Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1731904-Cold-Feet
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1731904
This is a story about teenage drama, boys, and struggles with just about anything.
I walked into the breezy school feeling at home, the day after Christmas break, it had been a long hard friendless two weeks. But I was home and had all of my friends here. As soon as I walked in people ran up and said hi. Anna a red haired girl with piercing blue eyes, jutting hip bones and a wardrobe to DIE for ran up and hugged me. She was dressed to impress today.
"Taylor!!" She squeeled happily, her high piched voice ringing in my ears. I smiled and hugged back.
"Hi Anna, how was your break?"
"It was FANTASTIC! I went to Switzerland again!" Again? It's not like I hadn't gone to Switzerland before, I had, but Anna had gone at LEAST five times.
"Yeah," she looked upset for a moment, "I really wanted to go to Les Deux Alpes though! Oh well, maybe next year." She sighed and ran off to he next perosn. I sighed and went to get my locker number from the office. This year I didn't have to share a locker with anyone. I went up to the desk and the secratory Ms. Wilson looked up from her laptop and her slowley graying hair sweeped across her face, she tucked it behind her ear. She adjusted her glasses sniffed her nose and took out a pen. She clicked it four times then drew a swirl on the paper. She closed her eyes then slowley opened them to look at me.
"How may I help you today honey?"
"I need my new locker number." I smiled at her, hoping that she could move a little bit faster then a turtle about to give birth. She nodded then asked for my name.
"Taylor Matthews." She nodded again, wrote down my name and what I wanted then stood up adjusted her floral shirt and went to the filing cabinet. Ms. Wilson flicked throught the files and sighed, she grabbed one flicked through it, took the paper out and handed it to me.
"Here." I nodded and fled the office immediatley. I gasped for fresh air, the smell of the office always made me think of rotten cheese. I sat down at a table and sighed.
"Moping already?" A familiar voice asked behind me, I spun around and smiled. My best friend Loa was standing there. Her black curly hair was in her face as usual, she was smiling her dimply smile, and her freckles were standing out more. Her green eyes weren't staring directly at me but she would occasionaly look staright into my eyes and her smile would grow wider. I couldn't help but smile, I jumped up and hugged her then we walked to my new locker.

The bell went and we had to go to our first class, the lower grades scattered immediatly and went to class.
"What class do we have first?!"
"I was smart and got a scheduale," Loa smiled and took a paper out of her back pocket, "homeroom." I nodded and we made our way down the hall. Devyn a tall handsome boy with blonde hair and blue eyes stopped us. He hugged me and kissed my cheek then smiled at Loa. She opened her mouth as if to say something but shut it right away. Devyn smiled his wide mouth smile and bent down to hug her. She blushed and hugged him back.
"How was your break?" He asked us making small talk. He didn't care, he was being nice, he barley looked at me before the holidays, I broke up with him and apperently he was deeply involved in the relashionship. There were several rumours going around.

RUMOUR: Devyn was going to propose to me the day before Christmas break.

TRUE: Devyn was extremly hurt and did something he regretted as soon as it happened.

RUMOUR: Devyn was deeply depressed and cut his wirsts.

TRUE: Devyn liked Loa and seeing her made him happy.

RUMOUR: (I think) Devyn loved me.

It seemed as if Devyn had forgotten that we broke up and was acting like nothing happened. I was ok with that, I wanted to be friends, thats what I thought we were better suited as. The second bell went and Devyn kissed Loa's cheek then disapperead down the hallway. Loa's face was a deep shade of red once we stepped into class. Mr. Owens, an older man with glasses, a blad spot on the top of his head and a little bit of unnessacary chub glared at us.
"I hope you at least came prepared."
We shrugged, "we brought pens." The class giggled and we took the last two available seats that were in the back together. Mr. Ownes sighed.
"Can someone lend the two girls some paper?" Charles immediatly jumped up and handed us three sheets each. Loa smiled and thanked him then kicked me when I nodded.
"I mean, aweh! thanks Charles, that was nice, you didn't have to give us THREE! we only asked for one!" I smiled brightly and he blushed then returned to his seat. "Wooo, big spender." I muttered under my breath.
"Don't be a bitch Taylor." Loa warned glaring at me. Loa HATED to look people in the eye, it made her feel uncomfortable and uneasy. I nodded, Loa was extremly tough for a girl her size. She was very pettite, she looked breakable from the outside. But she was strong, stronger then many of the boys I knew, she had to be. Her dad was horrible and nasty, he did things that would make anybody scream and cry and run away. Loa had come to school with bruises and scrapes and scratches on her in the past. She had knocked on my door at 3:00 in the morning with a suitcase full of things wanting to get away for a couple of days. Loa was the toughest person I knew.

The final bell went and the halls were filled with people. And despite the cold outside and the windows beeing open it was hot in the halls. Loa was complaing and whining.
"There's to many people in the halls!" I rolled my eyes and looked away. As I looked back Loa was climbing over people and through them. One boy threw her onto the ground and she kicked him. But as long as she was down there, she crawled to out lockers.
"You're insane." I said once I caught up with her.
"Yeah, you could say that." She smiled opened her locker and threw her books into it. She took out her jacket put it on then complained that she was to hot.
"Hurry UP!" She cried jumping in place, her eyes were moving from side to side as if she were nervous.
"Why are you so anxious?!" I finally said throwing my coat back into my locker and closing it back up.
"My dad wants to pick me up today. We had a HUGE fight this morning." She looked away from me, there was more, she wasn't telling me something.
"Aaaannndd?" I pressed her opening my locker but not getting my jacket.
"And," she sighed and turned around and lifted up the back of her shirt. Her back was almost completly blue and black.
"Oh Loa! I'm sorry!" She put her shirt down and I enveloped her in a hug.
"Yeah, whatever. Can we PLEASE go now?!" I nodded reached into my locker and slipped into my jacket. She smiled and ran down the stairs.
"Taylor!" She called from the bottum of the stairs. "Throw me the keys!" I sighed and reluctently took the keys out of my pocket and hurled them at her. She caught them without hesitation and ran out to the car smiling.
"Taylor?!" A male voice called from behind me. I sighed and turned around.
"Max?!" I smiled a huge smile and gave Max a hug. "Hi, hey, how- what? why? when? Uuhh, ok, why are you here?!" I squeeled happily. I stood back and looked at him. He still had his short dark brown curly hair. His dark hazle eyes bore into mine, his smile growing wider every second.
"My mom transferred here." His smile was HUGE now. He enveloped me into a hug again and was spinning in circles. "I've missed you so much Taylor!"
"I've missed you too honey." Just not in the same way. My smile shrunk slightly and he seemed to notice.
"What's the matter?"
"Uuhh, nothing. My friend Loa, she's waiting in my car and if I don't go soon she'll make off with it. Do you have a cell phone?" I asked pulling out mine and getting ready to program his number in.
"Yeah, gimme." He smiled and I passed him my phone and he added his number. I glanced down at his name

MAX *Heart*

I rolled my eyes at the heart, kissed his cheek then ran down the stairs to my car. Loa was sitting in the passenger seat fiddling with her jacket.
"FINALLY!" She cried looking at me, she motioned for me to hurry up and get in. I Nodded and hopped in the front seat. Max was back. He was going to our school. We still had something.

I layed in the sand in my bikkini soaking up as much sun as I could, the blue waves were licking my toes. My eyes were closed but something dark covered the sun and I was forced to open them.
"Max! I thought you were gone!" I spun around and gave him a hug. His eyes were pointed towards my chest but I didn't care, that happened alot.
"Nope. My parents said we could stay for another week."
"Great!" I smiled and jumped up, my lips locked to his, they moved frantically, his hands moved up and down my back and to my butt. His lips moved to my neck and I groaned, he shivered at the sound and we retreated to his suit for the remainder of the day.

I left his suit at 9:30, I went and sat in the sand close enough to touch the water. My suite was in the back, my parents wouldn't see. My parent's were probably off with Max's parent's Sii Dooing or drinking. I had to think, me and Max had the week together before he went back to Colorado. I would never see him again. I'd only known him for a month, but I knew almost everything about him, he'd told me everything. He'd trusted a total and complete stranger with his darkest secrets. I trusted a total and complete stranger with my darkest secrets. We had just given eachother everything we had, it felt... insanley comforting knowing it was him and not some other sleezy dirt bag I had been with before. I was happy it was here, on a tropical paridise island. The wind suddenly picked up and a huge wave came crashing down onto the sand soaking me completly. I decided it would be a good time to go back inside. I tip toed down the hallways and snuk into our suite, the lights were off, no one was home yet. I could have a shower and be in bed before my parents even noticed.

The next morning I changed into a different bathing suit and went to get a tan on the beech again. If Max came by this time I wouldn't just leave for the rest of the day and stay indoors. I rolled over onto my stomach and tried to untie the straps of my bikkini, I hated tan lines.
"Would you like some help?" Max asked shyly.
"Haha, sure." I smiled and moved my hands for him to help, he untied the straps then kissed my back and started rubbing it. If he was trying to go anywhere today, it just might work.
"So what do you want to do today?"
"Anything really. Shopping?"
"No money, mom and dad took it for drinks today."
"Aweh, do you want to go to the aquarium? I can pay."
"Sure." I could here the smile in his voice, he started kissing my neck happily and I spun around and started attacking his lips.
"Well then," he murmmured to me, "would you like to go to my suite instead?" I pulled away, I didn't want to do that at all today.
"Not right now." I said sheepishly. "Why don't you tie me back up and I'll go change and we can go see the fish?" He sighed but helped me anyways. I made my way through the brightly lit over decorated lobby. The man at the front desk smiled at me and I smiled back not wanting to be rude. He had a handle bar moustache black hair gelled to perfection and was wearing surf shorts and a short sleeved dress shirt. Tacky. Blech. I pressed the elevator button and waited for the creeky machine to make its way to me. I sighed and thought about the stairs, they were so close, but the elevator dinged before I could make any rash decisions. Once in the suite I put short jean shorts on and a tank top, I decided to tie my hair up into a pony tail and went to the kitchen and wrote a note to my parents telling them where I was going and with whom I would be with if they came back to the hotel and I wasn't there. I skipped down to the lobby to see Max chatting with a perky blonde girl wearing nothing. Well, basically nothing. She was wearing a VERY skimpy bikkini, I mean mine was kind of sluty but compared to hers, mine looked like a one piece. My eyes narrowed and I quickly made my way over and sat on Max's lap, even though there were several other chairs available, I was making it quite obvious that Max was mine and she should back off. Max smiled and I started to kiss him.
"Ok, bye Christina," she smiled and stalked off in the other direction, "ready?"
"Yeah. But I leave you for five minutes and I come back to you basically drooling over another girl?!"
"Taylor, we were just talking. Nothing would have happend."
"Really? If I stayed in my suit for another five minutes and come down, you would have been gone and having sex in a bush somewhere!" I said that a little bit to loud and people were staring I smiled trying to convince them to lookaway and give us some provacy. Of course they didn't, they just stared more. I groaned and jumped off his lap and stalked off outside, I was overreacting just a little bit sure, but STILL! What if I had stayed up there for another five minutes? And what if he had gone off and had sex with her in a bush? I'm sure that would never happen, but UUUUUHH!

"I'll be right back." I kissed Max's cheek then went into the washroom, I left max at the dolphin exhibit, that was my favourite part, we were going to go swimming with them. I looked in the mirror and quickly adjusted my pony tail and applied some lip gloss. I smacked my lips and ran out to find Max. I turned the corner and saw Christina, the more than half naked girl from before throwing herself at Max, she was basically molesting him. She was touching him and rubbing him everywhere, Max was returing the favour by doing the same to her, their lips were moving quickly and frantically and she was groaning, Max liked it, he moved faster. They collapsed onto a folding chair and I started to cry, the boy who I had given EVERYTHING to had given something back, he had given it to someone else. He was finished with me, he had new prey. I stormed over and stopped behind them.
"Bye Max." I hissed through clenched teeth, I shook my head and ran out of the aquarium. I needed to leave, I needed to get to the hotel as fast as I could. I heard the doors open behind me, but I didn't care, I kept running.
"Taylor! Taylor, stop! Please, stop! Taylor!"
"Uuhh, let the bitch go." I heard another voice, familiar, it was all to familiar even though I'd only heard it once. It was Christina.
"She's not a bitch." I could barley hear the words. He didn't want to disappoint her by arrguing. I cried harder and turned the corner. I stopped to catch my breath. I needed to calm down, I couldn't walk into the hotel like this. I shook my head and ran down the street towards the hotel.

At 7:45 there was a hard loud desperate knock on the suite door. I goraned, it was probably Max. I swung the door open and glared at him.
"What do you want?"
"What you finished with her and you were bored so you thought you'd stop by?! How nice Max."
"No! no, I want you! I don't want her!"
"Really?" I glared at him, tears were threating to come. "It seemed like you wanted her earlier." Tears were flowing now and I slammed the door in his face.
"Taylor! Please!"
"Go away!" I screamed through my tears.
"Fine. But Taylor, I really am sorry, I couldn't help it, I love you. Please, forgive me. Sorry." There was a pause, as if her were waiting for me to say something. Pff.
"No! I NEVER want to see you again Max! Goodbye!" I slammed the door and slid down onto my knees and started to bawl. Then I heard retreating footsteps and I opened the door to see him walking away.

Thoughts of the last time I had seen Max flooded through my head and I wanted to scream and cry, I didn't know why I hugged him and kissed him ten minutes ago, it just felt right, like I was supposed to or something.
"What are you thinking about?" Loa asked staring at me. "You look like your about to cry or something."
"Max, he goes to our school." I sighed pulling into the driveway.
"What?! Why?!"
"His mom got transferred here." She nodded once stifly.
"Well, we have to do something about that. Don't we?"
"Well- uuuuhh, I don't know. I think that it's fine- good- fine? I don't know, one of the two, but I think our spat is fixed."
"That was NOT a spat, he CHEATED on you! He almost had sex with another girl in an aquarium!"
"Spat." I shrugged and stopped the car. Loa goraned loudly and stepped out of the car then ran up and into the house. I slammed the car door and huffed then sauntered into the house.

"Oh. Hello Loa." My mother smiled warmly at my friend and her beedy little eyes floated unnessacrily slow towards me. I shuddered slightly and blamed it on the cold. She nodded and went back to go find Lisa, the small figured red headed housekeeper who was taking down the decorations from the holiday. Loa sighed and ran up the stairs headed for my room.
"Loa!" My dad said happily scooping her into a big bear hug. My dad has always loved Loa like another daughter, unlike my mother who wished I would leave her alone, she didn't like people of "lower birth". Lower birth?! We weren't in the sixteenth century, I didn't judge poeple by how much money they had. Sure, we had ALOT of money, we lived in a mansion and I usually got what I wanted, and Loa wasn't as lucky. But we were best friends and I could never make a harsh judgement against her.
"Hey Mr. Matthews." Loa said smiling happily, at least one male figure loved her like they should.
"How long this time?" My father asked placing Loa safley on the ground. Loa shruged and looked at me.
"How long can I stay?" She replied turning back to him. He sighed smiling, he needed to see the evidence. She groaned turned around and lifted the back of her shirt up. My dad's eyes got big, the worst he's seen yet.
"Oh my. That's worth a month." He said looking very serious, I could have swron he was about to take out his glasses and magnifying glass and start inspecting it. His dark brown eyes drifted towards me and he gave me a quick hug, he's seen me everyday for the past two weeks, he hadn't seen Loa in at least three. I wasn't that interesting. I smiled and slipped past him and went into my room.
"I want to go swimming." Loa sighed plopping onto my bed. She always wanted to do something. She couldn't ever sit still, she had to be continually moving to not be bored and to be entertained. I goraned and went through my dresser drawers, I threw a bikkini at her then picked one out for me. She seemed please then ran downstairs to the basement where the pool was hidden away. Loa dove in right away, I on the other hand had to put my hair up into a bun and put my phone away. I slipped in carefully not wanting the water to touch my hair. Loa glared at me, I did not want the water to touch my hair, I just got highlights.

The door swung open as my alarm clocked buzzed in my ear, uuuhh, it was time for school.
"Girls," the housekeeper said flicking on the lights, "it's time to get up." Her slight figure slipped through the door and down the hallway. I sighed and reluctently made my way out of bed. I lazily opened the closet and stepped inside, I needed to know how cold it was before I made any wardrobe decisions. I peeked through the window and noticed the trees blanketed in a fresh layer of white fluffy snow, the same for the ground, and anything else the snow could get its cold hands on. I groaned and made my way to the back of the closet where I kept my warmer clothes. I picked out a nice long sleeved shirt, yoga pants, Uggs, a fluffy sweater and the cutest jacket ever. Loa could make her decision once she finally woke up. I waddled through the brightly lit room to my oversized bathroom, I brushed my perfect blonde hair and pulled it up into a high pony tail, applied cover-up, blush, eyeliner, mascara and tiny bit of eyeshadow. I looked very wintery and cute today. The eye make-up was applied very carefully and very presicley, I wanted to look perfect today.
I want Max to notice me. A little annpying voice in the back of my head whispered as if to itself, why wouldn't my mind shut up sometimes? I shrugged pulled on my clothes and emerged into the bedroom where Loa was still passed out on the other bed.
"Loa! Get your butt out of bed!"
"Huh? What?" She shook her head but after fifteen minutes of arguing she finally made her way out of bed and into the back of the closet.
"I'll be in the kitchen eatin breakfest."
"Mhmm. Be there soon."

I clutched my jacket to my side as I made my way out to the car. Loa tore past me not wanting to be in the cold another second. I slipped in and started the car, Loa turned the heat up all the way and turned the CD player on, we started singing along with the song and I pulled out of the driveway and took off down the busy street.
Snow was falling by the time we pulled into the parking lot. Perfect. I shut off the engine and we pulled our bags up onto our laps.
"On the count of three, we run for the doors." Loa breathed.
"We'll look like retards."
"We'll be warm faster."
"Three!" We screeched together jumping out of the car and running for the doors, people were staring and laughing but we didn't care, we want to feel the warmth of the school. We weeved through the huge crowd of teenagers all making their way to the doors. Finally the new breexy heater air hit my face and I slowed ot a walk. Loa was already half way up the stairs, I rolled my eyes and followed. Once I reached my locker I saw a boy sitting in front of it. He looked up and smiled. Max was waiting for me. I smiled happily and he hopped up. He embrassed me in a hug and Loa glared at his back, she opened her mouth, she was going to make a big deal. I fingered her and she shoved her things in her locker.
"I'm going to the Media room." She huffed then sauntered away.
"Morning georgeuos," Max smiled his beautiful dimply smile, "I sent you a text..."
"Oh. I just got it." I said pulling away from our hug.

When are you going to get here?! I'm booorreed! I want to hang out before classes!" I could almost hear his whiny fake complaints as I read it. I laughed then replied he'd get it soon.
"I've missed you." I breathed into his shoulder hugging him again.
"I've missed you too honey." That wasn't all he wanted to say, there was so much more, you could hear it in his voice. He pulled me away to look me in the face. "I'm sorry Taylor, nothing happened after you left though. She wanted to... Yeah, but I said no, kissing you was a HUGE mistake and she slapped me then left for the hotel. After that I never saw her again. I wished that it never happened, I ahdn't met her, that we had gone to my room instead..."
"Max." I hugged him again, I missed him, I needed him, I didn't care anymore. "It's alright, I was humiliated and hurt for a while afterwards, and I had no clue why you would do it. But I'm over it, I'm just gald that your back and in my life again." I smiled into his shoulder, if their weren't students staring at us hug I would have kissed him, I would have demanded that he take me to the island again an we kiss in the sand for hours and just lay there embraced for ever. But there were students and teachers and if anything else was happening a falcultiy member would have sepperated us.
"Me too Taylor. And thank you! I've missed you so much!" The bell rang and people flooded the hallways. We still stood there, hugging like morons in the middle of a busy crowded stuffy hallway with people shoving and cursing and glaring. He lifted my chin and kissed me then turned on his heel and went to his locker. I sighed, stars in my eyes and fell back against my locker.
"Wow." Loa said staring at me like she'd just seen the stupidest thing ever. "Why would you let him KISS you?!"
"You weren't here, you didn't hear what really happened." I sniffed taking my books out of my locker and heading down the hallway. Loa groaned and followed me quickley.
"Still! He had sex with that- that whore!"
"No! He didn't! If you hadn't gone to the media room you would know what really happened." I sanpped back angrily. She was getting on my nerves, she didn't know what we shared, she didn't know how connected we were.
"Fine." She shoved her way in front of me and turned into her class, it was the one we didn't have together, I had time to cool off. Unfortunatley, Max was in this class with me. But it could be fortunate. I couldn't handle it though, I was going to take a spare instead, he could live without me for a while. I made my way to the library and checked in. The librarian looked at my name.
Taylor Matthews, Taylor Matthews... Aaahh, yes, your spare isn't until sixth period young lady." She said peeking over her glasses that were sliding down her boney nose.
"Yes I know, I was wondering if I could actually take it now?"
"I think that would be ok, we are having a couple students to that actually. I'll just phone your teacher."
"Mrs. Blakley." She nodded and made her way slowley to the library phone. After about ten minutes of jabbering about things that I don't even think were about me taking my spare, she hung up and came back to me.
"It's ok." She smiled. I nodded and made my way to a secluded table at the back. My phone vibrated and I pulled it out, it was a message from Max.

Where are you?? Mrs. Blakley mentioned your name on the phone at least five times, are you ok? are you hurt? I giggled at his unnessacry concern.

I'm fine, I'm taking my spare right now instead of sixth period. Oh, and Max? I love you =)

It took fifteen minutes for a reply. Did he not love me still? If not, why had he kissed me?!

I love you too *Heart*

I smiled, that's all I needed to know, now I could work happily. The bell finally rang it was to quiet in the library, I made my escape and ran upstairs to my locker to find Loa and Max talking, Loa's face was wrinkled with anger.
"What's happening?" I asked running in between them.
"I told her the whole thing." I nodded and Loa hugged me and said she was sorry. I whispered into her ear that I'd tell her more in homeroom. She nodded and made her way to class. I finally turned to Max. He was smiling his arms outstreched waiting for a hug. I hugged him needily, I suddenly wished that I hadn't taken my spare. I inhaled deeply his cologne coming up my nose, he still smelled the same.
"I can't live another day without you Taylor." He whispered in my ear as the bell rang. I nodded and hugged him tighter so he knew not to leave. I reluctently realeased him though, I had to go speak with Loa. He kissed me again, nothing special just a peck on the lips, but it meant everything to me. It didn't mean we were together again though, we hadn't made any commitments. We'd just said that we missed eachother, loved eachother etc. Nothing special. I took out my books and ran to my class. Once the bell rang Loa and I had recovered from our argument and were talking and laughing again. We turned the corner and our lockers were in view. Max wasn't there. I wiped out my phone and I didn't have a text from him either. I sulked hte rest of the way and opened my locker. Why wasn't her here? Well like I had said before, we ha made no commitments, he didn't have to be there every break, or every lunch. I just wished that he would. I took out my wallet and Loa hugged me.
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine, we're not actually dating anyways." I looked up and Max rounded the corner with a big group of girl and boys that I had never seen before. One girl I recognized as Anna but that was it. Max and her were close touching at all times, laughing and talking the most. Why wasn't he with me. They stopped so one of the girls could get something out of her locker. I quickly took my phone out again and wrote Max a message.

Wtf? I no that we aren't dating but you kissed me twice today already, why are you with Anna?! I sent the message and waited for him to pull out his phone read the message and come racing over t me. Nothin. They were there for ten minutes, he would have gotten it by now, he just stood there with Anna laughing and talking still. Tears were coming. Loa pulled me away and we ran down the stairs to the cafiteria. Why here?! it was the most crowded place in the school! She looked around and took that in as well, we took off to the bathroom instead and i started to cry as we walked through the door.
"Why is he with HER?!" Loa hugged me and I cried into her shoulder, she rubbed my back slowly and I talked about him and how much of a jerk he was.
"He KISSED me twice today! And that meant nothing to him?!"
"Apperently not-"
"You shut up, you whiny baby." A girl that was with Max snapped walking into the washroom.
"Hey, maybe wanna fuck off?!" Loa retorted walking up to her. Loa was much smaller then her but probably tougher.
"Hey, wanna leave me alone?"
"Uhmm, no." Loa smiled and shoved the girl into the wall.
"Ooww!" She wailed in pain, but she shot back punching her.
"Stop! Stop it!" I Yelled, it was dorwnded out by their screams. I ran out of the bathroom still crying and tripped over my shoe. Someone caught me and and I stood up adjusting my shirt not staring at the person, it was obviousley a boy.
"Thanks." I muttered looking up at him. It was Max. Great.
"Taylor? Are you ok?!"
"No!" I yelled back crying harder. He pulled me in for a hug but I pulled away staring at Anna. One of the girls screamed and the group look up into the doorway, the girl Loa was fighting was thrown against the wall.
"What's happening?" Max asked holding my shoulders.
"Loa's fighting that tramp becuase she told me to shut up." He looked confused.
"Why'd she do that?"
"How the hell am I supposed to know?" I snapped back. he looked hurt but ran into the bathroom and pulled both girls out.
"Put me down Max!" Loa screamed at him, he set her down beside me, and put the other girl beside Derek, who was staring at my chest. I pulled my sweater over it and hugged myself. Max's hands returned to my shoulder's.
"Why are you crying?" He asked staring into my eyes. I looked away but he forced my gaze to his, which made me cry harder.
"Check your cellphone, asshole." I pushed him away and ran off with Loa beside me.

The final bell rang and Loa and I made our way to our lockers, Max was waiting by himself for me. I shoved him out of the way and opened my locker. His eyes crinkled and he scooped me up into a hug.
"Put me down!" I screamed unhappily. He did as I asked and looked to the ground.
"That means leave stundo." Loa snapped staring at him, he nodded and walked off down the hallways. I slammed my locker and stalked off out to the car.
"Want to talk about it?" Loa asked slipping into the passenger seat.
"Nope." I turned the car on and gunned the engine the pulled out of the parking lot and tore down the street into downtown.
"Where are we going?"
"The mall, I'm going to get an amazing outfit for Derek's tailgate party on Saturday."
"Oh my god! I forgot about that!"
"And that is why we're going to the mall."

The next day when we walked into the school everyone was talking about Derek's tailgate party.
"Hey Taylor." Derek said smiling hopping over to me. Why was he even talking to me?
"Hey Derek." I said smiling shyly, he was cute, almost as cute as Max.
"Are you and Loa coming to my party on Saturday?"
"Uhmm, yeah! Of course! We just got outfits yesterday."
"Great," he said smiling, "can't wait to see em' but I gotta run. Bye."
"Bye..." I breethed after him. I was dazed as I made my way up to the lockers, why did he even care if I came or not? Oh well, I knew he noticed me. Well, almost everyone notices me, but Derek, everyone likes Derek. He is one of the cutest guys in school! and he wants ME to come to his party. Aaahh. I opened my locker and threw my bag inside and just looked inside.
"What did Derek want?" Loa griped thrusting her locker open as hard as she could, the door swung and hit the locker beside it.
"He wanted to know if we were coming to his party." I examined her expression. "What's your problem?"
I shut her locker and glared at her. "What?"
"Max." I inhaled deeply. Did i I really want to know?
Ask her what happened! the voice in my head was annoying, when I desperatley didn't want to know something, it would pipe up and I'd do it.
"What? What happened?"
Loa breethed deeply for a second then opened her mouth, "he was kissing Anna in the media room. They were all over eachother." I breathed in through my nose and reopend Loa's locker. I want to do something. I want to scream, I want to kick and punch Max, I wanted to hurt him. But instead I wiped out my phone and texted Max.

Lose my number.

The bell rang and people swarmed the hallways, I just kept staring at my phone, I couldn't look away. I didn't want to look away. I needed a reply, if I got one, I knew he still cared, if I didn't, then... He didn't care enough and would do as I asked. The warning bell screamed through the hallways and people scattered through the doors to their classes, I still stood staring. I took my home room books out of my locker as the bell sounded yet again, and the last of the people were gone. It was just me and my phone. I felt pathetic. Why had I thought he wanted to be together again? Finally something bumped into me breaking my gaze from my phone, it clattered to the floor and I looked up. It was Max. He was holding me and hugging me. I struggled, if he didn't let go soon I would scream. I would scream and at least two teachers would come out into the halls wanting to help. comfort and or get rid of the reason for the scream. But I couldn't, it was Max, and if I really wanted to get away. He'd stop.
"Max, I'm not kidding, let go of me NOW."
"But--- why?" He sounded shocked --- hurt even.
"Like I said," pushing away from him and gathering my books and phone up into my arms, "lose my number." I snapped walking away from him and down the hall to my homeroom. I was doen speaking to him. I could feel his gaze on my back, I didn't look back, I didn't peek out the corner of my eye at him as I turned into the class, I just kept walking. I sat down beside Loa and began taking notes. Tears escaped slowley and silently as I wrote, no one noticed, I didn't want them to.

As we took our walletts out of our lockers and started walking down the hall way Anna and Max rounded the corner about how excited they were about the tailgate party. They were going. Both of them. Together. Max looked me in the eyes, he could see the hurt in them. He gave me a little smile and I walked by bumping into his shoulder accidently on purpose.

"So what are you girls doing on the weekend?" My father asked as we flippe don a movie to watch. I wanted to lie and say that I was hanging out with Max. I would have been if it weren't for the slut, Anna. I smiled half heartedly and told the truth.
"Going to Derek's party on saturday."
"Oh I see, don't do drugs, if you drink be responisable and get a ride home. Do not drive yourself."
"We won't dad, I promise." He nodded in approval then left the room. Loa hugged me.
"I'm sorry Taylor, I shouldn't have brought it up, I shouldn't have told you."
I looked at Loa like she was insane, "dude, do you actually think that?! I'm amazignly happy you told me. Now I won't be such a retard flirting with him and falling for him."
"It's way passed falling for him hun." I nodded, she was right, it was way past falling for him. I had fallen for him the first time we met in the tackily decorated lobby of the hotel on our little island pairdise. It seemed forever ago that it had happened, when really it was only three months ago.
"Well, there's lots of other fish in the sea."
"Yeah, and we have that party on Saturday!" Loa squeeled happily. She was right, there was something to look forward to instead of moping around the house in sweats eating junk food and watching movies.

I slipped into my form fitting cleavage bearing red sparkly tank top and jean mini skirt. I decided to wear high tops instead of the heals I bought because there was a little bit of snow on the ground and I didn't want it to touch my feet. Loa helped me curl my hair to perfection and I straightened hers. She slipped into her short dress that showed off her boobs perfectly just how she wanted and put on her runners thinking of the cold. According to the weather report it wouldn't be to cold. but i brought my jacket anyways. I pulled my sweater on and we slipped out the door without my parents noticing.

We pulled up to the parking lot at the lake where Derek was having his party and shut off the engine. Derek greeted me at the drink table with a beer in his hand. The party had only been going on for an hour and he was already drunk. He gave me a hug and said he was happy I was there. I grabbed a beer off the table and went off with him, Loa went off with Devyn, and they sat on his big coat in the snowy sand. I looked to one of the trucks and saw Max and Anna holding hands laughing and talking. I chugged my drink and grabbed another one.
"Wow hot stuff, I didn't know you drank."
"I don't usually." I admitted.
"Wooow." He oggled finishing off his drink and getting another one. We had finished off three drinks and were laughing and talking and hugging like complete morons. Derek grabbed my hand and pulled me to his truck which was slightly secluded, it was farther away from anyone else. Derek kissed my cheak and motioned for me to wait, he turned the radio on, it wasn't to loud, just quiet enough for us. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his hands on my butt. We started to sway, we were dancing.
"Hey Taylor?"
"Yeah?" I replyed happily.
"I like you alot."
"Aweh! I like you too!" He smiled then pulled his face so it was just inches from mine.
"Really? Good, then you won't mind this." His hot lips touched mine and both pairs of our lips were moving hot and fast. It was a needy kiss, nothing like any other kiss I had, had beofre. His hands were rubbing me everywhere, I didn't mind but I wasn't toally comforatble with it. I returned the gesture by rubbing his back. He groaned an erotic sound, I shivered and his sloppy wet lips moved faster. I felt my shirt slipping away from my skin, he was trying to pull it over my head.
"Mmm, no!" I shoved away, but he pulled me back and started kissing my neck.
"Come on baby, it'll be fun. I'm fantastic."
"No Derek. Stop." But his toungue was in my mouth, I bit down and he yelped in pain, his hands were moving again, this time to my skirt, trying to pull it down.
"Stop! Help!" I screamed as loud as I could.
"Shut up!" He moaned, kissing my stomach then, he slapped my face. I cried out in pain holding my cheek. Why was he doing this?!
"Hel-" My cry for help was drownded out by blasting music and lips on my mouth. I kicked him in the groin and turned to run, Derek grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his stomach. I could see Max, he was talking to Loa, she shrugged and I screamed a scream of Pain. Derek had twisted my arm back and was kissing my neck and pulling my shirt up, I was still struggling to get away, but my escape seemed like it was never coming. Max was wandering around talking to people I knew.
"MAX!!! HELP!!" He finally looked over to where Derek was attempting to do something to me. His expression changed from a smile to pain. Derek was shoving me and kissing me.
"Let GO!" I wailed, kicking him in the leg, he yelled in pain and started to unzip my skirt, he wasn't playing around. I felt warm hands on my arm tugging me away, I was finally free, I zipped my skirt up and tried to run but ended tripping and falling into the snow. I heard Derek cry out in pain again and he fell to the ground beside me. Max was on top of him punching him. Derek's face turned red and he flipped over fighting back. Max got hit in the face and he fell back and Derek was now winning.
"MAX!" I screamed as Derek started kicking him. Derek smiled as Max stopped struggling and fighting back. He turned back to me and put his hands on my shoulders, they slid down to my boobs, he squeezed and I lifted my knee, HARD. I got him in the groin twice, he did not seem amused. His lips were attacking me again then suddenly he flew off of my and I was standing. Max Had helped me up and I was now leaning against a tree. Derek flew into his truck and hit his head. Max looked like he was going to kill him. Anna, Loa, Devyn and a large crowd had gathered watching Derek get his ass kicked. Finally Max held him and stared him in the eyes.
"Don't you EVER touch her again!" He threw him on the ground and stepped over to me. I smiled happily and threw my arms around Max.
"Are you ok?" He asked me quietly.
"I don't know, he slapped me hard," Max's face changed, turned red, he was in pain, "and I think he was trying to have sex with me."
He chuckled slightly, "I think it's a pretty good bet." He hugged me close and whispered that he was sorry and kissed me.
"I love you Taylor, you are the ONLY girl that I have ever loved." I smiled, I felt extremley special. Someone fought over ME, I was caught in the middle of huge drama and everyone was staring except for Anna who was glaring at me. She would get over it, I'd known him longest.
"I love you too." I whispered into his shoulder, I could feel his smile. Loa ran up and hugged Max then me, and went back with Devyn. Anna slowly made her way over and slapped Max across the face.
"You jerk!" I pulled away from Max and stared at Anna who was a great deal shorter then me even though I wasn't that tall.
"Anna, your a bitch who does not deserve Max and anyone like him. He has a LOT to offer. Maybe, you should back off and find a guy that can handle you." She looked at me, she was insulted. Good. I waved goodbye and she left with another boy.

Max walked me to my car, and opened the door for me. He kissed me cheek and gave me a hug, he wasn't pressing me to do anything else tonight.
"I'll see you monday." He smiled at me and I kissed him then slipped into the car. Before he closed the door I hopped out again.
"Where's Loa?" I suddenly asked, worried, I'd last seen her with Devyn in the group of people that were watching the fight.
"I think that she's still with Devyn. I saw them go into the woods..."
"Oh, maybe we should.. you know.. do you want to?" His lips were suddenly on mine and I was pshed against the side of the car. "No, not here, not here of all places. comeon." I slipped inot the drivers side of the car and he ran to the passenger side. The key was in the ignitoon and I took off speeding down the freeway. His hands were massaging my inner thigh, I couldn't take it anymore and I pulled off to the side of the road, hidden by tress and bushes then quickly removed my shirt and tackled him. He gasped, but his lips were on my neck in an instant. His shirt was thrown off and landed on the car floor.
© Copyright 2010 Taylor Stewart (youguessedit at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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