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Rated: E · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1732005
Story about a girl who goes to a spy school.
Agent: Undercover


“So you really think you can defeat me?” he asked with his arms crossed across his chest.

“What’s to defeat?” I asked back, confidently, “Do you really think you can get away with this?” I said with a smirk.

Even the slightest smile must tip him off, because suddenly he was all business. The time bomb was still ticking away in the back – right corner of the room. Meanwhile, he was preparing his fighting stance. How annoying villains could really be, but luckily some are totally predictable. Unluckily, he was not one of those villains. As he gestured for me to come forward to fight he propped his back leg, ready to jump. Then he did.

I turned around and spun out of the way just in time for him to land flat on the ground. It looked like it hurt an awful lot. As he looked up at me, I kicked him square between the eyes. Direct hit! Yes! Even for an experienced agent like me it was a big deal. I mean, I was only fourteen. But I am also very good at what I do.

Before he had a chance to grab me I ran off away from him. He must have gotten up, because I could hear him running behind me, and catching up pretty quickly. I did a back hand spring over him, which, fortunately, stopped him for a brief second. But only a very brief second. Right then he reached out to grab me, and I knew if he did he would succeed in blowing up Mount Everest. Just as he reached out for me, I lunged forward towards the time bomb. His fingertips brushed against my back, and I knew he wouldn’t let that stop him.

I could feel him get closer to me as I grabbed the device. “How do I shut it off?” I wondered. Rolling out of the way, I managed to escape him once again for a brief second. I got up quickly and began running to the door, my only way out. I was clutching on to the bomb for dear life, but it wasn’t tight enough. Coming up behind me he lunged and knocked the thing right out of my hands, and sending both it and me to the floor. But it was over, there was only sixty seconds left on the timer…

****************Chapter 1***************

“Emma! Emma! Wait up Emma!” Nicole said, running up to me.

“Hey Nicole” I smiled, “I didn’t even see you back there. What’s up? You normally ride the bus to school.”

“Ughhh” my friend sighed, “My stupid bus driver left me. Although I was late to the bus stop he should know by now that I am going to have perfect attendance this year.”

“Still your fault” I laughed while playfully hitting Nicole, “Why were you late to the bus stop?”

“Oh, no. We need to talk about you now” she said, suddenly turning serious in the blink of an eye, “What’s up with you and never being at home? Like on the weekends or after school, or even during school. You’re always getting dismissed early. I want to know, so spill.”

I couldn’t tell Nicole the truth even if I wanted to. And I didn’t, because then she would want to come and risk getting hurt. I couldn’t tell her anyway, though. The FBI made me promise not to tell anyone, not even my family. Except my sister, since she was my “parental guardian.” Even though she didn’t act like it much. But she is the best.

“Well,” I began, not knowing where the sentence would go. But my problem was solved when Raven came running up to us. For the moment, I was safe. But, considering danger follows me, it probably wouldn’t last long.

“Oh…..my…….god!” Raven screamed, running up to us with a book in her hands, “It’s here! It’s actually here!”

“And that would be….?” I asked. I wasn’t really sure what was sooo exciting, but since it was Raven I had a pretty good idea. Either something educational or completely extra terrestrial or both.

“It, my friends, is the latest book in the “Star Wars” series!” she smiled widely, “I’ve been asking for it practically for forever. And now I have it!”

Educational, I knew it. Raven was a bit of a nerd, considering everything, but the coolest nerd I ever knew. I mean it’s not like I didn’t read. I’ve read the entire “Alex Rider” series twice. But compared to Raven I barely read at all, and, well, it was true. That is the FBI’s fault. I did get a good thing out of it though. I mean, don’t get me wrong, helping save the world is great, but I can relate a lot to Alex Rider.

Even if Alex isn’t real and he’s just a made – up character in a book written for pure enjoyment. I can still relate. But all the danger he gets into makes me realize that I don’t have a whole ton of luck like him. Which makes me want to stop working for the FBI all together. But sometimes I’m just happy to help the world, even if no one knows it.

“Great,” Nicole said, “But I think Emma needs to answer a very important question.”

“Oh really?” Raven asked, looking puzzled, “And what would that be, Em?”

Oh boy, this was not good. What was I really supposed to say to them? Luckily for me at that moment the bell rang. I was totally excused from the question…until lunch, that is.

“Well, look at that,” I smiled, “The bell rang. Time to go to class.”
“Yeah,” Nicole called as I walked away, “But I have my eyes on you! You will answer that question!”

“Maybe it’s just an embarrassing problem or something,” Raven tried.

“I don’t think so, Rae,” Nicole countered, “Something is totally up, and I’m going to find out what.”

I walked down the halls and right to my locker. I opened it up and a small, folded up piece of paper fell out. “What could that be?” I thought. I picked it up and opened it.


Roses are red, violets are blue.
I fall every time I see you.
Violets are blue, roses are red.
Every word you ever said.

Your secret admirer

“Oh no,” I groaned. I did not have time to deal with any of this secret admirer stuff, “I wonder who.”

“Emma,” Devon said, coming over to me, “What’s up?”

“Secret admirer,” I answered, “Do you know anyone who has handwriting like this?”

“That?” He answered, eyes growing big, “No, no, nope, no one I know. No clue Emma. I do completely not know. Nope, sorry. Got to go, bye.”

Wow, that was weird. He was really jumpy, unless… Oh no, I think it was Devon who wrote it. Shoot. My best guy friend likes me? I better pretend like I don’t know. Or else he will feel so awkward. But that doesn’t help my awkward feelings at all. Wait until Nicole hears, she’s going to flip.

Nicole. That’s it! If I start telling Nicole about this at lunch she won’t care about the question. All she will care about is this. That will buy me some time to make up an excuse. And a good, believable one at that.

This will work perfectly. I breezed through first – fourth period. It’s lunch time. As I went over to the lunch line I saw Nicole and Raven and walked over to them.

“You owe us an explanation about something,” Nicole smile deviously.

“No time,” I responded, “I have a secret admirer.”

“What?!” Nicole and Raven said in unison.

“Yeah, look,” I said holding out the note, “And that’s not even the weirdest part.

“What do you mean by weird?” Raven said, finishing reading the note.

“Well, you know…” I said, “Boys don’t really like me….ever.”

“Well, now there is one,” Nicole beamed, “But what’s the rest?”

“Well, okay, then I saw Devon and asked him if he knew anyone with this handwriting. And he started getting really jumpy and nervous and…”

“You don’t think he likes you, do you?” Raven asked.

“Oh my gosh!” Nicole yelled, “What if he does. I mean he’s like your best guy friend. Unless you like him too. Do you?”

“No, I don’t. I mean, not like that, as a friend” I said.

The bell rang then and I was so glad. Lunch was over and Raven and Nicole had totally forgotten about what they really wanted to talk about. Just as I planned, luck was on my side today.

“Okay,” I smiled, “I’ll talk to you about it later. Tell me if you hear anything from Devon.”

They promised to tell me and then walked off. Hopefully neither of them will remember the morning conversation. At least not today. By tomorrow I will probably have a lie made up. This cover up stuff was really messing with my friends.

And I hated lying to them too. They are my best friends. Every time I see them I’m making up excuses about where I went and why I hadn’t been at school, or home, or even around. This was totally not good.

* * * * * * * * * * *

I ran up the front steps of the American Prepatory Academy. Otherwise known as the basis of child spies. The CIA had to have a way to hide us, and as the saying goes where better to hide people than out in the open? I slowed down and speed walked over to the double curved stairway. I had almost passed the two side hallways when Head Mistress caught me.

Head Mistress is held to a very high standard. She is right under the D.A. Dean. Head Mistress smiled crookedly and beckoned for me to come forward. This is what I get for showing up late.

“Emma, Emma, Emma,” she cooed, “Why, you’re four minutes late. Care to explain?”
“Okay, well I was on my way here from school. Then my friends started chasing me for information and I couldn’t lead them here. So, I had to detour until I lost them,” I smiled shyly.

“Come with me,” she replied sternly, then turned and walked off.

I solemnly followed her as she went into the D.A. Dean’s office. This is going to be bad. Very bad. I don’t know if I could take much more of this. The D.A. Dean?! This is not my lucky day, I was totally wrong.

“Emma!” the D.A. Dean smiled, “come in, come in. We have a lot to talk about.”

“We do?” I asked wearily.

“Yes, yes, come in, sit down,” he got up and the Head Mistress close the door as if on cue.

“So,” I asked nervously, “am I in trouble for being late?”

“By four minutes?” He contemplated for a second and then said, “No, no, not today.”

“Okay, so…..” I asked.

“I have a mission for you,” he smiled deviously, “the 664 mission.”

The 664 mission! That was the mission that had been here for as long as I can remember. Okay, it was more like a few months but whatever. Three other agents have gone on it and not come back. Why would he pick me? I had to know.

“Me? Really?” I asked.

“Yes,” he chuckled, “you are one of the best agents, according to your tests.”

My tests? He must be referring to the tests we take every year. One physical and one hand written. But that was not what got me. I was one of the best agents?! How could that be?

“Um, no offense sir, but are you sure?” I asked.

“Yes,” he smiled, “I am sure. Now let me brief you on this mission.”

I couldn’t even believe this was happening. The D. A. Dean got up and Head Mistress opened the door again. He gestured for me to follow and left the room. I obeyed and followed down the hall to the very end. There was nothing there but a brick wall.

Then the wall moved and became a door. I should have guessed. After all, it is a secret academy for spies. We went through the wall, but just the two of us. Head Mistress went back to her office and suddenly the wall closed. I was alone with the D. A. Dean.

“Now,” he began, turning on an overhead projector, “this is where your mission begins. Do you know where this is Emma?”

“Of course, it’s in Russia. It’s their base of operations in Moscow,” I responded before even knowing what I was saying.

“Correct,” he chuckled softly.

Maybe I am one of the smartest students. I didn’t want to believe it but it had to be true. Wow, and all this time I never thought it could be me. Was I wrong or what?

“Now,” D.A. Dean began again, “this is an extremely dangerous mission, as you’re well aware. So, you will check in with the base of operations before your mission. This way, they can give you tips about the location that I can not.”

“Alright,” I responded, a little excited, “so, when do I go?”

“Well, you will be staying with a different family as part of a foreign exchange program,” he smiled, pacing, “Of course the whole thing isn’t really a program but a way to get you to Russia without worry.”

“So, will I hear about the program from my parents?” I asked.

“Oh quite the opposite,” he responded as Head Mistress walked in, “You will be telling them that you want to be a part of this program.”

Head Mistress handed me a pamphlet for a foreign exchange program. They never miss a beat here, do they? I opened it up as D.A. Dean continued to lecture me about what I would be doing. I already knew what to say to my parents, though.

“And then you will be switched out for a Russian kid,” he finished, obviously pleased with himself.

“Just one thing,” Head Mistress said, looking me in the eye, “You only have two weeks to complete the mission because that’s the most time for an ordinary exchange program like this.”

“Okay,” I nodded, “I’ll do my best. So, does another spy replace me?”

“Yes,” D.A. Dean laughed, “You will meet him tomorrow.”

I couldn’t believe this was really happening. I was so excited. I walked out of the D.A. Dean’s office and skipped to my class. I didn’t even bother caring about the other spies in the quiet hall watching me. It was just a few kids; they don’t even know me I reasoned to myself.

I climbed the stairs with a glowing sense of amazement. When I got up to the second floor I walked. My thoughts of pure excitement faded and were replaced by thoughts of where I needed to be. Room 232. I opened the door and everyone looked at me.

“Sorry I’m late, Mr. Hernald,” I said shyly.

“Please sit, Ms. Carmichel,” Mr. Hernald responded in a monotone way, “I have already been informed of your situation.”

“Oh,” I replied stupidly, walking towards me seat.

“Congratulations,” Mr. Hernald whispered with a smile as I passed him.

He knew all right. He must have been told everything so he would know that I would be late. Still, the way he had whispered was completely creepy. I convinced myself that it was nothing and took out my notebook.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
“Wow, wow, wow!” my friend jumped onto the ground next to me, “That is so cool!”

“Relax, Ginger,” I responded quietly.

“The 664 mission, though,” Ginger said, quieter this time, “It is sooooo amazing.”

“Yeah,” I answered anxiously, “I’m not sure that I can do it.”

“You can,” she barreled on, “We have to tell everyone!”

“Hey,” a familiar voice said, “I’m Agent 1600.”

“I know,” I said, trying not to sound too eager.

I could not believe she was talking to me. The best spy in the United States. It was totally amazing. I suddenly began to wonder why she was talking to me. It just didn’t make any sense. As if things could not get weirder her twin sister, Agent 1500, walked up and waved at me.

“Can we talk to you?” Agent 1500 asked.

Without even waiting for my answer Agent 1600 said, “Follow us.”

“Catch you later,” I waved at Ginger, she was in a state of shock.
“Yeah,” she replied, still shocked.

Agent 1700 fell into step with us, “Ryan,” he commented, shaking my hand.

I could not believe the three best spies were even talking to me. But what if this was bad? What if I was in trouble for something? Questions swirled around my head as the ground by the water fountain opened.

The four of us walked down the steps, going under the sidewalk and fountain. This could not have gotten any cooler. I stood corrected. Lights switched on, showing a totally neon room. It looked like it was totally futuristic, completely made out of metal. Everything shined.

“Please take a seat,” Agent 1600 smiled.

I sat down at a metal table in a soft, cushy, neon green chair. Agent 1500 sat across from me in a neon blue chair. Sitting next to me was Agent 1700, who had a small silver and white device that he set on the table. Agent 1600 finally came over and took the seat next to her sister, placing a big stack of paper on the table.

“Penelope,” Agent 1600 smiled.

“Jennifer,” Agent 1500 extended a hand to shake.

“Now, let’s get down to business,” Agent 1600 said.
“You see, Emma, we are here to help you with the 664 mission,” Agent 1500 smiled softly.

“Do you mind coming to the SOA Academy tomorrow?” Agent 1700 asked suddenly.

“Just come here like you always do and we will bring you to our school,” Agent 1600 explained.

“Uh, well, sure,” I responded.

“Great, the training starts tomorrow,” Agent 1700 smiled widely, as if some inside joke had just been told.

“Right now, we will go over your mission and training history,” Agent 1500 said, gesturing towards the stack of papers.

“And get your fingerprints into the system,” Agent 1700 smiled, holding up the small silver and white gadget.
© Copyright 2010 Veronica (veronica1600 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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