save innocence too personally!  Her attempt at returning Belphega to Hell had almost killed her & exposed her secret.  Aliya was unconscious when she arrived at the prison but with all the evil inside she was shocked to life.  They gave her 2 days to recover before starting to use her.  When exorcism fails they hand it over to her.  Aliya must remove the demon without hurting an innocent but no one seems to care when evil people die.  They simply clean up the mess.

On the way out one of them turned to her & said.  “Father Brant would like to speak with you again.  Please be ready for his company.  You have one hour Aliya.”  And as an afterthought he quickly added “Happy Birthday.”

         “I am 111 years old & trapped in your Vatican prison.  What is there to be happy about exactly?”  Aliya asked as she leaned against the far wall to look through the barred window that only showcased the cavernous drop off whose dangerous design made it perfect for incarceration of the worst beings on Earth.  Even if she were to escape she would fall to her doom.  Some days that seemed like a good idea.

Chapter 1 – Aliya

         The hour passed very slowly.  She hated Father Brant!  He was the one who had brought her here, sends her people to purify, punishes her when she loses someone of value, & takes her confession every day.  The only water or food she can have is blessed by the Pope himself.  Her clothes were made by monks & the only book was the Holy Bible that sat unopened by her bedside.  She used to read a least one book a day but not one since she had been here.

         Not that she didn’t have faith!  Anyone who saw demons every day should know that there are things beyond science but she had always thought of religion & those who work in it as “the Borg” from “Star Trek”.  “Resistance is futile” to all those of other beliefs or lifestyles.  Father Brant really could be “Borg” for all she knew from inside her box at the bottom of the Vatican dungeon!  She had not been allowed to see her family or to be around other people since 1995 at least not in person!

         No one knew that she visited them in their minds.  Aliya watched them live their lives & had been able to help take away some of their suffering.  She could sense when her daughter had cancer.  Her grand-daughter almost married a man with AIDS.  He didn’t bother to tell her but Aliya knew & told her in a dream.  They thought she was dead.  Father Brant had told them as much when he covered up her kidnapping.  But the more she yearned for them the more of her family’s hardships were seen & avoided.  Something else had happened though.  Aliya was very sick.  She knew she had somehow taken the disease of her kin into herself.  It hurt inside her all the time & she could see the sores come & go on her skin.  Thinking about those she marched herself & her armed guards to the showers.

         Aliya looked herself over the best she could as she washed.  If there were any lesions they couldn’t be seen at the moment.  No mirrors hung on these walls so she could only guess at the state of her face.  Time was a wastin’ so she finished & dressed quickly.  She stood for a moment in the doorway of what could be considered the girl’s locker room - if a locker room came with shackles & a Marquis de Sade birthing table!  Then she was escorted back to her cell. 

         Father Brant was coming down the corridor.  “Hello, Aliya.  May I come in?”  A very strong & formal voice carried in from the passage.  “Of course you may.  As if I have a choice of anything.  I am imprisoned here.”  Replying in an indignant tone was her only defense through years of solid walls & stone floors. 

When Father Brent entered Ali saw that he was covered in mud & filth.  His collar was missing, shirt buttons undone, & waist length black hair loose from its restraint.  Aliya had never seen him like this.  Drenched & tired, cheeks flushed & hair mussed.  She blushed in the dark glad for the moment that there had never been much light in the penitentiary.  He could have been a rock star!  Long dark wavy hair loose & awry, all black clothes dirty & askew, & most of all the smell of sweat & dirt made him human to her eyes in direct contradiction to the Android image always presented before.
He had been her jailer for 15 years!  He found her on accident & it assured his place in the Vatican hierarchy.  He had taken tissue samples, blood samples, urine & more.  The pain was great & happened regularly.

“Have you come to hear my confession Father?” She spat at him.  In reality it made her feel much better about her life here to use her gifts to help people & be forgiven for what she had to do.  No one likes to be a captive though & she would never forget that he held her there!
Father Brant looked to her with eyes she had never seen before & asked in a stoic & serene way “How would you like to go home as a normal woman & never have to deal with this kind of life again?
Never knowing him to be false or imaginative she believed he was serious but how could he possibly pull that off!  There had been exorcisms, prayer, blessings, & more but nothing expelled the desolate creatures that were inside her or took away the power she had been born with.

“You have a cure Father?”

“No.  But there are some friends of mine who are very interested in your case.  They have studied all of the others brought in & are ready to spend time with you.  You will have to be honest with them & help us with our problems 1st but then we will turn all the data to helping you.  I want this for all of us!  I need it.  Your power is remarkable!”  His voice became shaky.  “I will not bury another child in an unmarked grave.  Did you know we have over 150 people here?”  He continued without waiting for her to answer.  “Some of those are pregnant women who were raped by possessed men.  I just buried a child who didn’t survive the exorcism.  Will you do it?  Will you help them?”

“I want things too Father.  Things need to change if you want my help.  Are you prepared to be partners?  Are you afraid of what I will do to you if it fails?”  Honestly she would have done it anyway!  The thought of a dead child made her sick but she really did need some medical help & if she could get out of this cage that wouldn’t be horrible!

“IF this fails there will be worse things to fear than you Aliya.”  The stoic voice had returned.  “Also I have never been fearful of you.  There are things I can’t grant you because I have superiors who I will be avoiding during this endeavor.  Tell me what you want & I will do my best.  As far as partners, I would rather be friends, Aliya.  Haven’t I always been gentle & not intrusive?”

“Yeah, I guess so, if you mean pompous & distant.”  Aliya thought to herself but out loud she said calmly.  “I don’t mind my cell but it needs light, books, a mirror, herbs & medicines from real doctors & not Vatican cronies to start.  I need to know exactly what is wrong with me & try to get some of my strength back.  I know I am sick.  I really had a hard time with the last one.  I need to exercise to stay in shape. Can you do that for me?  If your study requires more effort than I expect you will receive more demands from me that may include cheeseburgers & doughnuts!”

“You will have them & we will start tonight by you calling me Brant!  I won’t be with the Church after all of this no matter how it turns out.  I will need you to trust me Aliya.”  His smile was probably meant to reassure but it looked like he was constipated.  “And the reason you had a hard time with the last one is because he is the most powerful demon we have ever held here.  Asmodeus is one of the seven Princes of Hell who holds the reigns of Lust!”
With that last remark he turned & closed the cell behind him.

The morning couldn’t come fast enough for Aliya.  She didn’t know what would be coming but it would be worth it to get home to her children & hold her grandkids & great grandkids.  If she could survive it would be worth anything!

The tissue samples & blood work that were taken over the years had hurt.  All manner of other tests had been done as well.  She prepared herself for the worst but hoped for the best & talked to God as she did all day every day.  She felt prayer didn’t require a church & ceremony, just an open heart to HIM.  Because of that her line to God was always open & she did her best to serve his will.

Morning ritual took over her thoughts as she ate, groomed, & dressed under the guard she had grown accustomed to but as she readied herself to be returned to her cell she was given a key.  The guards left her standing there without a word of explanation or direction. 

She stood in the doorway of what could be considered the girl’s locker room - if a locker room came with shackles & a Marquis de Sade birthing table until Father Brant found her.

He took her hand.  She hadn’t felt a touch other than exams for 15 years!  His hands were hot & strong & rough.  The feel of them took hold of her whole being.  She followed along like a grateful puppy.
The corridor led up into the light.  It hurt her eyes but was welcome.  At the end were stairs & at the top was Father Brant’s quarters & an opposing door.  “This is your new apartment.  It adjoins mine through a passage.  I will show you later & where to meet if anything goes wrong.  You can use any of the rooms in this hall but you must not leave.  Do you understand?”  Father Brant sounded more authoritarian than he needed to be since she was feeling like a tiny child anyway.  She cried & thanked him.  They were still holding hands as they entered her room.

Sitting at her new table were 3 people. 

Ending – Michael & Brant merged. “Now you see for yourself.  We all survive through the gifts of others.  God no longer supports our active work on Earth & has turned his focus to the coming destruction.  We don’t know when it is coming.  The Generals of Heaven have chosen to save as many of HIS children as possible.  It will give HIM comfort in the end & we hope it will be enough to generate a new Earth.  Angels love the Earth & all of HIS creations as great gifts!  Nothing is truly extinct for us.”

Michael spread his enormous wings that seemed to be made of light from the sun itself.    That light played across the surfaces in the room & on all of us.  When Michael bent to take flight Brant’s tattoo was visible.  “Be prepared.  This is not over.”  The force of his wing beats knocked us to the ground.
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