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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1732743
Follow a group of young war heroes through love, friendship and hardships.

Welcome to the army cadet, you can call me sir. My mission is to brief you of a battalion that was recently deployed for the war in Iraq.
As you may know since early march this year we have had many difficulties with the country of Iraq. Their constant terrorist attacks and persistence in wrong doing, with the destruction of landmarks and the loss of lives we have made many attempts to call a truce and after much conflict, money exhaustion and bloodshed we were forced to take action. As a joint endeavour with the United States, Britain and much of the European forces we have embarked a mission to invade and control what we can of the country.
To initiate this, we, after much planning, rendered a proposal requiring the use of many soldiers and resources. Our plan was to set a base for each country in areas around the main places of concern, these were approved firstly as a safe distance from harm. All bases would have the basics soldiers, sleeping quarters, one or two mess halls, toileting facilities, kitchen amenities, storage (for weapons, food, vehicles etc), and areas to train and brief our soldiers as necessary.
It is essential that I inform you in great detail of our progress so far and in particular of your focus... The 8th Battalion.
But first and foremost the 8th Battalion consisted of eight soldiers as of deployment each for which I will give you their private Information folders on everything we have on these spectacular few.
To begin with, this is Major Edward Zane Macintosh’s P.I.F. (Personal Information Folder) Read with great attentiveness, as it is imperative that you learn and remember all you can about these eight individuals and all of the information I am bestowing upon you. As if you do not without it you will be unsuccessful in your future mission and therefore so will we be. Good luck cadet.

Major Edward Zane Macintosh “EZ Mac”
Edward is currently aged 37 years old, he is ? foot, of average build and weighs in at 82kgs.
Mac, as he is often referred to by friends and family, is the Team leader of the 8th Battalion, and is a Major. He was employed as a mechanical technician for the army 9 years ago and in his pre-army days was a general mechanic in his local area.
Mac completed his high schooling at Redcliff H.S. as a B+ student excelling in Math and Mechanics, after which he then completed a four year apprenticeship as a mechanic at the very same car shop he was still working at when he became widowed.
Mac met his wife Hope through his best mate John Meddler. John died when Mac was 25 there was a freak accident at John’s work that saw him penetrated through the abdomen by a large piece of metal that came off of the machinery in the warehouse that he was employed at.
Mac became very depressed by his mates death and says he only made it through because of his amazing wife.
As far as we know Mac enlisted shortly after becoming widowed, his pregnant, foreign correspondent wife Hope Dorrington was doing what was expected to be her last overseas endeavour before settling down into motherhood about 10 years ago. Unfortunately whilst she was away the area in which the hostel she was using was raided. Hope was kidnapped, raped, tortured and then horrifically killed. The details of the offence are classified information but it’s believed that Mac spent a year drinking away his emotions until it finally they caught up to him. Mac soon after joined the army, as our psychologist describes to be a possible way to seek revenge. Doctor reports say the child was a boy.

Private Frank Phert “Hotdog”
Frank is 25 years old, he is ? foot tall and quite muscular, weighing in at 90kgs.
Frank is sometimes referred to as Hotdog, we believe it’s because of his past entry into a hotdog eating contest, which he won. Frank seemed to have his whole life ahead of him at age 18, he’d played baseball for numerous sporting clubs at every level and had represented Australia 5 years running but one particular year he had his hopes set on being recruited for the American Baseball League his favourable team the Yankees. At Frank’s previous game a scout had tapped him on the shoulder and requested he attend a trial on the following Thursday night. Frank was ecstatic and immediately went out to celebrate. As fate had it his life as a baseball star was not to be and that night on his way home from the pub he came off his motorbike. Upon his dismount he was thrown meters down the street he smashed the back off his head on the road and suffered minor scrapes and bruises but was knocked unconscious. The bike then exploded right alongside Frank giving him severe third degree burns to his right arm above the elbow and down the length of his back. After undergoing plastic surgery and rehabilitation Frank looses interest in sport as he now has a feeling of self consciousness after years of job searching he fell upon an epiphany to join the army. Frank joined the army as a rifleman at the age of 23 and has not looked back since.

Private Mi Goreng “Wok star”
Mi is 21 years old, she is ? foot, and of slim build weighing only 55kgs.
Mi was always an A grade student and found University a breeze when she enrolled to become a nurse. After completing her course a year early she quickly found employment at a nearby hospital but after mere months of working there she decided that just wasn’t enough. She had better to achieve and that one hospital wasn’t big enough for she wanted to help the world. So after much conflict with her parents she eagerly joined the army as a qualified nurse and after a rushed training they sent her to Iraq. Mi holds her parents opinions very high along the traditionalism she was brought up to believe in. Mi is Asian and her parents are Vietnamese and Malaysian, Mi was born in Jakarta Bali and was brought to Australia at the age of five. Mi knows several languages some of which are: Indonesian, Chinese, English, German, Latin, Japanese, Malaysian, Vietnamese and Korean.

Professor Private Richard Cranium “Dick head”
Richard is 29 years old, he is ? foot, and of slim build weighing in at 76kgs.
Richard as a young boy had always been very gifted intellectually and found his schooling simple and natural, his home life however was very different as his parents never showed him any affection. Richard even as a child found himself doing the most absurd things to get his parents to pay him some attention. After years of incidents Richard and his odd behaviours became part of his general behaviour they no longer were acts. He graduated high school as an A+ student often requiring extra work to fill his school hours. When he then decided that his love was schooling he enrolled in University to study Physics, History and English Literature. After completing his units early and extraordinarily well the University offered him a position as a lecturing Professor. After finally feeling appreciation Richard was asked to step down from his position as students had made allegations toward his mannerisms. Richard became depressed and agreed to leave as he no longer felt that same appreciation. He turned to a career in the army and was accepted as logistics officer.

Private Ivanna Tinkle  “Lulu”
Ivanna is 23 years old, she is ? foot, and fairly muscular weighing in at 63kgs.
Ivanna was raped as a young girl of 5 by her Uncle until she turned 13 and ran away from home. With no place to go Ivanna took refuge in an abandoned house on the verge of the country she managed to survive through theft and numerous boyfriends until at age 18 she moved in with her Grandma that had moved to Australia to live. She spent the next 4 years of her life partying, getting drunk and sleeping with men of all ages for the thrill. Until her life came to a standstill her Grandma became ill and was diagnosed with cancer and soon passed, Ivanna had never felt so alone. Without an up to date will Ivanna’s Grandma’s processions were split among her children and Ivanna’s parents and uncle decided to give her Uncle the house. So Ivanna had the decision to either: stay with her abusive Uncle, go back to living in abandoned houses or join the army (as living with her parents was not an option). Ivanna joined the army as part of the telecommunications unit.

Private Mike Hunt
Mike is 30 years old, he is ? foot, and very muscular weighing 89kgs.
Mike was brought up by very patriotic parents, his Father served the army for 18 years and his Grandfather before that. Mike even had ancestors in the First World War so it was only fitting therefore that Mike follow in his legacy and join the army. Mike opted to join the army as an explosive specialist at the ripe age of 16 as a cadet. Pre-army Mike’s grades were average he completed year 12 reluctantly as a C+ student and soon after enlisted.

Private Cherry Ripe
Richard is 29 years old, he is ? foot, and of slim build weighing in at 76kgs.
Age 23, Cherry was brought up by her Mother till the age of 5 when her Mother met her current boyfriend Rick since the day they met Rick and Cherry had a Father Daughter bond that made others jealous, anything Rick would do Cherry would parrot as she grew older Cherry’s Mother began to despise her Daughter for the attention Rick bestow upon her and as a means to her problem Cherry was sent away to an all girls private boarding school. Cherry soon found herself experimenting sexually with the other students. By the end of her schooling Cherry knew she was gay and had a steady girlfriend (Erika) which she took home to introduce to her parents. Both were judgemental towards her sexuality and drove her from their lives. Cherry and Erika moved in with Erika’s brother’s friend Peter, until one fateful day when Cherry came home early from work to find Erika and Peter making love in her bed. Needless to say Cherry was heartbroken and she joined the army to get away. She became a vehicle engineer and driver which was the kind of man driven job she had always wanted but had never been able to acquire.

Private Clint Harris “Ranga”
Richard is 29 years old, he is ? foot, and of slim build weighing in at 76kgs.
Age 20, Clint was born to a family of very controlling and patriotic parents as soon as he completed high school he decided to join the army it was the only way to keep them happy and for him to obtain some freedom and independence. Clint although confused and conditioned joined as a medic (collects the wounded) to help people.
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