Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1730902-Fear-of-the-dark-part-2
Rated: 18+ · Other · Young Adult · #1730902
When a a young girl on drugs wakes up after a overdose
It feels as if I open my eyes, but the darkness is all that surrounds me. This must be hell. My life has not been a sin free one, though I never believed in the religion nonsense. If they had been a God I would never had been in the situations that I have been in my life. I hear footsteps, I don’t know the procedures in hell, but I am damn scared. “Miss Freeman, can you hear me?” Who and what was this. I doubt that this is a greeting commonly used in hell, but there was no other place that I could be in. I know for sure that I died. That last dose was enough to kill a horse. “Miss Freeman, can you hear me.” “Doctor, she has been in a coma for almost a month, she has no medical aids and we have no idea where to find her family. The state can’t keep paying for her medical expenses”. Do I just lay here and not say a word? I wanted to die. To be rid of the horrible life that has developed around me. But why can’t I see? “Help, I can’t see!” “Hello Miss Freeman. My name is doctor Lune. We have been monitoring you for the past month. You were brought to the Clair State Hospital by policemen that found you in an abandoned parking lot. You have overdosed on heroin; we please need to conduct a few tests to see if you have suffered any side effects. Do you have any family that we need to contact?” “No! I don’t know where my family is. What has happened to my eyes?” “Please calm down Miss Freeman, I will still need to run the tests to verify any damage that may have been caused.” “And why does it feel as if my blood is itching?” “Ok, ok, calm down, could we please have your medical aid fund number, to verify that you are a registered member?” “I am fucking calm. Is there another way? I have no medical aid.” I hear more footsteps. Someone has entered into the area which seems to be the door. “Good day Mr. Comford.” The doctor said in a voice which I think sounded surprising. But who is this Mr Comford? “Dr. Lune, I will take over the medical expenses. I want her to become part of the program.” He said, in a voice that sounded like angels talking. Was he my hero? No, hero’s existing? In this world? Impossible. “Ok, Miss Freeman” This was the doters voice, it was more rugged. “So I believe you cannot see. Am I correct?” “Yes, its only darkness all around, I feel like I’m opening my eyes, but nothing can be seen.” “Well Miss Freeman. You have experienced a tonic-clonic or grand mal seizure. They occur when the electrical activity in your brains surface becomes abnormally synchronized. Its cause is from the rhythm in the brain being abnormal.” “Ok and that means what in plain English?” “Well what has happened, is that you have had a fit from the withdrawals of the heroin. This has caused blindness. Now we are uncertain if your sight will return back to normal. But this is why we need to conduct more tests.” “But why does it feel like every drop of my blood is itching?” “Once again, this is another side effect to the withdrawals of the drug. It will go away, but unfortunately there is nothing that we can take away the feeling” What have I done to myself, I can feel the tears running down my face, it is the strangest feeling not being able to see, I want to be able to see again. I can’t spend my life in this darkness. How on earth would I have wanted this for myself? “Miss Freeman?” This was Mr. Comford again. “Yes? Who the fuck are you?” Why was I being so rude? “um, sorry about that, I’m not sure where that came from” “ It’s perfectly fine” He said calmly and continued “I am Mr. Comford, but you can call me Liam. The agitation is from the withdrawals, so don’t worry about it. I would like to put you in a program to help you stay clean from heroin. I will pay all the costs, is this ok with you?”. “ Why are you doing this for me? You don’t know me, where I come from and what I have done”. “That may be, but I would like to help you out. Everyone needs a break in life sometime or another.”
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