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Well it's the beginning of a story I might want to make into a book.
Prolly some spelling and grammer errors don't judge haha. Just send me feed back on what they are and how to fix em thanks.

Chapter 1 – Fight

My name is John Morte. I was a baby when I was thrown into an orphanage. Ms. Tallison worked there she was basically in charge. She took care of us in the hell hole we called home. There where seven kids total; four girls, three boys. I was the youngest. There was a girl named Rosaline; she was six. Her name is pronounced Rose-A-Lin. Trust me you had to get it right. She might be small, but she has a mean punch. Next was Peter, he was six also. He was the smart one. He could hack computers like no other. He would always win those stupid Science Fairs. He would brag all day about how he one first place or something. Then there was Lucy; she was 7. Not really much to say about her, she was just kinda there. Then, Tiffany; Tiff for short. She was 11. She was the pretty one out of all of us; won pageants all the time. Then their was Christina; she was the social. She was 13, but man she could text like 50 words per minute. The oldest was Micheal, he was 16. He was big; not just tall, but buff. He played a lot of sports: Football, Basket ball, Soccer, Hockey, Tennis, basically every sport ever made. Basically everything I'm not. I was small, short, and untalented. So, of course, I envied him. I hated him for something he had no control over. Well I guess that just leaves me. I was 5, I wore dark red and black clothes, I was completely anti-social, and I wasn't very smart.

It was awhile before I got adopted. I was 12 at the time. All of the other children where taken before I was. Of course Micheal was taken first. Well, enough of that, lets move on. My adopted parents were nice. A 25 year old man and his 23 year old wife. They couldn't have and children of their own. So, of course, they chose to adopt. It was an akward first couple of months. It was a nice family. The man's name was James and the woman's name was Karen. Karen was tall, blond and had that hour glass figure. James was a big guy. He was on some famous rugby team. I don't remember what the name of the team was though. Me and Karen would watch him play on the TV. I never really cared for the sport but it made her happy. It wasn't all bad living with them I had a nice room and everything. Except it always smells like perfume in the house and man was it strong. You eventually get used to it but for the first week it was torture.
One day, I was in the room with Karen sitting.
“In a week you'll get to go to school.” She said, “It's a good school best in the country.”
I just look at her
“I know you don't like school.” She said, “Ms. Tallison told me, before we adopted you, that you were very anti-social and that you didn't talk to anyone the entire 12 years you were there.”
I realize it's true I hadn't talked to anyone except for Ms. Tallison. Who usually have to tell me that unless I actually talk to the parents I wont get adopted.
“Why is that?” She said.
“I don't like to talk is all.” I replied while looking down at my shoes.
“Oh, well I wish that you will at least try at this school.” She said with an doubtful look in her eyes.

That was the end of that conversation. I spent most of my time at their house reading. I read anything I could get my hands on. Even if it was James' Rugby magazines or Karen's Beauty books. I read fiction mostly. My favorite was a book titled Forgotten. It was exciting. It was about a boy who didn't get along in this world. Slipped of the grid they would say. So, he built a makeshift boat and sailed out into the Bermuda Triangle. He was thrown into a whirlpool that lead to another world. In that world was an opposite of the regular world. Time went backwards everything was backwards. He lived the rest of his life there. He was happy. I read that book at least 5 times. Every night I just wish I could go there. Maybe I would fit in and finally have a good life.

I soon found that this haven was soon to end. A week after that conversation with Karen it all started to happen. Fights broke out no contact just yelling. What I found weird was it only happened when I was in the room. When I left the room it suddenly just stopped and they would make up. I would be up all night wondering why it happened. Little did I know when I wake up James would be out of the picture. I couldn't get over the fact how 2 people, so perfect for each other, could end like this. I began to think it was my fault.
“I'm sorry but I am going to have to send you to a different school.” She said, “I'm sorry I really wanted for you to go to that nice school but we just don't have the money.”
“It's alright I.” I said. She just smiles and continues to watch a video of one of James' rugby games.

Tomorrow is the first day of school. West Ringside Jr. High was the school. I was in 7th grade. I was always treated different, by both students and teachers. Partly because of my appearance. September 3rd 2007 wad the day my life was turned around. I've was always bullied every day during school by a kid named Gary Normen. What kind of name is that? Well, anyway, today was the worst. He shoved me into my locker.

“Hey freak, Where's mommy and daddy?" He said, "Ah, nobody here to protect you? How sad. See you in class freak.”
I used to get mad when he shoved me but now I just shrug it off. This girl came up to me.
She said, “You shouldn't let him do that kind of stuff to you. Why don't you tell anyone.”
I just shrugged it off like she didn't even say anything and grab my books and start walking towards my classroom.
“Hey, Look, I'm just trying to help.” She said, “I know you are going through a lot. I just want to help.”
Anger was all I felt. I replied with so much anger it freighted even me.
I said, “ I don't need your help. Just leave me alone.” I said.
She replied, “Well sorry, just forget I even said anything. Look, I just want to be friends.”
She turns around and starts walking to her class.

When, I start heading towards class. There was this warm feeling that spread through my body. I begin to hate it. Before I get to the door the bell rings.
I say to myself, “Great now I'm tardy. Can my day get any worse.”
That's the problem it did get worse a lot worse. I walk to my desk in the right middle of the classroom completely blowing off the teacher. I don't want to talk to anyone right now. The room smelled like chalk. Gary just so happened to have the desk right next to me. Anger just builds inside me just looking at him makes me mad.
Ms. Ellison hands out the “Pop quiz” and I just sit there. I've never been good at academics. I have a serious case of ADD and it is hard for me to focus. Gary throws a piece of paper at me. That's when everything went wrong. The anger that I have put down for ever has built inside me for so long it shot out.
I yelled, “STOP! I am tired with this.”
That's when everything went black. When everything come back into view. I see all the students are in the corner eying me like I was a ghost or something. When I realize I am on top of Gary. His body is cold but somethings not right. His veins are black. His face looks like he has been petrified. But his eyes are so full of fear. It looks like he is trying to scream but nothing is coming out. I get up and just run. I can't take this anymore. I have to get away. I run towards the door of the classroom but a man in a black coat blocks the door. The girl I saw in the hallway is behind him. The blood is flushed from her face. She looks at Gary and then back at me. Sadness touches her eyes. She steps past me. Walks over to Gary closes his eyes. She begins to say something under her breath and then suddenly. Gary's body begins to dissolve into this gold dust and then sinks into the floor. I just look in disbelief. A tear touches her face. Then she begins to walk towards us. That's when we here a loud sound. Then we hear the sound of people running our way.
The man in a trench coat says, “We have to go. Now!”

Chapter 2 - Under constuction i'm tired okay give me a break.
© Copyright 2010 EBliss242 (ebliss242 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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