Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1729809-Shangrila
Rated: E · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1729809
Short Story Extract

The vast crowd shimmered and hummed in the sunlight of the late summer afternoon, ''I wonder if its true', 'there is something special about him.' 'I was never happy until I came here. ' bits of conversation floated across to her on the breeze . She got her recorder out and started to document the event. The side of the hill opened and in the distance a white robed figure floated out on to a small platform. A hypnotic soporific tone appeared in her head as if I she was wearing headphones it said' I am the one . I will show you the way to happiness, all you have to do is believe.' A warm surge of serotonin flooded through her synapses as her objectivity began to fade.

The Earth was at an ebb now , the sea reclaiming land, night after night the storms raged and people in city's bought pure oxygen handy cans in boots. Hope should come in a can she thought, real life wasn't preferable any more. She was searching like everyone else , only she was getting paid for it.

Train would have looked forty if it hadn't been for botox needles . Her thin frame wheezed from the cigarettes she forced in to her lungs and her right knee was always in pain. but here today she felt nothing but peace . It was a good day. Good days didn't happen anymore, for anyone , life was just the grind of getting to the next day to gain a wage, to pay your bills, so you didn't end up on the streets. She walked slowly toward the object of her pleasure , the grass squashed neatly under her feet and the pristine fluffy clouds enhanced the shinny new horizon. The voice continued 'you are safe now and always will be' the cradle of negative emotion she normally held herself in cracked and shattered and was being replaced with one of trust and love. She stopped, still , as a moment in her subconscious arose . ' take a step forward all those prepared to believe,' He continued ' She unconsciously stepped . Train shook her head rattling reality back in to her brain. She focused on her mission , to get as close as possible to this enigma and expose him for the counterfeit he was .

© Copyright 2010 Finn O'Flaherty (fin333 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1729809-Shangrila