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Rated: 18+ · Other · Erotica · #1731414
Alone in the Cabin
Yeah. The ski trip was pretty much sucking. I broke my foot sometime before it. No matter how much I pleaded, the doctor said there was no way the cast was coming off in time, so off I went up to Tim's cabin with a bigass cast and a pair of skiis I couldn't use. I lent them out to this one kid Tammerlane, so he wouldn't have to rent. I figured it would be ok. I could drink with my buddies at night and spend the days sleeping off the hangovers and being lazy. I didn't count on being the only single person in the damn cabin. Everyone else was paired off, everyone but me. It sucked ass. I mean, I had a good time, but it sucked ass.

So there I was in the bathroom, brushing my teeth. It was the first night, and it was snowing, so everyone took it easy with the whisky and went to bed early so they could get "first chair" the next morning and shred the untracked powder without me. I took my time brushing my teeth, figuring everyone else was in bed. They weren't. Cindy walked in on me. I don't know what's so hard to notice about the light under the door, but she opened it up and burst with her little tote bag.

"Oh! I didn't realize anyone was in here," she said. She was...wearing only a towel.

I shrugged. I was almost done anyway. Just had to floss. Yeah, thats right. I'm one of those guys that flosses after brushing. Anyway. Cindy must have misunderstood my shrug for "oh pretend I'm not here!" because she walked right past me, to the shower, and took her towel off. I was oogling her, but I could see her in the fucking mirror. Cindy was like 5'9 and liked to run marathons. She was tight, and I couldn't help staring at her naked back and tight little ass as she slung the towel over the curtain rod. I'm pretty sure I averted my eyes again just in time. She started the shower.

I closed my floss container, figuring I would, you know, come back later, but as I was about to leave she said, "Oh hey, thanks for lending Jim your skiis." Who the fuck is Jim? Oh, right, Tammerlane. Jim Tammerlane. What an awesome name.

"Yeah, no problem," I said. "If I can't use them, I figured I might as well save somebody the rental." She was doing her hair. I could see her elbows above the shower curtain.

"Its a good thing to, cause Jim is like broke right now...." She continued chit chatting with me. I kept looking for a point in the conversation to, you know, duck out of there. Every time I was about to say goodnight, though, I held my tongue for some reason. I started flossing.

The next night, it happened again. It was way later this time. The guys had come home with their heads drenched in sweat and melted snow, and they were so hopped up on adrenaline we drank for like five hours. Then they all went to bed, leaving me on the couch. That's where I was going to sleep. I wanted to just stayed there. I was a little shy about crossing paths with Cindy again, but the mere thought of brushing my teeth gave me a hardon, so I got up and hobbled to the bathroom to get it over with. Now mind you I wasn't going to hit on Tammerlane's girl, but I did leave the bathroom door open a crack, you know, just in case.

Sure enough, she walked in while I was scrubbing my molars. She said, "Oh, again! You don't mind, do you?"

I bit my toothbrush for a second and shook my head, looking back at her through the mirror. She hung her towel up again, and just as I got a glimpse of her bare ass, she flicked her head and grinned in my direction. My face went bright red. I could see it in the mirror. She couldn't see, I hoped. She made small talk just like the night before.

When I was done flossing, Cindy pulled the curtain back a little. She was covering her breasts with the other hand, but still, the sight of her wet and naked was unbelievably hot. "Uh, hey, can you pass me the soap?" She pointed one finger at the soap dish above the sink.

"Dude, thats for like your hands." I wasn't actually going to say no.

"I forgot mine," she pouted. "I'll put it back when I'm done." I handed her the soap, doing my best to only look at her face and not those delicious, delicious breasts that were inadequately shielded by her forearm. She glanced down for a second right before letting the curtain fall back into place. I thought I caught a smile. I looked out. My hardon was tenting out my sweatpants. Great.

I hobbled back to the couch and slept it off. The sun was high in the sky and shining right in my face when I woke up. My head was pounding a little, but it wasn't too bad. It would probably go away in a few hours. I was super thirsty. One of the girls saw me fishing through all the cups on the table in front of me for something to drink, and brought me a glass of water. Yeah, being pampered was one of the upsides to having a bum foot on a ski vacation.

I turned the tv on and started watching tv. The only other people around were Liz and Cindy. Liz didn't ski at all and Cindy didn't feel like going in the morning. The girls started cleaning the house. There were bottles and cups and wrappers and food leftovers everywhere, as well as all types of wet clothing. I got up to help but Liz told me to stay up. I stayed on the couch and watched tv. Cindy started cleaning the living room. I started having trouble keeping my eyes on the screen. She was wearing like, nothing but short shorts and a t-shirt. It was a great view of her legs, and with the thermostat down to like 65, her nipples were poking out too. I don't know how she could stand it. I was under a blanket.

Then Liz left to go shopping. Cindy promptly stopped cleaning and sat down next to me. "Are you gonna share this or not?" she asked, tugging most of the blanket away.

"What?" I pulled back, and I ended up with half the blanket, and Cindy curled up on my shoulder.

"Oh, this feels so nice and warm. I'm so cold my nipples are sticking out."

"Yeah, you put on a good show."

"So you were watching me?"

"No, its just hard to not notice them when you keep walking in front of--"

"Feel them, they're enormous!" Cindy took my one hand and pressed it against a boob. I could feel the nipple easily through her shirt; she wasn't wearing a bra.

"Hey, uh, I don't think this is a good idea. Aren't you dating Tammerl--Jim?" I couldn't quite bring myself to take my hand off her chest.

"Oh, yes." She started rubbing my leg. "Don't worry about Jim. We're going to take a break."

"Yeah, does he know that? He has my skiis you know."

"Not yet. I have to find the right time to tell him. Meanwhile." She moved her hand on my leg to my crotch, and wrapped it around my erection. "I'm pretty sure you like me. Am I wrong?"

I opened my mouth to say something but as I did she tugged on it, gently, sliding her hand off the shaft, and all I could do was sigh loudly. Cindy leaned forward and kissed me on the mouth. We started making out. Her tongue danced around mine. She curled up tighter and threw a leg over mine and grabbed my balls. I played with her breasts. Then she pulled away a bit and started digging down through my pants with both hands, first through the fly of the sweatpants, and then my boxers. She pulled my dick out. She stroked it, her hand gliding up and down with a light touch.

"I can stop, if you want to wait it out." she asked. Suddenly, she started twisting her wrist as stroked me. It felt amazing.

"No," I shook my head.

"So we'll just keep it a secret, then?"

"Yeah. Sounds good," I breathed. She was going faster now. It felt so fucking good. I could feel precum start to leak out onto her fingers. It wasn't long until I was breathing heavy and loudly. She sensed what was coming and quickened her pace.

"Boy, you're quick."

"Yeah its been a while."

"Aww." She whispered in my ear, "we'll have to fix that."

I was feeling hot all over. I was going to reach the edge any minute now. Any minute now I--shit! We both heard the door knob turn like it was the loudest thing on Earth. Cindy let go and pulled my pants so my dick fell back inside, and she was off the couch, wiping her hand on her shirt. I started blankly at the tv, not really watching it, thankful that it was still on.

Liz walked in with a bunch of bags. Cindy started cleaning again. I had a monster hardon and my heart was pounding in my head. I did my best to feign interest in whatever Liz had just bought. Slowly I came down from the high. Then we had lunch (it was like 3pm) and Cindy left to catch up with the rest of the guys for a few runs. She winked at me right before she went out the door. Liz busied herself with who knows what, and I stayed on the couch, contemplating what just happened. Did that just happen? Cindy was so fucking hot, I couldn't believe she'd be interested in me.

I didn't see her again that night. They all came in, loud and obnoxious, drenched in fun. I was jealous. We grilled steaks and started the drinking again. I went easy on it; I overdid it last night and didn't want another hangover. We were low on mixers and beer anyway. Cindy volunteered to get them, but wanted help carrying the stuff. She tugged at Jim to go with her. He was in the middle of a round of Texas Holdem, though. She pleaded. I felt jealous. Then she looked at me.

"I'll go," I said.

"You guys better go soon. The liquor store's closes at 9," said Liz.

I only had like two beers in two hours by that point. "I can drive if you have an automatic," I told Cindy as we were walking out. I pointed at my left foot with the cast.

"Oh, there's no need. I just wanted to be alone with you," said Cindy. She leaned over and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I glanced at the house, worried someone could see. "Oh, you're so funny," she lauged. "Help me wipe off the windows, but not the back ones!"

"Yeah, ok." I helped her clear four inches of snow off the windshield of her hatchback and started on the passenger side window.

"Thats good," she said, "lets go." There was plenty of snow on the roads, but she had all wheel drive and we didn't run into any trouble. We continued some random conversation that we'd been a part of before leaving. Then, suddenly, she broke off that train of though and asked "So, I'm not making a mistake with you, am I?"

"What? No. What do you mean?"

"I don't want to just be your fuck buddy." She glanced at me. "I mean, I do want to fuck you. Don't get me wrong..." My penis jumped. "...but I want it to be more than that." She pulled into a space at the liquor store. My heart was racing. Here was the girl--a girl--of my dreams, basically asking me out. I was high-school giddy all over again.

"I'd like that," I said.

"Yeah?" she smiled.

I nodded. She leaned over and kissed me, hard. She pressed her tongue through my lips and got a hold of mine, sucking on it. I had another tent growing in my pants.

"Great! Lets get the booze." She popped out of the car and I scrambled to adjust my package and catch up with her.

We got the usual. Mixers. Beer. Light beer. Laugers. Another bottle of vodka and a vanilla rum that we didn't actually need. You know, something for everyone. Actually, we got the vanilla rum because I was looking at it, and Cindy mentioned that vanilla rum makes her do naughty things. I dropped it in the cart.

Back at the car, we stuffed the booze in the floor in the back. Then Cindy folded the back seats down.

"What are you doing?"

"Come here." She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the back of her car. "Close the door, but not too hard." I did, and then leaned back and looked around. Snow still covered all the rear windows. The street lights in the parking lot still shone through, but dimly, and it would be hard for anyone outside to see us, unless they leaned over the hood and looked in the windshield. Cindy rolled on top of me and straddled me, pressing her crotch against my mine. She kissed me.

I was hard again.

Cindy bucked her hips a little, rubbing her crotch along my length. "We only have a few minutes," she whispered in my ear. "I want to make you cum." She sat up a little and yanked my pants and my boxers down to my knees with one pull. My penis flopped to attention, listing to the right just a bit. I could feel the carpet of her hatchback with my bare ass. Cindy circle the base of my cock with a thumb and finger. She looked up at me, watching me watch her as she slowly lowered her head down to it, her hair falling all around her. I felt her lips on the tip, slowly engulfing the head, and I closed my eyes, letting my head fall back in ecstasy. She bobbed up and down a little, just taking the head in, licking all around but especially under the tip. Then she slowly went down, all the way. She bobbed up a down a few more times, starting to move her hand along with her mouth, until her hand and my dick were both thoroughly wet from her mouth. Cindy kept stroking with her hand as she slid up alongside me on my left. She pulled the zipper down on her heavy snow pants. "You know last night?" she asked. She took my right hand in hers.


Cindy "I was touching myself in the shower while you were there." She slid my hand down her pants, with hers on top. Her panties were soaked. I started rubbing them and she moaned. "I came right after you left." She guided my hand up and then down inside her underwear. I slid my hand down along her folds, and then back up, teasing her clit with my middle finger. She moaned.

It was too much. Precum started inking out of my cock and lubed her hand up all over again. I started rubbing my hand up and down her crotch furiously as I felt the climax coming. She matched my pace and suddenly I felt the rush and groaned. My balls tightened. Cindy pulled up my shirt. It was just in time to for the first jet of cum to land on my bare stomach. She kept stroking, softer, slower, milking out every squire of cum. For the last one or two she put her lips over it and sucked the cum into her mouth.

"I like the taste," she smiled at me. I reached for her pussy again--my hand lost contact at some point--but just then her phone started ringing. She looked at it. "We're missed. She should head back." Cindy had a tissue in her pocket. I used it to clean myself off while she answered her phone, promising that we were almost back. As soon as she was off we scrambled to the front seats. The ride back happened like lightning.

"You have a cute orgasm face," she said. We pulled back into her spot at the cabin.

I laughed. "I want to see yours."

"Oh, you will," she said. I pulled on the handle of my door and she leaned over and stopped me with her hand. "You're gonna fuck me tonight." It was part prophecy, part command.

And I did.

© Copyright 2010 Essence Of Evan (essenceofevan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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