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Rated: · Essay · Educational · #1731628
A critique of schools in the inner city.
There are many issues within my community that I feel needs to be addressed. One problem in particular is the derisory education that the children in my community and/or neighborhood receive. The reason the education given to these children is inadequate is that the schools in my community lack the recourses to teach and educate them to be leaders and independent thinkers. The children are given an education for dependency as opposed to an education for liberation, while children in a more affluent community are taught to be leaders and thinkers.

Now, the schools in my community do not have the means to instruct the children to be influential in this society. The textbooks are worn and outdated. A textbook from three years ago will not suffice in this fast paced society that we live. Most of the time, there aren’t enough for every student in the class. A child will not receive the maximum enrichment in having their own book because all children don’t learn and process information at the same rate. Consequently, some students will be left behind or not fully comprehend the curriculum that is being taught to them as they would with new books with up to date information about the world they live in.

Apart from the textbooks being outdated and limited, most teachers don’t really care about the children. Some only care about getting a pay check. They don’t explain the curriculum thoroughly, if at all, to the students. These teachers just put the work on the board and tell them to do it. They may explain the work briefly. However, they will not make sure every student understands what is being taught. It is very essential that each child understands the curriculum. Therefore, if the teacher is unequipped for any reason to properly educate, the students will be educated poorly. Thus, the schools in my community lack the resources, such as good teachers and quality textbooks, to teach and educate the children effectively.

Since these schools cannot teach the children to compete in this society, something has to be done. The elected officials need to properly allocate the funds that they have for education. All the money is given to the schools that don’t need it. The funds are given to the schools in which there are enough new and quality textbooks instead of being distributed to the poor schools like the ones in my community. Furthermore, as the school is receiving more money, the teachers will get paid more. That will give them incentive to teach more effectively. Therefore, the budget for education has to be distributed to the schools that are in dire need of quality educational recourses. That will be a move in the right direction to improve the schools in my neighborhood/ community.

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