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The machines have taken over, a group of cyborgs humans fight back as HRM |
2030 Cities were running, businesses were bustling. The economy was improving; kids were at school, adults at work. The Avengers and Xmen were around. I was about a month old, my twin sister Rachel and I were with Mommy in a bomb shelter in Phonix Arizona. My mother is an alien god with immense telepathic tele kinetic and technopathic capabilities. I am a human/alien god, Rachel is not. I have telepathic and telekinetic that are more advanced than my mothers. Rachel is a techno path, we were in a bomb shelter to survive the apocalypse. The government artificial intelligence system Tony turned on it’s creators nuking the planet in an attempt to kill us all 2039 Ian was tired, 27 hours since he slept. Yet he had to keep searching for survivors, his telepathy (ability to read minds) could search through thousands of miles, his ability to move things with his mind made him at the age of nine a valuable asset in the war against the machines. “Ian, dad’s on the video monitor” Rachel replied dragging him to the screen. “Hi Ian you should get some sleep” his dad said through the monitor. “I have to know were the survivors are” Ian replied trying to stay awake. “I order you to sleep” his dad ordered. “Okay General” Ian said passing out. “Damn idiot’s going to get himself killed” his dad said looking at him. “That’s what happens when you have scan for people instead of giving him a break” Desire remarked. “I’m sending dome HRM soldiers to your base, they need food they’re names are Jack, and Sandy they’re functioning at 85% capacity.” The general replied, “more worried about your cyborg soldiers than your own son you asshole” Desire said angrily. “Desire he’s important to finding people” Rachel replied angrily. “See you kido” the father said signing off. Ian slept for two days. He woke up and went by the other kids and towards the op room. Every other soldier at least 14, Ian was nine. “Where were you? You’re dad said you would be on time” the leader said looking at Ian. “I hadn’t slept for 27 hours, I can’t keep scanning for people, it’s hard” Ian said yawning. “We’ve got a schedule to keep” Troy said looking at Ian, “yeah I know” Ian replied smiling a little. “Good we launch an attack on their rail supply can you handle it Ian?” Troy asked. “Yeah, so who’s going with us” Ian asked. “You Desire, Freddy, Jason, air support will not be available” Troy said smiling. The group wondered through the city until they found the rail line. Ian separated the tracks and headed back towards his ambush spot. He saw a little girl standing in the middle of nowhere, Ian grabbed her and covered her mouth, Keep quiet, if the machines know we’re here than we die got that Ian said telepathicly as he crouched in his spot. The train came and derailed, Ian scanned the area as Freddy and Jason set the C-4 charges. Ian pulled the trigger. BOOOM! Desire inspected the train, she saw nothing of importance as she set the master C-4 charge. Ian dragged the girl away as the train exploded. Ian looked down at the girl he was holding, about his age scared for her life. Desire looked at the girl, “Ian she doesn’t belong here she’s from a different time” she whispered. Ian looked around he heard the faint sound of aerial attack units. Jason saw them, one descended to drop fresh troops. Jason loaded his laser cannon and fired, “for fucks sake” Ian said as the shot destroyed the shield. Ian sent a message to the base “aerial assault droids dropping of two batches of Hunter Droids, prepare for an assault” Ian finished. He grabbed his back up weapon a can of coffee, he quickly separated the molecules and blasted the machines. “Holy Crap” the girl said as the group began to retreat. They dodged fire from the hunter droids, Ian grabbed his gun and fired back damaging two droids. Jason nailed on with his cannon only to be shot dead. Freddy avenged his friends death by killing a hunter droid. The group was running back to base, an aerial attack droid appeared, Ian managed to tear the droid apart “get down” Ian said as he began directing energy to Hunter Droids attacking the base. Ian watched as the robots were destroyed, “Okay everyone get to the bus” Troy yelled waving his arms. A Human Robotic Movement chopper grabbed the girl. Ian got on the bus, his head was swimming about the girl. Ian reloaded his weapon as he sat next to Rachel. “You look worried,what happened” she asked getting close to him. “Sit at another seat” Ian said staring out the window. He heard about superhero teams, they were high priority, now he knew his destiny. Ian dozed off, Molly was up in the sky in bound for an HRM facilty In the former state of Maine. She was confused, the Pride sent her into the future, one that almost got her killed. “What are they going to do with me?” she asked. “Send you back” the pilot said smiling. “We have bases in every state, the closet one is in New Hampshire the co pilot said. “Shit we’ve been marked” the pilot said giving Molly a shute. Molly left the chopper falling as she opened it. Ian woke us the bus stopped, “get the hell out!” Troy yelled grabbing Ian and threw him out the emergency exit. Ian saw the aerial droids drop and unload soldiers of death. Troy destroyed one of them, Desire destroyed the other carrier. Ian sensed the distress of Molly about 400 yards away. Ian ran towards his signal, “continue with getting a new base I’ll find you” Ian blurted. Running away, Molly tried looking for the wreckage. After a mile she tired. She saw some branches and tried to make a fire, nightfall was coming. Ian wasn’t tiring he was 150 yards away, he grabbed some more chewing tobacco, and put it in his mouth. He began to think about getting to this person fast. Molly wouldn’t last the night if he or anyone else came, Desire was worrying about him but shrugged it off. Ian had seen enough fights to plan ahead, he was the best survivor of the group, for a nine year old he was special. Ian looked ahead a small fire, he couldn’t yell. Molly was dreaming a good dream everything was normal, “kid wake up” Ian said poking her. “Not now Nico---ahh” Molly said waking up. “I’m here to rescue you” Ian said sitting down. “You were at the train” Molly replied groggily. “Yeah” Ian replied spitting tobacco into the fire. Molly looked at Ian, “so what’s next?” she asked looking at Ian. “We’ve got to get you to New Hampshire, it’s a two day hike, you got anything to eat?” Ian asked looking at her. Molly shook her head, Ian was starving. Ian saw a deer walk out and shot it, he grabbed the carcass. “Are you going to eat that?” Molly replied. “Yeah” Ian said as his rabies tester came back negative. “Gross” Molly replied, “I’m sorry it’s not McDonalds” Ian replied. “You a telepath?” Molly asked. “Yeah just like you black out after using your ability you black out” Ian replied levitating his meat over the fire. “My names Ian, I think the base has an above ground mine field” Ian replied looking around. “So…” Molly replied, “We move at sun rise, they use infrared so I wouldn’t move at night, it’s to cold to use mud to camouflage us” Ian said spitting into the fire. Ian heard a noise, a droid appeared. It had been mauled by a bear, Ian beheaded it. “For fucks sake, we’ve got to move” Ian replied grabbing Molly and his weapon, plus the deer meat. “So why are we running” Molly whispered. “Because it up linked our location to other machines” Ian whispered back. “What day is it?” Molly whispered back, “December 24” Ian replied as the came across an old mine shaft. Ian flicked the flashlight on his gun on, he began looking for any tools. “It’s Christmas eve” Molly said looking at him, “it is, well we’ve got work to do” Ian replied grabbing some rope. He crept outside and found a big log, he began making a log swing. “You don’t care about Christmas do you?” Molly replied. “Look I crossed 400yds to find you, combine that with a slept about four hours last night, I need to sleep” Ian replied as the trap was in place. Ian slept with Molly, no blankets are anything. Molly started a fire, Ian rolled next to the fire. Molly was shivering, she thought about a nice warm bed, presents, family, and jingle bells. She looked at Ian, a kid soldier sacrificing his well being for her. A kid that has a heart of gold, shivering in a mine eating deer, a kid that slept for fours only to be called upon to rescue me. Molly started crying, “please don’t cry, I want to help” Ian said rolling over in his sleep. Molly watched for any thing all night, day light came, she cooked the deer meat and she woke Ian. “Okay the trip wire is at the entrance to the mine” Ian got up and disconnected his work. “How much longer about another day, 600 yards total” Ian said getting out of the cave chewing the last of his tobacco. “Why do you chew that stuff?” Molly asked. “Relieve stress” Ian replied as she got out of the cave. Ian enjoyed his deer meat, “thanks” he replied between bites. Ian and Molly walked, “so why do you call yourselves the runaways” Ian asked as they walked through the snow. “I don’t know, what does HRM stand for?” Molly replied. “Human Robotic Movement, it’s basically mutants humans fighting the machines” Ian replied. Molly was hesitant to ask what he thought of Rachel, “she’s all about justice, after getting abused a couple of times you would be too” Ian answered as they got closer to the base 400 yards away. Ian saw a pack of machines he hit the deck, while shielding Molly. Ian nailed one of the three in the chest knocking it back, he beheaded the other two with mental bolts. A chopper approached, Ian saw it coming. The chopper landed and the two got on, at the base Molly was returned to her time. 2043 “They ‘ve got a high value prisoner in that camp, Ian location” Desire asked as she showed the prison schematics. “Cell 67235, name is Valeria Richards, she’s from another time, so we need to get her to HRM base” Ian said as he read her mind. “I’ll go get her with the legend” Rachel replied pointing to sodier 395 aka Terrence Blanco. “Good, that leaves Ian and Freddy together to penetrate the outside” Desire replied. “So Desire we penetrate the Droid loading docks, then go to the main prison cells, Rachel and I will search through the high priority cells” Terrence said looking at the hologram. “Good Rebecca Gerald and I will destroy all the tech we can” Desire replied. “We’ve got new weapons, adjustable lazer guns, new lazer cannons, portable shields, new communication units.” Soldier 465 (Tracy) said handing out the goodies. Rachel looked at the prison schematics, their main worry was the main cells. The people in the main cells were the first to get killed, the high priority ones were heavily guarded. The main cells were usually gassed, the group was going to counter act the gasses with oxygen masks and an airborne vaccine. Ian’s job was simple destroy the guns on the outside of the factory, then move in. Rachel looked at the map, before grabbing the gear. Ian destroyed the first gun while shielding attacks from gun no.2, Ian quickly destroyed that gun. He then levitated Freddy and himself above the mines, while destroying the other guns. Terrence and Rachel watched as an aerial prison transport attack ship dropped down. Rachel put on breathing apparatus as Terrence charged forward, they snook in as the doorway closed behind them. Terrence took out the droid guards. “According to the schematics there’s a doorway to the high value cells, were are they Terrence?” Rachel asked as she released the vaccine. “Over there” Terrence said using his laser cannon to blow a hole into the next room. Rachel followed him into the room. Valeria Richards was looking around her cell for any kind of weaponry, other than a metal rod she found. She looked around the white cell, what did these things want with her she wondered. Her door opened a droid walked in. BAM!BAM! the droid dropped. Rachel grabbed Valeria out of the room “come on we have to get the fuck out of here!” Rachel screamed. She saw three droids coming in and opened fire with Terrence’s laser cannon. The droids dropped down, “Terrence turned on us it’s a trap, Desire, Ian get the fucking hell out of here!” Rachel barked into the radio. “It’s a good thing I let him think he grabbed a smoke bag” Ian replied. “Not the fucking time for a nostalgic moment, do we have an exit plan” Rachel said mad as hell. “I’ve called an air rescue team, it’s 600 yards away” Desire replied un happily aborting the mission. “The prisoners can follow us right” Rachel asked. “Probably not” Valeria answered, “shut up shut up!” Rachel replied grabbing her. “Then we go after them, that’s what I came here for!” Rachel replied angrily. “Rachel get your fucking ass out of there” Desire replied. Rachel sighed as she looked at Valeria and gave her a mask, “keep this on they’ve got poison gas” she gave Valeria a shield. Rachel crept around the corner and saw reinforcements coming. Rachel knocked them down with the laser cannon, she finished them with the pistol Ian scanned for Rachel and Valeria (I’m coming for you guys) Ian communicated to them. “They’re behind the door” Ian said to Freddy. Rachel looked at the door and focused, the lock on the door was the toughest tech she’d seen but the door opened. Rachel ran towards Ian, “Freddy, Rachel cover our rear, Valeria stay in the middle” Ian put a big shield in front and began running. Desire was on the outside, “need reinforcements, can’t keep running around here” she said into the radio. “Desire I’ve got your back” Tracy replied shooting down a droid. “Thanks Tracy Terrence went ape shit in there, Ian should be coming out any second” Desire said nailing a droid transport. Ian ran out of the camp , Desire nailed Droids trying to get inbetween Freedy/Rachel to Valeria. “Tracy air support is close by, get the hell out of there” the radio barked. Ian heard the chopper’s coming. Desire got on a HRM gunner with Tracy, Ian led the others to the transport chopper. Rachel got on crying, “what’s with the tears?” Valeria asked. “I don’t like innocent people dying, there’s about 5000 people dying for no reason” Rachel replied sobbing. “So shooting a robber is different” Valeria asked. “Only if it’s life threatening to others” Rachel replied buckling up. The chopper flew them to HRM headquarters. They walked in slowly, a man grabbed for Valeria. “You going to put a finger on her” Rachel replied pulling a lazer pistol. “You going to kill me?” the man asked. “Only if you put that finger on her, grab her and rape her” Rachel replied. “Rachel don’t” her father ordered walking towards them. “The good father comes for the girl, never comes for his kids” Ian quipped as Valeria walked away. “Ian I’m sorry” he replied, “no you’re not” Ian replied as Valeria walked through a portal to 2010. The group left the base for East Hartford Connecticut |