Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1732020-Broken-Tears-16
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Entertainment · #1732020
Amanda puts her plan into action and gets a surprise.
Broken Tears 16

Amanda tip toed quietly down the stairs and looked into the kitchen. She noticed that her mother had her pill bottle in her hands and a glass of water. Her mother tossed her head back and let out a small groan that could only mean that her back pain was bothering her again.

“Oh piggy. You will be under the spell of that painkiller soon.” she chuckled to herself and walked into the kitchen.

Ivana turned her head around and tried to get out of the chair.

“Oh mother, are you in pain again?” Amanda asked sweetly. “Is there anything I can do for you?” She said as she put her purse on the counter to put on her sweater.

“No. I just, well I guess I have a little pain again.” Ivana replied as she finally stood up. She walked to the refrigerator to open the door and get something out to cook. “I must get something out to defrost for your father for dinner tonight.”

“I have an idea. Why don’t you call the pizza place? We could get one of those super topped thin-crusted ones with everything on it and I’ll show you I am eating something.” Amanda began to pat her stomach.

“I guess your father wouldn’t mind a week day treat.” Ivana smiled as she walked into the living room to get her purse for some money to pay the pizza delivery man. “That’s a nice suggestion and we can eat like a family again.”

Amanda calculated how long it would take for her to get to the fast food place and then back home. She remembered that she had a library book that needed rechecking. The fast food place was in the area of the library and she could kill two birds with one stone.

Her mother returned to the kitchen with a twenty dollar bill. She had a small limp that indicated that she was hurting on her hip also.

“Oh mother, I need to go to the library to check out a book for that homework and recheck one that is due today.” She played with her earring. “Hm, why don’t you let me pick up the pizza on the way home. I think that I’ll only need thirty minutes at the library.”

“Why you are so nice. That would give me some time to let this medicine help me.” Her mother walked forward to give her the money. “Pick up anything else from the pizza place that you might like.”

“Yea, I’ll make it a surprise for you.” she smiled and skipped into the hallway and up the stairs to get her library book. She hummed to herself and she thought that she had everything planned the way she wanted it.

She returned downstairs and her mother was in the family room sitting in a recliner. She had leaned back and had her feet up. She seemed to be trying to listen to some meditation CD that helped her in times when she had more pain. “Thanks dear. I really appreciate this.”

“Okay.” Amanda replied as she closed the door. “You have no idea.” she said softly as she walked to the door.

Amanda got into her mother’s car. It was a two year old car that her father bought for her step mother on their fifth wedding anniversary. It was a white four door car that her mother used to drive to hospitals to volunteer in twice a week. Her mother also took her 85 year old neighbor to go shopping and her doctor. The only real work that her mother did was teaching immigrants English at the local community school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon.
Ivana and her family came from Russia many years ago. She never forgot how proud her parents and baby sister were when they got their citizenship. They also remembered and appreciated the teacher who helped them learn English to do all the work to make that a wonderful day. Ivana learned a lot from that teacher and wanted to pass that moment of joy with others. To this day, many of Ivana’s students passed the citizenship exam on their first try. They gave her smiles and a big hug when they met on the street or in a store.

Amanda drove straight to the fast food place where she planned to meet Danny Destructo. She hoped that she did not have to wait long for him because she needed to keep to the time schedule of library and pizza place that she had determined. Then after dinner there were the calls that she wanted to make to her friends that would keep up the rumor of being Schuller’s girlfriend.

Amanda walked into the burger place and immediately saw Danny. He had the same torn and dirty denim jacket on that she remembered when she met him in the mall. His dirty blond hair looked like he had not combed it in a couple of days. In his mouth was a plastic straw that he was chewing on. He also had on sunglasses. He had earplugs on and was listening to some music on an iPod. He was moving back and forth as he mouthed the words to the song that he was listening to. On the table in front of him was a large cup for his soft drink.

In the food place were four other people who were in the far corner, with the exception on other young male who was ordering at the service counter.

Amanda walked in and went straight to Danny’s table. He continued to listen to the song until the end came. Then he took the earplugs out and put the earplugs in his pocket. “What’s up?” He looked around as if he was watching for someone.

“Just in the area and thought I’d stop by.” she replied. “Buy me a drink?”

“No I’m in a hurry. What’s the deal?” he asked as he put the straw on the table and leaned forward to hear her better.” As he did so, he took off his sunglasses and put them in his pocket in his jacket.

“Well if you will look outside, I drove my mother’s white car. I just don’t want to go anywhere tomorrow so I thought you might just keep it from moving,” she turned the head as if she was pointing to the car she drove. “like a flat tire or a broke spark plug, after 4:00 pm?” she gave a smug smile.

“Why don’t you just stay late at school?” he asked as he leaned back. He took a final sip from his drink.

“She might see me and anyway, I can come home and look totally innocent.” she crossed her arms in front of her.

“Well there’s the issue of your cell phone. Let me see the picture you took before I do the job.” He pulled on his left ear.

“Okay.” she replied as unsnapped her purse and got out her cell phone. She showed him the picture. There, plain as day, was Danny with two stolen earrings in his hands. He was showing the ‘V’ sign and smiling as big as he could.

“I don’t remember you taking that picture.”

“No, I gave my phone to a friend who took it while you posed.”

“Who?” his face was serious.

“Just a friend.” she closed the phone and put it in her purse. She put her purse on the corner of the table. She leaned forward and put her hand under her chin.
“Tell me about your mother’s car. It looks nice. I wouldn’t want to do any damage to something that your mother might want to call the police for.” He pointed at the car he had seen her drive in.

As she started her recitation of details of her step mother’s car, the young man who had ordered a drink walked in their direction and bumped the table. Amanda’s purse fell on the floor and the contents fell out.

“My goodness, I am so clumsy.” apologized the young man with greasy black hair and thick eye glasses. He picked up things and started putting them into her purse.

“Hey, keep your hands off my stuff. I can pick up things.” shouted Amanda.

“Well sweet thing, I was just trying to be a gentleman.” he said as he put his hands behind him and backed off. “I guess there are no ladies in this place.” He swirled around and walked out.

“Can you imagine that jerk touching my stuff?” she picked up the rest of her things and closed her purse.

“No I can’t. Look I’m in a hurry. I got the details. What’s your address?”

“Here on this paper, and I know that you’ll do a good job.” she said as she looked at her watch. “I’ve got other things to do. Don’t let me down or we’ll see you in a police line up.” she chuckled as she stood up and walked away.

“Yea. Got ya.” he said as he put one arm behind the chair and watched her leave. He saw her get into her step mother’s car and leave. “Yea, I really got you.”

Danny got up and walked out the door on the opposite side of the food place. There he met the other young man who had bumped the table and tried to pick up things that had fallen out of Amanda’s purse.

“Who’s the stupid chick?” asked the young man with the thick eye glasses.

“Just a stupid chick. And she finally told me how she got the picture. She had a friend take it.”

“Will that friend be any trouble?” asked the accomplice.

“We’ll see. Did you erase the picture?”

“Yea and I also got her friends’ names and numbers in her phonebook.”

The boys were getting ready to look at the list when a police car drove by. The officer slowed down and started to turn the car around to park in the parking lot of the food place.

“Let’s go. I’ll check with you later.” said Danny.

Both boys started walking fast in opposite directions. Danny put Amanda’s phone in his back pants pocket and turned to go down an alley that was between two buildings. He knew that one problem was solved and enjoyed pulling a fast one on that ‘stupid chick,’ Amanda.
© Copyright 2010 Dorianne (jumacu at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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